Sunday 20 January 2013

2.3: First Eviction

Ziggy: Welcome to Abnormality! Where the drama spawns and all matter of crazy happens. 11 Contestants are isolated from the world for several weeks competing for the title of 'King/Queen of the House' and the all important prize money of $250,000. Last time on Abnormality, Su was saved from the chopping block, however, Ai had to be put up in her place. So now, Week 1 finishes and one contestant must go home. Who will it be? Ai or Emma? We'll find out today on Abnormality!

'Quinn': *singing* Autumn ended up overhearing Brent talking about how he can't hear music due to his disability but knows about some of the artists such as Lady GaGa ended up wearing some crazy costumes. I then ended up bursting out Bad Romance by Lady GaGa. Everybody loved it as they all clapped. I then reverted back to Autumn. But then thinking about this moment made me turn back to into Quinn. I'll be Quinn forever until somebody claps their hands.

Ai: So you can't hear anything?
Brent: Well, normally when you are deaf. No.
Ai: Oh, me see now.

Azula: I read up in a book though, that you can still feel the music through your touch.
Brent: Yes, you can. It's not the same, but you can at least feel what is happening.
Azula: Who's your favorite artist?
Brent: Mmm... I don't have any favorites. Although, that Lady GaGa character is quite unique. I read about her weird attire. I felt that song too... erm... what's it called?
Azula: Pokerface?
Brent: No... Bad Romance! That's it.

Autumn: Oh no... not again...

Alex: Is Autumn alright?
Noah: I haven't a clue.

*Autumn jumps up and becomes 'Quinn' and starts dancing and singing*

'Quinn': I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your everything as long as it's free! I want your love. Love, Love, Love, I want your love.

Emma: Oh, that performance was amazing.
Su: Shut up! Sit down Autumn.

Snowflake: Oh how wonderful!
Alex: Yeah, that was nearly at a professional standard!

*Alex and Snowflake clap. 'Quinn' turns back into Autumn.*

Autumn: Phew, thanks guys... I thought that Lady GaGa impersonation was...
Alex: Are you okay Autumn?
Alex: Oh dear.
'Quinn': Just Dance! Gonna be okay, duh, duh, duh, Just Dance!

Natalia: Oh Alex! Why do I have to go on that date tonight. I want you, I don't want Brent!
Su (Voice Over): Can you hurry up in there please... some people need the bathroom!
Natalia: Oh...

Su: I might as well do one of these while I'm waiting for the bathroom... Wow. I mean.... WOW! Someone actually did something like that... Take me off the block. Some guts they have. I'm guessing they actually want competition in this game rather than sissy girls like Emma.
Also about Autumn and her aurora reading sham... my brother used to treat me like dirt! But... hey he's the one who got drunk and crashed his car. At least I had more smarts than him!

Azula: You want us two, to help you on your date?
Alex: I already said yes, but I just thought you we're the best at serving drinks.

Brent: Please. I've never been on a date with a girl like Natalia. She seem's special and actually interested in everything not to do with my disability.
Azula: I guess I could. It'd be fun than just sitting around and moping.
Brent: Brilliant.
Azula: I have an idea. I'll make the 'Screaming Penelope' cocktail. I've recently learned it and it tastes dreamy.
Brent: If it'll make the date better, then that will be perfect.

Azula: Exquisite, I'll need to get everything ready... I need to get my dress on as well.
Alex: You don't have to dress up, your not the one going on the date.
Azula: I know, but when you've been on dates before, you dress up and the staff who serve you are smartly presented.
Alex: I don't do dates.
Azula: Well, take Brent and Natalia's date as a lesson for the future. Ooo, how marvelous!
Alex: We'll see you there Brent...

Emma: Oh, I'm scared. I'm not sure why. I'm not even sure what scared means. IT'S SUCH A BIG WORD! Ahhh! *calms down* Alright, so I'm not sure why Su didn't like her new clothes... they were AWESOME! I was doing her a favor! Maybe I should apologize .. If someone could tell me what apologize even means! Oh, it means to say sorry... Yeah, that fits too. I'm not sure about the shoes I gave her though. She was tripping over so much that I'm not sure if they're the right size. Maybe I should do a proper shoe fitting? So many things to do to Su, so little time!
Emma: Su! Can I talk with you a second?

Su: No.
Emma: Come on please.
Su: Emma, your a bug! And when I see bugs, I spray them with Bug Spray! So, if you're trying...
Emma: I came to apologize.
Su: What?
Emma: You heard me, I came to apologize.
Su: Hmm...

Emma: I'm...
Su: Let me get up first... 
Emma: Okay then...

Su: Well, go on...
Emma: *puts hands together* I am so sorry for what happened the other day.
Su: It's fine.
Emma: I mean, I meant to change your clothes... but I thought you'd like them...
Su: Well, that's...
Emma: I mean, no offence you need some colour hun, but if you don't want my help...
Su: Hang on... this is supposed to be an apology?

Emma: Well, yeah. But all I'm saying is... that I'm trying to help you fit in with the others.
Su: Excuse me?
Emma: You need to look better than what you already do. I mean, it's not going to help anyone if you look like a corpse. It's just going to depress people.

Su: You're really pushing it...
Emma: Oh my a wrinkle... have mercy! You need a makeover, seriously!
Su: I'll show you seriously you worm.
Emma: And your that yellow top underneath... is that the only bit of colour you're having?
Su: Yes, now f*ck off and let me enjoy the sun.
Emma: Someone needs a serious facial...
Su: That's it!

*Autumn wakes up*

Autumn: Huh? What's going on here?
Su: Arhh!

Ella: It's so boring in this house.
Noah: Hardly, the amount of drama going on is high.
Snowflake: We should play a little game...
Noah: I've got an idea... let's play Whack a Gnome... with a difference.
Snowflake: Go on...
Noah: The winner dresses up in a gnome's hat and the loser's have to dress up as hot dogs.
Snowflake: That sounds spiffing.

Ai: That-a sounds awesome! 
Snowflake: Who wants to go first?
Ai: You can Snowy!
Snowflake: Okay then.

*Gnome pops up*

Ai: Quickly... you supposed to a hit it!!!

Snowflake: Take that!

*Snowflake hits the gnomes*

Snowflake: Yeah! This reminds me of the time that the Dwarves attacked our kingdom, little cronies.


Ai: Woo! I am the winner... see, my Rubberduckzilla powers are extreme!

Noah: This is hardly a punishment really.
Ella: I kinda like this suit... it's so warm and cosy.
Snowflake: I feel ashamed. I swear I killed more plastic gnomes than Ai.
Ai: You will succeed next time.

Azula: Do you think this is going to work?
Alex: I hope so, they suit each other so well.
Azula: We'll have to see won't we.

Alex: He deserves a girlfriend though. He's been bullied so long for his disability and now he has a chance.
Azula: Do you think you'll keep in contact with him after this?
Alex: Of course... and you?
Azula: Me? Oh, well... We haven't talked much.
Alex: Yeah... but you're a really nice person.

Brent: You look really great Natalia.
Natalia: Thanks Brent.
Brent: So... what made you so interested in me?

Alex: This isn't going so great.
Azula: Believe in him Alex. He'll get there...
Alex: I guess so...

Alex: I'm biting my nails...
Azula: That's not very clever. Keep your cool dear.
Natalia: Oh Alex...
Brent: How about a kiss Natalia?

Natalia: What?
Brent: A kiss.
Natalia: Erm... well...
Ziggy (Voice Over): Can all contestants please make their way to the living room for the Eviction ceremony.
Natalia: Phew, saved by the main man.

Ziggy (Voice Over): Contestants welcome to... wait, Ai, what are you wearing?
Ai: A motorbike helmet.
Ziggy (Voice Over): Why?
Ai: Just in case I fall off my motorbike.
Ziggy (Voice Over): Erm... okay then. Well, contestants welcome to the Eviction Ceremony. One by one you will enter the Diary room and vote for the contestant you want out of the house...

Ziggy (Voice Over): Ai and Emma will not vote because they are on the chopping block. Noah will also not vote as he is current HOH. He will be able to vote though if the house fails to choose one of the contestants to leave. So without further or do... can the first contestant please go to the diary room and make their choice please...

Alex: I vote to evict ______ because it was decided by my alliance.

'Quinn': I vote to evict ______ as you are one of the biggest threats to me.

Azula: I vote to evict ______ because she's too overwhelming for me and... well... I dunno.

Brent: I vote to evict ______ because it's the best choice to further myself in the game.

Ella: I vote to evict ______ because this person could cause problems for me in the future.

Natalia: I vote to evict ______ because she is the bigger threat and I just really don't like her. Haha.

Snowflake: I vote to evict ______ because the other person isn't as big of a threat to me.

Su: I vote to evict ______ because she is a total b*tch. IN YOUR FACE! HA! And you thought it would be yo here voting for me... Bring. IT. ON!

Ziggy (Voice Over): Okay, houseguests. I have got the results in from you all...

Ziggy (Voice Over): I can now reveal, that with a vote of 5-3. The contestant who will be going home tonight out of Ai and Emma is...

Ziggy *(Voice Over): Ai!
Ai: No, please mister. It can't be me... oh well.
Ziggy (Voice Over): Ai, you have 10 seconds to say goodbye to the house and make your way into the hall.
Ai: Oh dear... bye everyone...

Ai: Wait, where's the exit again?
Ziggy (Voice Over): Through the bookcase.
Ai: I can't go through there, I'm not Casper the ghost!
Ziggy (Voice Over): Just come on through.

Ai: Oh... so that's how you do it. Come on world... Here comes Ai Hanamaru!

Ai: Ah! Hey guys.
Ziggy: Hey.
Autumn: Yo Ai!

Autumn: Ai, how do you feel about being the first person to be evicted from the house?
Ai: Wonderful... well, not really. I thought I'd still be in to beat Snowflake at round 2 of Whack the Gnome at least.
Ziggy: That's good to here. We have a few good-bye tapes here to show you from the contestants in the house...


NOAH: Sorry to have made you the replacement nominee, you are definitely not a good partner for Fifa, ah well, another one bites the dust. Au Revoir! Damn, wrong language..

BRENT: Sorry to see you go there, Ai. You were a super fun and cool chick, I'll definitely miss you.

SU: Who... Who the hell is Ai? There was a person named AI?! Pfft. No wonder they went first. No one even knew them!

Ai: Ugh! How rude was she...
Ziggy: Very rude...

Ziggy: Have you any final thoughts on the game Ai?
Ai: The game has been great. It's a shame I wasn't here to see the end though. Oh well, I'm going to enjoy the K-Pop marathon back at the hotel.

Ziggy: Well can I just say thank you from me and Autumn here, you have been wonderful.
Ai: Oh, thank you anyway. Sayounara!
Autumn: And a very big thank you to Cashejim for submitting Ai for Season 2. Hopefully, we will see you next season! And from us, goodbye!

Ziggy: So, Ai was the first person out of the house. So, with a new week dawning... who will become HOH? Who will be put up for eviction? Who will get together? Will Su and Emma ever get on? Will Natalia finally get Alex instead of Brent? And will this show still be on air? We hope so, unless the producers aren't telling us something? All next time on Abnormality!!!

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