Sunday 28 April 2019

4.19: Overnight Sensation

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 4! This season we follow 12 new housemates who are battling it out to win the grand prize of $250,000 in addition to the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. Following the sixth week of the competition, Giuliano Da Vinci was unfortunately the sixth housemate to leave the house- luckily he became the first member of the jury. With a new week to begin, who will rise to power and make some powerful game moves? Let's find out on Abnormality!

PRODUCER: Good morning Maya, how are you?
MAYA: Maya is feeling ready for a challenge win.
PRODUCER: Good luck for the HOH challenge later today. We may have something that might make that possible. As you may remember, Giuliano won a +10% challenge advantage in the week 4 POP challenge... well, he has decided...
MAYA: Maya thinks she knows what you are going to say!
PRODUCER: To gift his +10% challenge advantage to you.
MAYA: Maya feels very grateful for this, Maya wondered whether he would use his advantage- looks like Giuliano never did. Maya will use it well.
PRODUCER: You may now leave the diary room.

MAYA: Thank you for the advantage Giuliano! Maya will make sure to win this next HOH with her new advantage.

*MAYA gets up from the diary room chair and leaves.*


*RANDALL takes a swig of the energy drink.*

RANDALL: Bloody hell, how much sugar's in this?

*RANDALL puts the can down next to the sofa.*

*SHIRLEY enters.*

SHIRLEY: Hey Hot Dog! You okay?
RANDALL: I'm fine... just been doin' a bit of thinkin'.
SHIRLEY: Oh yeah, what about?

RANDALL: Giuliano and the stolen items.
SHIRLEY: I see... it's unfortunate that it came to that...
RANDALL: Nah, I'm thinkin' about what coulda happened to me.
SHIRLEY: I'm confused, what do you mean?

RANDALL: With my past in prison... what if you guys came to the thought that it was me all along- not only would it have ruined my game but also my reputation that I've built with you all.
SHIRLEY: I never thought about that but that does make sense. I'm sorry you feel that way Hot Dog.

RANDALL: It's fine... Giuliano was caught and everythin' is back to normal.
SHIRLEY: Normal... in this game?
RANDALL: Good point, well as normal as it gets.
SHIRLEY: Haha, yeah... that reminds me...

SHIRLEY: We need to talk game... there's six of us left now, we need to plan for what is coming up.
RANDALL: Let's do it, almost at the finish line nah, we might have it wiv the right plan.


TERESA: I suppose after last week, things have been more civil between Kat and me. There's still some tension in the air, but I can live with civility. We're all supposed to be adults here, even if we're competing against each other to stay the longest.

TERESA: That's finished... say, how long have we been in this house now?
KATHARINA: Umm good question... I think we've been here six weeks now, the seventh being this week.
TERESA: It feels much longer...

KATHARINA: I agree it does.
TERESA: I'm not sure how you are coping, from one mother to another though- I'm missing my children.
KATHARINA: Tell me about it. I can't wait to see them again once the season is finished.

TERESA: You've got two young ones right?
KATHARINA: That's right, Marie-Ann who's 7 and Daniel who's 3.
TERESA: Bless you, it's such a wonderful experience watching them grow up. Do you think you may have any more children in the future?

KATHARINA: Me? More children? Never!
TERESA: Why not?
KATHARINA: I have enough on my plate with Marie-Ann & Daniel... then I have my younger sister Kira to look out for too.

TERESA: You are still very young though!
KATHARINA: Come to think of it... perhaps I would... no, no I couldn't possibly.
TERESA: Very well.
KATHARINA: Have you ever thought about having any more children?

TERESA: At my age, that'd be a miracle... I'm contempt with the children I already have.
TERESA: I knew this couple once who lived near me when I was a kid. They were foster parents, apparently they fostered around 50 kids during their residency. They deserve a medal for doing that when a lot of people wouldn't even consider it.
TERESA: That is rather commendable I must say.


*LUKE takes a big spoon of yoghurt and eats it.*

MAYA: Maya is ready to win the Star Grand Prix, is Luke watching?
LUKE: O-oh, sorry... I-I was staring into my yoghurt, I swear I saw Jesus' face in it for a second.

MAYA: Did Luke see Jesus in the yoghurt?

*LUKE shoves the spoon into his mouth.*

LUKE: Huh? Oh no, false alarm- it wasn't Jesus.

MAYA: Maya has seen Jesus once... he was running around the beach screaming about the rising price of eggs... Maya thinks that is a different Jesus though.
LUKE: Yeah, that's definitely not the Jesus I was talking about.


MAYA: Oh! Maya has unlocked new characters!

LUKE: Wow, that screen is getting full- only 4 more spaces left.
MAYA: Maya wonders who could be left? There's 4 challenges left, maybe 1 guest per challenge?
LUKE: That could be a possibility, ahhh this is so exciting- we'll be able to play as everybody soon.

MAYA: Maya is ready to unlock the karts too, would Luke like to play?
LUKE: I'm good thank you, I-I'm going to go and have a bath before the challenge today. I need some time to get me into a good competitive head space.

MAYA: Maya understands... Maya would do the same... Maya seems to be getting addicted to this game though...
LUKE: It is a very fun game, I can understand why you can't put the controller down.


KATHARINA: I'm glad we can have 5 minutes to ourselves to talk game- to say the amount of housemates have dwindled it's still difficult to get private time to talk strategy.
RANDALL: Tell me about it darlin', gonna 'ave to talk through are minds instead... so, why do ya call me to talk? Got an idea you want mah opinion on?

KATHARINA: Yes actually, I've done a few calculations in regards to the rest of the game and I think we could hatch a plan that would secure us both to top 4 at least- with the help of some friends of course.
RANDALL: Keep talkin'...

KATHARINA: There are two more evictions left until the battle round, if we unite my other alliances with your other alliances we can form a majority to take out the two left over.
RANDALL: What alliances are you talkin' about? I suspect you 'ave the people in mind who ya wanna take through with ya.

KATHARINA: I'm in an alliance with Luke and Shirley... you are also in an alliance with both of them from what I'm aware. It would make sense to unite as a quad and take out Maya and Teresa. We have the majority votes, we will be able to do this if we can get in power.

RANDALL: From a game perspective it makes sense... can you trust Shirley fully? She has been talkin' to Teresa more lately since they made up.
KATHARINA: Shirley is a good person but I think she knows where her true loyalties lie and that is with us. Luke is trustworthy enough, he's young and naive- he trusts you much more than he does with me.
RANDALL: Fine, I'm happy with this plan.

KATHARINA: My plan is to eliminate our biggest threats, it always has been but now we are down to the final 6 and the game has got way more real. My alliances need to come through now, we are so close to the end that it would be a shame for it to be for nothing. I'm looking forward for the HOH though, I'm bringing my A game to the table for this one!

KATHARINA: Excellent, I'll talk to Shirley about this, can I get you to talk to Luke about it?
RANDALL: Sure thing darlin'.
KATHARINA: Great! E-Kat and Hot Dog are here to slay once again.


SHIRLEY: I was chasing after the criminal but he was running too fast. Luckily I was close enough to this space hopper, so, I grab it and chuck it at the fugitive. It takes him straight out over this big pile of boxes and we take him back to the jail. That was a hectic but oddly fun afternoon.

TERESA: That is extraordinary.
SHIRLEY: I know, that was the day I found out I have a really powerful throw.
TERESA: Those criminals should watch out if they see you coming.
SHIRLEY: I don't do much running now I'm a detective, I'm mostly behind my desk linking up all the clues together.

TERESA: That reminds me... did you have any indication that Giuliano was the thief? I'm surprised you didn't think it was.
SHIRLEY: Everyone was a suspect, there was hardly any evidence to go from but missing items... Now if I had access to the cameras filming this show then I'd have probably found out that it was him a lot sooner.

SHIRLEY: The whole ordeal with Giuliano and our stolen items was very eye-opening, however, we cannot focus on that any more. He apologised and accepted the consequences of his actions... all that matters now is what happens in this game. I don't plan on going anywhere soon, and I don't think the others are either. It's going to get interesting.

SHIRLEY: At least it's safe to say I definitely steal your book now though.
TERESA: Agreed. I'm still very upset about how I reacted to that, Amanda and Britney would not have been proud of me in that moment.
SHIRLEY: It's water under the bridge, it's irrelevant now.

TERESA: On another note, how does it feel to have all your items in the correct places you left them?
SHIRLEY: Teresa! Very good actually haha.

TERESA: Would you like a drink? I'm going to make myself a frothy coffee before we go play in the HOH.
SHIRLEY: That sounds lovely, count me in for a frothy coffee too please.
TERESA: Two frothy coffees, coming up!


LUKE: Now Coopie, what have we all said about you jumping up onto the kitchen counters...
LUKE: Y-you need to come down from there right now.

LUKE: Come on mister, don't make this harder than it has to be.

*LIL COOP SNOOP stares into LUKE's soul.*

LUKE: Don't give me those big cute eyes, you need to get down off the counter.

LUKE: I can't see any acorns on here can you?
LUKE: Just what I thought, now come on... time to get down...

*LIL COOP SNOOP jumps down from the counter.*

LUKE: Good boy! Please don't go on there ever again, okay?
LIL COOP SNOOP: ...Squeak.


MAYA: Maya remembers the house when Maya was a child, it looked similar to this. Maya had everything in pink, that is before Maya found out about colour palettes.

*MAYA can hear a slight tapping.*

MAYA: Now Maya is a totally different person! Maya must say pink is definitely a good colour to use though, especially for a bright eye...
???: One wish...

*MAYA can hear the slight tapping again.*

MAYA: Uhh, hello? Maya is in here... who is there?

*No one answers.*

MAYA: Maya can't be in a horror film right? Please don't say Maya is going to be the first one killed by the masked psychopath.
???: One wish for one person...

MAYA: Did that just come from that llama? Has Maya drunk some sort of magical potion...


MAYA: Another costume challenge, Maya is getting her life!


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to our Seventh HOH challenge. This challenge is called, Rock All Nite. In this game, all of you will have to perform a song with our band. Please welcome to the stage Green Dust. You will perform a guitar section on one of their songs to earn as many points as possible. The housemate with the highest points wins.

EVEN: In order to track these points, you will be scored on the correct chords and tempo of the song- we will do this by running the song on the screen and setting markers on where you need to perform your sections.
LUKE: It's like Guitar Hero then isn't it?
EVEN: We cannot say that name for copyright... but yes, it is very much that.

EVEN: For tonight's performances we have also invited some hardcore fans to come enjoy the night.
BENVOLIO: Ciao ragazzi!
GIULIANO: Ciao! Inoltre mi dispiace ancora.
PORSHA: I'm back bitches! You guys better pull it outta the park tonight, otherwise Queen Porsha will have to start some drama.

NEWT: Now that we've gone over the rules, who wants to rock it out with us first? Anyone...?
KAYLIN: Come on guys we don't bite.
GEORGIE: No we don't.
NEWT: Huh?

TERESA: I would like to play my advantage for this challenge.
MAYA: Maya would also like to play an advantage for this challenge!
EVEN: Two advantages, sure thing girls.

*MAYA has decided to use her +10% CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE.*

EVEN: With this advantage, you will get a +10% boost to your final score.

*TERESA has decided to use her +20% CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE.*

EVEN: With this advantage, you will get a +20% boost to your final score... Now that those have been used, let's get this challenge underway. Luke, you will be the first housemate to play in this HOH.
LUKE: O-M-G, yay!

LUKE: Guitar solos for a HOH challenge?! Oh boy! I know how to play the acoustic guitar. My paps taught me how to, when we used to sit around the bonfire! So I actually know how to play and I might win a a Head of Household challenge for once-... Err... Not sure if I was supposed to say that I have or haven't won any because it's a secret... Oops! Oh well! Good luck to me though!

LUKE: Wew, I've already got a 20-note streak.
GEORGIE: You're doing great buddy!
LUKE: T-thank you! I don't know how anyone can have their hair long though- it's getting in my way.

GIULIANO: I love this song!

*LUKE finishes his song.*

GIULIANO: Well done Luke, you're really talented.
NEWT: Next up is Shirley!

SHIRLEY: I wanna rock and roll all nite...
NEWT: And party everyday!
SHIRLEY: You've got a great voice Newt.
NEWT: Thank Shirl, means a lot.

GEORGIE: Nice, really stuck with the beat there Shirley.

*SHIRLEY finishes her song.*

GEORGIE: Good luck Shirley, that was a good performance.
NEWT: Next up is Randall!

RANDALL: Reminds me of an old band back in the west, used to have 13 members to their band. Was safe to say it didn't last, started fightin' over whose instrument was who's.

RANDALL: I'm not one for playin' instruments, mah fingers always end up sore and cut from the strings... I do get the buzz of performin' though. Must be a riot at a proper concert.

BENVOLIO: Hot Dog, you look the part, you sound great... why don't you start your own band?
RANDALL: Nah, I wouldn't be good in a band. I'm too school for cool.

*RANDALL finishes his song.*

NEWT: Next up is Katharina!

KATHARINA: As you can tell, I ain't the best...
KAYLIN: You are joking right? I haven't seen many people do that trick with your fingers on the strings before.
KATHARINA: Really? I must be doing better than I think then.

KAYLIN: Damn that was a good performance!
KATHARINA: Thank you, you did great too!

*KATHARINA finishes her song.*

NEWT: Next up is Maya!

MAYA: Maya did a rock star shoot a few years back, Maya really likes the alternative dark look.
KAYLIN: You definitely suit the style! Then again, you have rocked every look you've pulled this season!

PORSHA: I can second that boo, you have looked gorgeous!
MAYA: Maya is blushing, Maya thanks you both greatly.

*MAYA finishes her song.*

NEWT: Last up is Teresa!

TERESA: Are you ready Abnormality?
ALL: ...
TERESA: Ahem, great. Let's rock!

*TERESA begins her song.*

NEWT: Teresa, you look so youthful!
TERESA: I do? Thank you young man.

*TERESA plays the chords on the screen.*

TERESA: Wow, that was so much fun!

*TERESA finishes her song and puts the guitar down.*

TERESA: Should I do a crowd surf?
BENVOLIO: It may be a little hard to do with 8 people.
TERESA: Fair enough... maybe next time.

EVEN: And with the last song finished, this HOH has now been concluded. I will now have a look at your scores on the checker. The person with the highest points will win this HOH. Following this season's twist, we will not find out who the HOH is. The HOH will now make their nominations in secret- these do not have to be in the diary room, they can be made anywhere in the house as long as the HOH addresses the producer via their microphone at the time of their nominations. I will call everyone back to the ceremony area to begin the nominations ceremony. Good luck everyone! Best of luck to all of you.



KATHARINA: You can't beat a good face mask... Oh no, I forgot my drink... Never mind.

*KATHARINA relaxes in the bath.*

KATHARINA: I should take this off, I've had it on a while.

*KATHARINA takes off her face mask*

KATHARINA: There we go... wow, I feel really refreshed... what was in that?

*KATHARINA relaxes back into the bath tub.*


KATHARINA: I guess you can never truly have five minutes to yourself without someone interrupting. Let me dry off and get my clothes!

*Everyone goes to the ceremony area.*

EVEN: Hi guys, welcome back! We have received contact from the HOH and they have selected 2 people to be nominated this week.

EVEN: Before I reveal the nominations, I am going to show you the scores from the HOH. As per usual, names will be kept anonymous but scores will be visible to see for all. Let's have a look at the scoreboard...

???- 8032
???- 7448
???- 7132
???- 6038
???- 1617

EVEN: The fight for the top 3 was very close! Now that we know the scores, it's time to reveal who has been nominated...

*Intense music plays.*

EVEN: I can now reveal that the TWO nominees this week are...
















EVEN: Katharina and Luke!

KATHARINA: This isn't great.
LUKE: T-that's three times now.

EVEN: I'm sorry guys but you have been nominated by the Anonymous HOH. No worries though, you still have a chance to save yourselves in the POP challenge where you are automatically enrolled to play.

EVEN: On that note, this nominations ceremony is adjourned! I will see you all again at the POP challenge, where one person will win the veto and gain the power to remove one of the nominees from the block if they so choose to. Goodbye everybody!
ALL: Bye.

KATHARINA: This is my first time that I've been nominated, it is a bummer that it happened now but you guys know that E-Kat is not going down without a fight. I'm sorry Luke but I'm gonna have to fight to stay here.

LUKE: T-This is my third time on the block... I-I'm not feeling good. All I can do is... I'm sorry, can I have a second.

*LUKE holds his words for a moment.*

LUKE: I don't want to go home.


SHIRLEY: So... looks like we have a target on our backs.
KATHARINA: My back, I was expecting it- we are getting down to the crunch now, gotta take out the big players if you want to win.
SHIRLEY: I wonder who it could be though?

KATHARINA: Who cares as long as it isn't an ally... you're not the HOH are you?
SHIRLEY: Me? No, of course not. Why would I nominate you?
KATHARINA: ...True. Well, the only thing I can do is win the POP... I can't believe I'm up against Luke of all people. Bless him.

SHIRLEY: As much as I like him, everyone has to go at one point. It might be his time to go- it certainly doesn't feel like you are ready to leave.
KATHARINA: Not just yet, no. I want to leave on the last episode... with a crown on my head and $250,000 in my bank account.

SHIRLEY: You and 5 other people, the game has begun for you now! It's time to take the reins and drive your way out of this mess.
KATHARINA: Right! I hope luck is on my side for the next challenge- I'm not desperate to plea... but it would be nice.


RANDALL: How ya doin' buddy?
LUKE: U-uh, could I please be alone.
RANDALL: Ya sure?
LUKE: I-I... u-uh, I'm sorry.

RANDALL: Why are ya sorry? You've done nothin' wrong.
LUKE: I-I know. I-I just... feel so defeated. I h-haven't won a single HOH challenge... I-I don't want to go home without one.
RANDALL: Buddy, listen to ol' Hot Dog. You'll be fine. You've got a POP to win and save yourself!

LUKE: T-Thanks.
RANDALL: If it makes you feel better, E-Kat is the main target.
LUKE: Huh? How do ya know?
RANDALL: I don't. She's a threat to people in the house though and you aren't.

LUKE: I guess so.
RANDALL: Stay under the radar for as long as possible, we've only got two more evictions left. I know ya can save yourself! I believe in you buddy.
LUKE: Thanks Hot Dog.

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality. After the events of this episode, Katharina and Luke find themselves on the block- but will either of them be able to save themselves in the POP challenge? We'll have to find out next time on Abnormality!


Katharina 'E-Kat' Ehrmann (YJB19299)
Luke Peralta (HayloHusky)
Maya Carter (kittymeow)
Randall 'Hot Dog' McScruff (twiddle3)
Shirley Watson (Shadami)
Teresa Gonzales (icmnfrsh)

7th: Giuliano Da Vinci (SimTresa)
8th: Peter Romano/Porsha Royale (ninjakid150)
9th: Benvolio Di Bounce (M13Vulpecula)
10th: Willow Wisp (lovesstorms)
11th: Crystal Harper (Alleenmens)
12th: Wes Helms (Tigerblu11)