Monday 29 April 2013

2.19: What did you say? A Twist!

Ziggy: Welcome to Abnormality! Where the drama spawns and all matter of crazy happens. 11 Contestants are isolated from the world for several weeks competing for the title of 'King/Queen of the House' and the all important prize money of $250,000. Last time on Abnormality, Brent was the sixth contestant to go home. With a new week starting, who will become HOH? And with a twist lurking, what will the twist bring for the nominees? It's all on Abnormality!

Alex: Man, things are getting down to the wire. Not many of us left now. That makes winning competitions even more important than ever before. It sucks to see Brent walk out the door. But someone had to go, and I figured that it might as well be the bigger threat.

Ella: Alex, we need to talk.
Alex: Do we?
Ella: Yes.
Alex: Well, I think you said all you had to say the other day.

Ella: Listen will you! That thing I had for Brent... it's gone now.
Alex: Good for you.
Ella: I know were not getting back together... but can't we at least still be friends?
Alex: Why should I be your friend?

Ella: Look, I know what happened was bad but... I'm back on track now. And our friendship shouldn't shatter because of some stupid mistake.
Alex: And how are you going to prove that you made a mistake. That you want to be my friend?

Ella: By winning the HOH, and saving you.
Alex: That could prove your friendship.
Ella: Do you believe in second chances Alex?
Alex: Yeah, why?

Ella: Well, I deserve a second chance.
Alex: Ella... Look, I...
Ella: Please Alex.
Alex: Ugh... fine.

Ella: Yey!
Alex: But that doesn't me were getting back into our 'relationship' anytime soon.
Ella: Oh, I know that.
Alex: Good...

Alex: Now let's get ready for this HOH competition.
Ella: Yes.

Natalia: Haha, well done Noah. I thought for a second you'd change your mind and vote Ella out.
Noah: Come on. Do you really think I'd vote the other way when the opportunity was there?
Natalia: Who knows? Some people change their opinions fast.
Noah: I guess so. Anyway, what's our next move?

Natalia: What do you mean 'next move'?
Noah: Well, we're in an alliance now, aren't we?
Natalia: Um... yeah. I guess so.
Noah: So, what's the next move then?

Natalia: What do you think?
Noah: Well, we have 3 people to pick from. Alex, Azula and Ella.
Natalia: Were both in the HOH. So one of us has to win.
Noah: We'll win easily. Get your game head on Natalia.

Natalia: I... always have my game head on.
Noah: I like your style.
Natalia: Thank you. Personally, I think Azula and Ella need to go.
Noah: Alex is a very strong player though, if he stays any longer...

Natalia: He's going to be here until one more person leaves.
Noah: So I guess the only option is to choose Azula and Ella for eviction.
Natalia: Yes. Unless we go against each other... But I doubt we'll do that. Right? RIGHT!
Noah: Right, okay. Calm down. I'm gonna go get a bath anyway, chill out before the HOH.

Natalia: Okay Noah.

*Noah exits*

Natalia: Hmm... I don't trust him. That's it! I need to win this, then when I do... I'll get him straight out of this house. Clever. Make me think he's fine, but he's going to betray me. Prepare for battle Noah!

*Noah whispering under his breath*

Noah: Haha, I cannot trust her at all. I know her plan, let's just play along with it for now though. I'm sure Noah's gonna have plenty of time to play around with her mind.

*Azula smudges in moisturizer on her face*

Azula: Ah, that's it. I love this brand.

*Azula looks on the bottle*

Azula: Cure-a-face. Interesting.

*Count Tedula appears. He bumps into the whack-a-gnome machine*

Azula: Huh? Who's there?
Count Tedula: Haha, you remember me. Your friendly neighborhood teddy bear.

Azula: It's you!
Count Tedula: Yes, it's me. Look's like there's no one to save you this time. Snowflake and Su are gone.

*Count Tedula starts coughing*

Azula: You won't get away with this!
Count Tedula: I know... I'm dying... that's why I need a new host... preferably you!
Azula: No chance.

*Count Tedula curls over*

Azula: Oh my god.
Azula: Bye Tedula!
Count Tedula: Ugh...

*Count Tedula dies*

Azula: Is it safe to pick him up?

*Azula picks up Tedula. Nothing happens. His eyes have lost colour*

Azula: He's dead... there won't be anymore possessions happening then.

Azula: Hello! Staff team, we've got a dead teddy bear in the HOH room. I need assistance now!
Ziggy (Voice Over): Tedula's dead! Hoorah! No more cowering from him. I mean... contestants, please make your way to the HOH area for the HOH competition.

Ziggy: Contestants! The HOH competition this week is called; "Santa Came Early". In this competition, all the housemates will have to choose 4 presents from our selection. After they have chose their presents, they will get 5 letters in each box. Once they have there letters they have to make the longest word they can make with the letters provided. The word has to be an actual word aswell. The person who has the longest word will win the HOH competition.

Ziggy: Do you get the rules guys?
All: Yes.

Ziggy: There is a twist present though... But I'll explain that once the HOH has been crowned.

Ziggy: Everyone apart from Azula; previous HOH will be participating. So everyone lets go over to the present keep and pick the presents you want.

Natalia: Ooo...
Noah: I like the blue one with the yellow bow!
Alex: The orange one looks tempting.
Ella: I want all of them.
Ziggy: Right guys, pick your presents!

*All the contestants pick presents*

Ziggy: Everyone has there presents now, don't they?
All: Yeah.
Ziggy: Good... let the competition begin now. Open your boxes and make them words people.

*All the contestants get their letters and spread them out across the table*

Natalia: Oh no.
Noah: I should've picked a different one.
Alex: Damn orange.
Ella: I still can't believe I couldn't have them all. Ugh.

Alex: Hmm... Ooo... I think I've got a... no. That could work!

Natalia: We have a chance Noah... Alex is panicking.
Noah: So is Ella. You got any long words?
Natalia: I'm not sure yet. You?
Noah: I'm onto something.

Noah: Hmm...

*Noah's inside voice starts speaking*

Noah's Inside Voice: If she really thinks she's winning HOH and using it against me, she's got another thing coming.

Ella: Hey, you just stole one of my letters.
Noah: Drop it Ella. Everyone saw I didn't.
Ella: Damn it... Ooo...

*Ella finds a word*

Ella: This is a good one.
Noah: Huh?

Ella: Yep, that works.
Noah: I think I've got one.
Natalia: Hehe, done.
Alex: That'll do.

Ziggy: Time's up! We have a winner... the person who has won the HOH with the longest word... which is an actual word... is...

Ziggy: Noah!
Noah: Wait, I won! Oh yeah baby!

Quiz Scores:
Noah- 11 (Phosphorous)
Alex- 10 (Schematics)
Ella- 10 (Doomsaying)
Natalia- 9 (Doggonest)

Ziggy: Ziggy: Since Ella and Natalia were the lowest scorers this round, they will be the Have-Nots for the week. Noah, who will you nominate to take part in the Pamper Package?
Noah: I will nominate Ella for the pamper package.
Ziggy: Great, Noah. So, who are your nominations going to be for eviction?
Noah: Ziggy, I am going to nominate...

Noah: Azula and Ella!
Azula: Wow. I can't believe you Noah.
Ella: Again... what a surprise.

Ziggy: Azula and Ella are the nominations for this week... now with the twist!

All: Ooo...

*Ziggy clears his throat*

Ziggy: The POP is gonna be slightly different. The HOH, nominees and one other person will still participate, but the winner of the POP has a special power. The power to automatically evict one of the nominees... so it's all to play for. Azula or Ella, one of you will definitely be going home tomorrow.
Azula: So, if I win... Ella automatically goes home.
Ziggy: More or less.
Ella: You're kidding me? Oh Azula.
Azula: I'm sorry Ella. I've gotta win this.
Ella: We'll see about that.

Ziggy: That's all from me tonight! Bye guys.
All: Bye!

Ziggy: So, Noah became the HOH. However, will the new twist be used to the best or will it be thrown away. Azula and Ella have everything to play for. Who will stay and who will become the seventh person to be evicted from the house? We'll find out on Abnormality!

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