Wednesday 29 May 2019

4.22: Blue is My Colour

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 4! This season we follow 12 new housemates who are battling it out to win the grand prize of $250,000 in addition to the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. Following the seventh week of the competition, Shirley Watson was unfortunately the seventh housemate to leave the house- luckily she became the second member of the jury. With a new week to begin, who will rise to power and make some powerful game moves? Let's find out on Abnormality!

TERESA: Who wants to play a little game?
KATHARINA: Sure, what do you have in mind?
TERESA: How about the alphabet story game.
LUKE: I don't think I know that one.

TERESA: As a group, we all take a turn to make a story from the letters of the alphabet starting from A all the way to Z.
LUKE: Wait, I-I know this one now!
TERESA: Awesome, who wants to start?

KATHARINA: I'll start... Another!
TERESA: Baboon.
MAYA: Could.
LUKE: L-Let me think...

LUKE: Destroy.
LUKE: Giant.

MAYA: Ham.
TERESA: Hot Dog... you can pitch in any time if you want. We're almost halfway through the alphabet!

RANDALL: Ham igloos? What in all seven hells is a ham igloo?
TERESA: It doesn't have to make sense you know.
RANDALL: Oh... wait, what's the prize?
TERESA: There is no prize.
RANDALL: Why are we playin' then?
TERESA: Are you going to say a letter?
RANDALL: What are the rules again? I ain't been payin' much attention.
TERESA: ...This game doesn't seem as fun anymore.


MAYA: Maya thinks we should have ended that game.
TERESA: Another time, for now we need to have a quick chat about the game. One of our rivals is now out, we have one less to worry about going forward.

MAYA: Maya was shocked that Shirley left, Maya had Shirley pegged for top four.
TERESA: She was a good player, although you have to expect the unexpected in these kind of game shows.
MAYA: Good point... so, Maya wants to know what the plan is for this week. What ideas does Teresa have?

TERESA: I have a few... it seems you have some you would like to share though.
MAYA: Okay... Maya thinks we should target the last two rivals who pose a threat to Maya and Teresa. Therefore the nominations should be E-Kat and Hot Dog.
TERESA: Aren't you worried about Luke?

MAYA: Maya isn't afraid of Luke, comp wise Luke hasn't been strong... but Luke has got a great social game going on.
TERESA: Perhaps we could use that to our advantage.
MAYA: Please elaborate.
TERESA: Luke seemed very deflated before the eviction, I think the plan was to evict him. Since Shirley convinced everyone to vote her out though, they gave him a mercy save. If we could somehow get him to switch to our side and turn on his alliance, we could secure all of us a place in the top four and get rid of a potentially strong competitor in the battle round.

MAYA: Maya likes the plan, Maya is unsure of how we are going to get Luke to defect from the others though.
TERESA: Don't worry about that, leave that to me. I'm going to plant a few seeds for the plan to work.

MAYA: Maya is looking forward to this week, Maya sees the end in sight.
TERESA: The end is near... here is to us! Let's finish the last leg of this competition.
MAYA: The last leg... sounds like The Amazing Race.


RANDALL: Don't think I did it earlier- but I just wanted to congratulate ya on stayin' Luke. Ya did well.
LUKE: I-I did okay, I-I wish Shirley wouldn't have left though but that is what happens in this game...

LUKE: I'm gonna give it my all this week though, I want to win this last HOH. I want to nominate someone instead of being nominated for a change.
RANDALL: Well ya got my help in the next challenge. I hope ya do win bud, it'd be good for ya.

LUKE: Then, if I do win, me, you and E-Kat would be safe until the battle round.
RANDALL: Battle round 'as come 'round fast. Pretty nervous for it.
LUKE: I know, I wonder what the producers have planned.
RANDALL: Whatever it is, you've done well to get there bud. I bet your parents are gonna be real proud of ya.

LUKE: Mum will be, I'm n-not so sure about dad.
RANDALL: Why's that?
LUKE: He didn't seem very supportive of me going on this show, thought it was a little juvenile and immature. He wants me to grow up. I-I think he doesn't think I'm 'adult' enough sometimes.

RANDALL: I think you've been pretty mature at times. Trust me, even though he might not be as supportive as ya want him to be- he'll still love ya and be by your side.
LUKE: Y-Yeah. I guess so.
RANDALL: He might just be scared, I know I'd be if you were my son. It's a big thing to do- going on national telly and gettin' judged by millions of people.

LUKE: Y-Yeah, that sounds fair. I'm sorry.
RANDALL: Don't be sorry Luke, ya ain't done nothin' wrong. Ain't that right Coopie?

*LIL' COOP SNOOP looks confused. COOP has been paying more attention to the curtains behind RANDALL.*

RANDALL: No no, I wouldn't 'ave kids. I know I look at Luke like a son but I'd never 'ave any of me own. Or would I? I dunno to be honest, I'd have to ask Debs first.
RANDALL: Yeah, Debs. Big Debbie. My numero uno smokin' girl in the world. We met on the road. Don't know what I'd do without her.


KATHARINA: To all the people who have been watching this show and supporting all of us in here, I want first of all to say thank you so much. I come from a production background and believe me when I say, that all of this and all the experiences we make here wouldn't even be possible without you guys. Secondly you guys probably can't imagine how AMAZING it feels to be in the top 5. Sure it stinks that we lost Shirley on the way, but my alliance still has the upper hand. You know, it is kind of funny though. Of course you talk game and how amazing you are and you will be before you enter a show like this, but all that smack talk is BEFORE the show. You don't know what challenges you have to face and what kind of competitors you will face. Of course you think you are the best, but being in the actual show will quite change your sight on the situation... well, unless you are Carlito and win almost every challenge or you know who won the challenges in the first place.

*KATHARINA laughs.*

KATHARINA: I know this is super-duper cliche but seeing the events on TV or even from the view of the production and actually experiencing all this madness are so far away, and I feel so honoured to be apart of this, and I think my time has taught me a lot of valuable lessons. It is actually quite funny how you still can learn a lot from yourself even if you aren't the age Luke is. My time here taught me not to take things for granted and give everything your 100% best, even if you are 100% certain that you will do great. Laying low for too long will rather give you pain than relaxation. This is the last week before the battle round, and of course everybody is determined to win this. This is probably the most crucial HOH yet, and to all my fellow top 5 players, I only have three words to say: BRING. IT. ON.

TERESA: And hold.
KATHARINA: This really gets your core working doesn't it.
TERESA: Certainly does. Okay, next pose.

*TERESA and KATHARINA stand up into their next pose.*

KATHARINA: So it's the last week before the battle round.
TERESA: It is, five of us will become four... then the true fight for first place begins.
KATHARINA: I suppose you're gonna do you're best and win this week's HOH.
TERESA: It'd be silly not to, it's your last chance to make any sort of power move in the house.

KATHARINA: May I ask who your intended targets will be if you win?
TERESA: There's not many people left in this house. You do realise I may have to nominate you.
KATHARINA: Yeah, I thought so. I might have to nominate you too.

TERESA: Will I be your main target though if I get nominated?
KATHARINA: ...I can't say, you are a strong player... so is Maya... so is Hot Dog.
TERESA: You are a strong player too, it would be beneficial to anyone's game to get rid of the strong players before the battle round.

*KATHARINA and TERESA lay down on the floor on their mats.*

KATHARINA: Is that an admission that I'm your main target?
TERESA: Did you hear those words come out of my mouth? Everyone has very strong elements of game play and strategy in this house, taking out anyone of us left is going to have a major advantage to the remaining players.

KATHARINA: You've really thought a lot into this haven't you?
TERESA: And you haven't? You've probably been thinking about it as much as I have, heck maybe even more.
KATHARINA: All I have to say is good luck for the HOH Teresa, may the odds be in your favour!


RANDALL: It was up there in the corner.
MAYA: Maya doesn't believe you.
RANDALL: It was, had big googley eyes and long hairy legs.
MAYA: Maya isn't ready to be eaten by Aragog. Please could you get rid of it.
RANDALL: I kidd, I kidd.
MAYA: Maya knew you were joking.

RANDALL: I can't believe this is the last week of normal game. It's gonna be a brawl when we go into the battle round.
MAYA: If we both make it to the battle round.
RANDALL: Speaking of makin' it to the battle round, how 'bout we make a deal.

MAYA: Maya is in two minds whether to make anymore deals.
RANDALL: It'll be worth ya while.
MAYA: Maya is listening. What does Hot Dog have to say?
RANDALL: It seems a bit inevitable how the noms will land this week if certain people win, in the case, I may have to nominate ya. I will however keep ya safe though no matter what.

RANDALL: Trust me on that, I don't want ya to go home. Yer a good competitor to play against.
MAYA: If Maya agrees, would Maya be able to save herself and Teresa?
RANDALL: Teresa isn't part of this deal. If I save you and Teresa, I'd have to turn against one of my allies.
MAYA: Maya cannot accept the deal if Teresa is not apart of it.

RANDALL: No chance lady, I'm only savin' you and that's all.
MAYA: ...Maya doesn't have much to bargain with does she?
RANDALL: Nope, you either gotta like it or lump it.
MAYA: Fine. Maya will accept your agreement, however, Maya will not hold back if she wins the HOH.

RANDALL: Wouldn't expect ya to darlin'. Will I be saved if you nominate me?
MAYA: Maya will save you.
RANDALL: Good, looks like we got ourselves a deal. Here's to gettin' through to the battle round.


LUKE: What are you doing boy, what are you doing?

*LUKE gets LIL' COOP SNOOP's attention.*

LUKE: Come here boy, come here!

*LIL COOP SNOOP walks up to LUKE.*

LUKE: Now what are you doing sneaking about?

LUKE: You just stay outta trouble now you hear.
LUKE: You were there earlier when we were talking about my dad... I really miss him and mum loads. I hope they are proud of what I've done here.

LUKE: Top five! I-I cannot believe I'm here, it all seems so unreal. I didn't think I'd get this far but I'm here. I got talking to Hot Dog earlier about my parents, he said they'd be proud of me. I always felt like my dad wasn't supportive of my decision to go on this show, he's a nice man though. I'd like to see them again just to see how mum and dad are doing, it's been so long.

LUKE: Anyway, that's enough of me. Who wants a tickle?
LIL' COOP SNOOP: Squeaeaeak!

*LIL' COOP SNOOP walks over to LUKE who bends down to COOP's level to give him a stroke and tickle.*

LUKE: I've got a really hard decision this week- I need to win the HOH... but what am I going to do? I could nominate my biggest rivals... but I don't know whether I trust my closest allies enough to take through to the battle round.

*LUKE picks up LIL' COOP SNOOP and gives him a hug.*

LUKE: It's gonna be a hard week, but I need to make a big move in this game. I need to know what it feels like to have the power!


LUKE: Let's do this Coop.


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to our Eighth HOH challenge. This challenge is called; Ladybug Conga. In this game, you will play as the blue ladybug, you will have to weave in and out of the grid trying to collect red ladybug's to have the longest conga line you can get.

EVEN: There will be obstacles on the grid though, I have accidentally managed to scatter my bowling pins onto the grid. I could remove them, but I'd rather not for this challenge.

EVEN: You will direct the blue ladybug through this MyPad here. The controls are fairly simple. Left, right, up and down. The basics of any aviation.
TERESA: So... this game is like snake?
EVEN: Snake?
TERESA: The popular flash game where you played as a snake and had to make the biggest snake you could.
EVEN: ...Yes. This is different though, we have ladybugs.

EVEN: Back to the HOH... you need to create the biggest ladybug conga line! Whoever has the longest conga line will be the winner of this challenge and will get the power to nominate two housemates. Are we clear on the rules?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Awesome.

KEVIN: How in all the world did we end up back here? Neil? Neil, where are you?
NEIL: I'm over here Kev.

*NEIL scuttles over to KEVIN.*

KEVIN: What have they done to you?

NEIL: I know, I look so awesome! Look at my blue shell.
KEVIN: Is that permanent?
NEIL: I dunno, I hope so. I look cool as ice!
KEVIN: Oh Neil...
EVEN: Maya, you are up first!

MAYA: Maya really likes the blue ladybug. Ooh! That could be a good name for a perfume brand; Blue Ladybug. Maya needs to get that copyrighted immediately.

*MAYA moves NEIL across the grid.*

NEIL: Come on and do the conga! Do-do-do, come on and do it now! How is everyone back there?
KEVIN: Good!

LUKE: How are you doing Maya?
MAYA: Maya seems to be doing well, Maya's conga line is very long at the moment... Maya just needs a few more before she feels confident with her score.

*MAYA accidentally leads NEIL into a wall.*

NEIL: Ouch! I think I broke my nose.
KEVIN: You don't even have a nose.
NEIL: Oh yeah!
EVEN: Randall, it is your turn!

RANDALL: Glad we playin' with ladybugs and not roaches. Nothin' worse than a roach infestation... Well, that's not entirely true- there's a lot worse things than a roach infestation.
TERESA: Yes, like those YouTube drama channels the kids are watching nowadays.

NEIL: Our conga line is looking very anaemic Kevin.
KEVIN: Don't worry, big ol' Hot Dog will get us some more friends to conga with sooner or later.

*RANDALL makes a move towards another ladybug.*

RANDALL: These controls are very clunky.
TERESA: Just like classic snake.

*RANDALL accidentally knocks NEIL into the well.*

EVEN: Katharina, it is your turn!

KATHARINA: I'm feeling lucky that my kids have a MyPad, I've played on it a few times but I doubt it'd be an advantage in this game.
EVEN: Hmm... have you been playing Snake?
KATHARINA: No, some game involving llamas.
EVEN: Then no.

NEIL: If you can see what I can see, when I'm cleaning windows!
KEVIN: Hurrah!

MAYA: These ladybugs are very musical, it reminds Maya of one project she was on. Maya had to dress up as a big grasshopper and perform with the ants. Maya has never dressed as a grasshopper since.

NEIL: Ouch! Why head straight for the wall?
KEVIN: I don't think any of the objects would be good to hit.
NEIL: Good point Kevin.
EVEN: Luke, it is your turn to play.

LUKE: Yay, I love games like this. So simple yet so entertaining.
KATHARINA: Don't even get me started on DLC for games.
LUKE: Right! It's like they don't want you to have a full game on release when it first comes out to the public.

NEIL: Keep up guys, we got a whole lot of conga left in this line.
KEVIN: Let's get a little bit of antenna action in this conga.
NEIL: Ooh antenna action, I like it!

RANDALL: Think this is the biggest line I've seen so far.
LUKE: I'm not a pro, I swear.

*LUKE accidentally runs NEIL and the conga line into a bowling pin.*

EVEN: Teresa, you are the last person to play!
NEIL: Okay ladybugs, it's time to do the best conga ever! Conga like your life depends on it.

TERESA: It has been too long. I remember this game like it was yesterday. I played this for so many hours.

*TERESA begins to direct the ladybugs around.*

NEIL: I don't know what I've been told!
LADYBUGS: I don't know what I've been told!
NEIL: I'm going to go get that gold!
LADYBUGS: I'm going to go get that gold!
NEIL: 1...2!

TERESA: Snake. This reminds me of my first Nokia, which was a gift. I used to kill time waiting for stocks to change prices playing games on it. Figures- one day a silly little cell phone game could be the key to me winning 250,000 simoleons.

TERESA: There isn't much room left on the grid, I think it may be over any second now.
KATHARINA: Good luck Teresa!

*TERESA accidentally runs NEIL and the LADYBUGS into the wall.*

EVEN: And with that everyone has finished this HOH, this HOH has now concluded. I will now have a look at your scores. The person with the longest ladybug will win this HOH. Following this season's twist, we will not find out who the HOH is. The HOH will now make their nominations in secret- these do not have to be in the diary room, they can be made anywhere in the house as long as the HOH addresses the producer via their microphone at the time of their nominations. I will call everyone back to the ceremony area to begin the nominations ceremony. Good luck everyone! Best of luck to you all.


KEVIN: Well done today everybody, you all performed really well in the conga!
NEIL: So... what should we do now?
KEVIN: Um... good question. Got any suggestions?

NEIL: World domination! Mwahahaha.
KEVIN: No, not world domination.
NEIL: We have the army to do so though, we could take Earth ever so quickly.
NEIL: Fine. Have you got any suggestions?
KEVIN: Hmm... Why don't we go for some food? Who's up for a Chili's?

LADYBUGS: Oooh! Yes!
KEVIN: Looks like it is settled, to Chili's we go!
NEIL: Okay, I need something hot to blow my mind off.
KEVIN: I hear they're doing a new Double Chili Deluxe, we'll have to get you one of those.



TERESA: An Inspector Calls- classic novel. I remember this being on the English exam paper for my eldest. Let's just pop this back onto the shelf.

*TERESA slots the book into the bookcase.*

TERESA: There we go.

*TERESA scans through the books. She realises that some of them don't have titles on.

TERESA: Are these books all real books? Or are some of them just props?

TERESA: Yeah, some of these are props. That one is made out of polystyrene... And here I was thinking they spent a big amount of the budget on books. 


TERESA: Nominations! Let's see who is safe and who isn't.

*Everyone goes to the ceremony area.*

EVEN: Hi guys, welcome back! We have received contact from the HOH and they have selected 2 people to be nominated this week.

EVEN: Before I reveal the nominations, I am going to show you the scores from the HOH. As per usual, names will be kept anonymous but scores will be visible to see for all. Let's have a look at the scoreboard...

???- 1006
???- 626
???- 291
???- 156

EVEN: We have a clear winner in first place, slowly followed by second place. Now that we know the scores, it's time to reveal who has been nominated...

*Intense music plays.*

EVEN: I can now reveal that the TWO nominees this week are...
















EVEN: Maya and Teresa!

MAYA: Maya has never been nominated before.
TERESA: Four times... it's annoying but I'm ready to save myself.

EVEN: I'm sorry guys but you have been nominated by the Anonymous HOH. No worries though, you still have a chance to save yourselves in the POP challenge where you are automatically enrolled to play.

EVEN: On that note, this nominations ceremony is adjourned! I will see you all again at the POP challenge, where one person will win the veto and gain the power to remove one of the nominees from the block if they so choose to. Goodbye everybody!
ALL: Bye Even.

MAYA: Maya feels very strange, Maya has never been nominated before but Maya now knows the odd feeling on being on the block. Maya never gives in though and Maya will save herself this week.

TERESA: This is my fourth time being nominated, it's funny how I'm seen as a threat by the others in this house. Oh well, looks like I'm going to have to save myself again. I'm just slightly saddened I'm up against Maya.


KATHARINA: You're looking rather chirpy to say you've been nominated.
MAYA: Maya doesn't want to dwell on the possibility of eviction. Maya is hopeful the POP will be to her strengths and win the veto to keep safe.
KATHARINA: That is good you're being so positive about this.

MAYA: Maya would be more worried if I was E-Kat.
KATHARINA: Oh yeah, how so?
MAYA: Well, Maya knows that the only other people who can be nominated as a replacement now are in E-Kat's alliance. Perhaps, E-Kat's allies may turn on her at the last minute.
KATHARINA: Let's hope that DOESN'T happen. I'm going to go to bed. Don't stay up too late.

*KATHARINA exits into the bedroom while TERESA enters from the living room.*

TERESA: Maya, my sweet. I wondered where you had got to.
MAYA: Teresa, come and sit with Maya.

*TERESA sits down next to MAYA.*

TERESA: Are you feeling okay?
MAYA: Maya is doing well considering the nomination.
TERESA: Luckily it's the last week for nominations... I think we may be able to save ourselves for the battle round.

MAYA: Whatever happens this, Maya is grateful she has had the chance to work with you.
TERESA: Thank you Maya. This alliance has been good to be apart of...

TERESA: There is still a lot of work to do though my old chum. I will not allow either of us to go home so close to the final.
MAYA: Chum? Isn't that some sort of fish?
TERESA: No, they use it for deep sea fishing to lure out sharks and big fish.

MAYA: Maya saw a shark once, it was wearing a pretend shark fin which Maya found very ironic.
TERESA: How strange... anyway, I have a plan to save us both. We must win the POP though, once we do... we can take down the others in this house.

MAYA: Maya did see a shark with a pretend shark fin, it was a warm sunny day in the middle of summer and the beach was filled with people. Maya didn't see anyone get eaten though, the shark can't have been hungry that day.

MAYA: Maya will do whatever Teresa needs her to do to stay here.
TERESA: Thank you for your support, we need to take them out of the game. No excuses.

*TERESA gets up and heads towards the bedroom.*

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality. After the events of this episode, Maya and Teresa find themselves on the block- but will either of them be able to save themselves in the POP challenge? We'll have to find out next time on Abnormality!


Katharina 'E-Kat' Ehrmann (YJB19299)
Luke Peralta (HayloHusky)
Maya Carter (kittymeow)
Randall 'Hot Dog' McScruff (twiddle3)
Teresa Gonzales (icmnfrsh)

6th: Shirley Watson (Shadami)
7th: Giuliano Da Vinci (SimTresa)
8th: Peter Romano/Porsha Royale (ninjakid150)
9th: Benvolio Di Bounce (M13Vulpecula)
10th: Willow Wisp (lovesstorms)
11th: Crystal Harper (Alleenmens)
12th: Wes Helms (Tigerblu11)