Saturday 30 March 2019

4.16: Around the World in 12 Pictures

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 4! This season we follow 12 new housemates who are battling it out to win the grand prize of $250,000 in addition to the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. Following the fifth week of the competition, Peter Romano a.k.a Porsha Royale was unfortunately the fifth housemate to leave the house. With a new week about to begin, who will rise to power and make some powerful game moves? Let's find out on Abnormality!

RANDALL: What you got there E-Kat?
KATHARINA: I've got a sandwich, didn't want anything to heavy on the stomach.
RANDALL: Best kinda sandwich is a grilled cheese one. It's a gift straight from heaven I tell ya.

*KATHARINA takes a seat at the table.*

KATHARINA: Well, we've made it to jury... it's sad to see Porsha go right before though, Porsha... and Peter were nice additions to have here. I'll miss them.
RANDALL: It has been quieter around here since the eviction, can't say I miss the queen that much though, we didn't really 'av much in common so I didn't 'av a strong bond there.

KATHARINA: That is fair enough... so, we need to discuss how we are going to get to the end. The end is nearly in sight, we need to put our plans into place quickly.
RANDALL: Before we get to the battle round we need to make sure the stronger players are out, don't want 'em winning and eliminating us before the finish line.

KATHARINA: That would suck majorly. I am still fully behind getting Teresa out of the house as soon as possible though.
RANDALL: Thought you two were alright now?
KATHARINA: I've been avoiding her to keep the peace, she still makes my blood boil though the old bat.

RANDALL: She ain't that old, there's 1 year difference between me and her... that make me old too?
KATHARINA: ...No. You know what I mean.
RANDALL: We need to look at the bigger picture before we make any decisions. Who'd take us outta the game if they had the chance? We need to go for them.

KATHARINA: I'm really unsure, I think we've aligned ourselves with others too to avoid nominations. Teresa seems like the only one who could pose a threat.

*KATHARINA picks up her sandwich and begins to eat.*

RANDALL: This is gonna be a long meeting.

RANDALL: Hawt Dawg! I made the jury! Hooey! Just gotta make it to the end now. Heck I know i'm probably the long shot to win and I'm hella bad at these challenges but between you and me... I think I'm sitting in a pretty good spot. Welp, let's think 'bout it now, I ain't got one enemy in this house and I got Shirley looking to go all the way to final 2 with me and lemme tell ya for a Cop, she ain't half bad! Never thought I'd hear myself say that... Jeez, I don't think there's one person in this house right now who I can say a bad word 'bout, they are all such a great bunch. Ya know coming in this house was my biggest worry, I thought me telling people I was an ex-con was gonna really make 'em dislike me cuz of the stereotype n'all but they were all really cool about it, it's been really comforting knowing that these guys don't give a hoot about what I been doing in the past or what I did when I was just a stupid kid from the wrong side of the tracks. No matter what happens now, I know that I've made some pretty good friends in this house and I hope for it to stay that way once my time here is over. Well, that's all I got, I know you were hoping I was gonna talk strategy in 'ere but I can't say nothing, I'm playing my cards close to my chest.

*RANDALL winks to the camera.*


MAYA: Maya picks truth.
GIULIANO: Hmm, okay... What as the most awkward romantic encounter you have had?
MAYA: Maya... has had one awkward romantic encounter that is stuck in her memory. Maya was on a date once...

GIULIANO: Oh yeah...
MAYA: Maya and this lovely gentleman had finished our dinner and Maya and her date went for a walk along the beach. Maya and her date went in to kiss... but then her date stabbed her in the face with his big nose. Maya could have looked passed it but it happened a few times. Maya lost all interest after being pecked to death.
GIULIANO: You dumped your date over having a big nose?
MAYA: Maya was also belched on by the same person, Maya is not that type of girl.

MAYA: Maya's turn to ask you... Truth or Dare?
GIULIANO: I did a dare last time, I'll pick truth.
MAYA: Maya wants to know your biggest regret.
GIULIANO: Hmm, good question... I don't have many regrets... I do have a regret that has happened in this house though... I think about it a lot... I regret kind of hurting Luke's feelings.

MAYA: Maya doesn't understand, Giuliano has hurt Luke?
GIULIANO: I think so, I kept badgering him over Benvolio and his extra votes... I think I could have been a bit more reasonable with him.
MAYA: Maya knows what you could do to stop feeling regret.

MAYA: Giuliano should talk to Luke... repair the friendship before it gets worse.
GIULIANO: Talking everything out did work the first time... It's not too late though is it?
MAYA: Maya doesn't think it's ever too late, Maya knows that if you want something to work, you gotta make it work.

GIULIANO: I'll sit down with him later on.
MAYA: Maya thinks that will be a good idea.
GIULIANO: This might help with my focus in this game... I want to win the next challenge and any other challenge going forward.
MAYA: Maya shares the same ambition.

GIULIANO: I'm glad I'm still here, but I wish it hadn't been at Porsha's expense. I'm going to miss her, just not her singing. Even though she was getting better at it. I hope Luke's not too mad at me for putting him in a position where he had to use his extra votes. I was just trying to save us both, and I succeeded. I just didn't expect it to be at Porsha's expense. Still, I guess that's the nature of the game. I'm going to focus on winning, there are some fierce competitors still in the house.


TERESA: I wish we had more books in here... it'd give me some time to kill and put them all in order.

*TERESA puts the book back onto the shelf.*

TERESA: There we go.

TERESA: Oh how I miss my favourite's at home, instead I have to read these books on challenges... strategy. Would it be too much to ask for some George Orwell or Stephen King?

*SHIRLEY enters.*

SHIRLEY: Um, Teresa... please could I sit down and have a chat with you?
TERESA: Certainly, let's go to the table.

*The two of them sit down at the table.*

TERESA: What would you like to talk about?
SHIRLEY: I have come to make a truce with you... I've been thinking a lot about my time in the house, I got thinking about our friendship... I can admit, we haven't had the best of times together in this house. So, I wanted to know whether you would consider starting fresh.
TERESA: Well, I...

TERESA: Why do you want to become friends now?
SHIRLEY: I hate confrontations... I know, quite a shock considering I'm a detective. What I mean is, I hate to leave things on bad terms with anyone. This game makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do... I'd hate to leave with any regrets. If you want to become friends too that'd be great, but don't feel obliged to do so because I felt bad for my actions.
TERESA: In that case... I would like to apologise to you. My actions have been very unlike me. I'm usually calm and collected but I have felt very insecure while I've been here and more of an outsider than ever before...

TERESA: That might be due to the profession I'm in. Everyone is always out to get you, it's my natural instinct to try and fight back. I realise it isn't always the best approach though. I would like to become your friend Shirley. Let's make a new start.
SHIRLEY: Phew. That is great to hear. I feel better already.
TERESA: Likewise, the tension feels like it has lifted.

SHIRLEY: I agree. Here's to a new friendship.
TERESA: May it be filled with lots of laughter and love!

*TERESA and SHIRLEY share a smile between the two of them.*


*Noises can be heard from the pipes.*

LUKE: Ommmmmmmm... Relax, breathe... Ommmmmmmm...

*A breeze can be felt on the back of LUKE's neck.*

LUKE: Brrr... That's tickles.

*RANDALL enters.*

RANDALL: What ya doin' down there boy?
LUKE: Hot Dog! I'm just doing some meditating, Katharina said it relaxes you.
RANDALL: Ahh, I thought I'd come and check up on ya. How ya feelin' today buddy?

*LUKE gets up from the floor.*

LUKE: H-Honestly, I feel so good! I'm feeling awesome now I know I'm at least on the jury. I'm looking forward to this week. How about you?
RANDALL: I'm not too bad laddie. Bit tired but that's cuz Teresa was snorin'.

LUKE: Yeah, she can snore until the cows come home. Kinda reminds me of my dad a little, he is so loud.
RANDALL: I knew a boy in prison, used to talk in his sleep about Penguins. Fuck knows what that was all about.

LUKE: Ooo, I have an idea! Do you want to meditate with me? There's an extra stool to use, I'd really like the company.
RANDALL: I'm not the meditation type... in it just breathing anyways? I'll pass.
LUKE: I guess so... well, if you change your mind. There's always a space next to me!

*RANDALL leaves. LUKE returns to the stool.*

LUKE: Ommm...

*A big gust of winds blows through the cracks in the wall onto LUKE's neck.*

LUKE: T-they need to... f-finish this house soon.


KATHARINA: I can't believe I am turning 30 this week, I feel so old.
SHIRLEY: Ooh a milestone! We shall have to throw a party for you.
KATHARINA: I expect to have a wild one. Lots of drinks, good food and good music with a load of people I like... well, most of them anyway.

KATHARINA: E-Kat is going to enter her thirties this week and I am super excited! I'm entering the prime of my life now and I am going into it un-apologetically. It is going to be the best party of my life, I can give you that seal of approval right now. I am annoyed that Teresa will be there though, I would have ideally had the devil woman gone by now, but this game isn't as simple as that. Hopefully she'll stay in the corner and stay out of my way.

SHIRLEY: Most? I'm guessing Teresa doesn't fall into that bracket.
SHIRLEY: I had a talk with her earlier... she seems a lot more approachable now. I promised to end my beef with her and start new.

KATHARINA: Please tell me this is a joke? Why would you do that? She's only going to come back ten times worse and make your life hell again.
SHIRLEY: I feel guilty avoiding her. I didn't come here to be mean.
KATHARINA: You're not being mean, you are just being civil. We know what she is like so we avoid anything to do with her so we don't get accused of anything and everything.

SHIRLEY: I'm sorry... I didn't think it'd be a big deal.
KATHARINA: You didn't attest for me did you?
SHIRLEY: No, just myself.
KATHARINA: Good. I won't apologise for what I've done. We are innocent! She has done nothing but start trouble ever since she stepped through that door. I will not give that horrible woman a redemption.

SHIRLEY: E-Kat, she means well... we need to...
KATHARINA: We don't need to anything, she is rude and vile. What she needs is to be evicted from this game. I thought you'd be smarter than to buckle under her pressure Shirley.
SHIRLEY: Fine... whatever.

KATHARINA: I'm trying to protect you Shirley! I don't want her to screw up your chances in this game.
SHIRLEY: ...Thanks.
KATHARINA: ...You're welcome.

*The two sit in silence.*


TERESA: Where is it? I'm sure I put it in the top drawer next to... where is the makeup? How come our things aren't there... Oh no. You have to be joking me.

*TERESA turns towards the bed.*

TERESA: Maya, wake up! MAYA!

*MAYA wakes up from her nap.*

MAYA: Maya is awake... what is happening?
TERESA: Shh! I need to talk to you.
MAYA: Maya needs to get up first, Maya cannot possibly talk in this position.

TERESA: This needs to stay between you and me... I think someone is stealing our possessions again.
MAYA: Maya is shook. Maya wants to know how you know this?
TERESA: My notebook has been taken again... I hid it specifically in the top drawer in this room after last time. Your makeup seems to have gone missing again too.

MAYA: It seems that Maya is not destined to look good effortlessly.
TERESA: I don't think it's a coincidence, someone here is a thief.
MAYA: Maya couldn't possibly pinpoint anyone in particular who it could be.
TERESA: Neither could I... however, I do have a plan.

MAYA: Maya is listening.
TERESA: The thief stopped taking possessions before because they knew we were all onto them. If we keep this between ourselves, we can keep an eye on the others... see what they are doing. I bet the rest of the items are back underneath the kitchen counters. What do you say, are you on board for this challenge? We might be able to find out who it is this time.

MAYA: Maya is saddened someone would take her stuff after before... however, Maya seeks justice. Maya wants to find out who the thief is!
TERESA: Great... remember, not a word to anyone. The less people who know about this, the higher chances we can find the real culprit.


GIULIANO: After you.
LUKE: N-no, you go first.
GIULIANO: Ahem, okay then.

*GIULIANO clears his throat.*

GIULIANO: I want to know if we are still friends, I feel like these past few weeks have been rough... I don't think I could have been as good a friend as I could have been.
LUKE: I-I have felt like I'm your enemy. Especially after Ben left and I still had my extra votes.

GIULIANO: Which is why I didn't want to put you in the eviction position last week... I knew you'd have to use them to stay- it felt very selfish to do so.
LUKE: I had no other choice. It wasn't your fault, you didn't nominate me.
GIULIANO: I didn't. Where do we stand after this?

LUKE: W-Well, we are both still here... and I don't have any extra votes... I guess we can call it even and keep our alliance together. We both do need allies going forward.
GIULIANO: Are we still friends though? Our friendship means a lot more to me than this competition.

LUKE: ...Yeah. We're still friends. For now! W-we need to keep each other safe though from now on, we can't be against each other if we want to make it to the final together.
GIULIANO: That's a good point, I'm glad we're still friends. Thank you.

LUKE: Giuliano has apologised for everything in this game. Both of us seem to just apologise and that's it. We've made a pact now though, Giu and Luke- the final 2! I can keep my side of the bargain, b-but I'm not sure Giu will. I-I hope he will though, I-I don't want to be betrayed by my friends.

LUKE: It's all good.
GIULIANO: Now, what we need to do is win this HOH, once we do that we can...


GIULIANO: Let's go win this Luke!


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to our Sixth HOH challenge. This challenge is called, Around the World in 12 Pictures. In this game, all of you will be shown 12 pictures of our esteemed travellers; Pat and Soobin. They are sat behind you. These pictures will show Pat and Soobin stood in front of famous landmarks in the world.

PAT: Hey ya'll, how you doin'?
SOOBIN: It was really fun doing this challenge for you guys, we got to go to many places and see many landmarks.
PAT: We certainly did.
EVEN: Back to the challenge rules... the pictures you will see, have been tampered with. The only thing you will see clearly on the picture is Pat and Soobin. The rest of the picture will have been blurred to distort the landmark.

EVEN: You must answer as many of the pictures as you can. Once I have received everyone's answers. I will end the challenge and we will have a new HOH. Right, without further or do... let's get this challenge going! Please post the first picture!

SHIRLEY: This is my kind of challenge! If I can decipher or find clues then I am at home, this is my life! I should smash this out of the park if I apply myself. The only issue is, I haven't travelled much so this could get quite interesting.

MAYA: Maya recognises this building, Maya was there once when she was but a small child. Maya is going to write it down.

*MAYA writes down an answer for picture 1.*

SHIRLEY: Can we discuss our answers with anyone else?
EVEN: No you can not.
SHIRLEY: I thought so, jeez this is harder than I expected... then again, I am quite distracted today. I'll just write this one.

*SHIRLEY writes down an answer for picture 2.*

GIULIANO: Hmm, that looks familiar... I'm stuck on two choices though. I think I'll go with my first choice, the way the architecture is done looks more like my first choice.

*GIULIANO writes down his answer.*

SOOBIN: This is intense! I like it.
PAT: It is oddly entertaining. Oh, Katharina is writing something down.
KATHARINA: I don't need constant commentary about every little thing I'm doing.
PAT: Apologises... Katharina is now doing a shrug.
KATHARINA: What did I just say?
PAT: Sorry.

EVEN: Here, we have picture 6!
MAYA: Maya really appreciates your poses ladies.
PAT: Thank you Maya.
RANDALL: Isn't that just a giant fire engine?
PAT: Unfortunately not, no.
SOOBIN: We are planning a trip to see the world's largest fire engine though, more to follow on our travel website.
EVEN: ...No shameless plugs for your own platforms please.

RANDALL: I'mma take mah bike to some of these places after we've done wiv the show. These places look amazin'.

*RANDALL writes down his answer for picture 7.*

LUKE: Hmm, I-I don't seem to recognise it... Oh wait, no I do. It's so clear what building that is now!

*LUKE writes down his answer for picture 9.*

MAYA: Maya is on a roll! Maya knows this one too! Maya is on her way to becoming a travel expert for sure.

*MAYA writes down her answer for picture 9.*

MAYA: Although Maya has been to many places, Maya has not been to them all. Maya used to do a lot of work in history class though. Maya remembers a lot of the historical buildings from the past. Maya thinks this is going to be a huge advantage in this challenge.

SOOBIN: I just got an idea!
PAT: Shoot! What is it?
SOOBIN: How about... we create The Amazing Race? There hasn't been a show like that in... well, years at least.

PAT: That's a really good idea, do you have a camera?
SOOBIN: I have one... we might need a few more.
PAT: Yeah, I think we will.
SOOBIN: We could use some of these housemates though! First leg can be... Argentina!
PAT: Perhaps, we shall see.

TERESA: I'm not convinced on this one... however, I have no other ideas what it could be. It's worth a shot!

*TERESA writes down her answer for picture 10.*

TERESA: Those pictures were harder than I expected to decipher. I think I may need glasses full time because those pictures looked a lot more blurrier than I imagined.

KATHARINA: I only have two picture left... and by the look of things, I think I know them both. Let's put these answers in.
PAT: Katharina is putting in her last...
PAT: Oops, I thought I was quiet.

LUKE: Last one looks like...
PAT: Luke is on his last question... what is he going to write.
LUKE: E-Kat is right, it is slightly annoying when you narrate like that.
PAT: Sorry, I've gotta do something to get paid for my time here.

RANDALL: There we go, last 'un done.
SHIRLEY: I think I'm done too, just need to press submit.

*RANDALL and SHIRLEY finish their quiz.*

GIULIANO: I'm not sure about these questions... then again, I'm confident that I have at least... 6 correct? I'm submitting.
KATHARINA: I'm done. Time to submit.

*GIULIANO and KATHARINA finish their quiz.*

PAT: We are just waiting on the others to finish their quizzes now.
SOOBIN: Who knew quizzing could be so much fun?
PAT: Soob, we both know quizzing is always fun.

*The rest of the housemates submit their quizzes.*

EVEN: And with the last quiz submitted, this HOH has now concluded. I will have a look at all your quizzes and total up who has the highest score. The person with the highest score will win HOH. Following this season's twist, we will not find out who the HOH is. The HOH will now make their nominations in secret- these do not have to be in the diary room, they can be made anywhere in the house as long as the HOH addresses the producer via their microphone at the time of their nominations. I will call everyone back to the ceremony area to begin the nominations ceremony. Good luck everyone! Best of luck to all of you.








SHIRLEY: Better keep this stocked up, Randall will be lost without any drink in here haha.

*SHIRLEY organises one of the compartments of the bar.*

SHIRLEY: There we go. All fully stocked for Hot Dog and anyone else who wants a tipple.

*SHIRLEY rolls down the cover of the compartment.*


SHIRLEY: That was quick, the HOH was not messing around this time.

*Everyone goes to the ceremony area.*

EVEN: Hi guys, welcome back! We have received contact from the HOH and they have selected 2 people to be nominated this week.

EVEN: Before I reveal the nominations, I am going to show you the scores from the HOH. As per usual, names will be kept anonymous but scores will be visible to see for all. Let's have a look at the answers and the scoreboard...

1: Angkor Wat in Cambodia
2: The Louvre Pyramid in France
3: Westminster a.k.a Big Ben in England
4: La Sagrada Familia in Spain
5: Guggenheim Museum in Spain
6: Colosseum in Italy
7: Lotus Temple in India
8: Parthenon in Greece
9: Bran Castle in Romania
10: Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Turkey
11: Sao Paulo Museum in Brazil
12: Flatiron Building in USA

???- 12
???- 12
???- 11
???- 7
???- 6
???- 3

EVEN: It looks like we have a tie for first place... this means we have had to fall on our tie-breaker question to choose a winner... The tie-breaker question was...

"How much is the Abnormality House worth?"

EVEN: The answer was in fact... $179,184. One housemates answered $285,800, however they are further away than the other housemates who answered $200,000. That means, the housemate who answered $200,000 on the tie-breaker is now the HOH!

*EVEN clears his throat.*

EVEN: Now that we have handled that... it's time to reveal who has been nominated...

*Intense music plays.*

EVEN: I can now reveal that the TWO nominees this week are...
















EVEN: Giuliano and Teresa!

GIULIANO: This doesn't get any easier.
TERESA: Wow, this is becoming a regular thing now huh?

EVEN: I'm sorry guys but you have been nominated by the Anonymous HOH. No worries though, you still have a chance to save yourselves in the POP challenge where you are automatically enrolled to play.

EVEN: On that note, the nominations ceremony is adjourned! I will see you all again at the POP challenge, where one person will win the veto and gain the power to remove one of the nominees from the block if they so choose to. Goodbye everybody!
ALL: Bye.

GIULIANO: This is the second week in a row that I'm nominated and I feel deflated. It's going to take a lot of power to get myself off the block, but I have the stamina to fight through this.

TERESA: I feel like a safe option to nominate at this point, 3 nominations in total now. I must be considered a major threat with all the nominations, oh well, keep them coming- if I have to be nominated every week up until the final then so be it.


GIULIANO: Looks like I've joined the nominations club again, we need to think of a plan for this week.
LUKE: The best thing to do would be to get you off the chopping block.
GIULIANO: What if you are put up in my place though?

LUKE: It's cool, I've survived two evictions already. A third one would make a hat trick.
GIULIANO: Seriously though, I don't want you going home on the basis I saved myself again.

GIULIANO: We need to find out who the HOH is this week and see what their plans are with this power.
LUKE: I-I can do some undercover work, people won't suspect I'm fishing for information based on my character.

GIULIANO: Whatever happens, I refuse to let either one of us go this week. We have to get to the final together!
LUKE: I should be feeling sad, but I'm feeling confident... let's get you off the block Giu!


TERESA: Nominated, yet again.
SHIRLEY: I'm sad that you're on the block again. The others are skating by, using you as a pawn.
TERESA: I know, I shouldn't be too annoyed though...

TERESA: I'm seen as a threat in this house... that to me is the biggest compliment that could be said in this game.
SHIRLEY: You have been good in challenges and you have survived eviction before.

TERESA: Who bets it was Katharina who nominated me again.
SHIRLEY: She did have a few choice words to say about you earlier.
TERESA: Did she? That's a shame we can't make peace, we are both adults it seems- it wouldn't hurt to end our feud and continue living together in this house without ill will.

SHIRLEY: I'd like to rule her out... but she does seem very enthusiastic about her hatred for you. I can only hope she can see sense in making amends.
TERESA: I'd be willing to set our dislike for each other aside.
SHIRLEY: I know. I'll try and see if I can do anything about it.

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality. After the events of this episode, Giuliano and Teresa find themselves on the block- but will either of them be able to save themselves in the POP challenge? We'll have to find out next time on Abnormality!


Giuliano Da Vinci (SimTresa)
Katharina 'E-Kat' Ehrmann (YJB19299)
Luke Peralta (HayloHusky)
Maya Carter (kittymeow)
Randall 'Hot Dog' McScruff (twiddle3)
Shirley Watson (Shadami)
Teresa Gonzales (icmnfrsh)

8th: Peter Romano/Porsha Royale (ninjakid150)
9th: Benvolio Di Bounce (M13Vulpecula)
10th: Willow Wisp (lovesstorms)
11th: Crystal Harper (Alleenmens)
12th: Wes Helms (Tigerblu11)