Tuesday 31 December 2019

5.9: Third Eviction

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Griffin and Stewart found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH: Janelle. Jin went on to win the POP challenge and used the veto to save Stewart from the chopping block. Brandon was nominated to replace Stewart on the block following the use of Jin's veto. Now that the eviction day is here, Brandon or Griffin will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

GRIFFIN: So do I have your vote?
BLAIR: Griff, man. This is hard. I love you and Brandon so much.
GRIFFIN: I understand, I would like you to choose me but if you don't want to then I'll be at peace with it.
BLAIR: ...You know what, I will save you. You've had my back since day one, I can't forget that.

GRIFFIN: I'm grateful, I truly am.
BLAIR: No worries dude. I want to keep my friends close to me! You've supported me when I was down in the dumps, not many people would have done that... plus... I'm not happy with this rally to get you out that Janelle has been pushing this week. It has been super unfair for you, just because of a pawn nomination for her.

BLAIR: This vote is the hardest for me so far. I am close to both Brandon and Griffin and whoever goes home tonight, it'll be a massive disadvantage to my game... I need to think wisely about my options and vote out the one who is going to have the least effect on my game. I'll miss the housemate going home too, it won't be the same in the house that's for sure.

GRIFFIN: I feel like I need to talk to Janelle about that. She has got even now with me being still on the block. I'd like to build a bridge with her after this.
BLAIR: It's okay to do that, she comes off as very immature for her age though. I guess maturity isn't calculated on how old you are though.
GRIFFIN: True, but I'm sure there's a reason for her being the way she is.

BLAIR: She's turning into Chef Bertha a little bit.
GRIFFIN: I don't think she's that bad. No where near as bad.
BLAIR: Are you sure? She's very particular about the kitchen now, just the other day she went ballistic over the bedroom being messy. When we first began this game she didn't give much attention to it.

GRIFFIN: Chef Bertha used to focus mostly on that though, it was her duty.
BLAIR: I still don't like it, I like her as a person don't get me wrong... but, I just can't deal with it when she gets all holier than thou with us all.
GRIFFIN: Yeah it can be a lot to handle. I'm sure once I sit down and talk with her it'll be able to smooth out any issues we have though.

BLAIR: If you need me to sit in with you I'd be happy to do so, you know in case things take a turn for the worst.
GRIFFIN: There's no need but thank you, I doubt it'll get to arguments.
BLAIR: Okay, if you say so. I'm just looking out for you.
GRIFFIN: I know and I am appreciative.


BRANDON: I'm happy you both took the time out to listen to me. It really means a lot to me.
LANA: I'm always interested in hearing people's stories. It's one of the reasons I enjoy acting so much.
BRANDON: So what do you guys think?! Are you going to save me today?

BRANDON: Trust me, this week has been a total roller coaster for me. First was the letter from my deceased Grandfather, then me failing at the challenge, and now I'm nominated again. I do like Janelle and I'm not really holding a grudge on her, yet I'm very confused with her reasoning. Why does she think she was a surprise nomination? She knew that Chef Bertha wasn't popular and seen as a threat, and as she was her only ally, we couldn't risk her ruining the plan to get Bertha out! I know we bonded, but in my opinion she needs a reality check of what this game is. People get nominated and eliminated, and being bitter about it and trying to scare people off is not cute or classy for that matter. She is digging her own grave by acting like this, as much as I like her. I mean this is my second time facing eviction, and while me gunning for Bertha seemed petty, it was purely because her spirit was a serious mood killer and she was already on the block. That being said, even though the second time won't be any easier, I know I'm going to be fighting for my place. 10th may be way better than last, but it is still too early. I know I have Jin and Trix to support me, and I think I might get Blair too if Griffin doesn't beat me to it. Maybe I should also talk to Lana and Amar... I haven't really talked with them a lot since we arrived, which is a shame, but both seem nice. If things don't work, I know I did all I could, and I know I can go out of this house with a smile on my face. No matter how this ends, I will take it as it is. But until then, let's get to business!

AMAR: I will be honest, I will listen to Griffin's proposal too and come to an outcome... however, I am convinced to vote in your favour at the moment.
LANA: I'll also need to think about it Brandon, you're a really nice guy and I'd hate to see you go, but I also like Griffin too.
BRANDON: Okay, well thanks guys that is... ugh, somewhat reassuring... a little.

AMAR: I'd rather be honest you know, I could easily say I'm voting your way and then at the eviction vote for you to go home.
BRANDON: That is true! I like your honesty.
LANA: I will say though, if Griffin doesn't approach me I will be voting him out. I think if you want to stay, you should try your best to let people know that.
BRANDON: True, did you also hear about some of the stuff he's been doing?

AMAR: No, what has he done?

*BRANDON stands from his seat.*

BRANDON: Ask Janelle, there's more to her nomination than just being upset over her nomination last week.
LANA: That's interesting, I wonder what has gone on?
BRANDON: I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon.

AMAR: I was unsure today of who to vote, Brandon however made mention of an incident that may have happened between Griffin and Janelle that we are unaware of though. I believe the only way to truly uncover this is if Griffin tells us about it. If he doesn't... I feel that my decision will be easier to make today.

AMAR: My mind is imagining what could have happened now... I'm interested to find out what has occurred.
LANA: It truly is a mystery... speaking of mysteries... I know a secret in this house. A secret I want to talk about.
AMAR: A secret? Who is this about? Is it something that could affect the vibrations of the house?

LANA: Well, I'm not entirely sure... perhaps I should save it until after the eviction.
AMAR: Are you sure? I'm all ears!
LANA: ...No, I think I'll keep it for another day.
AMAR: Okay.

LANA: I was close to revealing my secret to Amar. I will tell him eventually but today is not the day to do so... I know he'd be very open to the fact that I am a mermaid, but I don't feel it would be appropriate to do so considering the eviction is here in the next few hours!


JONAH: I'm sure I put my purple hoodie in here, where has it gone?

*JONAH searches through the clothes hamper.*

JONAH: Is this it? Oh man, it's lost the colour! I thought you only lost the colour once you washed it.
???: Jonah!

LINDI: Jonah! I'm over here.
JONAH: Lindi?! You're back!
LINDI: I am mister, come over to the mirror.
JONAH: I have missed you so much! It has been rough without you here.

*JONAH turns to the mirror.*

JONAH: You are as beautiful as I remembered.
LINDI: Stop it Jonah!
JONAH: Make me!
LINDI: ...How are you my love? You're still here in the game!
JONAH: I'm doing well... I know, I thought I'd have gone first but I'm still here playing for you!

LINDI: Why are you shocked? You are an awesome person! I think the other's have noticed that right from the bat.
JONAH: You think so? I've been a bit of an ass to some of them... especially Brandon.
LINDI: Because of Charlotte?
JONAH: I... well, ugh...
LINDI: Jonah, it's okay! In fact, I think you and her would have been cute.

JONAH: Really? You think so?
LINDI: Yeah, she was a nice girl. I can see why you liked her.
JONAH: I wish I could have been more honest with my feelings about her when she was still here. I know I've only known her a week but there was something different, something special.
LINDI: I saw it... I do want you to know one thing though, do not feel guilty for moving on! I'll still be around and I'll always be there for you. Go and live your life, you have so much to give!

JONAH: I will do Lindi! Thank you for being my rock... I love you!
LINDI: Love you forever!

*JONAH holds back a tear.*

JONAH: Me too.

JONAH: I saw her again! She gave me some inspiring messages and I feel alive again! I felt so guilty having feelings for Charlotte but I know that Lindi wants me to move on with my life and to find someone as special as she was! Happy emotions, all of them, I'm feeling them right now!


JANELLE: Lovey, I am missing my telly. I've got a lot of Antiques Roadshow to catch up on dear.
JIN: I don't watch lots'a TV. I read more books and news.
JANELLE: There's this one book I was enamoured with dear! It was about this little man and a tiger, it had me on the edge of my seat it did.
JIN: Life of Pi? Book is good.

TRICERATOPS: Oooh! We've got the first look at the new Abnormality Kart guys! Are ya'll ready to have a look?
JANELLE: I probably won't be playing the game dear.
JIN: Same, I more like to do crosswords or puzzle.
JANELLE: The generation of today are much more savvy with the technology, I can barely operate my laptop at home!

TRICERATOPS: I absolutely love the oldies in this house! They're so weird and odd but beautiful, I absolutely love them! I'm going to make my challenge for the season to get Janelle and Jin to be expert Abnormality Kart players, they need to play the game!!!

JIN: Oooh! Look at everyone.
JANELLE: That big pink beast and the green fairy is on there lovey.
TRICERATOPS: Yassss! I love playing the guest hosts, my favourite last season was Pook and Godric!
JANELLE: Were those two the big queer gnome and bunny?
TRICERATOPS: Yes, that was them.

JIN: Those games are bad for eyes, a friend got square eyes from too much screen on them!
JANELLE: It can turn into a rather unhealthy addiction, my niece is suffering from square eyes too from playing on video games too much!
TRICERATOPS: Is square eyes a thing? I thought it was just a saying.

JANELLE: Oh no, it's a real time issue, isn't it Jin?
JIN: I can confirm, square eyes are huge problem with youth of today.
TRICERATOPS: The more you know! I better only play this game for 10 hours instead... so, who should I play as guys?

*TRICERATOPS looks through the character roster.*

JANELLE: Play as yourself dear!
TRICERATOPS: That's a good idea actually! Watch out guys, Trix is here to slay the competition... and win some races of course, mwahahaha!

*TRICERATOPS picks herself and selects a course to race on.*

JIN: I watch the new game and I don't get. I drive around in car for 3 laps and then I win? I remember race when run from one end to other, no one drove cars in races where I live. The only other thing to race was horses, I never did it... maybe I should ride horse one day.


BRANDON: I'm so glad you are voting in my favour. I'm incredibly grateful!
STEWART: I-I am just helping a friend, I-I would have saved Griffin, b-but it seems like he is becoming a target in this game. I-It could be bad for both of us to keep aligned with him.
BRANDON: You've got a good point Stewie.

STEWART: I-I have noticed that you have a fire in you, I-It's ever since you read that letter from your grandfather!
BRANDON: It touched my heart it did, it sparked something that had been hidden inside of me. It puts things into perspective for sure.
STEWART: T-That is so good to hear, I-I wish I had a relationship like that with my grandfather.

STEWART: I have thought about saving Brandon today but by gosh I'm so tired of him talking about his fucking family. WE GET IT! JEEZ, give us all a break man. I get it, you love your kid and that's great but please don't feel entitled to think I give a shit...
PRODUCER: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
STEWART: Piss off you fool!

BRANDON: He used to play Dracula with me as a kid, I'd play as Van Helsing and he used the sleeve of his robe to hide from me. It was so much fun, I think you'd have got on well with him.
STEWART: H-He sounds like a hoot.
BRANDON: I'm sorry you didn't have a good relationship with your grandfather.

STEWART: H-He was very traditional, when I told him and my family about becoming an actor I-I was shunned and told to get a 'real job'. I-I would like more money but I-I love what I do. It's a magical experience.
BRANDON: I was never much of the showman type, I think you need a certain type of personality to do it.

STEWART: Y-You never know until you give it a go!
BRANDON: I'll pass but thank you... right, I'm going to go freshen up for the eviction. I'll see you there buddy!
STEWART: B-Bye Bran.

*BRANDON leaves to go freshen up.*

STEWART: So, Mr. Family Man wants me to vote his way... he does seem to be raking in the support, perhaps I should throw a spanner into the works for him... Don't forget to be wary of Griffin though! He's a lot smarter than he lets on, don't want to let slip any little titbit that I'm not being who I truly am.


JANELLE: You wanted to see me lovey?
GRIFFIN: Yes! I want to talk about my nomination... and about your previous nomination last week.
JANELLE: Oh god... must I get us both something strong to get through this?
GRIFFIN: No, I think we can settle this easily.

GRIFFIN: There has been some unresolved tension between me and Janelle ever since day one I believe. Since then with Janelle's nomination last week and my nomination this week, it has created this rift between us which confuses me since I'm not sure how it has evolved to this stage. I do think talking this out will benefit our relationship greatly though, if not put this whole debacle to bed.

GRIFFIN: I'd like to know if we have resolved this rivalry we have at the moment? I have nominated you and in retaliation you have nominated me which is fine. Looking at it from both perspectives, are we even now?
JANELLE: Darling, I accept the fact that we have settled our predicament now. I think you have learned your lesson from last week and for that I am willing to go forward as civilised people.

GRIFFIN: I do think you need to take some responsibility, I've learned my lesson but you also must have learned something from the past week?
JANELLE: I have, I will keep it with me for the rest of my game.
GRIFFIN: That is good to hear.
JANELLE: I must say, I was also bothered by laziness and gang-handidness lovey.
GRIFFIN: Laziness? Gang-handidness? I'm not sure what you're talking about.

JANELLE: Oh loveys! I insinuated that Griffin annoyed me with his approach to me in this house, especially with the gang-handed nature him and his buddies have had. I do believe that little group planned for me to go up last week and it needs to stop! This behaviour can't continue dears.

JANELLE: You, Brandon... and the helps of Stewie and Blair ganging up on people and taking them out, like Chef Bertha for example. I understand that alliances happen, but I feel her eviction was tainted with this negativity from yourselves.
GRIFFIN: I had no malice towards her, it's just that her spirit was pulling everyone down, you must have seen it?
JANELLE: ...I will admit that she was a little... zealous, but she was still a human being with emotions and feelings lovey.

GRIFFIN: I do think it could have been handled better, that's for sure.
JANELLE: I'm not saying not to have voted her out, but my gosh should you all have been a little bit more delicate.
GRIFFIN: I agree... now what is with the laziness?
JANELLE: You've been leaving dishes in the bedrooms, throwing the duvets around and disturbing the clothes in the hanging areas.

GRIFFIN: That news to me! I don't eat in the bedrooms and my bed and area is clean, almost perfection to be frank!
JANELLE: Blair told me it was you dear.
GRIFFIN: Did she now? Why would she say that to you? It wasn't me.
JANELLE: Hmm... why would she say that if it wasn't you?



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the third eviction ceremony of Season 5! Tonight, one of our wonderful nominees will be sent packing and will leave the competition.

EVEN: In today's eviction each of you will have the chance to vote one of your nominees on the chopping block to leave the competition. The housemate on the block who receives the most votes to evict will leave the competition immediately.

EVEN: Brandon and Griffin, as you are the nominees this week you are not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony this week, is this clear?
GRIFFIN: Absolutely.

EVEN: Janelle, as you are the current reigning HOH you are also not eligible to vote in this eviction ceremony. If the house fails to come to a majority vote, you will get the chance to decide who will go home though. Is this clear?
JANELLE: Yes lovey.

EVEN: Following the reveal of this season's twist, each housemate has the right to abstain from voting twice this season. Abstaining will give you an advantage in the next HOH challenge and could prove to be the difference between winning and losing. As you all have been made aware, if anyone wants to abstain from voting this week please say so now.
LANA: Even, I would like to abstain from voting this week!
STEWART: Even, I-I would like to abstain from voting this week!
EVEN: Well done Lana & Stewart. For abstaining I award you both with an advantage in the next HOH challenge! Use it well... Would anyone else like to abstain before we begin voting?
ALL: ...
EVEN: Okay, with that it's time to begin the voting!

EVEN: IT IS TIME TO VOTE! The first housemate who will be casting their vote tonight is... JIN!
JIN: I vote first?!
EVEN: Yes, good luck nominees!
JIN: Do this now.


JIN: I would like to evict ______ because I am close to other and could not betray.

AMAR: I would like to evict ______ because... I'd rather not say my reason today if that's okay?
PRODUCER: That is fine, please next time provide a reason though.
AMAR: Understood.

JONAH: I am going to evict ______ because this person has failed to persuade me to save him in the vote tonight.

BLAIR: I am going to evict _______ because you have seen something you shouldn't have done!

TRICERATOPS: I am going to evict ______ because I do believe this is my best move heading forward, that's like my reasoning most weeks but it's the truth! I'm looking forward, always. Sorry to see you go, if you do.

EVEN: Thank you for your vote Triceratops! All housemates have now voted and the votes will be tallied up. Please could you return to the ceremony area Triceratops!

*TRICERATOPS exits to the ceremony area.*



EVEN: Welcome back guys! Are you happy with your votes?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Very well!

EVEN: Now, I have tallied up everyone's votes for tonight and we have come to a majority vote!
ALL: Ooooh!
EVEN: I hope everyone is ready! It's time to find out which one of our nominees will be going home tonight...

EVEN: Good luck nominees! I can now reveal, with a vote of 4-1... the housemate who will be leaving tonight is...





















EVEN: Brandon!
BRANDON: Aww man, that sucks.
EVEN: I'm very sorry Brandon. Unfortunately you have been evicted from the house, please may I ask you to leave immediately.

*BRANDON stands up from the block.*

BRANDON: I just want to say before I go, thank you for all being a part of this! I've had the time of my life and I wouldn't change anything.
TRICERATOPS: We're gonna miss you Brandon!

*BRANDON heads for the main door.*

BRANDON: Bye guys! I'm gonna miss you all! I'm coming home Abby! Daddy's coming.

*BRANDON leaves the house as the third evicted housemate this season.*

BRANDON: Goodbye guys! Brandon Cohen, signing out.
EVEN: And that is the last of Brandon in this game.

EVEN: Brandon has finished in 10th place. Although we have lost Brandon for now, we shall see him again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 10 of you have become 9. You are all one step closer to becoming the winner of Abnormality! I'll see you all next week for our fourth HOH challenge. Bye everyone!
ALL: Bye Even.

GRIFFIN: I am incredibly happy to remain in this house! Now that we are down to 9 housemates, the stakes are getting even more high and I cannot afford to be on the block again. I need to come back swinging next week and take the game back into my hands.

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Brandon was unable to save himself and has been evicted from the house. I would like to say a massive thank you to YJB19299 for submitting Brandon for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will win the fourth HOH challenge and whether Lana and Stewart's advantage will be worthwhile. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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