Sunday 22 December 2019

5.8: Bizarre Things

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Janelle was successful in the HOH challenge and won the chance to nominate two of her fellow housemates for eviction. Janelle decided to nominate Griffin and Stewart. Following the nominations, will Griffin or Stewart be able to save themselves from the block? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!


*A loud snore can be heard.*

JIN: What that? I think it come from outside.

TRICERATOPS: Hmm... pool... splashing around like... a majestic frog!

*TRICERATOPS falls in and out of sleep, dreaming in between.*

TRICERATOPS: Can't catch me Mr. Investigator. I... I don't have the marshmallows!
JIN: Trix?!

*TRICERATOPS breaks out from her sleep and looks across at JIN who has come to find the source of the snoring.*

JIN: You okay? I hear snore, not sure what it be.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah! I'm goooood.
JIN: Why you in the pool?
TRICERATOPS: I am? Oh yeah, I am! I wondered why I was all wet.

JIN: You need sleep in bed, not outside.
TRICERATOPS: I did go to bed, I must have gone for a walk in my sleep.
JIN: Trix a sleep walker? Didn't know.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah! I like to walk about when I'm sleeping! I have no control over it, sometimes I just want to stop in bed and the next minute I am on top of a circus tent- true story.

*TRICERATOPS gets out of the pool and wakes up.*

JIN: Need a towel, won't dry with just air.
TRICERATOPS: I'll be fine, I'll just shake like dogs do. They always get dry after they've been for a swim.
JIN: Not that simple. Dog's get most water off but they still wet.
TRICERATOPS: Oh. See, I'm more of a cat person so I wouldn't have known that. My bad.

JIN: I need to wash my goatee, after you play darts with me?
TRICERATOPS: That sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in... I may need to go change first though... or maybe not, I'm kind of diggin' this outfit as it is.
JIN: Swimsuit not outfit.
TRICERATOPS: It's not just a swimsuit Jin, I have a hat on which shouts couture! Trust me, I know my fashion.


JANELLE: Now Stewart lovey, before I continue you do know why I nominated you don't you?
STEWART: Y-Yeah. I-I understand, you think I had something to do with your nomination last week.
JANELLE: Correct, I know you didn't nominate me directly, but you had the opportunity to avoid Griffin doing so.
STEWART: I-I did try, h-he is just very... what's the word... enthusiastic about his game.

JANELLE: Loveys, don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely delighted that I won power and nominated Griffin, I hope this week will teach everyone that I am not to be messed with. If you want to challenge my place in this game, then a challenge I will give them dears! I haven't survived this long from being 'nice'. I've shown people that it takes real strength to get what you want! You mark my words lovey, you want trouble- I will give you trouble!

JANELLE: I believe you could have done more. On another note though, I want to assure you that I don't want you to go home this week. You are merely my pawn.
STEWART: D-Does that mean you want Griffin gone?
JANELLE: At this moment of the game, yes. I think he is a lot more slick than he lets on dear... he's a sly fox.

STEWART: H-He has been playing a good game until now.
JANELLE: He has, he tells a lot of porkies and I don't appreciate that. I tell you now lovey, he is trouble and he will bring you down with him. I don't want him to ruin your game dear.
STEWART: H-He won't. If he tries to betray me, I-I will make sure he doesn't get away with it.

JANELLE: You'll be brave to do that, but I feel you must when it comes down to the nitty gritty.
STEWART: Is there anyone you'd suggest I trust other than him?
JANELLE: You can trust me lovey, you can trust Blair too. She's mischief but I think her heart is in the right place.
STEWART: I-I should talk with her, I-I haven't talked to her since last week.

JANELLE: I think that would be marvellous. You don't want to get involved in his gang-handed behaviour.
STEWART: Y-You're right.
JANELLE: I'm going to get lunch ready. If you need me dear, I'll be in the kitchen.

*JANELLE leaves the room.*

STEWART: Stupid fucking cunt! You can't be serious to think Griffin has any ill intentions... I can't wait to get out of this house... the people are so vacuous. I feel like I'm getting less intelligent everyday being in their presence. Ugh. I better get back into character quick, don't want any of them morons catching onto my 'act'.

*STEWART prepares himself to be 'STEWART' again.*

STEWART: This character I have created has completely hoodwinked EVERYONE in this house! I must say I'm quite proud of myself for keeping the character going for this long, how many professional actors do you know who could do that, huh? That's right, none of them could!


BLAIR: It's time to EAT! What should I have first? Hmm... Let's get some peas down! Start small, I don't want to get too full quickly.

*BLAIR takes the peas and scoffs them.*

BLAIR: Mmm! This is so good. Who'd have thought I'd be getting my life over some peas... I need some more food! What else have we got here?

BLAIR: I find it so ironic that when we had an actual chef here all I could eat was slop and now she's gone and I can finally eat proper food, there's no one to make it to a good enough level. Just my luck I tell ya... Never mind, I'm going to have the meal of all meals! I got a lot of eating to catch up on.

AMAR: Hey Blair! What's going on here?
BLAIR: I'm finally getting a feast for myself!
AMAR: Yeah, there's a lot of food here. How much of our stock did you use to make all of this?
BLAIR: Well, most of it was already made and in the fridge, the cake took quite a few ingredients to make though.

AMAR: Right...
BLAIR: It's all good though, there's still plenty left for everyone else! I just had to get something with an ounce of substance down me. I need those nutrients!
AMAR: You have been on slop for the last two weeks...
BLAIR: You remember how it tastes from week one, it is horrid stuff. They get better things to eat in prison.

AMAR: It was an experience that I'd rather not have again.
BLAIR: See! Don't you worry about anything, I'll only have this here and then I'll wash up all the dirty plates. There's plenty of food left for everyone else.
AMAR: Okay, just be a bit more thoughtful of others next time, in case we don't have the supplies to cater for you.

BLAIR: Come here meatballs!

*BLAIR eats the meatballs.*

BLAIR: Mmm! I shouldn't be getting this excited but I feel great! Boy, have I missed you food.

*AMAR leaves.*

BLAIR: Amar! Come and have some food with me!
AMAR: No thank you, I'm off to the bathroom.
BLAIR: Okay, if you change my mind I'll be here.

*AMAR gets out of earshot of BLAIR.*

AMAR: You are going to get some bad karma... there's nothing worse to upset a house than to eat there entire supply! That could give them good reason to nominate you...


BRANDON: I'm glad we could have a quick meeting before the POP challenge today, we need to discuss your nomination.
GRIFFIN: I agree, I think the best approach towards this would be to save me. I know we've had a good alliance with Stewart but I'm more at risk of going home. People like Stewie in the house.

BRANDON: Yeah, Stewie seems to be loved by a few people in this house. Even Janelle loves him and she nominated him, at least she was transparent about what her plans with him were.
GRIFFIN: Yes, that is definitely somewhat interesting to see what she has planned. At least we can say I'm the first target on her hit list.

BRANDON: That isn't going to happen though, hopefully I can play in this challenge and when I do, I'll win for you!
GRIFFIN: Thanks Brandon, I totally appreciate it man.
JONAH: I'd like to play too, I'm thinking of getting my first win today.
GRIFFIN: That'd be great, you'd use it on me wouldn't you?
JONAH: I don't see why not, we're good friends.

GRIFFIN: I am quite nervous today, I really hope I can get the veto and remove myself from the block, especially after Janelle publicly announced that she wanted me gone. I know she didn't explicitly say that, but the feeling she had while announcing that definitely felt that I was first on her hit list. All I have to do is give it my all, that's all I can do!

JONAH: I think you may have the numbers to save yourself Griffin. You have me and Brandon, I'm sure Blair would vote your way too from what I've heard.
GRIFFIN: I wish Blair was here to discuss this, she's busy chowing down on anything and everything.
JONAH: ...Lindi?

BRANDON: I think we need to have a talk with Jin too, the guy has got a full bag of tricks to pull out of his sleeve. Trix might be a good shout too to get some power behind us.
JONAH: Lindi? What are you doing here?
BRANDON: Ugh, are you okay Jonah?
JONAH: Lindi! She's behind you.

BRANDON: ...There's no one behind me Jonah.
JONAH: She was right there! Stood right there. How come I'm the only one who is seeing her?
GRIFFIN: Are you sure you are okay Jonah? Do you want to talk?
JONAH: I'm... fine. Trust me, I'm fine!
BRANDON: Okay buddy.

JONAH: I keep seeing Lindi! Why am I seeing her in this house?
PRODUCER: Jonah, do you want to talk to one of our professionals?
JONAH: No, I'm not struggling... I keep seeing Lindi, she keeps appearing in this house to me but not the others.
PRODUCER: Jonah, ghosts don't exist. None of the cameras have caught any sign of Lindi.
JONAH: ...I'm not losing my mind, she's here I know it.


*DAIMYO COOP SNOOP jumps onto the sofa and sits down next to JIN.*

JIN: Hello samurai! Where you been all morning?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I went for a snooze and then I've been grooming myself.
JIN: Jin stroke Coop yeah?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Feel free, I could do with some attention for a change.

JIN: I thought, never talk to a raccoon. Look now, I talk to a raccoon in gold armour!
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Technically you're speaking to a randomly generated voice box, who knows what the actual raccoon is thinking.
JIN: So, not talking to Coop?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Yes and no, we read waves of thoughts from Coop but translating them to actual words can be difficult.


JIN: I don't need word to tell me how he feeling. He look happy with scratching and rubbing his chin.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I must say, this is divine old chap!
JIN: Glad you here, get lonely in here sometimes. Don't speak to younger crowd much.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Oh, why is that?

JIN: No one likes old story from time ago, they want use new words and use phones and streams. All technical stuff, so I go in the house, alone. Sit down and clear thoughts, remember of back home and family.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I would suggest talking to as many people as you can, it may be able to help with the loneliness.
JIN: I know. I should try a bit more.

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Make sure to get my belly, I love a good scratch there.
JIN: Of course.

*JIN scratches DAIMYO COOP SNOOP's chin and then rubs his belly.*

JIN: Brandon I'm close with, Brandon remind me of son.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: You did get close to him in week one.
JIN: I like him, I would like to have others like too.

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: The best thing to do, is just to talk to them. They'll listen, they are nice people.
JIN: You are right, I will talk as soon I can.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Don't forget if you do want to talk, I'm always here.
JIN: Thank you Coop.


LANA: I'm enjoying my time in the house, I've now made an alliance with Amar and hopefully getting Trix on board. I think this could be the most funkiest top 3 you're ever going to see! If we all make it that far of course, which I hope we will... I do have a slight little niggle that keeps rearing it's head though. I keep thinking whether I should be fully genuine with the both of them and tell them my true origins? I know Trix would be fine with it, but I'm hesitant about Amar.

TRICERATOPS: Will I be in an alliance with you and Amar? Of course I would girlfriend! No one has really asked me for any type of allegiance just yet.
LANA: They haven't?
TRICERATOPS: No, people just kind of assume I'm on their team, wow, I'm officially part of a team!
LANA: Welcome to the alliance... I'm glad you're on our team Trix. I think it's gonna be fun!

TRICERATOPS: Tell me about it! I can't wait.
LANA: I've been thinking... since we are all in an alliance now. I think it'd be best to be 100% honest with each other... about strategy, tactics, gameplay.
TRICERATOPS: Absolutely, it's a must.
LANA: And about people... I am nervous but I have something to tell you.
TRICERATOPS: Ooh, secrets! I have one too.
LANA: You do?

TRICERATOPS: I once babysat my friend's cat and said it had escaped... but it didn't I kept it for myself because it was so darn cuuute!
LANA: Wow, that is definitely a unique secret.
TRICERATOPS: It's okay, I had to give the cat back when my friend found out. Sorry Beth, it won't happen again sweetie!
LANA: Mine is kind of... personal.
TRICERATOPS: I see, well... if this helps... from my experience, it gets better. Then again, it wasn't too bad to begin with.

LANA: It gets better? OH! No, I'm not a lesbian.
TRICERATOPS: Ohhhh! My bad. What is it?
LANA: I... there's no easy way to say this... I'm a mermaid!
TRICERATOPS: A mermaid? Where's your tail?
LANA: I have one, I can walk on land though so it evaporates. My tail only comes out in the water, so does my blue skin.

TRICERATOPS: That sounds freaking awesome! Can I see your transformation at some point?
LANA: I can show you, I'd need to have a water source though. The only place I can really do it is in the bath.
TRICERATOPS: We could do it tonight when everyone is asleep!
LANA: Okay, we can do that... should I tell Amar?
TRICERATOPS: Absolutely! After seeing Akos the Alien he's definitely in a new mind set- he told me he's had an awakening.

TRICERATOPS: I cannot believe I am friends with a mermaid! A MERMAID PEOPLE! I only thought Ariel was the only mermaid I knew, but no Lana comes in with this hidden banana and shakes the basket. I can't wait to see what she looks like as a mermaid though, IT IS SOOOOOO COOL!

LANA: That is interesting, very well, I'll tell him... after the POP challenge.
TRICERATOPS: You want me to be there with you?
LANA: I'd like that. I could do with the support.
TRICERATOPS: Yay, I got your back sister!




EVEN: Hello housemates! It's time for the third POP challenge. Six of you will compete in the challenge tonight for the chance to win the VETO! This veto will be able to remove one of the nominees currently sat on the chopping block. If the veto is used and one of the nominees is saved, the current reigning HOH must select a replacement nominee to take the empty seat on the block. The final nominees after this challenge will face eviction at the end of the week. Now, let's see who has been picked for today's POP challenge...

EVEN: As the current reigning HOH; Janelle you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
JANELLE: As expected lovey.

EVEN: Griffin, as one of the nominees on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
GRIFFIN: Wish me the best of luck.

EVEN: Stewart, as the second nominee on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
STEWART: I-I hope I can win this one.

EVEN: And now by random selection, the following housemates who will also be competing in the POP challenge tonight! First up... Amar!
AMAR: Woo! I am excited for this challenge.

EVEN: The next housemate to play is... Jin!
JIN: I was hoping for quiet day, never mind.

EVEN: Our final housemate to play is... Jonah!
JONAH: My first POP! Hopefully my first win too, right?

EVEN: I hope you are all prepared, it is time to play the POP challenge! Please can all six of you head to the challenge arena!


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to The Smokestack! Home of old classical theatres and vintage decorated tea rooms. Today, all of you will put your detail skills to the test as you will all be solving anagrams!

EVEN: On the giant screen before you, anagrams of words related to Abnormality will be displayed on here. You will have to figure out what the word behind the anagram is. Each anagram will be worth 1 point. In addition to this, you will also select a special category for 5 anagrams that are related to that topic. The 5 special category anagrams will be worth 2 points each. Altogether, 20 points are available in this challenge.

EVEN: Once all of the anagrams have been shown, your tablets will unlock and you can submit your answers. Once you have inputted all of your answers and you are confident in your score, press submit and we will collect your scores. Are you all ready to play?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Great! Let's begin!

*The anagrams begin to fade in on the screen.*

JONAH: What we know so far is that these words refer to Abnormality in some way. That should be able to help us a little bit and rule out a load of words from the get go.
JIN: Good, I'm not sure of many words for show.

STEWART: I-I think I know what the first one is. T-there's way too many letters for it to be just one word.
JONAH: Can we have an anagram with more than one word in it?
EVEN: I can confirm that some of the anagrams contain more than one word, sometimes two or three.

JANELLE: I'm glad this is the challenge I am in! My great attention to detail is going to help me a lot loveys.
GRIFFIN: You're not the only one with a good eye for detail. I think I already know the first two that have been up.
JANELLE: You've never worked in administration dear, it is much more complex, trust me on that.

AMAR: I'm following my gut feeling and impressions I'm getting from the anagrams, so far I'm happy with what I have seen!
EVEN: Okay guys, the last of the anagrams are on the screen. If you would like to pick up your tablet, you can now select your special category and receive the additional 5 anagrams for this challenge!

EVEN: Good luck for the challenge guys! The tablets are now unlocked and you have all selected your special categories! Let's get solving these anagrams!


AMAR- Basketball
GRIFFIN- Human Selections
JANELLE- Painting
JIN- Cartoons
JONAH- Trees
STEWART- Norse Mythology

STEWART: W-What special category did you have?
JIN: I had Cartoons. Very odd names.
STEWART: I-I got Norse Mythology. Cartoons would have been a good one to get for me.
JIN: Only cartoon I know is Bill the Bear. Bill went on journey all round world, looking up stuff and eating noodles.

JANELLE: I'm all for a good painting lovey. I don't have the money for a Picasso but I have plenty of pictures in my lounge.
GRIFFIN: The only artwork I have is commissions by this artists who does a lot of video game related pictures. His name is Chris if you're interested, or BumNugget if you want his actual profile.
JANELLE: No thank you, anyone who goes by the name 'BumNugget' is not making me a picture dear.

GRIFFIN: Okie dokie... how are you doing with your category?
JANELLE: I'm doing fine. You?
GRIFFIN: I'm lucky to have been paying attention in biology class, it's definitely helping me unravel these anagrams.

JONAH: Now, that could be one of two words! Could it be a trick to pick the wrong answer?
STEWART: W-What was that Jonah?
JONAH: I've seen an issue with question four... it could be one of two options... but which one is the correct option.

GRIFFIN: How are you doing with the anagrams Amar? What category did you get again?
AMAR: I got Basketball! I'm a big fan so I am very happy that I got this one.
GRIFFIN: That's awesome, who is your favourite player?
AMAR: Hmm... has to be Stephen Curry.


AMAR: The POP challenge was very interesting today, it was kind of therapeutic to just do some classic anagram puzzles. It really spoke to me, especially as I've encountered quite a few during all my lives! Hopefully I did my best to win, it would be nice to get a challenge win to my name.

STEWART: I-I have nearly finished! W-Why did I have to choose Norse Mythology though... I-I don't know much about it.
JANELLE: Don't you worry dear, you are doing brilliantly.


JIN: All right, moved the right letters there. One more and then completed.
JONAH: You got through that quickly Jin.
JIN: I guess most grams. Whether right or wrong I am not sure of.


JIN: How you doing Jonah on challenge?
JONAH: I'm doing okay, I'm unsure of one but I'm going to take a wild guess on that one, what is there to lose on it?

1- OAK

GRIFFIN: Okay, here we go. It's time to submit!
JANELLE: Have you finished?
GRIFFIN: Yeah, I've just put the last anagram in the correct order.


JANELLE: Everyone seems to be finishing up now, luckily I'm one of those people too. Let's submit this through.


EVEN: Housemates! You don't have much time left to submit your challenges to me! Please can you submit them as soon as you can.
STEWART: O-Oh no, I-I'm not going to be able to do this... what the hell, here's my challenge!

*STEWART is the last one to submit his challenge.*

EVEN: Housemates! All of you have now submitted your challenges. With this I can officially say the challenge is over!
ALL: Oooh!
EVEN: Now that we have all of the submissions in, I will now tally up the scores and see who has won the challenge.

*EVEN tallies up the scores from the POP challenge.*

EVEN: I have now tallied up the scores and can reveal, the winner of this challenge is...











EVEN: A tie! 4 of you have the highest scores of this challenge!
ALL: Wait... what?!

Amar- 20
Griffin- 20
Janelle- 20
Jin- 20
Jonah- 19
Stewart- 14

EVEN: On this occasion, now that we have a tie. The top 4 housemates will have to answer a tie-breaker question to find out who the winner is. The tie-breaker question is...

"What is the total cost of the Abnormality House?"

EVEN: All top 4 housemates answered this prior to the result and we do have answers for all 4 of them. With this information, I can reveal that the winner of this challenge is... 
















EVEN: Jin!
JIN: I won? I am surprise.

Amar- $444,000
Jin- $197,500 (Closest)
Actual Price- $195,773
Janelle- $191,020
Griffin- $100,000

EVEN: Congratulations on your win Jin! In a moment we will return to the garden where you will make the decision on whether to use the veto to save one of the nominees on the chopping block!


EVEN: Welcome back housemates! Jin was crowned our third POP winner and has gained the power to veto one of the nominees on the chopping block!

EVEN: Jin, this week Griffin and Stewart are on the chopping block. With your new found power, will you use the veto on any of the nominees on the block this week?
JIN: Yes Even, I use veto on...

JIN: Stewart!
STEWART: T-Thank you Jin. I-I am grateful!
EVEN: Congratulations Stewart! You are no longer a nominee this week, following this decision the current reigning HOH will now have to make a decision on who to replace in Stewart's place.

EVEN: Janelle, as the current reigning HOH you will now tell me who your replacement nominee will be. Janelle, please could you give me your answer...
JANELLE: Loveys I was expecting this to happen, therefore I have made up my mind... Even I am going to nominate...
















JANELLE: Brandon! Brandon, although we have bonded, it has come to my attention that you were also a part of Griffin's scheme to rid the house of Bertha and thus were a part of my nomination last week. I do not trust, that in the future, those in that same collective, will not reenact my surprise nomination again. Thus, I am nominating you.
EVEN: I'm sorry Brandon but you have been nominated. Please could you take a seat next to Griffin.

EVEN: Brandon and Griffin, you two are the final nominees this week and will face eviction. One of you will be going home this week.
BRANDON: Here we go again.
GRIFFIN: I'm so sorry to be up against you man.

EVEN: Good luck guys! I will see you all on eviction night where one of you will be going home! Goodnight everybody.
ALL: Bye Even.


JIN: I sorry you on block. I thought Janelle wanted not for you out.
BRANDON: Don't you worry about it Jin, I had a feeling she might target those closest to Griffin- I just got unlucky by being the one caught in the firing line.
JIN: I want you stay, you very good man- got lot more in show.

JIN: I am pleased on win for me. I got two for both POP now! Cannot look past on old or young, I showed today it is not so easy. I'm sorry Brandon is on the block- I want him here to stay and play. Brandon has got on well with me, very good quality in him.

BRANDON: I am nervous about this eviction, I'm not sure which way people will vote- especially going up against Griffin. I am hopeful though, I survived eviction once and I am going to try my best to do it a second time.
JIN: You have my vote to stay.

BRANDON: Thank you so much Jin, it truly means a lot.
JIN: Why would not? I like Brandon as good friend, he is a good man! I need more good men here.
BRANDON: You are a good man too Jin! I want to see you in the top 2 with me.

JIN: Yes, me too! I will win with Brandon. Now I need to save from eviction. You cannot go out.
BRANDON: I am extremely grateful for the help. I think I know who I need to talk to, if you could have a word with them too though, I think we may be able to keep me in this game for a bit longer.

BRANDON: I'm going through all the motions you do when you face eviction. I'm just processing everything this week as it has been very overwhelming. I don't want to go out of this competition yet but I'm at peace if I do... luckily, I have a few plans to hopefully avoid the chop though. Fingers crossed I can pull this one off.


GRIFFIN: Well... looks like Janelle got her revenge. I'm going to be leaving this week. It's been good getting to know you.
STEWART: W-What are you talking about? You are not going home.
GRIFFIN: What makes you think that?
STEWART: Hello! Y-You're Griffin. You're the nicest person in this house. No one has any reason to vote you out.

GRIFFIN: Unfortunately being nice doesn't help one little bit.
STEWART: T-True, but it will help you with any negotiations. W-Who doesn't want to work with someone who is level-headed and approachable.
GRIFFIN: You've been thinking about this, haven't you?
STEWART: Y-Yeah. Only because I want to be safe, now that I am, I-I want to help you.

GRIFFIN: Have you got any suggestions on saving me then?
STEWART: I-If I can get a few people to use one of their abstain's, I-I can get the rest of the house to vote in your favour. T-That way, we don't need to gain as many votes as we would have to.
GRIFFIN: That, may work.

STEWART: I-I also need to talk to some influential people in this house. I-If I can get Blair to vote for us and turn her back on Brandon... then I-I think we can get her to convince the others to vote out Brandon.
GRIFFIN: I'm sorry Brandon but it looks like you're leaving. Let's get straight onto it Stewie!

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Jin pulled through and won the third POP challenge of this season. He decided to save Stewart from the chopping block resulting in Brandon being his replacement. Following this, Brandon or Griffin will be going home this week. The question is though, who will be the unlucky housemate to leave the house next? Tune in to the next episode to find out the result of the eviction ceremony. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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