Sunday 25 November 2012

1.11: 2 Down, 1 to Go

Welcome to Abnormality! Season 1, where the Drama begins. 7 Contestants will enter the House and one of them will win the grand prize of $250,000 Simoleons and the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. So far on Abnormality, Beth and Plum failed to save themselves from the block after Lilian chose not to use the veto on anyone. So, with Beth and Plum vulnerable, who will be the weakest and go home? We will find out right now, on Abnormality!

Locket: I cannot believe this is the wig I got! It look's horrible on me. Why, oh why? You could've chose a better looking one guys! Grr... Plum.

Locket: I've gotta get back at her somehow, I need to show her that Locket is boss!
Plum: Zzzzz...
Locket: Be quiet Plum, I'm trying to think of ways to get back at Plum... wait a minute...

Plum: Zzzzz...
Locket: Mwahahah! Perfect timing.
Plum: Zzzzz...
Locket: Just stay still a minute, this won't hurt you.

*15 minutes later*

Plum: Zzzz.... Oh dear. Wow, that was a dream alright. Wait... why have I got powder on my face... Is that... facepaint? LOCKET!
Locket: Mwahahha!
Plum: Get here now!

Locket: What's the matter Plum?
Plum: You know what the matter is you little b*tch!
Cassandra: Oh dear. What on earth, is going on in there?

Locket: Do you like your new look Plum?
Plum: No I don't... why the f*ck did you do that?
Locket: Come on, I needed revenge for my hair.
Plum: You started all of this, if you would have listened to my warning at the first POP then you wouldn't have been in this position.

Plum: And if you weren't busting people up all the time, then you might have been liked and appreciated.
Locket: F*ck off, I cannot believe you. I've done all of this stuff because of YOU!

Plum: Who do you think you're talking to?
Plum: That is it...

*Plum slaps Locket over the face*
Locket: Ouch!
Plum: Shut the f*ck up. NOW!

*Cassandra enters*

Cassandra: Right, that is it. The both of you meddling fools, stop it immediately!

*Cassandra ties up Locket and Plum's leg together*

Cassandra: You two need to get along, therefore you are going to do EVERYTHING together.

Plum: You have got to be kidding me?
Locket: Ugh...

Cassandra: So, Locket was able to get revenge on Plum for shaving her head putting clown make-up on her head. I am getting tired of the Locket-Plum feud. So, I handcuffed their legs together to make sure that they shall go everywhere together. I did this so that they can learn how to get along together. I shall unlock them until either one of them gets evicted or they learn how to get along. Eventually, they were able to get along by the eviction so I unlocked them right before the eviction ceremony.

*Lilian enters*

Beth: Hey Lilian. Do you want a challenge?
Lilian: Sure.
Beth: A game of pool. If you win, then you can vote for me at the eviction ceremony. If I win, you have to vote for Plum. You still on?
Lilian: Hmm... why not, I'm still undecided about the vote anyway.

Beth: Let's get to it then!

*Beth pots 3 balls in a row*

Lilian: Have you just hustled me?
Beth: Not really. I've just got a better chance at staying.
Lilian: You sneaky turtle!
Beth: What can I say. It's your turn.

Lilian: I'm not really a pro at this.
Beth: It's fine... neither am I... a lot anyway. Okay I'm semi-professional.
Lilian: Damn.

Lilian: Yey! I got one... your turn Beth.
Beth: Time for the finisher.

*Beth pots all of the remaining balls in with one shot*

Lilian: What, how is that even possible?

Beth: It's possible if your a professional... I mean semi-professional. Hehe, I'll be expecting you to vote for Plum at the eviction ceremony then.
Lilian: I guess so.
Plum: Guys! Can you all go to the dining room, I have a surprise!

Plum: So... I'm in danger here, so I figured I'd try to be... *shudder* NICE for a change. I mean, Beth and me got a sort of bond already, right? And that Lilian chick ain't so bad, right? I figured I'd throw a little party or something I even gave Locket a new wig! ...I don't think she liked it, though...
Plum: So, guys, what do you think?
Beth: Is this...
Cassandra: What a beautiful gesture Plum. Well done.
Lilian: Jolly!

Lilian: No one better steal the cookies!
Beth: Do you want a game Cassandra?
Cassandra: I'm not very good at it, but I guess we can have a try!
Plum: Can I speak with you a minute Locket?
Locket: What?

Plum: We need to end this conflict! So, I got you this.
Locket: What is it?
Plum: Open it. I heard that you hated your current wig, so I bought you this.
Locket: It's...

*Locket opens the box*

Locket: Beautiful!
Plum: Really? *To Self* She hates it! ARGH!
Locket: I really love it Plum.
Plum: Try... it on then.

Locket: I love it! Thanks Plum.

Plum: So, I guess we're over our fued?
Locket: Yes.
Cassandra: I guess it's time to take the leg-cuffs off then.

*Cassandra takes them off*

Cassandra: You've both improved.
Ziggy (Voice Over): Contestants, can you please head to the living room for the eviction ceremony.

Ziggy (Voice Over): So, contestants, as we know Beth and Plum are on the chopping block this week. So, Cassandra, Lilian you will both have to vote for either Beth or Plum to leave. In the case of a tie, we would normally go with the HOH's vote. But, however, since the HOH isn't active this week due to personal problems, we will be going on the total HOH points you have earned over the weeks.

Locket: Cassandra, you are up first!

Cassandra: I vote to evict _________.

Lilian: I vote to evict ________.

Ziggy (Voice Over): Okay, we have our results in. And the person going home tonight is...

Ziggy (Voice Over): No one. It is a draw.

Beth- 1
Plum- 1

Ziggy (Voice Over): So with that we must go with the total of HOH points. And the person with the lowest amount of points and going home is...

Ziggy (Voice Over): Plum! Who has 18 points.
Plum: Oh no. Oh well.
Ziggy (Voice Over): Plum, you have 10 seconds to say your goodbyes and head out front to do your interview.

Plum: Well guys, guess I'll see ya later. Plum is leaving the building!

*Plum accidentally kicks the table*

Plum: M*therf*cker!!!

Ziggy: Hello world! Tonight, we our interviewing the third evictee from the Abnormality House. Our Ms. Purple, Plum Love!
Plum: Thank you Ziggy.
Ziggy: So, let's get on with the interview, shall we?

Ziggy: How has your time been in the house?
Plum: Time's is hard, brotha. I been rode hard and hung up wet all over da county, and ain't nobody ever done nothin fo' me... Hehe, sorry. The meds take a minute to work. Anyways, I really enjoyed my time in the house. I WOULD'VE ENJOYED IT MORE IF I WON --

Ziggy: Will you be keeping contact with anyone in the house?
Plum:  I might hit up Beth or Armada for a booty call every now and again, and you already invited me back to your place after the cameras go off, Ziggy... But everyone else can kiss my luscious purple ass!

Ziggy: If you had to redo your experience all over again, what would you do?
Plum: I might f*ck a couple more contestants. It just didn't feel right to be so... celibate.

Ziggy: Will we see you on any other reality shows in the future?
Plum: I dunno. Maybe. Why? What are you planning!? WHO ARE YOU!?!? WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!!!
Ziggy: Plum calm down! Can anyone get someone in here to calm her down? We'll be back after the break.

Commercial Break:
Family Friendly Commercial;
Not so Family Friendly Commercial, for the mature people;

Ziggy: Anyway, we're back!

Plum: I'm feeling better now Ziggy!
Ziggy: Good, we have a few good-bye tapes to show you.


Lilian: Hey Plum, sorry to see you leave, but I think it was your time to go. You were a great competitor, and a huge threat. Good luck with everything!

Plum: I understand... bitch!

Ziggy: And one last question before you go... Who do you want to win Abnormality now?

Plum: Cassandra might be old, but she's a tough b*tch. If anyone can win this, it's her!

Ziggy: Thank you Plum for chatting with us! You're free to go!
Plum: Thank you Ziggy, I'll be waiting back at the hotel, for you... I mean for Chips?

Ziggy: I would also like to say thank you to Cashejim for submitting Plum on Abnormality! Good luck for the future, and hopefully you might return with a new character- next season.

Ziggy: So, Plum was the third person to be eliminated from Abnormality! What will happen next episode? I'll tell you what is gonna happen, ONE OF THE SEASON'S MAJOR TWISTS. That could change the game, for everyone! So, what will this twist be? Who will be safe? And who won't be? We'll see next time on Abnormality! Stay safe!

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