Saturday 9 February 2019

4.11: This Game Does Dragons

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 4! This season we follow 12 new housemates who are battling it out to win the grand prize of $250,000 in addition to the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. Following the fourth HOH challenge, Benvolio and Teresa found themselves on the block. With the fourth POP of the season coming up, will either nominee be able to save themselves from the block? Let's find out on Abnormality!

GIULIANO: I know this is a big ask from me but can you please have a chat with Benvolio? He has cut himself off from everyone in the house since the HOH challenge, I think it has took a lot out of him... plus with the E-Kat and Teresa drama, I think it has just pushed him over the edge.

PETER: Hasn't he dealt with people arguing before? Hell, I argue with my queens all the time.
GIULIANO: I think so, he just doesn't want to be around that negative energy, it just kind of zaps all the positivity out of him.
PETER: What am I going to do though? I'm not best buddies like you are with him.

GIULIANO: Perhaps you could talk to him about Circus Anormalità. If you somehow talk about that, maybe it'll inspire him to be himself again.
PETER: It would be a nice gesture, plus I have been wanting to know what we are going to do with it, we don't seem to have an end plan in place.

GIULIANO: So, what do you say? Per favore.

*PETER takes a few minutes to consider the decision.*

PETER: Okay, I'll talk to him. But mama needs to get into drag first.

PETER: Can I sing as well?
PETER: I've been working on a new song you see, I'd like to test it out. Hey, why don't you have a listen, you'll be the first person to hear this bitches new beats.

GIULIANO: I-I uh, can't... I need to... get in the bath. Yes, I need to get in the bath!
PETER: Okay mawma, I'll save it for Ben. Catch you later sis.

*PETER leaves GIULIANO in the yard.*

GIULIANO: This might have been a bad idea... I hope he doesn't sing another one of his songs...


*RANDALL tries to fix the sink with the wrench.*

RANDALL: Dunno who's been pourin' stuff darn here, but it has blocked the pipe. Just need to un-jam this screw here, then it should jus' work properly.

*RANDALL keeps trying but the sink isn't showing any improvements.

RANDALL: Fuck sake. Come on.
RANDALL: Hiya buddy, fancy givin' me a hand with this... or a paw?

*RANDALL puts the wrench on the table and approaches LIL' COOP SNOOP.*

RANDALL: There's a good boy.

*LIL' COOP SNOOP smells RANDALL's hand.*

RANDALL: Ya know what buddy, you're the only one I trust in this house. Everyone is nice, but they be snakes playing this game.

*LIL' COOP SNOOP looks up at RANDALL, he tries to indicate something is up.*

RANDALL: What's up buddy? You look inquistitive? Is that the word? Inquisential? Intelligent? Fuck it, dunno.

*LIL' COOP SNOOP walks over to the counters.*

RANDALL: Okay... guess you have a thing for kitchen counters... I ain't judging.

*LIL' COOP SNOOP paws at the board under the counters, the board is loose and appears to hold something underneath.*

RANDALL: Well, well, well... looks like we got some loot under here.

RANDALL: While I was being the Indiana Jones of plumbing, that cute little rascal came in and showed me a little hiding spot under the kitchen counters. It was full of stuff that the other's had... looks like someone has been hiding it under there, sneaky dogs! I noticed a few of my things under there too which I had forgot about... if I find out who it is I'm... well, I'm probably not goin' to do anything... maybe I'll just vote to evict their ass out of 'ere.


KATHARINA: GRRR, I HAVE FREAKING HAD IT WITH TERESA!!! She really brings my blood to boil. Who does she think she is? I remind her of what an ignorant bitch she is to some people here and she just turns everything around. She basically accused me of the things SHE is doing to Luke what I accused her of doing. It is sort of scary, I mean mind-reading still isn't a thing, right? What she did is slander my likeness. I mean I get that I might not be the most tactful, or the most caring, or even the nicest freaking person of Pleasantview or whatever city you can think of right now, but no matter what I do to further myself in this game, I am ALWAYS honest to my peers, even if it might hurt. Lying is something that would maybe suit for my good-for-nothing ex, but most certainly not me. And when she got slick at my girl Shirley and accused me of just using Luke to get further in the game, I just lost it. And her comment on my parenting was just the cherry on top of the cake. She doesn't get to decide whether I'm a good parent or not. Teresa doesn't know me at all, I'm a loving and caring mother and I just want all the best for my little angels Daniel and Mary-Ann. I mean I don't accuse her of being a bad mother either, I bet her children love her, because everything else would suck. My 30th birthday is in 2 weeks, so even if Teresa will be saved again somehow, I want her gone before then. On second thought, she is vulnerable now, being nominated and on bad terms with Shirl and me. I can use this notebook incident to my advantage. Teresa is dead-set on Shirl when it comes to the thief, but I don't think she is the culprit. I mean come on, she was a detective once, why would she throw away all her good deeds for a dumb show? And who the heck brings a notebook in here anyway. Didn't she watch the previous seasons. It is bulletproof that people with notebooks in their possession won't make it far in the game, but that is beside the point. What I want to find out is if Shirl found something interesting in there. I hope there was some dirty laundry in it so I can finally expose Teresa for the phony she really is.

SHIRLEY: Did I tell you that she nudged past me at breakfast this morning?
KATHARINA: No you didn't. What is her problem? Honestly, the woman needs to take a seat and learn some basic human manners.
SHIRLEY: She really isn't helping her case to get taken off the block... the POP is today too, you'd think she'd try and get as many allies on her side as possible.

*KATHARINA holds her forehead.*

SHIRLEY: Are you okay E-Kat?
KATHARINA: Yeah, I've just got a little bit of a headache.
SHIRLEY: Have you taken any painkillers?
KATHARINA: Yeah, took some already... I've been thinking, did you tell me what Teresa had in her notebook?

SHIRLEY: I don't think I did, no... Well, I told you a little bit about Luke and Willow.
KATHARINA: Yeah, I remember that section.
SHIRLEY: Then she had a few plans for backdoors, oh I think she had her ideal top 4 in there too... I'm guessing she had her allies in it.

*SHIRLEY gasps.*

SHIRLEY: It was her allies, I remember rightly now, they were listed with reasons why she needed to take them forward with her.
KATHARINA: I'm going to take a shot and say we weren't apart of her top 4?
SHIRLEY: Definitely not... Luke was there, obviously... so was Hot Dog.

KATHARINA: Hot Dog you say... now I wouldn't have suspected that. I didn't know those two were so close.
SHIRLEY: I was shocked myself, Hot Dog hasn't really made his allies known in this game... maybe this is the reason why.

KATHARINA: What else was in the notebook?
SHIRLEY: Do we have enough time to talk through it all?
KATHARINA: Absolutely.
SHIRLEY: Very well... we'll start with week five...


TERESA: Another day in this house and I'm greeted with ignorance by everyone.
MAYA: Maya doesn't know hat ignorance you talk about? Has Maya missed something?
TERESA: You weren't there this morning were you? Well, the others went for breakfast and Shirley comes past and barges me out of the way. No apologies, no nothing.

MAYA: Maya is shocked to see this clash still happening, Maya wants to know if you did anything to provoke a reaction like that?
TERESA: No, I was minding my own business as per usual and then I just get her right shoulder smashing into mine as she goes into the kitchen. I still have bruises as proof.

MAYA: Maya has a suggestion for you and Shirley.
TERESA: I don't think I should sit down and talk with her, she can be incredibly rude... not as much as Katharina but nearly as bad as her.
MAYA: Maya's suggestion is simple, is it possible to avoid each other? Maya thinks it would definitely help mend walls between you and Shirley.

MAYA: Maya has never been so uncomfortable in this house, Maya can sense the tension between the girls in the house and it is not fun or fabulous in any shape or form. Maya just wants a happy house, Maya doesn't think that's too much to ask for, right?

TERESA: That is a good suggestion Maya, but I don't see any reason why I should be the one to leave a room when either of them enter. It isn't inclusive to me and singles me out from the rest of the house.
MAYA: Maya understands that... Maya can't think of any other solution for this conflict.

TERESA: I think there is only one possible outcome for this rivalry to find it's end... and that is if one of us gets evicted. I will tell you this though, I am not going first. I will do anything and everything in my power to send them both home before I leave this house with the prize money.
MAYA: Maya thinks you might be opening a big can of worms with that. Maya wants you to be careful.

MAYA: Maya wants you to think this situation over. Maya thinks maybe the best thing to do, is be the bigger person.
TERESA: I will not apologise, I don't have anything to be sorry for.
MAYA: Maya only wants the best for both of you.

TERESA: So I'm nominated again. I guess people in this house feel threatened by me. Maybe it was that tart Shirley who had an axe to grind with me. I'll just have to rise from the ashes again in that case.


*The clicking of heels can be heard approaching the bedroom.*

BENVOLIO: W-w-w...

*PORSHA struts into the room.

PORSHA: Did anyone request a sing-a-gram for Miss Benvolio?
BENVOLIO: Porsha, please can you...
PORSHA: Great, let's begin your own personal show with the fabulous, the gorgeous, the talented Miss Porsha Royale!

*PORSHA warms her voice up to sing but is abruptly stopped.*

BENVOLIO: Porsha, I just want to be alone. Please can you leave.

*There is a tear in Benvolio's eye.*

PORSHA: Aww honey don't cry. Do you wanna talk instead?
BENVOLIO: ...Okay.

PORSHA: What's up buddy?
BENVOLIO: I... I-I'm having a rough time here... everyone has been so... fake. I've tried to make this house united and happy... but I feel like my energy and time has been wasted... I thought everyone was at harmony but no... everyone hates each other. I feel like I've failed. I've never felt so vulnerable, so lonely... and I miss my family and friends... Why can't we all just, get along in this house.

*BENVOLIO breaks down in tears.*

BENVOLIO: I just want peace and tranquillity.
PORSHA: Babes don't cry, I'm sure everyone will be on good terms with another, it's just this game, this environment, it's hard to live here.
BENVOLIO: What can I do to make people happy though? Nothing I'm doing seems to be working.

PORSHA: Miss Benvolio needs to keep it together, we all love him and appreciate the stuff he does for us. I think he is too caught up in his feels to see clearly, I don't think the nomination is helping either. I know he has said on multiple occasion that he isn't bothered but I think he is deep down. Maybe if he was saved in the POP, perhaps it'll bring a bit more light into his life.

PORSHA: I think the best thing you can do... is to keep being you.
BENVOLIO: Being me? I don't understand.
PORSHA: Don't do any more, you do a lot for us ho's in this house. Just keep doing you and we will all keep loving the crazy sensitive acrobat that you are.
BENVOLIO: If you insist.

BENVOLIO: I have been and continue to struggle in this house... I keep overthinking every little micro actions I've had with everyone in this house and questioned it's validity. I hope I'm not overthinking anything but this house has been flipped on it's head the past week, the smoke and mirrors are no more.


GIULIANO: I just need to hold first for the next lap and I'd have won.
LUKE: Better watch out then I'm coming for you.
GIULIANO: Oh no... come on, I need to get a trap.
LUKE: Second! I'm behind you! Mwahaha.

GIULIANO: That reminds me, how you feeling about that extra eviction vote?
LUKE: I am so-so-so happy! It might just be an extra vote, but that can have a lot of power to it, you know.
GIULIANO: Oh I know, it could mean the difference of staying or going home.

LUKE: This new power, the extra vote, has so much strategic potential it's crazy! Like super duper crazy dude! I have so much power right now because I can cast two votes! Boom boom! That's some Carlito-level power! Although, it was Willow who have this to me... I'm sure she's sending me a message, just like the old HOH was when I was nominated. She's probably saying that I need to relax, calm down and use the power sensibly... And respectfully... And, and, and... As a good sportsman?... I dunno, it's like the cliche, with great power, comes great responsibility, and I have to be responsible... for Willow!

GIULIANO: Have you... I dunno, thought about using it just yet?
LUKE: Umm... no. Why?
GIULIANO: I've been thinking... if it's okay with you. If Ben is still on the block, maybe we could use it against his opponent. Send them home and keep Ben in.

GIULIANO: And if you do that, I'm sure as hell that he would keep you in if you ever landed on the block again.
LUKE: B-But why would I do it so early. Surely it'd be best to keep it for when I need it?
GIULIANO: Oh for sure... it's just, Benvolio is a good ally of mine. He could be a good ally of yours too if you give him this gift. That's if we need to anyway, if he saves himself in the POP, you won't have to use it.

LUKE: I-I'm not too sure.
GIULIANO: You'd be doing a mate a big favour.
LUKE: I-I'll have to think about it, I need to be responsible now. I nearly went home last week because I played the game like a silly kid.

GIULIANO: Whatever you do though, I'll respect your decision.
LUKE: Thank you. That is good to know.

*GIULIANO finishes in first with LUKE a close second.*

GIULIANO: Almost Luke, if only you didn't get stuck on that cube.
LUKE: Yeah... if only.

EVEN: Hello housemates! It is time for the POP challenge. Can you all please gather in the ceremony area.


EVEN: Hello housemates! It's time for the POP challenge. Six of you will compete in the challenge tonight for the chance to win the VETO! This veto will be able to remove one of the nominees currently sat on the chopping block. If the veto is used and one of the nominees is saved, the current reigning HOH must select a replacement nominee to take the empty seat on the block.

EVEN: The final nominees after this challenge will face eviction. Now, let's start with the nominees this week...

EVEN: Benvolio!

EVEN: And Teresa.
TERESA: Here again, hopefully we have a repeat of last week.
EVEN: You two are automatically enrolled since you are nominated. Through random selection, you will also be playing against...

EVEN: Giuliano!
GIULIANO: My first ever POP. I've been waiting for this.

EVEN: Katharina!
KATHARINA: E-Kat is ready to win.

EVEN: Luke!
LUKE: Awesome!

EVEN: And Shirley!
SHIRLEY: Wow, again? Any chance of a break.
EVEN: I hope you are all ready because the game is about to begin. Please can all six of you make your way to the HOH arena!


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to The Jousting Courtyard. We have gone back in time to play a little game of Dragons... okay that's a lie. There is no dragons, but you cunning knights will have to play it hard if you really want to win big in this challenge.

EVEN: Before you is a grid of 5x5 and 6 golden knights. The aim of the game is to survive the longest on the game, the housemates who survives the longest in the game will have more options of the prizes on offer. That's right guys, you will be playing to win the chance to pick a prize from our list below:








EVEN: These prizes might be yours if you play your cards right. Wait, no that was week two... if you play your... uhh, lances right? No that doesn't work. Never mind, moving on.

EVEN: In this game, the golden knights opposite you will represent you in the game. You can only move in an 'L' formation, similar to that of the knights in chess. Once you have run out of squares for your knight to move to, then you have been knocked out of the game. After everyone has finished the game, one by one you will be called in by our guest host to pick a prize on offer. Like I said before, if you are out earlier then you will have a limited option of prizes whereas the housemate who survives the longest in the game will have option to pick any of the prizes on offer. Does this sound okay to follow?
ALL: Yeah.
EVEN: Great... by the looks of it, the local townspeople have come to watch the game go down... oh wait, it looks like no other than our 11th and 10th place housemates...

EVEN: Crystal Harper and Willow Wisp!
CRYSTAL: Hi guys, it's been a while.
WILLOW: I'm back baby!
EVEN: You even got into costume too, awesome.

CRYSTAL: This feels so surreal to be back here again, it's been a while guys at home, have you missed me? I can't wait to see how this game will go down! It's going to be epic.

EVEN: Please can we also welcome our guest co-host, the best knight at Arthur's table; Europa Bannister!
EUROPA: You guys better be ready. You must annihilate the competition. While you do that, I'll stoke this fire up so I can burn the purple witch over there. No longer will she trouble our land with her mystic powers.

WILLOW: Wait... is she... talking about me? How very dare she call me a witch.
CRYSTAL: I'd be more concerned about being burned alive than being called a witch.
WILLOW: She's only acting... right? Right Even?
EVEN: We haven't given her a script.
CRYSTAL: I'll find an escape route when she is distracted, we can't be having you burned alive.

WILLOW: I am absolutely delighted to be brought back for this challenge. I am worried about that man-woman soldier though, she scares the hell out of me.



EUROPA: It looks like some of you could be running out of moves.
GIULIANO: I think I could be one of them...

GIULIANO: In fact yeah, I'm definitely one of them.
KATHARINA: Hey, it's not all bad getting knocked out first, you don't have to make any decisions, you can just sit back and watch the game unravel itself.
GIULIANO: That's what I don't want to do though.

LUKE: I can see which way you are going to play this game.
SHIRLEY: Good, that is what I want you to think. I have something else planned.
LUKE: Interesting, I'd like to see what will happen.

BENVOLIO: I wish you all the best of luck Teresa.
TERESA: Let's face Ben, I don't think anyone wants to save us... they are all being very, strange with their moves.
BENVOLIO: What could you possibly mean?
TERESA: Have you not been watching? We are being cornered, we are going to run out of moves much faster than I anticipated.



EUROPA: We are now down to our last four players... from the looks of things though, it looks like we are about to end the challenge as most of the players left only have one or two more moves left.

*The remaining housemates make their moves.*

EUROPA: DING! DING! DING! Well, it looks like we have our finishing order. Let's see how everyone did in the challenge. The first housemate who was knocked out was...

EUROPA: Giuliano!
GIULIANO: That really sucks.
EUROPA: The second housemate to be knocked out was...

EUROPA: Teresa!
TERESA: I'm not happy with that performance.
EUROPA: The third housemate to be knocked out was...

EUROPA: Benvolio!
EUROPA: The fourth housemate to be knocked out was...

LUKE: Fourth out ain't too bad.
EUROPA: The fifth housemate to be knocked out was...

EUROPA: Katharina!
KATHARINA: Not too shabby.
EUROPA: That means the housemate who survived the challenge is...

EUROPA: Shirley!
SHIRLEY: Woo, that is great.
EUROPA: Shirley, you will have all picks of the prizes. Good on you. Now, one by one I will call you in to reveal your prize and ultimately, if you want to swap it out for someone else's. Good luck guys!

CRYSTAL: This is the perfect time to sneak you out Willow. Come with me.

*While EUROPA is distracted, CRYSTAL & WILLOW get out of there.*


GIULIANO: My first POP challenge and I come last, haha. Brilliant. I don't really have much more input for the rest of the challenge, so all I can really do is pray for a miracle and hope that the right decisions are made by the others.

EUROPA: Giuliano! Come sit down.

*GIULIANO walks over to the chair and takes a seat.*

EUROPA: Now I won't keep you waiting, from the prizes revealed earlier on- you have won...

EUROPA: THE VETO! Unfortunately, you don't have the choice to swap it with any other prizes as you came last.
GIULIANO: I understand. Well, hopefully I get to keep this... I doubt it though somehow.

EUROPA: Please can Teresa come in.

*GIULIANO leaves.*

EUROPA: Hi there Teresa, how are you?

*TERESA takes a seat opposite EUROPA.*

TERESA: I am calm considering the circumstances.
EUROPA: Very well... since you were eliminated 2nd, you do have the option whether you want to change your prize... you have won...

EUROPA: AN IMMUNITY BADGE! Would you like to keep this or would you like to trade this for Giuliano's prize; THE VETO!
TERESA: Hmm, that's a tough one... I think I will stick with the immunity badge.

EUROPA: Locked in. Please can Benvolio come in.

EUROPA: Welcome Benvolio!

*BENVOLIO takes a seat opposite EUROPA.*

BENVOLIO: Hello m'lady.
EUROPA: Since you were eliminated 3rd, you do have the option whether you want to change your prize... you have won...

EUROPA: +1 EVICTION VOTE! Would you like to keep this or would you like to trade this for either of the following:


BENVOLIO: I would like to stick with my extra eviction vote please, it may come in handy later on.

EUROPA: Thank you. Please can Luke come in.

*BENVOLIO leaves.*

EUROPA: Lukey-poo, come on in.

*LUKE takes a seat opposite EUROPA.*

LUKE: Ew, no one calls me Lukey-poo.
EUROPA: Since you were eliminated 4th, you do have the option whether you want to change your prize... you have won...

EUROPA: +20% CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE! Would you like to keep this or would you like to trade this for either of the following:


LUKE: Should I keep this? Hmm, no, I think I'm going to take Benvolio's eviction vote.

EUROPA: Sneaky dawg. Please can Katharina come in.

*LUKE leaves.*

EUROPA: Well if it isn't E-Kat!

*KATHARINA sits opposite EUROPA.*

KATHARINA: I like your gold armour, where can I get one of those?
EUROPA: Haha, oh you. Since you were eliminated 5th, you do have the option whether you want to change your prize... you have won...

EUROPA: +10% CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE! Would you like to keep this or would you like to trade this for either of the following:


KATHARINA: This might be a bold ass move, but... I'm going to swap my prize for the veto! I'm sorry Giuliano.

EUROPA: That means E-Kat currently holds the veto... the only person who can take the veto from you now is Shirley. Let's see what she does. Please come in Shirley.

SHIRLEY: Now we are down to the last person in this POP, me. I have all the power in my hands and I can hand select what prize I would like. Katharina currently holds the veto which is interesting, should I take the veto from Katharina or should I gift myself one of the other prizes. I have a lot to consider.

EUROPA: Detective Shirley, please sit down.

*SHIRLEY takes a seat opposite EUROPA.*

SHIRLEY: This is intense.
EUROPA: It is isn't it. Now... Since you were the last one standing, you have the choice of all prizes on offer... you have won...

EUROPA: NOTHING! Would you like to keep this or would you like to trade this for either of the following:


SHIRLEY: This is such a hard decision.
EUROPA: I must press you for a decision Shirley.
SHIRLEY: Very well. I am going to choose...
















SHIRLEY: I'm going to swap my prize for the immunity badge. I'm very sorry Teresa.
EUROPA: Very well. The final move has been made and I can now reveal that with that choice, the winner of the veto is in fact...

EUROPA: Katharina!



EVEN: Congratulations on your win Katharina! In a moment we will return to the ceremony area and you will make the decision whether you want to use the veto or not to save Benvolio or Teresa from the block. Let's get back to the ceremony area.


EVEN: Welcome back housemates! Our fourth POP challenge has finished and Katharina is the winner! She now has the power to remove one of the nominees from the block if she so chooses. So...

EVEN: Katharina, who are you going to save from the block?
KATHARINA: Even, I am going to use the veto on...
















KATHARINA: No one. I think the nominations are fine kept the way they are.
EVEN: The decision is final... 

EVEN: Benvolio and Teresa you will remain as the nominees and will face eviction this week.
BENVOLIO: My efforts have been for nothing.
TERESA: I'm not really surprised by that.
EVEN: Good luck guys! I will see everyone on eviction night where 9 of you will become 8. Goodnight everybody!
ALL: Bye Even.


*BENVOLIO is talking to his reflection.*

BENVOLIO: The end could be near... everything I've built up could come crashing to a halt. My friendships, my plans, my...

BENVOLIO: Circus Anormalità! Everything would have been for nothing... they can't go on without a showman, the one holding it all together. What am I to do? What is the best thing I can do to stay here.

BENVOLIO: I-I don't know. I-I honestly can't see a way out of this one.

*BENVOLIO holds his shoulder, he has a mild pain in it.*

BENVOLIO: Wait! I can stay here!

BENVOLIO: I CAN STAY HERE! I have ideas and plans which could lend themselves to the group. I don't want to leave yet, maybe this could keep me here AND get everyone together again!


RANDALL: Teresa, you might be goin' home darlin'. You've pissed off a'lotta people in 'ere.
TERESA: I know. I hate this game sometimes.
RANDALL: Then again, what if you play that to your advantage?
TERESA: How so?

RANDALL: You could keep bein' the target, the pawn to send stronger players home. You just gotta keep bein' everyone's problem.
TERESA: How will that help my game?
RANDALL: Easy peesy. You become an easy target, peeps will drag you to the final because you ain't seen as a threat.

TERESA: I do not want to win this game by floating along.
RANDALL: I can see why that'd frustrate ya, then again ya ain't got many more options to choose from.
TERESA: I guess you're right... I do have a plan of my own to stay though, but I'm going to keep that to myself for now.

RANDALL: Sure you don't wanna share with a teddy bear like me?
RANDALL: Oh, okay then darlin'.
TERESA: All I will say is that they will regret challenging me. My rivals will rue their decisions.

EVEN: And that concludes this episode of Abnormality! Katharina won the POP and decided not to use the veto. That means that Benvolio and Teresa will be facing eviction this week and one of them will go home. Stay tuned for the next episode to find out who will be going home. Goodnight everybody!


Benvolio Di Bounce (M13Vulpecula)
Giuliano Da Vinci (SimTresa)
Katharina 'E-Kat' Ehrmann (YJB19299)
Luke Peralta (HayloHusky)
Maya Carter (kittymeow)
Peter Romano/Porsha Royale (ninjakid150)
Randall 'Hot Dog' McScruff (twiddle3)
Shirley Watson (Shadami)
Teresa Gonzales (icmnfrsh)

10th: Willow Wisp (lovesstorms)
11th: Crystal Harper (Alleenmens)
12th: Wes Helms (Tigerblu11)

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