Thursday 24 October 2019

5.3: First Eviction

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Brandon and Jin found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH; Chef Bertha. Jin luckily won the POP challenge where he saved himself from the chopping block. Charlotte was nominated to replace Jin on the block following the use of Jin's veto. Now that the eviction day is here, Brandon or Charlotte will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home first? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

JANELLE: Are you going to join us Bertie?
CHEF BERTHA: Me got teh cleanin' to do. Me need to stop these microbes from reproducin' and contaminatin' me kitchen.
JANELLE: Very well. I hope you're enjoying your breakfast guys. I made sure that Bertie used the best ingredients.

BLAIR: Yeah, mine was absolutely gorgeous!
JANELLE: There's only so much you can do with slop Blair.
BLAIR: I know, I just can't wait to get off the stuff.
JANELLE: You know how to, don't be one of the lowest scorers of the HOH challenge.

JANELLE: My loveys, the first eviction is here and I am excited to see what will occur. I am confident on who I'm going to vote out tonight and would like to see that person go home, alas it is down to the rest of the housemates to follow suit otherwise the game could get quite complicated for a lot of us.

BLAIR: I don't intend to be, my eye is firmly on that HOH next week.
BRANDON: Sounds like you have people you want out of the house.
BLAIR: No, but since she is up it'd be an easy week to get her out without upsetting too many people.

*BLAIR glances at CHEF BERTHA sneakily.*

CHARLOTTE: Speaking of that, me and Brandon did come to an agreement.
BRANDON: We did, it might be best to talk in private though, she's in the area.
BLAIR: She won't know we're talking about her, she's too busy cleaning.
CHARLOTTE: I shouldn't be considering it just yet, who knows whether either of us will be here to execute such a divine plan.

BRANDON: Okay, things just went from not so good but dealable to an absolute travesty. Not that I'm a sore loser, Jin deserved that win, but how could I fail in a physical competition? I do that every day, and I was so confident in winning it. Worst of all, not only am I still up for eviction, my fellow nominee is Charlotte, the person I bonded the most with during these first days. Of course I don't want to leave yet, I have WAY more to give to this game to have a 3-episode stint, but by saying that, I sign the papers to get Charlotte out of the house. Honestly it fucking sucks... Oh no, Abby, Dad didn't just curse on TV... Oh man, what else can I do. Sure Charlotte is beautiful and nice and definitely the whole opposite of Bertha, but I can't and won't throw my game out of the seventh floor of a building just because I drool over a woman. I have to do EVERYTHING to stay in this game, and if that means getting Charlotte out, it sadly has to be done. I won't take the blame for taking her out if it happens, Bertha can do that when she gets evicted next week. And trust me, no matter how this eviction ceremony turns out, it will happen. Mark my words, put them on a bulletin board and mark them. I won't go home without ensuring her departure.

TRICERATOPS: I've finished my plate, gosh I should be stuffed but I could eat a skip full more of food.
JANELLE: Would you like my portion Trix?
TRICERATOPS: Would I! Thank you Mama Jan.
JANELLE: Lovey, just say Janelle. No one calls me Jan. Ugly name.

CHEF BERTHA: Blasted microbes gettin' up in me grill. Who do dey think they are? Stupid bloody...

*CHEF BERTHA pulls a muscle in her back over-stretching.*

CHEF BERTHA: FECK! My bloody back is fecked. That'd be the stupid climbin' wall in the POP challenge... FECK, me need some heat spray or somethin' to take off the pain.


STEWART: Ohmmmmm.

*JIN strikes the punching bag ten times.*

STEWART: J-Jin... We're trying to meditate here.
JIN: Many apologies- Jin letting steam out.

JONAH: Grr- you okay Jin?
JIN: Was- I am very tired from exercise past week. Never been so fit.
JONAH: Just be careful dude, I don't want you to overdo yourself. Do as much as you can and when you are too tired take a break.
JIN: I grateful for looking out. Jin thankful!

JIN: I am very happy for safety. I went above for veto. Lucky to be here again, I want to stay for family. Family a big part of Jin Chang. Voting though, I don't... know who to go to. Brandon, good man like me or Charlotte, nice girl with big heart. I, lot to think of.

JONAH: How is everyone feeling about the eviction later tonight?
AMAR: I'm not sure who to vote for, I may abstain.
JONAH: Could I make a pitch to save someone?
AMAR: Absolutely, I'd like to hear what you have to say.
JONAH: I personally think we should save Charlotte, as much as I like Brandon I don't think he is here for the right reasons. He wants a showmance with Charlotte so badly! Charlotte actually wants to have the full experience of the show.

STEWART: Ohmmmmmmmmmm.
LANA: May I put my two cents in? I've talked with Brandon a lot and he does seem like a genuine guy who wants to win the money for his daughter.
STEWART: I-I-I am not too sure, he never mentions his daughter to me.
LANA: I don't think he likes talking about Abby too much because he misses her. I think he's trying to focus on the game to try not get lost for why he is here.
AMAR: Lana, your hair? Where has the blue gone?
LANA: Oh, I forgot to put in my blue stripes...

*LANA gets up from the meditating board.*

LANA: I better go put them in.
AMAR: No worries, you don't need them in.
LANA: I know, I just like the look of them when I do... is anyone else really thirsty too? I can get you all drinks if you want them.
AMAR: I'm good for now thanks.
LANA: Okay, I'll be on my way. See you all around!

*LANA leaves.*

AMAR: That was rather odd.
JONAH: Was it? I didn't notice anything out of the blue.
AMAR: I see what you did there Jonah!
JONAH: What d'ya think dude, are you going to save Charlotte?
AMAR: I'm still undecided... I need to consider whether my decision will bring any bad karma my way. I need to be sure I'm making a good decision.

JONAH: I'm happy that my bro Jin was saved as I think he's a pretty cool dude, I am upset that Charlotte is up in his place though. I really like Charlotte and we've bonded so well this past week. If she goes home to Brandon, I won't be best pleased. I need to get Brandon out of here with every fibre of my being! Charlotte wanted a full experience of the show and I intend to make sure she gets it.


GRIFFIN: Finally, I can have two minute to myself to think over this Dungeons and Dragons game.

*The door opens and creaks.*

GRIFFIN: Could I just be by myself for two minutes please? Sorry...

GRIFFIN: Due to the nature of my work I have to be very outgoing but to be honest, I'm more of an extroverted introvert than really confident. I do like talking to people, but sometimes I need time to myself to recharge my batteries otherwise it can get a bit too overwhelming, you know what I mean?

*The door closes and footsteps can be heard.*

GRIFFIN: Don't mind me I'm just staring into the distance, I'm trying to think up some of the story for the Dungeons... oh!

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Good afternoon sensei! Would you like a pot of jam before your travels today?
GRIFFIN: I'm not going anywhere?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Come around here, I'm going to stand on the suitcases.

*GRIFFIN moves around to the other chair.*

GRIFFIN: I thought you were someone else when you came in.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Little old me, I doubt it. Are you okay, you look like you have been lost in thought?
GRIFFIN: I just wanted a bit of time to myself, think things over.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I get what you mean. Sometimes I just want to use the bog without anyone walking in, it never happens though.

GRIFFIN: That sounds... ugh...
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Don't worry about me, what ideas have you got for your game?
GRIFFIN: I'm going to include a few monsters as per usual, a few trolls, a few goblins, maybe a few mutants too.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: You should include a big boss, someone like... Chef Bertha! She'd be perfect as a dungeon creature.

GRIFFIN: That would be quite scary, I know I'd be absolutely terrified if I had to fight her in the dungeon.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: She is not to be messed with. Just between me and you, I ate all those cookies she left on the side the other day.
GRIFFIN: Your secret is safe with me buddy!


CHARLOTTE: I'm very pleased that you are entertaining my appeal.
BLAIR: Hey, I'm open to any deals that come my way!
CHARLOTTE: History is made from good deals and I believe we may have a good negotiation ahead of us.

BLAIR: I'd like to know more about this plan you and Brandon had in mind.
CHARLOTTE: Of course, I tried to elaborate at breakfast but considering the circumstances it was best not to.
BLAIR: It involves kicking that old crow out in the kitchen and that makes me interested.
CHARLOTTE: The Chef is a tad difficult but...
BLAIR: She's horrible, I know you feel the same way about her.

CHARLOTTE: I won't say she is horrible, but rather exhausting... regardless of my opinion on her, our plan is to remove her from this house next week.
BLAIR: I like it! She's already on the block with that HOH 'prize', it'd be stupid not to take her out while we have the chance.
CHARLOTTE: In order for me to complete this plan of action though, I need to remain in this residence... I shall require your assistance to do so.

CHARLOTTE: Good morning everyone! I am extremely nervous for today's eviction, I'm going to do my upmost best to remain in this house! I want to follow my plan with Brandon to remove Chef Bertha from the game. In order to do that, I need the support going into this vote. Luckily I know who the most appropriate person to consult is, I guarantee there influence will keep me in this house for longer.

BLAIR: I'm listening, how are we going to get the old bat out?
CHARLOTTE: I suggest we get someone to be HOH and nominate two powerhouses! When we go to the POP challenge, we try and push the powerhouses to win and save themselves on the block. This will leave Chef Bertha backed into a corner, where we can evict her out of the game.
BLAIR: Pretty basic plan, not much strategy needed if we're all on the same page.

CHARLOTTE: My point entirely, the HOH doesn't have to get any blood on their hands during the week, ultimately going unnoticed.
BLAIR: Sounds very enticing actually. I might just have to win it myself.
CHARLOTTE: If you were to go for it, I'd be in your service... especially if you consider saving me this week.

BLAIR: Charlotte coming to me for help to save her is very interesting, her and Brandon's plan is very simple but if it is done right could prove good to everyone's game. I may just have to consider saving Charlotte this time. I believe she is honest when she said she'd be in my debt... then again you never truly know in this game who is telling the truth. For all we know, she might not even be British.

BLAIR: Consider it done, I'll do my best to get people to keep you in this week.
CHARLOTTE: I'm extremely grateful for your efforts! You won't be disappointed.
BLAIR: I hope not, I can't be the only one who wants Chef Bertha out of this house sooner rather than later.
CHARLOTTE: I believe the sentiment is more popular than you think.


CHEF BERTHA: Me always wondered how soap became a thing. Me always try to get the students to use it but do dey? No dey don't, the filthy worms. Me gonna walk back into the dorms and there'll be health risks, most certainly without a doubt. Dirty buggers.

CHEF BERTHA: Arrrrrh, dem fecking, medder fecking climbing wall... Me back stings like 'eck, more den it usually does. Might even ruin me gardenin' plans for tehday. Me'd sue dis entire circus, if me had any bucks in me savings fer it. But... nah, me'd need me cash prize fer me retirement. Ughh, life's no fair... Not that dem young 'uns care 'bout poor old Chef Bertha... Anyway, ordah of deh day. Dat Jin fellows thinks he can prance around like sum pretentious tiger? Tiger, meet me trusty spatula! Me'll mash dat young 'un into some helpless pussycat mash, we'll see how he'll mewl after me is finished with him.

CHEF BERTHA: Who's there? Heard teh door closin'.
JIN: It's me. I need bathroom for bit.
CHEF BERTHA: Why yer need dis room for?
JIN: I need bath. Let the salts help my bones.

*JIN heads over to the towel rack while CHEF BERTHA dries her hands.*

CHEF BERTHA: Yer bones hurtin' as much as mine?
JIN: Yeah, I'm not young as used to be.
CHEF BERTHA: Same, me ready for retirement. Me needs teh pension pot though, me ain't got much monies.

JIN: Me too, need money for family. I want to keep safe for them.
CHEF BERTHA: Me would be proud of yer if me were your kids.
JIN: Thank you, much appreciated.
CHEF BERTHA: On the other hand, me can't stand yer prancin' around like the young 'un jocks. Me gets really riled about dat.

JIN: You unleashed the dragon. I- not going down without a fight.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer got dat right mister! Neither is Chef Bertha, me gonna come out on teh top by teh end of dis competition.
JIN: I feel your spirit and fire. Perhaps we could help out us both.

CHEF BERTHA: Me will think about it and come back teh you.
JIN: Good, now I need bath. Please could I bathe, my bones- achey.
CHEF BERTHA: Sure, me don't want to see yer bits and bobs now, me just ate lunch and don't want it bringin' back up.

*CHEF BERTHA leaves the bathroom.*


TRICERATOPS: I had such a weird dream last night, I dreamt that I was an actual Triceratops but I was surfing in Australia. I hit this giant wave and went up like 50 metres in the air after hitting it, it felt so real. I think this might be because I haven't been eating cucumber bites since I got in, I freakin' love those cute little bites. The only other person who truly gets it is Amar, he's got a thing for the veg too which is AWESOME!

LANA: I have tried to be a veggie before, but I just can't say no to chicken. It's my weakness when it comes to meats.
AMAR: I don't eat anything meat wise, you don't know who it could be ya know.
LANA: Oh because of the previous lives thingamajig.
AMAR: That's right! Who knows what that chicken could be, or who. For all you know it could be your grandma, your neighbour, heck even your pet dog.

TRICERATOPS: To be honest, a lot of vegetarian meals are just as delicious, my favourite has to be potato curried rotis.
JANELLE: Oh lovey, the only vegetable I like is potatoes. I'd be very bad at being a vegetarian.

AMAR: There must be other vegetables you like Janelle?
JANELLE: Okay, I do like carrots and peas. I can't be doing with any of them odd ones like broccoli and cauliflower though. Too wild for me darling.
AMAR: Over my years I have found I have a special spot for vegan m'hanncha.

AMAR: Trix and I are the veggie/vegan powerhouse, I can always have a good in-depth conversation with her on life, philosophy, food, spirituality and anything else that falls in between those categories. I wish more people would be open to try new things but I think I may have my work cut out for me. It'd help if I could use the kitchen to prepare some fresh healthy vegan meals, Chef Bertha has an iron fist over it though which is proving quite the obstacle.

JANELLE: Lana, are you okay lovey? Your hair has gone all black.
LANA: Oh, it's nothing. I've just forgot to put the blue extensions in.
AMAR: ...I thought you put them in earlier on.
LANA: I did... but then I... took them out again. So I'm gonna go put them back in.

JANELLE: There's no need to do that lovey.
AMAR: Yeah, there's really no need to put them in...
LANA: No, I have to. I don't feel the same without them in. I shouldn't be too long... does anyone want a drink while I'm up? I'm ever so thirsty, is anyone else?
TRICERATOPS: I could do with a soda.
LANA: Great, I'll get you one on my way back.

*LANA leaves.*

LANA: I have not been feeling my usual self lately, I've been really thirsty. I'm not sure why but the water just isn't quenching my thirst. I might just have to keep drinking and drinking non-stop.
PRODUCER: Is your hair okay? It's blue again now.
LANA: Don't worry about that, it's just my extensions. They have been stuck in well this time.

AMAR: There is something not adding up with Lana...
TRICERATOPS: Are you sure? She seems fine with me.
AMAR: Her hair keeps diluting back to black... I don't remember her bringing any blue extensions with her. No one's hair usually changes without dye... hmmm...


GRIFFIN: I'll have a fizzy bubblegum chunky monkey please.
JONAH: I don't know what that is... we have blue lemonade.
GRIFFIN: It should be in the cocktail book. It's not really a cocktail, more a fizzy pop like drink.

JONAH: Fizzy bubblegum chunky monkey come right up!

*JONAH gets out the bottles and reads through the cocktail book.*

JONAH: This looks like a nice one, hopefully it won't get you too drunk.
GRIFFIN: It has alcohol in it? Well... I guess it's only one, I should be okay.

*BRANDON enters.*

BRANDON: Yo yo! How are my best buds doing?
STEWART: I-I-I uhm, good.
BRANDON: Just wanted to check to see if I have your votes for the eviction later on tonight?

BRANDON: Well... anyone?
STEWART: I-I well, I've been...
JONAH: I'll be brutally honest with you Brandon, I'm not going to vote for you tonight. My vote is going to go to Charlotte. I'm sorry dude.
STEWART: Oh... my... gosh.

STEWART: W-when Jonah decided to tell Brandon he isn't going to vote for him... I-I wanted the floor to open up and eat me. I-I was not expecting that, he's very honest which is a good quality. I-I hope Brandon doesn't take it too personally, then again I-I don't blame him if he does.

BRANDON: That's a shame, I respect your decision though. Charlotte is a wonderful person.
JONAH: Agreed.
BRANDON: How about you Stew, Griffin?
GRIFFIN: I'll vote for you Brandon!
BRANDON: Thanks man...

BRANDON: Just waiting on you Stewart.
STEWART: Well, I-I ugh. I-I haven't really... thought about it that much, I-I just... kind of... I dunno.
BRANDON: Please keep me Stew, I don't want to go home.




EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the first eviction ceremony of Season 5! Tonight, one of our lovely nominees will be sent packing and will leave the competition.

EVEN: In today's eviction each of you will have the chance to nominate one our your fellow nominees on the chopping block to leave the competition. The housemate on the block who receives the most votes to evict will have to leave the competition immediately.

EVEN: Brandon and Charlotte, as you are the nominees this week you are not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony this week, is this clear?
CHARLOTTE: I understand.

EVEN: Chef Bertha, as you are the current reigning HOH you are also not eligible to vote in this eviction ceremony. If the house fails to come to a majority vote, you will get the chance to decide who will go home though. Is this clear?
CHEF BERTHA: Shaddap, me know the rules.

EVEN: Following the reveal of this season's twist, each housemate has the right to abstain twice. Abstaining will give you an advantage in the next HOH challenge and could prove to be the difference of winning and losing. As you all have been made aware, this is active and if anyone wants to abstain from voting this week please say so now.
ALL: ...
EVEN: Very well, everyone will be voting tonight!

EVEN: Now that we have covered all the main points for tonight's eviction, IT IS TIME TO VOTE! The first housemate who will be casting their vote tonight is... AMAR!
AMAR: I wish both nominees the best of luck!


AMAR: I would like to evict ______ because you are a life force to be reckoned with.

LANA: I would like to evict ______ because they need to go.

TRICERATOPS: I would like to evict _______ because unfortunately, this early into a season, a decision like this is tough, and this might just be the better move for me going forward.

JONAH: I would like to evict ______. I don't want the other person to go, they deserve more time here.

STEWART: I-I would like to evict _______ because the other nominee is my friend. I don't want my friend to go home.

BLAIR: I would like to evict ______ because they could hurt my game going forward.

JANELLE: I would like to evict _______ this evening. As much as I admire and respect you, dear, sadly I am voting to evict you. I wish you the best on the outside, but I know you can hold your own without my input. Goodbye lovey.

JIN: I would like to evict ______ because s/he very good but big threat in the game. I-Jin so sorry.

GRIFFIN: I would like to evict ______ because I don't want to see ______ go home right now.

EVEN: Thank you for your vote Griffin! All housemates have now voted and the votes will be tallied. Please could you return to the ceremony area Griffin.

*GRIFFIN exits to the ceremony area.*



EVEN: Welcome back guys! How did you find your first round of voting?
ALL: Hard!
EVEN: Yes, it can be quite difficult to choose who to go home. I'm sure as the season goes on, you'll find it much easier to find reasons.

EVEN: Now, I have tallied up everyone's votes for tonight and we have come to a majority vote!
ALL: Oh!
EVEN: I hope you guys are ready! It's time to find out which one of our nominees will be going home tonight...

EVEN: Good luck nominees! I can now reveal, with a vote of 5-4... the housemate who will be leaving tonight is...





















EVEN: Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE: That is disappointing.
EVEN: I'm very sorry Charlotte. Unfortunately you have been evicted from the house, please may I ask you to leave immediately.

*CHARLOTTE stands up from the block.*

CHARLOTTE: My adventures may have been cut short, but I am delighted to have spent the last week with all of you. I can officially leave the Winterbourne stamp on the Abnormality house.
BRANDON: We'll miss you Charlotte!

*CHARLOTTE heads for the main door.*

CHARLOTTE: I'm going to hold this fabulous house in my heart for a long time. Goodbye Abnormality! I will write about you in my memoirs.

*CHARLOTTE leaves the house as the first evicted housemates this season.*

CHARLOTTE: I wonder where my next adventure will take me?
EVEN: And that is the last of Charlotte in this game.

EVEN: Charlotte has finished in 12th place. Although we have lost Charlotte now, we shall see her again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 12 of you have become 11. You are all one step closer to becoming the winner of Abnormality! I'll see you all next week for our second HOH challenge. Bye everyone!
ALL: Bye Even.

BRANDON: I am so happy I was saved by 1 vote. I'm sad that Charlotte had to go but I can now make sure that Chef Bertha is on her way out behind Charlotte. If there's anything I can do is to get the house on my side now. It's all up from here!

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Charlotte was unable to save herself and has been evicted from the house. I would like to say a massive thank you to twiddle3 for submitting Charlotte for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will win the second HOH challenge and whether Chef Bertha will be able to escape her automatic nomination following the first HOH challenge. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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