EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Chef Bertha was successful in the HOH challenge and won the chance to nominate two of her fellow housemates. Chef Bertha decided to nominate Brandon and Jin. Following the nominations, will Brandon or Jin be able to save themselves from the block? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!
CHEF BERTHA: Shoo little kitteh kat! No vermin on teh counter. Me jus' gets the young 'uns to settle down and me get teh bloody tiny bear actin' up. Hey!
CHEF BERTHA: Get down me tell yer! Don't make me get me spatula out!
BLAIR: Ughhh, this blows. I can't believe we've got to eat this... whatever it is.
AMAR: Although it does lack any sort of nutrients whatsoever, we are getting some form of food intake.
BLAIR: This isn't food... it's just... well, I dunno. It's like some sort of slush alien from another planet.
AMAR: Have you ever heard of the quote "Mind what you lack, move for what is a must and be happy with what you have!"? Both of us have to be happy we are getting something rather than nothing. Some people don't have anything.
BLAIR: Okay, my slop just moved! Told you it was an alien.
AMAR: Don't be silly Blair, there is no such thing as aliens.
CHEF BERTHA: That cheeky pink young 'un started grindin' me gears already... aliens don't exist- pfft. Dey do, and one's livin' as an exchange in me dorm. Her name's Jane and she never learned of 'personal space'. Her blasted 'friendship hugs' are annoying the FECK outta me. Get off. Me ain't yer friend.
CHEF BERTHA: What did yer just say? Aliens ain't real? Course they is! Me seen them with me own two eyes!
AMAR: Aliens don't exist! They've become a pop culture staple amongst sci-fi but there has never been any physical tangible proof they exist.
CHEF BERTHA: Me served pancakes to one back at teh school! Yer think I imagined that up yer cheeky young 'un.
AMAR: I'm not making any judgements, I will say though that I am a non-believer. I'll believe in alien life form if I see it in front of me.
CHEF BERTHA: Dey do exist! Just like the vampires and the hairywolves!
AMAR: Neither of those exist either.
CHEF BERTHA: Course dey do, yer sat opposite one of the bloodsuckers.
BLAIR: Yo, I'm not a vampire!
BLAIR: I beg your pardon...
*JANELLE enters from the garden.*
JANELLE: Bertha lovey, why are you raising your voice?
CHEF BERTHA: Me wasn't, me was havin' a nice talk with the 'no meat, just leaves' over 'ere.
AMAR: Rude.
JANELLE: Good, well if that's all we can lower our voices.
CHEF BERTHA: Me did lower me voice, these people in 'ere...
JANELLE: What was that Bertha?
CHEF BERTHA: Nothing, me was jus' chewin' on a mint.
JANELLE: Very well, I'll be in the bedroom doing a bit of cleaning up. If you need me just call me dear.
AMAR: My morning has definitely been... interesting. This house is a completely different experience that I've ever felt on an astral living plane. Not only was the bonkers chef trying to initiate a fight but the slop actually tasted... fine. I don't know what Blair was making a scene for.
JONAH: I really like your outfit today, it gives me a very strong spring vibe.
CHARLOTTE: Thank you for such a delightful comment.
JONAH: My pleasure! How are you finding this game?
CHARLOTTE: I must say, I have found the game quite pleasant and delectable.
JONAH: That's great to hear.
CHARLOTTE: Are you also having a positive experience?
JONAH: ...Yeah, of course!
CHARLOTTE: I observed some hesitation there, you don't seem convinced.
JONAH: No, I actually am. I'm just a little in my head this morning.
CHARLOTTE: In your head? I'm not entirely certain you can be 'inside of your own head'. I'm no scientist but on a physical capability it cannot be.
JONAH: No, not literally. I've been thinking a lot this morning.
CHARLOTTE: Where have your thoughts been?
JONAH: I was thinking of Lindi...
CHARLOTTE: Lindi, what a beautiful name.
JONAH: Yeah... it is... I miss her everyday.
CHARLOTTE: Is she watching you on the television box from her house?
JONAH: She's... not with me anymore. She... died.
CHARLOTTE: Good heavens, I express my deepest sympathies to you.
JONAH: Thank you, it was an accident. I could have done more to save her... but, we can't go back in time. You just gotta keep going on with life.
CHARLOTTE: I don't want to pry as I know you must be feeling distraught. Was it a recent event?
JONAH: It was at the end of last year, it was all so sudden. I can remember it like it was yesterday... I've been able to deal with it but it's been difficult.
CHARLOTTE: You appear to be a lovely gentleman who is very tentative. I'm sure Lindi would have been very lucky to have you with her.
JONAH: Thanks Charlotte, that's very touching... I don't want to talk about it just yet... but can I come back to you once I'm feeling better.
CHARLOTTE: If you need all the days in this house to do that then please take the time. I will be hear to listen to you.
JONAH: You're great Charlotte, thank you.
JONAH: I have been quite down recently, I've been thinking of Lindi a lot since being away from life and it brought up some feelings I thought I had put to bed. I'm glad Charlotte has been there to support me, sometimes all you need is someone there to listen! I do miss her though.
BRANDON: Come on! I'm gonna make a comeback here.
TRICERATOPS: Activate super mega dinosaur mode!
BRANDON: You think that is gonna help you Trix?
TRICERATOPS: You bet your handsome face it will.
TRICERATOPS: Oh yeah baby! That's how many now for me?
BRANDON: I think you might be doing a little cheating.
TRICERATOPS: How can you cheat at fusbal?
BRANDON: Good point, give me five minutes and I'll think of something that'll prove you can.
TRICERATOPS: I can't believe today is the second challenge! I wonder if the players will get to do something besides choosing jars.
BRANDON: I need it to be something I can excel at.
TRICERATOPS: What would you love for it to be? If you were the big boss and got to choose the type of challenge?
BRANDON: Hmm, probably a physical challenge to be honest.
TRICERATOPS: Eww, I couldn't think of anything worse.
BRANDON: Really? You look like you hit the gym everyday.
TRICERATOPS: This is all luck and praying to the sexy body gods every Friday night. I think it's working until I eat something sweet and then I get a crazy double chin for a while.
BRANDON: Oh, that's unfortunate.
TRICERATOPS: Why would you pick physical though?
BRANDON: I think I'm in good shape, my job pretty much calls for me to be at the best physical state to be able to perform. I'd be able to kill a physical challenge!
TRICERATOPS: I pray to the almighty producer gods that we at least get a knitting challenge, I'd slay it with some woollen couture!
BRANDON: You can knit? That's quite a unique skill.
TRICERATOPS: You bet I can, I could knit all day if I had a big ball of yarn. Sometimes, I put my cat into the clothes I've knitted. He looks so cute in all of the woollen garments.
BRANDON: Trix you are a screwball honestly.
TRICERATOPS: Thanks bish.
JIN: Thank you for having chat. Jin need to talk over things.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer better make it quick, me got some cleanin' to do. Those bowls ain't gonna clean 'emselves.
JIN: ...Jin want to talk about nomination.
JIN: Frustrating, is what I feel now. This crazy cooking lady been very unpleasant. Why I up for nomination? I-Jin, do not take kindly to this for reason no good. Be nice, be kind, everything. I feel so sadness up for nomination with good man like Brandon, real family man. I can be ferocious like tiger and my friend have awoken the beast. Quietly observe and stalk the prey, then Jin pounce, I show them. I- going to have word with Bertie, she will not ridicule me. Thank you and many peace. Zài jiàn!
CHEF BERTHA: Oh, that bloody thing.
JIN: Yes. Jin feel frustrated. Jin been nice to you and then get nominated.
CHEF BERTHA: That Even guy put me off he did. His glasses and silly haircut messed with teh senses, got me all confused.
JIN: So Jin be saved in POP?
CHEF BERTHA: Now why would me do dat? Me don't think it'd make any sense to save anyone right now.
AMAR: Has anyone seen my vegan hand wash?
CHEF BERTHA: Would yer just shaddap already!?
AMAR: ...Unnecessary.
JIN: Jin doesn't want fight, Jin wants peace and harmony.
CHEF BERTHA: And me want some saffron to bake summin' good but me ain't gettin' it, simply get over it.
JIN: You rubbing Jin up wrong way, not happy with your behaviour.
CHEF BERTHA: Don't yer ever just stop talkin'? Me got an earache listenin' to yer, me ears never hurt as much.
JIN: Bertie, I trying to come to resolution with nomination.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer not gettin' one bucko, neeeeext!
JIN: ...That's it. Bertie has unlocked the beast! Jin is not holding back this challenge, I will be safe.
CHEF BERTHA: Yeah yeah, can me get back to cleanin' up now?
JIN: Yes.
BLAIR: It hasn't even been a week yet and I'm still getting trouble from that bat shit crazy chef. I'm so glad I have Janelle here to have my back though, if it wasn't for her Chef Bertha would be all out mad 24/7.
JANELLE: Oh lovey, I've been squeezing lemons all morning and I haven't got anything to show for it.
BLAIR: Everyone appreciates your work, it saves time preparing them for the drinks when the rest of the house wants them.
*JANELLE smells her hands.*
JANELLE: My hands smell of citrus dear. I need to get the zing out of my pours.
BLAIR: I didn't thank you earlier for stepping in again before it got heated, fuck knows what Chef Bertha would have done if it had escalated.
JANELLE: Listen lovey, Bertha isn't some loon with a vendetta, she's just an easily frustrated woman.
BLAIR: She was going to cut the raccoon open with a spatula!
JANELLE: Pfft- like the producers would have let that happen. The best advice I can give you if you feel that strong about Bertha is to stay away.
BLAIR: I'm the victim here, I'm always minding my business and she comes and stirs trouble.
JANELLE: Be the better woman! It is that simple no?
BLAIR: ...You're right. I'm sorry.
JANELLE: No need for apologises dear, you haven't done anything wrong.
BLAIR: I know, I just get so wound up sometimes and don't know how to express that properly.
JANELLE: You will be able to express yourself truly with age dear.
BLAIR: Are you sure about that?
JANELLE: Of course, I remember when I was a young lady, I didn't know how to express my emotions properly. Now that I am older I speak my mind because I know that I'm right! Now, would you like a drink dear?
BLAIR: Yes please.
JANELLE: Do you want a sparkling lemonade?
BLAIR: No thanks, I'll have a gin!
JANELLE: Don't try it lovey, you're getting a sparkling lemonade.
JANELLE: I would consider myself a confident woman, I know what is right and what is wrong. Blair has been talking to me today about Bertha and made a point of not being able to express herself. She will learn with age to express herself properly... in the meantime, I do think she needs to start standing up for herself. I don't mind doing it while in the house but she needs to take control once this game is over. I won't be there for every confrontation she has.
GRIFFIN: I've never seen one ever before.
LANA: I saw it for the first time on my birthday, it looked so much like a lamb.
STEWART: A-and what breed are they again?
LANA: Bedlington Terrier!
STEWART: I-I've never had a dog before, the only pets I've had are cats and tropical fish.
GRIFFIN: They are a lot of responsibility to take on, do you think you would ever get one for yourself and Elizabeth?
STEWART: Hmm, I'm not sure actually. I don't see why not, I think Elizabeth likes dogs.
STEWART: A-All this talk about dogs has got me wondering about whether I should buy one for Elizabeth. I wouldn't know what to buy though.
PRODUCER: A lot of people say that dogs look like their owners.
STEWART: I-I've heard of that before!
PRODUCER: In that case, I think a border terrier might work best for you.
STEWART: S-sorry, what's one of them?
*The PRODUCER hands over a picture.*
STEWART: I-I'm not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment.
LANA: Speaking of dogs, I just remembered this production I did once of 'A Wonderful World of Dissocia', I had to stand in for the guy playing the Black Dog King. Boy was that costume so freakin' hot.
STEWART: Were you in a full bodied suit?
LANA: Yeah, just like the mascot outfits they for sports events. It was an interesting experience but I don't think I'd ever do it again.
GRIFFIN: I just had the best idea ever!
STEWART: W-What is it?
GRIFFIN: You two are both actors right? Well, why don't we all have a Dungeons and Dragons night! Full on role-play in costume!
STEWART: I-I-I don't have any costumes with me, I-I just brought my normal clothes I wear everyday.
LANA: Same here Griff, I only have my casuals and formal wear.
GRIFFIN: I could ask the producers if they have any spare costumes they could give us? Surely they have something in storage.
LANA: Hmm, okay... I'm in, as long as I don't get evicted before we do it.
GRIFFIN: Don't worry you aren't getting evicted Lana.
LANA: You never know in this game!
STEWART: I-I-I'm in too!
GRIFFIN: Awesome, this is gonna be so rad!
LANA: Time to get my character prepared, I need to do an in-depth breakdown of who she is, what her motivations are, potential strengths and weaknesses, all that fun trivia jazz.
GRIFFIN: I can't wait to find out who you come up with!
LANA: I signed up to Griffin's Dungeons and Dragons role-play! I'm quite excited actually as it gives us freedom to create our own characters. What do you think so far? This is what I have. I'm going to play an elf called Muriel who has a bow and red hair. She falls in love with a dwarf and must kill all orcs before they begin their campaign of world domination!
PRODUCER: That is literally Tauriel from The Hobbit...
LANA: So I'm not inspired at the moment to think from scratch, give me a break guys!
EVEN: Hello housemates! It's time for the first POP challenge. Six of you will compete in the challenge tonight for the chance to win the VETO! This veto will be able to remove one of the nominees currently sat on the chopping block. If the veto is used and one of the nominees is saved, the current reigning HOH must select a replacement nominee to take the empty seat on the block. The final nominees after this challenge will face eviction at the end of the week. Now, let's see who has been picked for today's POP challenge...
EVEN: As the current reigning HOH; Chef Bertha you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer gotta be kiddin' me, me can't be feckin' bothered.
EVEN: Brandon, as one of the nominees on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
BRANDON: Thank you for clarifying Even.
EVEN: Jin, as the second nominee on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
JIN: Jin is ready, win big yes!
EVEN: And now by random selection, the following housemates will also be competing in the POP challenge tonight! First up... Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE: How magnificent.
EVEN: The next housemate to play is... Griffin!
GRIFFIN: Nice! I better level up before we go in.
EVEN: Our final housemate to play will be... TRICERATOPS!
TRICERATOPS: Oooooh yeah baby! Time to bring the big guns out on this challenge.
EVEN: I hope you are all prepared, it is time to play the POP challenge! Before we enter the challenge arena, please could you all get into your Athletic wear. We'll see you all once you are dressed.
EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to The Hall of Walls! Today, all of you will be put on a climbing adventure like no other. Each of you will take on your own electronic rock climbing wall and will have to climb for your lives!
EVEN: The aim of the game is to be the last man or woman standing... or climbing in this case at the end of the game. In addition to out-climbing your competitors you will also need to be careful about the electronics. The wall will be moving down throughout the game meaning you will have to keep climbing to avoid hitting the mat at the bottom. Are you all with me so far?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: You will be eliminated if you touch the mat or if you fall from the wall.
EVEN: Now that we have covered the ground rules, is everyone ready to take on the challenge?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Perfect, if you could all make your way to your designated wall we will set-up the walls and start the challenge.
*CHEF BERTHA stares into the camera.*
CHEF BERTHA: Get that camera outta me face! Jeez.
CHARLOTTE: Oh my, these settings are very convoluted and laborious to work.
EVEN: Have you looked at the instruction manual, the settings should be noted on there for you to input.
CHARLOTTE: Apologies, I thought that was some sort of health & safety manual.
GRIFFIN: Wow! The wall looks MUCH bigger when you're up close to it.
EVEN: Are you afraid of heights?
GRIFFIN: Just a little... I'll be fine, I hope. Oh god. What am I doing?
EVEN: If you want to sit out you can.
GRIFFIN: No, I'll give it a go. If I just keep looking up and don't look down I should be fine.
EVEN: Okie dokie! Are we all ready to go?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Time to climb guys, please get into position!
GRIFFIN: The first challenge I'm playing in and it's a challenge involving heights! I don't really do well with heights and always feel a bit unsafe and queasy. It's not a major phobia but... it scares the hell out of me! At least the mats are padded if I fall off I guess...
EVEN: Ready, set, climb!
*The housemates begin to climb the moving walls.*
CHEF BERTHA: FECK! Me scraped me hand on teh sharp rock.
BRANDON: There shouldn't be any sharp rocks on here.
CHEF BERTHA: Me bad, I already had that before.
TRICERATOPS: Y'alright chickadee?
CHARLOTTE: I nearly lost my grip but I am dandy now.
GRIFFIN: Don't look down... don't look down... don't look down.
TRICERATOPS: That's right Griff, just keep on going.
GRIFFIN: Oh no, I accidentally looked down!
TRICERATOPS: Keep your cool dude, keep climbing to the top. You can do this!
GRIFFIN: Thanks Trix, let's do this.
JIN: Brandon, how you coping?
BRANDON: This is like second nature to me, I'm in my element here.
JIN: Good to see! Jin still going.
BRANDON: I'm impressed, not a lot of people at a certain age would be able to do this as good as you are.
GRIFFIN: Trix, are you tapping out?
TRICERATOPS: Yeah, I don't want to win this POP and my arms are getting a little tired. Good luck guys!
*TRICERATOPS lets the wall roll down, awaiting her feet touching the mat.*
TRICERATOPS: I love climbing and would usually have gone all out on it... but we're only in our first week and I'm not sure if I want to win the veto. I don't know who I'd use it on. I'll give the power to someone else who wants it more.
*TRICERATOPS touches the mat.*
TRICERATOPS: And coming in first is Triceratops!
EVEN: Triceratops, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge.
TRICERATOPS: Thank you, now I can sit back and watch these guys climb.
*CHEF BERTHA falls from the wall and hits the mat.*
CHEF BERTHA: FECK! I've hurt me rusty kneecaps. Me gonna be limpin' around all week now. Yer hear the big click? That be me arthritis me bet.
EVEN: Chef Bertha, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge!
CHEF BERTHA: Me never doin' anything like that again.
TRICERATOPS: Are you sure? You did very well to say you're not a climber.
CHEF BERTHA: No bloody chance. Me gonna stick to teh kitchen and teh garden.
TRICERATOPS: I never knew you liked gardening, you learn something new everyday!
EVEN: With our first two housemates dropping out we are down to the last 4! Brandon and Jin are still in with a chance to get themselves off the block.
BRANDON: Come on Jin, let's do this together.
JIN: Jin- appreciate support from you.
EVEN: Charlotte and Griffin are also still in the game and could win themselves the veto!
CHARLOTTE: My hands are starting to cramp.
GRIFFIN: Mine are too in all honesty.
GRIFFIN: Come on Charlotte, we need to get back to the top.
CHARLOTTE: I am struggling to keep on, I'm not sure if I can go on any longer.
GRIFFIN: Technically we don't need the veto... we could both drop out and let one of the nominees get it?
CHARLOTTE: I think that would be a delightful gift for one of the nominees. You don't have to drop out just because I am. You carry on with the challenge.
GRIFFIN: No... I've climbed for long enough. I'm ready to get down too.
CHARLOTTE: Okay, let's get off this climbing wall.
GRIFFIN: Down we go!
*CHARLOTTE and GRIFFIN stop climbing and wait until they touch the mats at the bottom of the wall.*
EVEN: Charlotte and Griffin, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge!
EVEN: There are only 2 housemates that remain in the challenge! Soon we will find out who will come out on top. Will Brandon or Jin be the last housemate standing?
BRANDON: We've done it Jin, we're the last ones on the wall!
JIN: Jin pleased- thought be first off.
BRANDON: I'm glad that Jin and I are the last ones left on the wall. I consider Jin one of the closest people in here to me and can rely on him to have my back in this house. You best know I have his back too!
JIN: Jin... getting tired.
BRANDON: Are you okay Jin?
JIN: Jin just tired. Climbing hard working.
BRANDON: Tell me about it, my arms are starting to buckle.
JIN: I can keep going, just more.
BRANDON: Same here, we're not giving up just yet!
*BRANDON and JIN continue to climb the wall.*
CHARLOTTE: Spiffing effort from the both of you, I wish you all the best of luck going into this final lap of the wall!
BRANDON: Thanks Charlotte.
JIN: Yes, thank you.
TRICERATOPS: This is so entertaining, I wonder who's going to win this?
CHEF BERTHA: WHOOOO CARES!!! Me needs to get back to me kitchen, teh bowls are stacked up ready to be cleaned.
TRICERATOPS: I can do it, don't you worry your little red boots off about it.
GRIFFIN: Oh no! He's hit the mat!
*The final housemate hits the mat. The remaining housemate on the wall is still climbing.*
EVEN: Looks like we have a winner! The last housemate to hit the mat has just lost his chance on winning the veto... without further or do, let's reveal the winner! The winner of this challenge is...
EVEN: Jin!
JIN: Jin- win? Peace and happiness back!
Jin- 1749493
Brandon- 900898
Charlotte- 304298
Griffin- 299518
Chef Bertha- 268588
Triceratops- 88662
EVEN: Congratulations on your win Jin! In a moment we will return to the garden where you will make the decision whether you want to use the veto to save one of the nominees on the chopping block!
EVEN: Welcome back housemates! Jin was crowned our first POP winner and has gained the power to veto one of the nominees on the chopping block!
EVEN: Jin, this week Brandon and yourself are on the chopping block. With your new found power, will you use the veto on any of the nominees on the chopping block this week?
JIN: Jin use on myself. Jin want to stay.
EVEN: As expected, thank you for your decision Jin. You are no longer a nominee this week, following this decision the current reigning HOH will now have to make a decision on who to replace in Jin's place.
EVEN: Chef Bertha, as the current reigning HOH you will now tell me who your replacement nominee will be. Chef Bertha, please could you give me your answer...
CHEF BERTHA: Ughhhhhh, stahp already! Me absolutely shattered with all this... Hmmph. Me gotta put up a young 'un dis time... Even, me is gonna nominate...
CHEF BERTHA: Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE: My spirit has dampened slightly.
EVEN: I'm sorry Charlotte but you have been nominated. Please could you take a seat next to Brandon.
EVEN: Brandon and Charlotte, you two are the final nominees this week and will face eviction. One of you will be going home this week.
BRANDON: I'm so sorry Charlotte, good luck!
CHARLOTTE: The best of luck to you too Brandon.
EVEN: Good luck guys! I will see you all on eviction night where one of you will be going home! Goodnight everybody.
ALL: Bye Even.
CHARLOTTE: I am remaining calm following Chef Bertha's deliberation tonight. When I came into this competition I thought that I would have an ample amount of time to experience new things. To have my time cut short would feel unsatisfying, luckily I'm a Winterbourne... and a Winterbourne doesn't go down without a fight!
CHARLOTTE: I cannot comprehend how we could have ended in this situation. No matter, I can say my first week has been an interesting endeavour.
BRANDON: Achoo! Sorry. I know what you mean. I wish we could have had longer in here.
CHARLOTTE: Out of the eligible housemates I was surprised Chef Bertha chose me though, I would have considered a number of the other housemates to go up in Jin's place before me.
BRANDON: She is truly a crazy woman... luckily she is nominated next week.
CHARLOTTE: Her appearance may be short lived too on this programme.
BRANDON: I would've liked you to have been safe... you're a really lovely girl who has a lot to offer to a house like this.
CHARLOTTE: Flattery is fine Brandon, I am merely a simple lady though.
BRANDON: Don't say that, you're intelligent, you're classy... and you're incredibly attractive.
CHARLOTTE: Mr. Cohen, I am touched. I didn't know you were this fond of me.
BRANDON: How could I not? You're brilliant...
*BRANDON and CHARLOTTE mellow in the silence.*
BRANDON: Chef Bertha is nominated...
CHARLOTTE: I believe you mentioned this a few moments ago.
BRANDON: I have a plan but I need to know whether I have you on my side.
CHARLOTTE: I'm intrigued, please continue.
BRANDON: Bertha is automatically nominated next week, which means she has a chance of going home! Why don't we make that happen. Whoever survives this eviction can gather up support from the rest of the house and take her out while we have the opportunity.
CHARLOTTE: That is a wicked proposition. I'm not sure if I could commit to something so heinous.
BRANDON: It would be the perfect way to get even for one of our evictions though. It could ultimately secure your place in the house as a hero... at least for a few weeks. It could be the best strategic move played on a social level.
BRANDON: There is a lot of work to be done to garner the support of the entire house, however Chef Bertha has alienated herself from a few members of the house already. I'm sure we would be able to get them on side easily.
CHARLOTTE: The plan does sound interesting... I will have to think about it.
BRANDON: Okay, but be quick... the eviction will soon be upon us and Bertha may have the chance to slip through our fingers.
EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Jin pulled through and won the first POP challenge of this season. He decided to save himself from the chopping block resulting in Charlotte being his replacement. Following this, Brandon or Charlotte will be going home this week. The question is though, who will be the unlucky housemates and be the first to leave the house? Tune in to the next episode to find out the result of the eviction ceremony and who will be our first evicted housemate. Goodnight everybody!
Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)
Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)
CHEF BERTHA: Shoo little kitteh kat! No vermin on teh counter. Me jus' gets the young 'uns to settle down and me get teh bloody tiny bear actin' up. Hey!
CHEF BERTHA: Get down me tell yer! Don't make me get me spatula out!
BLAIR: Ughhh, this blows. I can't believe we've got to eat this... whatever it is.
AMAR: Although it does lack any sort of nutrients whatsoever, we are getting some form of food intake.
BLAIR: This isn't food... it's just... well, I dunno. It's like some sort of slush alien from another planet.
AMAR: Have you ever heard of the quote "Mind what you lack, move for what is a must and be happy with what you have!"? Both of us have to be happy we are getting something rather than nothing. Some people don't have anything.
BLAIR: Okay, my slop just moved! Told you it was an alien.
AMAR: Don't be silly Blair, there is no such thing as aliens.
CHEF BERTHA: That cheeky pink young 'un started grindin' me gears already... aliens don't exist- pfft. Dey do, and one's livin' as an exchange in me dorm. Her name's Jane and she never learned of 'personal space'. Her blasted 'friendship hugs' are annoying the FECK outta me. Get off. Me ain't yer friend.
CHEF BERTHA: What did yer just say? Aliens ain't real? Course they is! Me seen them with me own two eyes!
AMAR: Aliens don't exist! They've become a pop culture staple amongst sci-fi but there has never been any physical tangible proof they exist.
CHEF BERTHA: Me served pancakes to one back at teh school! Yer think I imagined that up yer cheeky young 'un.
AMAR: I'm not making any judgements, I will say though that I am a non-believer. I'll believe in alien life form if I see it in front of me.
CHEF BERTHA: Dey do exist! Just like the vampires and the hairywolves!
AMAR: Neither of those exist either.
CHEF BERTHA: Course dey do, yer sat opposite one of the bloodsuckers.
BLAIR: Yo, I'm not a vampire!
BLAIR: I beg your pardon...
*JANELLE enters from the garden.*
JANELLE: Bertha lovey, why are you raising your voice?
CHEF BERTHA: Me wasn't, me was havin' a nice talk with the 'no meat, just leaves' over 'ere.
AMAR: Rude.
JANELLE: Good, well if that's all we can lower our voices.
CHEF BERTHA: Me did lower me voice, these people in 'ere...
JANELLE: What was that Bertha?
CHEF BERTHA: Nothing, me was jus' chewin' on a mint.
JANELLE: Very well, I'll be in the bedroom doing a bit of cleaning up. If you need me just call me dear.
AMAR: My morning has definitely been... interesting. This house is a completely different experience that I've ever felt on an astral living plane. Not only was the bonkers chef trying to initiate a fight but the slop actually tasted... fine. I don't know what Blair was making a scene for.
JONAH: I really like your outfit today, it gives me a very strong spring vibe.
CHARLOTTE: Thank you for such a delightful comment.
JONAH: My pleasure! How are you finding this game?
CHARLOTTE: I must say, I have found the game quite pleasant and delectable.
JONAH: That's great to hear.
CHARLOTTE: Are you also having a positive experience?
JONAH: ...Yeah, of course!
CHARLOTTE: I observed some hesitation there, you don't seem convinced.
JONAH: No, I actually am. I'm just a little in my head this morning.
CHARLOTTE: In your head? I'm not entirely certain you can be 'inside of your own head'. I'm no scientist but on a physical capability it cannot be.
JONAH: No, not literally. I've been thinking a lot this morning.
CHARLOTTE: Where have your thoughts been?
JONAH: I was thinking of Lindi...
CHARLOTTE: Lindi, what a beautiful name.
JONAH: Yeah... it is... I miss her everyday.
CHARLOTTE: Is she watching you on the television box from her house?
JONAH: She's... not with me anymore. She... died.
CHARLOTTE: Good heavens, I express my deepest sympathies to you.
JONAH: Thank you, it was an accident. I could have done more to save her... but, we can't go back in time. You just gotta keep going on with life.
CHARLOTTE: I don't want to pry as I know you must be feeling distraught. Was it a recent event?
JONAH: It was at the end of last year, it was all so sudden. I can remember it like it was yesterday... I've been able to deal with it but it's been difficult.
CHARLOTTE: You appear to be a lovely gentleman who is very tentative. I'm sure Lindi would have been very lucky to have you with her.
JONAH: Thanks Charlotte, that's very touching... I don't want to talk about it just yet... but can I come back to you once I'm feeling better.
CHARLOTTE: If you need all the days in this house to do that then please take the time. I will be hear to listen to you.
JONAH: You're great Charlotte, thank you.
JONAH: I have been quite down recently, I've been thinking of Lindi a lot since being away from life and it brought up some feelings I thought I had put to bed. I'm glad Charlotte has been there to support me, sometimes all you need is someone there to listen! I do miss her though.
BRANDON: Come on! I'm gonna make a comeback here.
TRICERATOPS: Activate super mega dinosaur mode!
BRANDON: You think that is gonna help you Trix?
TRICERATOPS: You bet your handsome face it will.
TRICERATOPS: Oh yeah baby! That's how many now for me?
BRANDON: I think you might be doing a little cheating.
TRICERATOPS: How can you cheat at fusbal?
BRANDON: Good point, give me five minutes and I'll think of something that'll prove you can.
TRICERATOPS: I can't believe today is the second challenge! I wonder if the players will get to do something besides choosing jars.
BRANDON: I need it to be something I can excel at.
TRICERATOPS: What would you love for it to be? If you were the big boss and got to choose the type of challenge?
BRANDON: Hmm, probably a physical challenge to be honest.
TRICERATOPS: Eww, I couldn't think of anything worse.
BRANDON: Really? You look like you hit the gym everyday.
TRICERATOPS: This is all luck and praying to the sexy body gods every Friday night. I think it's working until I eat something sweet and then I get a crazy double chin for a while.
BRANDON: Oh, that's unfortunate.
TRICERATOPS: Why would you pick physical though?
BRANDON: I think I'm in good shape, my job pretty much calls for me to be at the best physical state to be able to perform. I'd be able to kill a physical challenge!
TRICERATOPS: I pray to the almighty producer gods that we at least get a knitting challenge, I'd slay it with some woollen couture!
BRANDON: You can knit? That's quite a unique skill.
TRICERATOPS: You bet I can, I could knit all day if I had a big ball of yarn. Sometimes, I put my cat into the clothes I've knitted. He looks so cute in all of the woollen garments.
BRANDON: Trix you are a screwball honestly.
TRICERATOPS: Thanks bish.
JIN: Thank you for having chat. Jin need to talk over things.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer better make it quick, me got some cleanin' to do. Those bowls ain't gonna clean 'emselves.
JIN: ...Jin want to talk about nomination.
JIN: Frustrating, is what I feel now. This crazy cooking lady been very unpleasant. Why I up for nomination? I-Jin, do not take kindly to this for reason no good. Be nice, be kind, everything. I feel so sadness up for nomination with good man like Brandon, real family man. I can be ferocious like tiger and my friend have awoken the beast. Quietly observe and stalk the prey, then Jin pounce, I show them. I- going to have word with Bertie, she will not ridicule me. Thank you and many peace. Zài jiàn!
CHEF BERTHA: Oh, that bloody thing.
JIN: Yes. Jin feel frustrated. Jin been nice to you and then get nominated.
CHEF BERTHA: That Even guy put me off he did. His glasses and silly haircut messed with teh senses, got me all confused.
JIN: So Jin be saved in POP?
CHEF BERTHA: Now why would me do dat? Me don't think it'd make any sense to save anyone right now.
AMAR: Has anyone seen my vegan hand wash?
CHEF BERTHA: Would yer just shaddap already!?
AMAR: ...Unnecessary.
JIN: Jin doesn't want fight, Jin wants peace and harmony.
CHEF BERTHA: And me want some saffron to bake summin' good but me ain't gettin' it, simply get over it.
JIN: You rubbing Jin up wrong way, not happy with your behaviour.
CHEF BERTHA: Don't yer ever just stop talkin'? Me got an earache listenin' to yer, me ears never hurt as much.
JIN: Bertie, I trying to come to resolution with nomination.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer not gettin' one bucko, neeeeext!
JIN: ...That's it. Bertie has unlocked the beast! Jin is not holding back this challenge, I will be safe.
CHEF BERTHA: Yeah yeah, can me get back to cleanin' up now?
JIN: Yes.
BLAIR: It hasn't even been a week yet and I'm still getting trouble from that bat shit crazy chef. I'm so glad I have Janelle here to have my back though, if it wasn't for her Chef Bertha would be all out mad 24/7.
JANELLE: Oh lovey, I've been squeezing lemons all morning and I haven't got anything to show for it.
BLAIR: Everyone appreciates your work, it saves time preparing them for the drinks when the rest of the house wants them.
*JANELLE smells her hands.*
JANELLE: My hands smell of citrus dear. I need to get the zing out of my pours.
BLAIR: I didn't thank you earlier for stepping in again before it got heated, fuck knows what Chef Bertha would have done if it had escalated.
JANELLE: Listen lovey, Bertha isn't some loon with a vendetta, she's just an easily frustrated woman.
BLAIR: She was going to cut the raccoon open with a spatula!
JANELLE: Pfft- like the producers would have let that happen. The best advice I can give you if you feel that strong about Bertha is to stay away.
BLAIR: I'm the victim here, I'm always minding my business and she comes and stirs trouble.
JANELLE: Be the better woman! It is that simple no?
BLAIR: ...You're right. I'm sorry.
JANELLE: No need for apologises dear, you haven't done anything wrong.
BLAIR: I know, I just get so wound up sometimes and don't know how to express that properly.
JANELLE: You will be able to express yourself truly with age dear.
BLAIR: Are you sure about that?
JANELLE: Of course, I remember when I was a young lady, I didn't know how to express my emotions properly. Now that I am older I speak my mind because I know that I'm right! Now, would you like a drink dear?
BLAIR: Yes please.
JANELLE: Do you want a sparkling lemonade?
BLAIR: No thanks, I'll have a gin!
JANELLE: Don't try it lovey, you're getting a sparkling lemonade.
JANELLE: I would consider myself a confident woman, I know what is right and what is wrong. Blair has been talking to me today about Bertha and made a point of not being able to express herself. She will learn with age to express herself properly... in the meantime, I do think she needs to start standing up for herself. I don't mind doing it while in the house but she needs to take control once this game is over. I won't be there for every confrontation she has.
GRIFFIN: I've never seen one ever before.
LANA: I saw it for the first time on my birthday, it looked so much like a lamb.
STEWART: A-and what breed are they again?
LANA: Bedlington Terrier!
STEWART: I-I've never had a dog before, the only pets I've had are cats and tropical fish.
GRIFFIN: They are a lot of responsibility to take on, do you think you would ever get one for yourself and Elizabeth?
STEWART: Hmm, I'm not sure actually. I don't see why not, I think Elizabeth likes dogs.
STEWART: A-All this talk about dogs has got me wondering about whether I should buy one for Elizabeth. I wouldn't know what to buy though.
PRODUCER: A lot of people say that dogs look like their owners.
STEWART: I-I've heard of that before!
PRODUCER: In that case, I think a border terrier might work best for you.
STEWART: S-sorry, what's one of them?
*The PRODUCER hands over a picture.*
STEWART: I-I'm not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment.
LANA: Speaking of dogs, I just remembered this production I did once of 'A Wonderful World of Dissocia', I had to stand in for the guy playing the Black Dog King. Boy was that costume so freakin' hot.
STEWART: Were you in a full bodied suit?
LANA: Yeah, just like the mascot outfits they for sports events. It was an interesting experience but I don't think I'd ever do it again.
GRIFFIN: I just had the best idea ever!
STEWART: W-What is it?
GRIFFIN: You two are both actors right? Well, why don't we all have a Dungeons and Dragons night! Full on role-play in costume!
STEWART: I-I-I don't have any costumes with me, I-I just brought my normal clothes I wear everyday.
LANA: Same here Griff, I only have my casuals and formal wear.
GRIFFIN: I could ask the producers if they have any spare costumes they could give us? Surely they have something in storage.
LANA: Hmm, okay... I'm in, as long as I don't get evicted before we do it.
GRIFFIN: Don't worry you aren't getting evicted Lana.
LANA: You never know in this game!
STEWART: I-I-I'm in too!
GRIFFIN: Awesome, this is gonna be so rad!
LANA: Time to get my character prepared, I need to do an in-depth breakdown of who she is, what her motivations are, potential strengths and weaknesses, all that fun trivia jazz.
GRIFFIN: I can't wait to find out who you come up with!
LANA: I signed up to Griffin's Dungeons and Dragons role-play! I'm quite excited actually as it gives us freedom to create our own characters. What do you think so far? This is what I have. I'm going to play an elf called Muriel who has a bow and red hair. She falls in love with a dwarf and must kill all orcs before they begin their campaign of world domination!
PRODUCER: That is literally Tauriel from The Hobbit...
LANA: So I'm not inspired at the moment to think from scratch, give me a break guys!
EVEN: Hello housemates! It's time for the first POP challenge. Six of you will compete in the challenge tonight for the chance to win the VETO! This veto will be able to remove one of the nominees currently sat on the chopping block. If the veto is used and one of the nominees is saved, the current reigning HOH must select a replacement nominee to take the empty seat on the block. The final nominees after this challenge will face eviction at the end of the week. Now, let's see who has been picked for today's POP challenge...
EVEN: As the current reigning HOH; Chef Bertha you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer gotta be kiddin' me, me can't be feckin' bothered.
EVEN: Brandon, as one of the nominees on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
BRANDON: Thank you for clarifying Even.
EVEN: Jin, as the second nominee on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
JIN: Jin is ready, win big yes!
EVEN: And now by random selection, the following housemates will also be competing in the POP challenge tonight! First up... Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE: How magnificent.
EVEN: The next housemate to play is... Griffin!
GRIFFIN: Nice! I better level up before we go in.
EVEN: Our final housemate to play will be... TRICERATOPS!
TRICERATOPS: Oooooh yeah baby! Time to bring the big guns out on this challenge.
EVEN: I hope you are all prepared, it is time to play the POP challenge! Before we enter the challenge arena, please could you all get into your Athletic wear. We'll see you all once you are dressed.
EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to The Hall of Walls! Today, all of you will be put on a climbing adventure like no other. Each of you will take on your own electronic rock climbing wall and will have to climb for your lives!
EVEN: The aim of the game is to be the last man or woman standing... or climbing in this case at the end of the game. In addition to out-climbing your competitors you will also need to be careful about the electronics. The wall will be moving down throughout the game meaning you will have to keep climbing to avoid hitting the mat at the bottom. Are you all with me so far?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: You will be eliminated if you touch the mat or if you fall from the wall.
EVEN: Now that we have covered the ground rules, is everyone ready to take on the challenge?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Perfect, if you could all make your way to your designated wall we will set-up the walls and start the challenge.
*CHEF BERTHA stares into the camera.*
CHEF BERTHA: Get that camera outta me face! Jeez.
CHARLOTTE: Oh my, these settings are very convoluted and laborious to work.
EVEN: Have you looked at the instruction manual, the settings should be noted on there for you to input.
CHARLOTTE: Apologies, I thought that was some sort of health & safety manual.
GRIFFIN: Wow! The wall looks MUCH bigger when you're up close to it.
EVEN: Are you afraid of heights?
GRIFFIN: Just a little... I'll be fine, I hope. Oh god. What am I doing?
EVEN: If you want to sit out you can.
GRIFFIN: No, I'll give it a go. If I just keep looking up and don't look down I should be fine.
EVEN: Okie dokie! Are we all ready to go?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Time to climb guys, please get into position!
GRIFFIN: The first challenge I'm playing in and it's a challenge involving heights! I don't really do well with heights and always feel a bit unsafe and queasy. It's not a major phobia but... it scares the hell out of me! At least the mats are padded if I fall off I guess...
EVEN: Ready, set, climb!
*The housemates begin to climb the moving walls.*
CHEF BERTHA: FECK! Me scraped me hand on teh sharp rock.
BRANDON: There shouldn't be any sharp rocks on here.
CHEF BERTHA: Me bad, I already had that before.
TRICERATOPS: Y'alright chickadee?
CHARLOTTE: I nearly lost my grip but I am dandy now.
GRIFFIN: Don't look down... don't look down... don't look down.
TRICERATOPS: That's right Griff, just keep on going.
GRIFFIN: Oh no, I accidentally looked down!
TRICERATOPS: Keep your cool dude, keep climbing to the top. You can do this!
GRIFFIN: Thanks Trix, let's do this.
JIN: Brandon, how you coping?
BRANDON: This is like second nature to me, I'm in my element here.
JIN: Good to see! Jin still going.
BRANDON: I'm impressed, not a lot of people at a certain age would be able to do this as good as you are.
GRIFFIN: Trix, are you tapping out?
TRICERATOPS: Yeah, I don't want to win this POP and my arms are getting a little tired. Good luck guys!
*TRICERATOPS lets the wall roll down, awaiting her feet touching the mat.*
TRICERATOPS: I love climbing and would usually have gone all out on it... but we're only in our first week and I'm not sure if I want to win the veto. I don't know who I'd use it on. I'll give the power to someone else who wants it more.
*TRICERATOPS touches the mat.*
TRICERATOPS: And coming in first is Triceratops!
EVEN: Triceratops, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge.
TRICERATOPS: Thank you, now I can sit back and watch these guys climb.
*CHEF BERTHA falls from the wall and hits the mat.*
CHEF BERTHA: FECK! I've hurt me rusty kneecaps. Me gonna be limpin' around all week now. Yer hear the big click? That be me arthritis me bet.
EVEN: Chef Bertha, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge!
CHEF BERTHA: Me never doin' anything like that again.
TRICERATOPS: Are you sure? You did very well to say you're not a climber.
CHEF BERTHA: No bloody chance. Me gonna stick to teh kitchen and teh garden.
TRICERATOPS: I never knew you liked gardening, you learn something new everyday!
EVEN: With our first two housemates dropping out we are down to the last 4! Brandon and Jin are still in with a chance to get themselves off the block.
BRANDON: Come on Jin, let's do this together.
JIN: Jin- appreciate support from you.
EVEN: Charlotte and Griffin are also still in the game and could win themselves the veto!
CHARLOTTE: My hands are starting to cramp.
GRIFFIN: Mine are too in all honesty.
GRIFFIN: Come on Charlotte, we need to get back to the top.
CHARLOTTE: I am struggling to keep on, I'm not sure if I can go on any longer.
GRIFFIN: Technically we don't need the veto... we could both drop out and let one of the nominees get it?
CHARLOTTE: I think that would be a delightful gift for one of the nominees. You don't have to drop out just because I am. You carry on with the challenge.
GRIFFIN: No... I've climbed for long enough. I'm ready to get down too.
CHARLOTTE: Okay, let's get off this climbing wall.
GRIFFIN: Down we go!
*CHARLOTTE and GRIFFIN stop climbing and wait until they touch the mats at the bottom of the wall.*
EVEN: Charlotte and Griffin, you have been eliminated from the POP challenge!
EVEN: There are only 2 housemates that remain in the challenge! Soon we will find out who will come out on top. Will Brandon or Jin be the last housemate standing?
BRANDON: We've done it Jin, we're the last ones on the wall!
JIN: Jin pleased- thought be first off.
BRANDON: I'm glad that Jin and I are the last ones left on the wall. I consider Jin one of the closest people in here to me and can rely on him to have my back in this house. You best know I have his back too!
JIN: Jin... getting tired.
BRANDON: Are you okay Jin?
JIN: Jin just tired. Climbing hard working.
BRANDON: Tell me about it, my arms are starting to buckle.
JIN: I can keep going, just more.
BRANDON: Same here, we're not giving up just yet!
*BRANDON and JIN continue to climb the wall.*
CHARLOTTE: Spiffing effort from the both of you, I wish you all the best of luck going into this final lap of the wall!
BRANDON: Thanks Charlotte.
JIN: Yes, thank you.
TRICERATOPS: This is so entertaining, I wonder who's going to win this?
CHEF BERTHA: WHOOOO CARES!!! Me needs to get back to me kitchen, teh bowls are stacked up ready to be cleaned.
TRICERATOPS: I can do it, don't you worry your little red boots off about it.
GRIFFIN: Oh no! He's hit the mat!
*The final housemate hits the mat. The remaining housemate on the wall is still climbing.*
EVEN: Looks like we have a winner! The last housemate to hit the mat has just lost his chance on winning the veto... without further or do, let's reveal the winner! The winner of this challenge is...
EVEN: Jin!
JIN: Jin- win? Peace and happiness back!
Jin- 1749493
Brandon- 900898
Charlotte- 304298
Griffin- 299518
Chef Bertha- 268588
Triceratops- 88662
EVEN: Congratulations on your win Jin! In a moment we will return to the garden where you will make the decision whether you want to use the veto to save one of the nominees on the chopping block!
EVEN: Welcome back housemates! Jin was crowned our first POP winner and has gained the power to veto one of the nominees on the chopping block!
EVEN: Jin, this week Brandon and yourself are on the chopping block. With your new found power, will you use the veto on any of the nominees on the chopping block this week?
JIN: Jin use on myself. Jin want to stay.
EVEN: As expected, thank you for your decision Jin. You are no longer a nominee this week, following this decision the current reigning HOH will now have to make a decision on who to replace in Jin's place.
EVEN: Chef Bertha, as the current reigning HOH you will now tell me who your replacement nominee will be. Chef Bertha, please could you give me your answer...
CHEF BERTHA: Ughhhhhh, stahp already! Me absolutely shattered with all this... Hmmph. Me gotta put up a young 'un dis time... Even, me is gonna nominate...
CHEF BERTHA: Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE: My spirit has dampened slightly.
EVEN: I'm sorry Charlotte but you have been nominated. Please could you take a seat next to Brandon.
EVEN: Brandon and Charlotte, you two are the final nominees this week and will face eviction. One of you will be going home this week.
BRANDON: I'm so sorry Charlotte, good luck!
CHARLOTTE: The best of luck to you too Brandon.
EVEN: Good luck guys! I will see you all on eviction night where one of you will be going home! Goodnight everybody.
ALL: Bye Even.
CHARLOTTE: I am remaining calm following Chef Bertha's deliberation tonight. When I came into this competition I thought that I would have an ample amount of time to experience new things. To have my time cut short would feel unsatisfying, luckily I'm a Winterbourne... and a Winterbourne doesn't go down without a fight!
CHARLOTTE: I cannot comprehend how we could have ended in this situation. No matter, I can say my first week has been an interesting endeavour.
BRANDON: Achoo! Sorry. I know what you mean. I wish we could have had longer in here.
CHARLOTTE: Out of the eligible housemates I was surprised Chef Bertha chose me though, I would have considered a number of the other housemates to go up in Jin's place before me.
BRANDON: She is truly a crazy woman... luckily she is nominated next week.
CHARLOTTE: Her appearance may be short lived too on this programme.
BRANDON: I would've liked you to have been safe... you're a really lovely girl who has a lot to offer to a house like this.
CHARLOTTE: Flattery is fine Brandon, I am merely a simple lady though.
BRANDON: Don't say that, you're intelligent, you're classy... and you're incredibly attractive.
CHARLOTTE: Mr. Cohen, I am touched. I didn't know you were this fond of me.
BRANDON: How could I not? You're brilliant...
*BRANDON and CHARLOTTE mellow in the silence.*
BRANDON: Chef Bertha is nominated...
CHARLOTTE: I believe you mentioned this a few moments ago.
BRANDON: I have a plan but I need to know whether I have you on my side.
CHARLOTTE: I'm intrigued, please continue.
BRANDON: Bertha is automatically nominated next week, which means she has a chance of going home! Why don't we make that happen. Whoever survives this eviction can gather up support from the rest of the house and take her out while we have the opportunity.
CHARLOTTE: That is a wicked proposition. I'm not sure if I could commit to something so heinous.
BRANDON: It would be the perfect way to get even for one of our evictions though. It could ultimately secure your place in the house as a hero... at least for a few weeks. It could be the best strategic move played on a social level.
BRANDON: There is a lot of work to be done to garner the support of the entire house, however Chef Bertha has alienated herself from a few members of the house already. I'm sure we would be able to get them on side easily.
CHARLOTTE: The plan does sound interesting... I will have to think about it.
BRANDON: Okay, but be quick... the eviction will soon be upon us and Bertha may have the chance to slip through our fingers.
EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Jin pulled through and won the first POP challenge of this season. He decided to save himself from the chopping block resulting in Charlotte being his replacement. Following this, Brandon or Charlotte will be going home this week. The question is though, who will be the unlucky housemates and be the first to leave the house? Tune in to the next episode to find out the result of the eviction ceremony and who will be our first evicted housemate. Goodnight everybody!
Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)
Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)
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