Thursday 3 October 2019

5.1: Season 5 Premiere

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Before we let these players loose into the house, let's see how much the house has changed since last season!


EVEN: The theme we went for this season was "Colour Pop", you'll be seeing a lot of colourful mish mashes throughout the house this year, including our new living room. I gotta say, all the different colours do oddly work together.

EVEN: Here we have our new kitchen area that has been moved into the main space from the side room this season. It definitely opens up the area for more dinner socials and more food fights- if you're into that.

EVEN: Replacing the kitchen from last season, we have our very vibrant games room. Furnished with a new fusbal table alongside our best version of Abnormality Kart to date. Is that a reasonable amount of shameless plugging for one episode?
PRODUCER: Yeah, we can accept that.

EVEN: Brilliant, no more talking of that game for now... oh, in addition to the fusbal table and the game that shall not be named, the room is also home to a vintage easel and a globe bar for anyone looking for a quick drink.

EVEN: Here we have the new bathroom, this is where you can do usual bathroom things like brush your teeth and wash your hands, as well as the more personal things which I will not delve into as we all know what to do in bathrooms.

EVEN: All in all it is very fancy and perfect for a good bubble bath if you are looking to relax from the pressures of the game. There is also now a hamper basket too to collect all our your dirty washing.

EVEN: Here is one our funky bedrooms accompanied with all your favourite foliage and swirly patterns. As you can see, the bed can only hold 2 housemates in here so who knows what kind of shenanigans may happen in here this season.

EVEN: And another of our funky bedrooms accompanied with a giant ass frog and some red bushes. Like the other room, the bed can only hold 2 housemates so who knows what kind of behaviour may occur in here this season.

EVEN: This is one our of our communal bedrooms which can accommodate 4 housemates. Full of all your wacky rugs and essentials for a bedroom.

EVEN: This is our last communal bedroom which can accommodate 4 housemates. Full of all the colourful necessities one would want from a bedroom. Housemates will be able to choose which bedroom they want once they move into the house.

EVEN: Here we have our garden/ceremony area. Following the hippie style we were going with this season, we have decided to merge both rooms together. Now housemates will be able to drink a nice cold OJ while nominating their arch nemesis, pure bliss if you ask me.

EVEN: In addition to the ceremony area, we have a new swing set and a small pool to indulge in all the summer fun!

EVEN: We all see the return of the bubble blower too, don't overdo it too much though. Housemates who blow too many bubbles may become a bubble themselves... I'm kidding, they don't. At least I hope they don't. Behind the orange flower patterned door is where the diary room is this season...

EVEN: Here housemates will be able to talk directly to the audience themselves. They can talk about whatever they want, it could be their game plan, it could be gossip or it could be to moan about having no more jam to use on their toast. Anything can happen!

EVEN: Following on from the garden, we have our own little Tiki bar room full of very colourful pop items. If you're feeling fun, here's the place to come and play... well, that's if the games room isn't full, then you can play in there too.

EVEN: This is the place to play some good ol' cards, throw some darts and get a nice glass of red to wind down from the game for a little bit. Drink carefully housemates and don't soil yourselves from being too drunk! You will never live it down if that happens.

EVEN: In our other room connecting from the garden we have our new gym room. If you want to pump some iron or punch someone's face off here is the place to go.

EVEN: In our gym, it is kitted out with the latest weightlifting booths and a special branded punching bag. There are also meditation blocks as well as two very stylish mirrors for anyone who wants to have a flex off with their rivals.

EVEN: The new level from the previous season returns as does the newly designed Challenge Arena... I decided to change the name as it didn't make sense to keep calling it the HOH Arena when we also played the POP in it.

EVEN: The arena has been slightly modified to allow longer mirrors. The designers have also changed the style of the floor and have installed a housemate wall! Very cool indeed. With that, we have looked around the entire house! Now we have covered that, does anyone want to meet this year's housemates?
EVEN: Great, it looks like our first housemate is on their way in, I'll see you guys later! Let the game begin.



*JIN enters the house*

JIN: So- this the way into house. I- excited!

*JIN goes to sit at the dining table.*

JIN: This all very wild. Look- the crazy man's hat on Alice.

*JIN takes a closer look at the Mad Hatter's hat.*

JIN: Wonder if he's here.

*CHARLOTTE enters the house*

CHARLOTTE: Good luck too all of you! I hope we can all have a jolly fun game.

*CHARLOTTE sees JIN at the table. She goes to sit beside him.*

CHARLOTTE: Good morning, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Charlotte Winterbourne.
JIN: I- Jin Chang.
CHARLOTTE: Nice to meet you Jin, this has certainly been a whirl wind of a morning. How are you finding everything?

JIN: Overwhelming. Lot to take in at the moment.
CHARLOTTE: It is rather hectic, I guess all of the excitement is a factor to that. I'm sure it shall be a very wholesome experience once the game begins.
JIN: Yes. Your accent, it very different. Is European, no?

CHARLOTTE: That is correct, if we are being more specific though then I am British.
JIN: Like Maggie Smith? I like her films.
CHARLOTTE: Yes, just like Maggie Smith! I'm a very big admirer of her work too, she is very sophisticated which I find endearing.

*JONAH enters the house*

JONAH: Your favourite South African has just entered the game! I'm joking, let's have fun guys.

*JONAH sits at the table with CHARLOTTE and JIN*

JONAH: Nice to meet you both, I'm Jonah.
JIN: Ni hao Jonah!
CHARLOTTE: Welcome! It's an utter delight to meet you.
JONAH: Thank you, you've got a really cool accent by the way.

CHARLOTTE: I must say, you have a very interesting accent too. You mentioned South Africa by the door didn't you? Which part did you reside in?
JONAH: I've lived in the Lowveld for most of my life. I've moved from there very recently though.
CHARLOTTE: The Lowveld, how splendid. I've never been there before but it does sound lovely.
JONAH: It is, it's very open and has many amazing views.

CHARLOTTE: I shall have to visit once this game is over.
JONAH: I could be your local tour guide, show you all the best places too go to.
CHARLOTTE: What a brilliant idea, I hope you wouldn't mind. I don't want you to feel obligated in anyway.
JONAH: Don't be silly, I'd be happy to do so.

*BLAIR enters the house*

BLAIR: The queen of ghouls has entered the Abnormality House!

*BLAIR sits down at the table.*

BLAIR: Hello everyone!
JONAH: Hi, how are you?
BLAIR: I'm doing really well thank you, a little nervous but who isn't. I'm Blair by the way.
CHARLOTTE: Welcome to the house Blair.

BLAIR: Thank you, is anyone else here yet?
CHARLOTTE: No, we are the first four residents here at the moment.
JIN: I was first. Don't know how many is playing this time.
BLAIR: They'll probably stop at about 12, 13, 14. Something like that.

JONAH: Yeah I don't think they've ever gone over that number.
BLAIR: No, they haven't. One good thing about this year, it looks like they've actually finished the house this time.
JONAH: That's good, I'm not sure I could have lived in what was basically a semi-construction site.

BLAIR: It would have been hell.
JONAH: Speaking of hell, your look is very gothic-y. Do you like that style?
BLAIR: I do, I like anything gothic and victorian. It speaks to me on another level, it's hard to explain.
JONAH: I bet you are a fan of Steampunk too!
BLAIR: Oh you bet, incorporating Victorian-esque clothes with bits and bobs of gadgets. It's my kind of thing.

JIN: Blur, I have idea. Should we all go look at the house before more people come. See it better in small group.
BLAIR: Good idea! We'll be able to pick beds first too which is an advantage!
JIN: Advantage? But there's no game.
BLAIR: I know but at we least get a choice of where to sleep instead of landing a bed you don't want.
JONAH: Let's go then gang!

*All four housemates decide to look around the house while the others arrive.*

CHARLOTTE: Should we stay for the rest of the housemates though?
JONAH: Nah, I'm sure they'll be fine. There's plenty of snacks and soda in the fridge to keep them occupied.

*STEWART enters the house*

STEWART: H-h-h-h-hi! I'm here...

*STEWART looks around to an empty house*

STEWART: Oh... I-I thought someone else would have been here by now. I-I better show myself around.

*STEWART walks over to the living room. He takes interest in the set of pictures.*

STEWART: These are all very eccentric. I like it.

*STEWART looks around the room and goes to sit down on the sofa.*

STEWART: I'll place myself right here.

STEWART: I hope we get to meet some of the others soon, it's going to get lonely in here.

*The doors can be heard opening.*

*JANELLE enters the house.*

JANELLE: My loves let's have a wonderful game!

*JANELLE sees STEWART on the sofa. She goes over to the sofa.*

JANELLE: Hello dear! What an interesting place this is.
STEWART: H-h-hi! Yeah.
JANELLE: Oh, I'm sorry dear I didn't realise you had a stutter.
STEWART: I-I don't... I-I'm just a little bit nervous.
JANELLE: There's no need to be nervous in front of me. I'm Janelle.
STEWART: Stewart... b-b-but people call me Stewie.

*JANELLE sits down next to STEWART.*

JANELLE: Stewie is a nice name. Mind if I call you that from?
STEWART: S-sure. You can call me it.
JANELLE: Smashing! So, what do you do outside of the house?
STEWART: Y-You wouldn't think it, but I'm an actor.
JANELLE: An actor? Oh child, you're shaking like a mouse. I hope you're not like that when you are acting.

STEWART: I-I don't. I'd like to think I'm really good at it.
JANELLE: Perhaps you are chicken. I'd like to come and see you perform, what kind of stuff do you act in?
STEWART: All sorts. Mostly plays, I have done a bit of Shakespeare before too.
JANELLE: "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows."
JANELLE: The Tempest? Act 2, Scene 2.
STEWART: Oh! Y-Yeah, that's right.
JANELLE: You can relax dear, I only eat actors on a Friday.
STEWART: S-sorry.

*GRIFFIN enters the house.*

GRIFFIN: Can I please have a dexterity check before I play?

*GRIFFIN sees JANELLE and STEWART. He joins them on the sofa.*

GRIFFIN: This is very exciting. Nice to meet you both I'm Griffin.
JANELLE: Likewise, I'm Janelle!
STEWART: I-I-I'm Stewart.
JANELLE: You can call him Stewie if you want though, he's fine with that.
STEWART: Y-Yeah, she's right.

JANELLE: We were just talking careers Griffin, what industry do you work in?
GRIFFIN: I work in video gaming.
JANELLE: That is interesting, doing all the technical stuff behind game design must be very difficult.
GRIFFIN: It's uhh... not that kind of work.
JANELLE: Oh... marketing?
GRIFFIN: I work in a video games store.

JANELLE: Oh, I see.
GRIFFIN: You sound disappointed.
JANELLE: I just expected something more to do with video gaming and not sales of video games.
GRIFFIN: Sorry to curb your expectations.

STEWART: Uhm... w-would anyone like a soda?
JANELLE: No thanks.
GRIFFIN: Same, I'm good.
STEWART: O-Okay...

STEWART: I-I-I'm really liking the aesthetic of the house, it feels wacky. I-I'm still a bit unsure of the housemates so far. I-I know I've only met two of them but my guard is up, I-I know what people are like in this game. Y-You can't trust any of them, no matter how real they appear on the outside.

*BLAIR and JONAH enter from the garden.*

JONAH: That was fun, there's flowers and colours everywhere!
BLAIR: Oh look, new people! Hey guys.

JANELLE: This is a nice surprise, where did you two hide away?
BLAIR: Both of us went to have a look around while it was quiet, there's two others still looking about.
JANELLE: They'll have to come back and meet us all!
STEWART: I-I-I am gonna get that soda. There's a lot of people here now.

*STEWART gets up from the sofa and heads to the snack fridge for a soda. BLAIR and JONAH take a seat with the rest of the housemates.*

JANELLE: So Jonah is it? What do you do for work?
JONAH: I'm an engineer, I create all kinds of gadgets and machinery.
JANELLE: Ooh, a guy who makes actual products. A labourer!
JONAH: I guess so, if there's anything you use in your day to day life then I've probably made it.

JANELLE: That is impressive, I do appreciate someone who is good with their hands. Without people like you the world would have stopped in its tracks.
JONAH: Thank you, making new inventions is quite fun. I could build something for you if you wanted.
JANELLE: I would like that, what options do I have to choose from?

BLAIR: Are you okay Griffin? You look a bit uncomfortable?

*GRIFFIN gestures to JANELLE.*

GRIFFIN: I kind of got looked down on. It wasn't good.

BLAIR: Oh, what was said?
GRIFFIN: It's nothing. I think I might have took it the wrong way.
BLAIR: Hmm, okay. If you want me to have your back though I will.
GRIFFIN: Thanks Blair!

*LANA enters the house*

LANA: Looks like we're not in Kansas any more.

*LANA heads over to the living room.*

*STEWART finishes a sip of the soda.*

LANA: Hello everyone! How are we all doing today?
STEWART: F-fine thank you.
BLAIR: Take a seat!

*LANA sits next to STEWART.*

STEWART: I'm guessing you are a fan of the Wizard of Oz with your Dorothy line when you entered.
LANA: I am. I love all the Hollywood classics, I'm Lana by the way.
STEWART: S-S-Stewart. I like it too.
LANA: That's great, I just saw it in the theatre not too long ago. The performers were everything!

STEWART: W-Where did you go to see that?
LANA: Just a small am-dram group close to my home. I sometimes help out there if they don't have the numbers for the cast.
STEWART: You are an actress? I'm an actor!
LANA: Really? That is amazing. I think we should definitely collaborate on a project.

LANA: Hello world! This feels like a dream, I still cannot believe I'm here in this house! I can't wait for all the games to begin and to have a lot of fun. So far, my favourite is Stewart, it's good to meet fellow creative people and talk so passionately about the acting industry. I think me and Stewart are going to get along well together!

*AMAR enters the house*

AMAR: The vibrations of this house are... manic and unsettling.

*AMAR takes a seat in the living room.*

JONAH: Loving the dreads dude.
AMAR: Thank you, it's only temporary but I do like them... how is everyone so far? Have you all been getting to know each other?
JONAH: Certainly have man, everyone's been nice which is good.

AMAR: That is reassuring, this type of environment can encapsulate ego's very rapidly- especially once challenges and votes and all that funky stuff comes into play.
JANELLE: You remind me of someone from work, he is a little bit of a hippie too.
AMAR: What makes you think I'm a hippie?

JANELLE: You speak very freely and your hair is wild, plus I can smell very strong incense which wasn't here in the room before you came.
AMAR: That is rather stereotypical but if you feel that way, all I can say is nice to meet you... um, I'm sorry what is your name?

JANELLE: Janelle. Janelle Waiter.
AMAR: Janelle, nice to meet you.
STEWART: W-W-Would you like a soda?
AMAR: No thank you, I don't touch anything with sugar in.
JANELLE: What's the matter with sugar? You aren't one of those vegans are you?
AMAR: Yes, yes I am.
JANELLE: I knew you were a hippie!

BLAIR: I think this is our time to bounce Griff!
GRIFFIN: I agree, I can't deal with another awkward conversation tonight.
BLAIR: Great, let's go and have a look at those fish in the kitchen!

*BLAIR and GRIFFIN swiftly leave the living room.*

JONAH: Are you okay Janelle?
JANELLE: I'm just watching them two, I get the impression they aren't fond of me at the moment.
JONAH: I think it's just first day nerves.
JANELLE: Hmm, perhaps.

GRIFFIN: I'm glad we got out of there, I feel she is going to rub people up the wrong way.
BLAIR: Same here, she seems like a battleaxe. I think Amar will be a good ally to have though, he wasn't afraid to challenge her.

*CHEF BERTHA enters the house.*

CHEF BERTHA: Who's taken me spatula?!

*CHEF BERTHA sees BLAIR and GRIFFIN in the kitchen.*

CHEF BERTHA: HEY! You young 'uns seen me spatula. Me won't be able to make teh food without it.
BLAIR: Oh, sorry were you talking to us?
CHEF BERTHA: Me been here five seconds and me already gettin' lip from teh young 'uns.

GRIFFIN: Why are all the old ladies in this house crazy?
BLAIR: I have no idea.
CHEF BERTHA: Who ya callin' old mister? I'm old enuff to be yer mother.
BLAIR: I'd say more grandmother to be honest.

CHEF BERTHA: Yer a piece a'work aren't ya missy.
BLAIR: Listen lady, I'm just...
CHEF BERTHA: Name's Chef Bertha, not lady. Now ya better tell me where the spatula is or some'uns gonna have to pay.

LANA: Oh my word... who is that woman? Why is she so aggressive?
JANELLE: I'll go and see what is wrong.
LANA: ...Is that the best idea?
JANELLE: I won't know until I'm there. Wish me luck lovey.

*JANELLE walks over to CHEF BERTHA.*

JANELLE: Excuse me, what is all the commotion about?
CHEF BERTHA: Ahh, hellur! One of these young 'uns have took me gold'n spatula. I needs it to cook.
JANELLE: Did you take anything from her?
GRIFFIN: No, we were watching the fish and then we got accusations thrown at us.

CHEF BERTHA: These young 'uns will always cry teh victim. Chef Bertha has me eye on you rascals!
JANELLE: Uhm, Chef Bertha. Why not take a seat at the table. Let's have a chat.
CHEF BERTHA: Me see's no reason why chattin' would 'elp... but okay.

*CHEF BERTHA goes to sit at the table.*

BLAIR: She is going to be a nightmare!
JANELLE: Not on my watch she wont. I'll have a word with her.
BLAIR: Thanks Janelle, I'm not sure how that would have ended if you hadn't of stepped in.
JANELLE: No need to thank me lovey.

*BLAIR and GRIFFIN head back to the living room while JANELLE goes to sit with CHEF BERTHA at the table.*

*BRANDON enters the house*

BRANDON: This is so cool, I never thought I'd be in this house.

*BRANDON heads over to the living room and sits next to BLAIR & GRIFFIN.*

BRANDON: Hey guys, isn't this so exciting.
BLAIR: If you would have asked me an hour ago, I'd have said yes.
GRIFFIN: Yeah, I'm not feeling that magic any more.
BRANDON: You're not? What's happened while I've been out?

BLAIR: I only have two words... THE CHEF!
GRIFFIN: Yeah, she is on another planet of crazy. She started arguing with us over a spatula!
BRANDON: She sounds... interesting.

STEWART: I-I-I wonder what Janelle is saying to her.
BLAIR: Probably, "You are one crazy person, do it again and I'll destroy you".
STEWART: I-I can see that, I wouldn't want to cross Janelle.
LANA: Her presence is definitely intimidating.

AMAR: If she can use that for good then there shouldn't be any problem. I'm worried that she isn't going to be as good as she can be though.
JONAH: What makes you think that?
AMAR: You've seen her over the time we've been here, she's very driven by leading. Put her into a position that she is a follower and she will resist.
JONAH: I'm not so sure, I'll have to keep my eyes open.

*CHARLOTTE and JIN return from the garden.*

JIN: Oh- many people here now.
CHARLOTTE: Good morning all. Isn't this just delightful!

JONAH: Welcome back Charlotte.
CHARLOTTE: Thanks Jonah, I'm just going to go and freshen up.

*CHARLOTTE heads into the bathroom.*

BRANDON: Who is she?
BLAIR: That's Charlotte, she came in before I did. She's really nice and easy to get along with.
BRANDON: Charlotte, pretty name for a pretty girl.
BLAIR: You fancy her!
BRANDON: She's cute.

JIN: Charlotte comes from Britain. Although- accent gives it away.
BRANDON: I did notice her accent. I might have to get to know her.
JIN: Good luck friend. May the best with you.
BRANDON: Thanks Mr. Miyagi!

*TRICERATOPS enters the house.*

TRICERATOPS: Let off the dino-mite. Your girl Triceratops is here!

*TRICERATOPS turns to everyone at the sofas.*

TRICERATOPS: Hi everyone!
ALL: Hey!
TRICERATOPS: I'm Triceratops, just like the dinosaur... you can all call me Trix though, Triceratops is such a long name to say all the time.

LANA: Triceratops is a really unique name!
TRICERATOPS: It is, I'm not sure why my parents gave me it but I love it.
LANA: Have you ever asked them about it?
TRICERATOPS: Uhm, a little bit of an issue there. I'm adopted.

LANA: Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.
TRICERATOPS: Don't worry about it, it's all good. I'm loving the blue hair going on! It's really awesome.
LANA: Thank you, yeah I wanted a change. I've had the same colour most of my life and wanted to spice things up.

TRICERATOPS: Everyone needs a bit of spice in their life. I dyed my hair once, it was pink and in a Mohawk.
LANA: Wow, that's definitely a big change.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah I looked like an Easter egg, it was so fun.

EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the Abnormality house. From this point, the game officially begins! Good luck to all 12 of you. Now, please can you all meet in the garden where the ceremonies will now be held.

*The housemates gather in the garden for the meeting.*

JANELLE: Wow, this garden is fabulous.
JONAH: I know, I couldn't get enough of it earlier on.


EVEN: Thank you for gathering together in the ceremony area. It's nice to see a brand new set of faces join us on this new Abnormality adventure! Now, it's time to welcome the host with the most, the dapper crank himself...


EVEN: Hello housemates! Guess who's back with a brand new track? Not me. But I am rocking a new look... I have also got the pleasure of welcoming our resident raccoon who has recently starred in a big Hollywood blockbuster! Please put your hands together for...


EVEN: Unfortunately we cannot call him Lil' Coop Snoop any more after his recent film. You see, this little guy is now the leader of one of Japan's top samurai clans... at least in the movie. One nice little addition we have added though is the ability for Coopie here to speak... well sort of. He has this special gadget under the armour that translates his squeaks into language. Isn't that right Coopie?

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: You bet your arse it does Even!
EVEN: Coopie! It's a family show, no swearing.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Oops, sorry Even. Please ignore my potty mouth.
EVEN: Anyways... moving on from that...

EVEN: Now that everyone has been introduced, it's time to introduce the twist for this season- because every show on every season needs one apparently. The twist that has been put into action this season is...


EVEN: Sounds funky, it's pretty simple though. For this twist, the game will be played as per usual, however you will have the option (if not nominated or the HOH) to abstain from voting in the evictions! Everyone has 2 abstainance moves to use so use them wisely. In abstaining from voting in the evictions, you will receive an advantage on the next upcoming HOH challenge. Doing this may prove good for your strategy, or it may not do anything at all. The choice is yours.
All: Oooh!
EVEN: In the event that all people eligible to vote decide to abstain, the decision on who to evict will go back to the HOH. Make sure you use your moves smart, you never know when it could prove beneficial to use it.

*EVEN puts DAIMYO COOP SNOOP on the floor.*

EVEN: With the announcement of the new twist, I wish you all the best of luck in the competition! It's going to be a hard game, but it is all worth it for that cash prize. By the way, did anyone notice we have a larger cash prize this season? We got some funding from the TV producers as last season proved to be a hit. Anyways, back on topic... The first HOH challenge will start later on today, I'll make an announcement over the speakerphone when the challenge is about to begin. The first HOH is going to put everyone's strategies to the limit so I hope you are all ready!

EVEN: That's all from me for now. Do you have any encouraging words for the housemates Coopie?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Remember to remain calm at all times, even in the face of danger!
EVEN: Nice advice there Coopie. See you all soon housemates!
ALL: Bye Even and Coopie!


AMAR: ...And that is how reincarnation works.
TRICERATOPS: Wow! That makes total sense. No wonder I can always relate to tiny little mice, I must have been one in a former life.
LANA: I'm not sure you would have a connection with all mice if you used to be one many years ago.

AMAR: You'd be surprised Lana. Our experiences from the past can stay with us across many regenerations.
LANA: So, we're all kind of like Doctor Who?
AMAR: In a way, yes. It's definitely not as glamorous as that though.

TRICERATOPS: What about vampires?
LANA: What about them?
TRICERATOPS: Well, if we can become animals in our next lives, how about mythical creatures- like vampires?
AMAR: Vampires don't exist, nor do any other mythical creatures.

LANA: I wouldn't agree, I believe mythical creatures exist.
AMAR: What are your reasons for that?
LANA: There's been way too many sightings and stories about these creatures for them not to be real.
TRICERATOPS: That is so true! Thousands of people have seen that gorilla thing in the woods.
LANA: Who, Bigfoot?
TRICERATOPS: No, Smallhands! He's infamous back where I live.

AMAR: Back on topic, I'm not sure whether it works with mythical creatures. If in my next life I become a centaur or something, I'll be sure to come back and let you both know.
LANA: I auditioned for the role of a lady centaur once. I didn't get the role but it was a very fun and surreal experience.

TRICERATOPS: If I had to be a mythical creature... I think I'd have to be a stingray... or maybe a possum.
AMAR: Those aren't mythical creatures Trix.
TRICERATOPS: Are you sure though? You never seem them in everyday situations and not many people have seen them.
AMAR: It's gonna be a long day...

AMAR: After spending most of today with the rest of the housemates so far I am getting good vibes from most of them. I think my teachings of reincarnation are going to take a looooong time to fully digest though... but that's fine with me.


CHARLOTTE: This is marvellous. I never had any games like this growing up.
GRIFFIN: It is a classic, what kind of games did you have?
CHARLOTTE: I use to have some of the traditional ones, Chess, Bowls, Dominoes... oh and how could I forget. Cribbage!

GRIFFIN: Those are traditional ones! I used to play a lot when I was younger, then I got involved with card-building games and role-play.
CHARLOTTE: Card-building games? Role-play?
GRIFFIN: Yeah... Dungeons & Dragons, Magic- The Gathering. Stuff like that.
CHARLOTTE: Aren't those sequels for the Harry Potter series?

JONAH: I've never played them myself but I'm pretty sure it hasn't got anything to do with Harry Potter, am I right?
GRIFFIN: Not all of them... there are a few that are based on Harry Potter, but most of them aren't. I talk a lot about the different games on my podcast.

JONAH: You have a podcast?
GRIFFIN: Sorry, I'm concentrating. I don't have many choices to make.

*GRIFFIN moves one of the blocks out. Luckily the tower doesn't fall.*

GRIFFIN: I do yeah! I try to do them weekly with my friend. To say we are small we do get a lot of people tuning in which definitely helps motivate us to make more.

GRIFFIN: I'm sorry about giving a shout-out to my podcast, I hope that is okay with you guys?
PRODUCER: We will allow it on this occasion.
GRIFFIN: Thank you so much! Speaking of the podcast you should check out our latest episode...
PRODUCER: Okay that is enough promotion for it!

CHARLOTTE: How fascinating! How could I be so alien to the world outside of my estate? There must be so much more I don't know about.
JONAH: If you think that is out of this world, wait until you find out about Zorbing is.
CHARLOTTE: Is that real?
JONAH: Oh yeah, it's real alright... My turn!

*JONAH pulls a block out but pulls the rest of the tower with the block.*

JONAH: Oh no! Jeez, looks like I'm out.
CHARLOTTE: GG? What does that mean?
GRIFFIN: Good game. Jonah and I have a lot to teach you.


JANELLE: Are you okay dear, you still look shaky from earlier?
STEWART: I-I-I am doing okay, that chef lady had me on edge before.
BLAIR: Agreed! She was manic. How did you get her to calm down Janelle?
JANELLE: Lovey when you've been around as long as I have you learn how to deal with all sorts of people.

STEWART: She was v-very aggressive.
BLAIR: All over a spatula. Did she find her spatula?
JANELLE: No she didn't dear. The producers are going to get her a new one though to replace the old one.

BLAIR: Is that fair? Surely we can't just ask for objects for stupid reasons.
JANELLE: Perhaps, then again I'd rather her have the spatula, be calm and not confront people than to shout at everyone because she hasn't got anything to stir around her cake mix with.

BLAIR: Fair point.
JANELLE: Plus, if she does ever go back on her promise to me then I will annihilate her.
BLAIR: Those are strong words Janelle.

JANELLE: I don't mess around lovey, if you are my friend we will get on like a house on fire... but cross me and I can be your worst nightmare.
BLAIR: Thanks for the warning Janelle, I'll make sure not to piss you off anytime soon.

BLAIR: I am taking a liking to Janelle, at first when I met her I thought she was a battleaxe but now I realise she is just fierce! I might have to keep her on my side to get far in this game, no one will want to go up against her wrath and having that support could benefit my game.

JANELLE: Don't worry dear, you and Stewie here are in my good books.
STEWART: Phew, I-I'm glad.
JANELLE: No problem Stewie, I'm going to unpack my suitcase does anyone want to help me out?
BLAIR: Sure, I need to unpack some of my stuff too.


JIN: It sound very risky.
BRANDON: It is but I love being able to do my bit for the community, even if that means saving people from burning buildings.
JIN: It take courage to do. Not many people could do it.

BRANDON: Thank you. This might sound a bit rude, and I hope I don't offend... but how did you get those scars?
JIN: Bad past, had to fight a lot as little boy. Protect myself.
BRANDON: I see, I hope it wasn't anything too bad.
JIN: I was young and naive, different time. Now I only fight to protect family.
BRANDON: I can empathise on that. I'd fight tooth and nail for my daughter.

*JIN is about to sneeze. It is a false alarm. CHEF BERTHA enters from the kitchen.*

BRANDON: Bless... oh, nevermind. Bertha! Hey, how are you?

CHEF BERTHA: Me trainers have been rubbin' on meh feet. Probably got me some 'orrible blisters... I've just baked a fresh cake and wund'ed whether ya'll wanted some?
BRANDON: Thanks but I'm cutting down on the nice foods, gotta keep in shape.
JIN: Meiyou.
CHEF BERTHA: Hmph, you young 'uns don't appreciate anythin' Chef Bertha does. Chef Bertha will rem'mber this.

BRANDON: Bertha, come back!
JIN: She is crazy.
BRANDON: What did we do? I only said I didn't want any cake.
JIN: Like said before, she is crazy!

BRANDON: I guess that is a reasonable explanation...

*BRANDON and JIN stop talking, BRANDON is in deep thought.*

JIN: You still think of British girl, no?
BRANDON: Don't be silly, of course not. Me? Nah!
JIN: Who you fooling?
BRANDON: Okay... she is rather cute... I'm not looking for a showmance though.
JIN: Who says it has to be showmance?
BRANDON: Good point... I think I need to get to know her first. I don't even know anything about her.
JIN: I agree, talk to her. Find out about her.

BRANDON: Alright, so we are finally in the house. This honestly still feels so surreal. I mean they always choose the most interesting characters, and out of everybody I made it. ME, a single father that could easily seem like a Sean Sierra copy. I haven't talked to everybody yet, but everybody seems nice as of now- minus one person, but you never know when shit is about to go down. HOWEVER, there is one person who doesn't get out of my mind. This one girl, I think Charlotte is her name. It might make me sound like some kind of creep, but when she entered the living room... I don't know, there was immediately something that kept my eyes drawn to her. The way she talks and gestures... she has this classy aura around her, yet there is still something sweet and genuine behind her. And don't get me started with that accent. I can't wait to get to know her better, she seems like a really interesting girl.




EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the first HOH challenge. This challenge is called 'Risk it All, Win Big'. The rules of the game are fairly simple, you have to risk it all if you want to win big! All of you, one by one, will have to enter the tent and make your choice on a set of 10 punishments. Each punishment is worth a set of points, the more points a punishment is worth, the more severe the punishment is...

EVEN: There will be 10 opaque jars which represent all the punishments. You will have to take a customised coin with your face on and put it into the jar, this will signify which punishment you will go for and how many points you will receive. The housemate who has the most points at the end of the game will be the only one to suffer the punishment but will in compensation get the HOH and the power to nominate two housemates.

EVEN: Now that the power sounds nice to have, here is a list of punishments for you to consider:


CHALLENGE BLOCK- Blocked from competing in the next eligible challenge (5 Points)
CHALLENGE BLOCK X3- Blocked from competing in the next 3 eligible challenges (6 Points)
CHALLENGE CANCELLATION- Blocked from competing in all eligible challenges (7 Points)
NO VOTE, NO TWIST- You won't be able to vote at any eviction ceremonies and you will not receive the twist advantage (8 Points)
SUSPENDED NOMINATION- Will be nominated automatically for the next eviction which will lead to a 3 person eviction (9 Points)
KILLER NOMINATION- Will be nominated automatically for ALL upcoming evictions (10 Points)

EVEN: If you decide to choose and win the nomination punishment, then you will be nominated as an extra housemate and not as one of the HOH's choices. Therefore if you are saved in the POP you will not have anyone be renominated in your place as it is a result of this challenge and not the HOH that week. The other two nominees that week can be replaced with another nominee if saved from the block though. I hope that clears any confusion with this punishment... Now that we have covered all the ground rules, are we ready to play?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Awesome... the first person to make their decision is... TRICERATOPS! Please make your way to the tent.

TRICERATOPS: It's quite dim in here, where are the lights?
EVEN: There's a torch in one of the side pockets, this might be able to help with the light situation Triceratops.

*TRICERATOPS crawls into the tent and uses the flashlight.*

CHEF BERTHA: Some challenge this is, me thorts we'd 'ave summin' a little more challen'gin. Me coulda been cookin' up a storm in me new kitchen! Me do like teh tent though, me might 'ave to ask for it after teh challenge.

*There is movement from the tent.*

TRICERATOPS: I've made my move! Who's next?
EVEN: Thank you for making your choice, Griffin you are up next!
TRICERATOPS: Use the touch dude, it is super dark in there.
GRIFFIN: Will do Trix!

TRICERATOPS: The first HOH challenge and I am first up! I'm feeling very good vibes from this, I think I would like to have the first HOH. No particular reason as I don't have any beef or veg with anyone but just because it sounds like such a cool title to have.

JIN: Trix, what is it like?
TRICERATOPS: There's the 10 jars but it is really hard to see without the flashlight. I'd have been stumbling over all the jars without it.
JIN: Jin will remember for later.

GRIFFIN: I've put my token into the jar of my choice!
EVEN: Thank you Griffin! Lana, you are up next!
LANA: Brilliant, let's do this.
GRIFFIN: Make sure to do your skill check before you make the final choice.

BRANDON: Chef Bertha! What are you planning to do for the challenge?
CHEF BERTHA: Me don't know... guess me gonna just choose on teh spot.
BRANDON: That's an interesting strategy, are you sure that's the best thing to do?
CHEF BERTHA: Why are you so bov'ered young 'un? Let Bertha play her game teh way she wants to.

LANA: There we go, there's my move.
EVEN: Thank you Lana! Jin, you are up next.
JIN: Jin is ready to win.
LANA: Good luck Jin!

GRIFFIN: I'm second guessing my move now.
GRIFFIN: I think I went too little with my decision. I could have took on a more severe punishment.
JONAH: You never know, it only takes one point to make the difference from winning and not winning.

JIN: Jin finished.
EVEN: Thank you Jin! Charlotte, you are up next.
CHARLOTTE: Oh how splendid. My very first challenge!
JIN: Good luck Charlotte! Do proud yourself.

BLAIR: So, who actually wants this first HOH win?
AMAR: I'm unsure whether I do, having the power to nominate without reason does not sit well with me for some reason.
BLAIR: There is always a reason to nominate Amar! It just depends how big your reason is.

CHARLOTTE: Oh, my skirt is caught on the zip. I just need a quick tug...

*CHARLOTTE tugs the skirt off the zipper.*

EVEN: Thank you Charlotte! Amar, you are up next!
AMAR: I know what I'm going to do.

JANELLE: That hippie guy is really getting up my nose with his 'teachings'.
STEWART: H-He's just very passionate about it.
BLAIR: I agree with Janelle, that comment about the whole nominations thing rubbed me the wrong way... like hello, you're in Abnormality. It's part of the game.

JANELLE: I am all for speaking your mind, there's nothing worse than keeping quiet and being a sheep... however, the hippie dude is getting on my nerves. He comes across all high and mighty and I don't like that. Change your approach Amar and I'm sure we will all get along swimmingly.

AMAR: That would be a perfect place to retreat to and just listen to your thoughts and feelings.
EVEN: Thank you Amar! Blair, you are up next.
BLAIR: Perfect, let's get this done.

JIN: Some jars were fuller than others.
CHARLOTTE: I know, it'll be interesting to see the outcome.
JIN: Jin has a feeling of what might be.
CHARLOTTE: Me too. One can hope we are both safe.

BLAIR: Fuck, nearly tripped on one of those bloody jars.
EVEN: Careful Blair! Brandon, you are up next!
BRANDON: My turn already? Okay.
BLAIR: Watch out for the jars dude.

TRICERATOPS: I've never been camping before... well, not in a tent anyway. I've stayed out for weeks before.
JANELLE: That's not very safe, especially for a young girl like you.
TRICERATOPS: I just love being out and about... plus, if anyone started with me I'd tear them to pieces. They don't call me Triceratops for nothing!
JANELLE: Aren't they herbivores?
TRICERATOPS: They are, but they sure as hell can fight.

EVEN: Thank you Brandon! Chef Bertha, you are up next.
CHEF BERTHA: Me name isn't Chef Bertha, it's jus' Bertha. No one has respekt anymore for anyone.
EVEN: Sorry... Bertha.

JONAH: Not many people left to cast their decision now.
CHARLOTTE: Four more including Chef Bertha.
BRANDON: I wonder how she is going to play... she got defensive when I asked her earlier.

CHEF BERTHA: HA HA!!! That'll teach dem young 'uns not to mess around with poor old Chef Bertha. Years and years me has tried to turn teh tables. And at last, today's me day! Those young 'uns will soon know fear as they'll crumble to pamper me ev'ry whim. Hehehehehe...

CHEF BERTHA: Me bloody back has popped bendin' and duckin' into this tent.
EVEN: I'm sorry Chef Bertha, please take it easy.
CHEF BERTHA: Me will take an extra hour to sleep it off to'nite. Me can't afford to stop cookin' for all the kiddos in 'ere, there'll be an uprisin'.
EVEN: Right... Stewart, you are up next.

LANA: I really want to get to know Stewart, he seems very nervous.
AMAR: I agree, he needs to open himself up to others.
JANELLE: Give him a few weeks and he'll be out of his shell.
LANA: Yeah, first day nerves are still kicking in for a lot of us.

STEWART: I-I-I did it!
EVEN: Thank you Stewart! Janelle, you are up next.
JANELLE: About time, I've been waiting to compete.
STEWART: Y-You can do it Janelle!

BRANDON: Just you to go now Jonah!
JONAH: I have the most to consider, I could go all out and do full sabotage mode on myself... then again, I'd rather not screw myself over like that.
BRANDON: Yeah, if you go for 10 you might as well just hang about until you get evicted in week 8.

JANELLE: I've finished Even!
EVEN: Thank you Janelle! Last but not least, you are up Jonah!
JONAH: Oh jeez, this is going to be a hard decision. Wish me luck guys.
ALL: Good luck!

CHEF BERTHA: Oh noes... did me leave teh oven on downstairs?
EVEN: I can confirm that you didn't.
CHEF BERTHA: Phew, fire crises avoided.
EVEN: Don't worry Chef Bertha, if there was a fire we would evacuate all of you promptly.

JONAH: There is a lot to consider with this first HOH challenge! I could go for the highest punishment going and possibly win the power but I wouldn't want such a huge disadvantage so early on... but, the game is called 'Risk it All'... and in order to win big you do have to put in a bit of risk... Okay, I know what I'm going to do.

JONAH: With that I'm good to go.
EVEN: Thank you Jonah! With Jonah's move, I can announce that all housemates have completed the challenge. Well done everyone.

EVEN: The first HOH challenge has been concluded and with that we have our first HOH of this season! While I tally up the scores, please look at the lovely camping plaque that the crew have provided.

*EVEN tallies up the scores from the HOH.*

EVEN: I hope that was a thoroughly enjoyable experience! It wasn't... well, sorry. I can now reveal that we have indeed got our new HOH! Are you all ready to find out who it is?
EVEN: Okay, without further or do... I can now reveal, the winner who submitted the highest score was in fact...











EVEN: Chef Bertha!
CHEF BERTHA: Me won teh challenge? Woop woop, me never won anythin' before.


Chef Bertha- 9
Jonah- 5
Lana- 5
Triceratops- 5
Charlotte- 4
Griffin- 4
Brandon- 3
Janelle- 3
Stewart- 2
Jin- 1
Amar- 0
Blair- 0

EVEN: Congratulations Chef Bertha! You are the HOH this week. With this new power you are immune from eviction this week and will have the power to nominate two nominees to put on the chopping block... Amar & Blair, as you are the two lowest scorers for this HOH challenge you are the Have-Nots for the week. You will only have access to slop and will eat nothing but slop for the week. 
CHEF BERTHA: Me likes the sound of that, do me get to chop them up wiv teh spatula whoever me nominates?
EVEN: Uhm, no... Just nominate Bertha. Following this challenge though, you know that the punishment you wanted will be in effect if you win. Since you chose punishment 9, you will automatically face eviction next week. You will be able to save yourself as you will play in the POP, however if you do save yourself no one will be put up as a replacement.
CHEF BERTHA: Me relies on meself usually anyway, me can get off the block next week.

EVEN: Now we know who our new HOH is, it is time to return to the ceremony area and discover this week's nominees.

*The housemates leave to go to the ceremony area.*


EVEN: Welcome back to the ceremony area housemates! First of all, I'd like to congratulate Chef Bertha on her HOH win but commiserations for her nomination for next week.

EVEN: Your HOH win does give you the chance to nominate two people for eviction this week. Your two nominees, along with yourself and three randomly selected housemates will compete in the POP challenge to earn the veto. I hope you have given this some thought because the time has come to nominate...

EVEN: Chef Bertha, who are you going to nominate this week...

*Tense music starts.*

CHEF BERTHA: Pfffft, cancha ever shaddap?
EVEN: No...
CHEF BERTHA: Hmph, if me gotta do... me's gonna nominate...
















CHEF BERTHA: Brandon and Jin. Just shouting two names to get me some peace and quiet soon. Now can ya scram, young 'un?
JIN: Jin not happy.

EVEN: I'm so sorry guys but Chef Bertha has decided to nominate you for eviction. All is not lost though, both of you are automatically enrolled onto the POP challenge for a chance to save yourself from the block.

EVEN: With that news, it is time to conclude the nominations ceremony. I will see you all again at the POP challenge where one person will win the veto and have the chance to save one of the nominees from the block! Goodbye everybody!
ALL: Bye Even.


CHARLOTTE: I am in shock that you have been nominated.
BRANDON: I thought it would be too good to be true being safe on the first week, then again I think she nominated us because we have been the only two who have tried to give her a chance.

CHARLOTTE: The HOH challenge has come to a close and Charlotte Winterbourne is safe from being nominated. I must thank Chef Bertha for saving me and not choosing me as a target. I hope I can remain safe, I would be disappointed to find myself as the replacement nomination.

CHARLOTTE: It has been a long day, I would find it intensely difficult to make the decision to nominate on the first day.
BRANDON: It still sucks though... oh well, I guess I gotta win the POP and save myself.
CHARLOTTE: You'll have my support if I'm chosen to play too.

BRANDON: Thank you... where are you going?
CHARLOTTE: I am going to my bedroom to sleep. I must get my beauty sleep.
BRANDON: You don't need beauty sleep.
CHARLOTTE: Why thank you, goodnight Mr Cohen!

*CHARLOTTE goes to her bedroom.*

BRANDON: Brandon, what were you thinking... you don't need beauty sleep! Ugh, I bet that sounded really creepy.

*BRANDON takes a bit of his fruit loops.*


GRIFFIN: Don't worry Jin, I think you will do well in the POP challenge.
JIN: Jin has to fight, Jin can't go.
GRIFFIN: That is the fire you need to come back on top! By the way, you need to make sure you are in tip top condition. Have you done any skill checks?

JIN: No, but can do.
GRIFFIN: That might be the best, just to make sure you go in prepared for everything that could be thrown at you.
JIN: I will need help, can you help Jin?

JIN: Jin is on thin ice with nomination. Jin must make ally in case of the worst. Jin is ready to fight, Jin is going to bring what the kids call 'Fire' to challenge. Jin is not going home.

GRIFFIN: I haven't got any solid alliances in place yet and I doubt many people have so I don't see why I can't help you, who knows it might be the start of a great vanguard alliance!
JIN: Thank you Griffin.

GRIFFIN: Awesome!
JIN: If I survive, I will give you my help.
GRIFFIN: That would be great, thank you Jin.
JIN: No problem. Let's win!

EVEN: On that note, it's time to conclude this premiere episode! Following the events of this episode, will Brandon or Jin be able to save themselves from the block? And if they do, who will be put up in their place? Thank you for reading and come back next time for the POP challenge. Bye world.


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)
Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

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