Wednesday 30 September 2020

6.3: Second Chances


EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 6! We are back with an all new season with 12 fresh faced housemates willing to fight it out to win the grand prize! Over the next 9 weeks, our housemates will compete in many challenges in order to come out on top as the winner of Season 6! The winner will receive a total of $500,000 as well as a place in our hall of fame. Previously on Abnormality, Darby and Maximus found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH: Christmas. Christmas went on the win the POP challenge and decided NOT to use the veto on any of the nominees. Now that the eviction day is here, Darby and Maximus will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

CHRISTMAS: Ah Ken, here you are buddy!

KEN: Christmas?! Did you sleep well?

CHRISTMAS: I slept like a baby, haven't slept that well in... months, heck even years. How are you doing?

KEN: I'm... fine.

CHRISTMAS: You sure? I got a bit of hesitation there... you were up early today.

KEN: Yeah, I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning all night in pain. I'm sure you felt a lot of movement on your side of the bed.

CHRISTMAS: Nah, once I'm out cold that's it. I hope it's nothing too bad?

KEN: I'm not sure, I haven't felt pain like this ever.

CHRISTMAS: Have you spoke to the medic about it? How long has it been there?

KEN: I have... I've, well. I don't really wanna say but... I had an operation before I came into the house.

CHRISTMAS: Oh no, was it serious?

KEN: I don't want to go into too much detail, it's a little... personal. I did have to get it done though and it worked well.

CHRISTMAS: That's positive news!

KEN: I was told I'd have to rest a lot though and that the recovery wouldn't happen over night.

CHRISTMAS: How long ago was the operation?

KEN: Literally like a week before I came into the house.

CHRISTMAS: Oh my god, Ken that's so soon! You shouldn't be here you should be resting at home.

KEN: I couldn't miss up an opportunity to be on the show. I've been such a huge fan for years.

CHRISTMAS: Your health needs to come first though buddy, there'll be other times to get onto the show.

KEN: I know... I feel rough.

CHRISTMAS: Do you want to go get some rest? It's best to do that.

KEN: In all honesty I've been thinking about withdrawing... I'm not sure if I can keep up with the game, I'm already tired and it's not even the end of the first week.

CHRISTMAS: Don't be too hasty about it though dude, we all love you hear and wouldn't want to see you go home.

KEN: Thank you Christmas, you all have made me feel so loved!

CHRISTMAS: How could we not you're great!

KEN: Aww stop it you... I'm going to talk to the medic... I'll let you know what we decide, I do think it might be best to go home though. As you say, my health should come first.

CHRISTMAS: Absolutely! I'll be behind any decision you do make, just let me know if you do leave though. I want to say my goodbyes.

KEN: Don't worry, I'll let you know. I wouldn't just walk out the back door and disappear like a ghost.


JACOB: I've been a life-guard for a few years now.

KISHA: Awesome, that must be quite a fulfilling job to have.

JACOB: Most of the time, if I'm saving people yeah. Sometimes you do get people who are just stupid and put themselves in danger though.

KISHA: Yeah, that's must be annoying. I've seen way too many people not read the warning signs on the beach then need rescuing.

JACOB: Yeah, it sucks but that's part of the job. You're a private investigator, no?

KISHA: I certainly am. I get hired for all sorts of cases.

JACOB: I can imagine. I bet you've seen a lot in your line of work.

KISHA: Cheating, theft, fraud and even assault. I've seen a lot of bad stuff, I've also seen a lot of good stuff though.

JACOB: Have you always wanted to do that?

KISHA: I did want to be a chef when I was 5 but then I got really into it watching all the crime TV shows like CSI and Law & Order. Ever since then I focused on getting to that place, it was a little hard... I didn't grow up in the richest of families so I had to put a lot of work and money into getting to where I am today.

JACOB: Humble beginnings? I can relate on that one.

KISHA: My family have been poor, dirt poor... but we had each other. They taught me how to love and care and I'll always take that with me.

JACOB: I like that, I envy that.

KISHA: Aww, aren't you close with your family?

JACOB: No, not really. Never have been to be honest. I've always done my thing and they have done there thing.

KISHA: That's a shame, it happens though. Life can get in the way at times.

JACOB: Yeah... I guess you're right.

KISHA: You live with your girlfriend though don't you? That's sweet.

JACOB: ...No. Not anymore. Not after... it doesn't matter.

KISHA: Oh, I'm sorry. I heard something about Alice and then...

JACOB: No, we're not together.

KISHA: I'm very sorry for presuming...

JACOB: Don't worry about it Kish, it's okay.

KISHA: Riding solo isn't too bad anyways, there is a lot of bonuses to being alone.

JACOB: I've got to agree, there's more freedom, I get to do what I want... and I get to go wherever I please. Gotta focus on them silver linings right?

KISHA: Oh definitely! There's always a positive in everything when you look close enough.


ANTWAN: I honestly don't know what I'm going to do in the vote coming up. It's like when you're rooting for your home team but the other team makes a really good play that just has to be admired. Christmas is in a really tough position as the first head of household when everyone is just getting to know each other and her strategy to give more chances for the twist to come into play is really cool. At least I think that's what she's doing...? Hey producer is that what she's doing or can you not tell me that because...

*ANTWAN gasps.*

ANTWAN: Wait don't tell me anyone's game secrets I am not a cheater! Anyways, I think I need to try to talk to everyone and find out where their brains are at because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. Max and Darby are both really nice people. Not going to talk to that leaf picture again though. Woo, does it have a foul mouth. Did the bathroom have a mirror I forget? They're usually much friendlier, I should go check.

ANTWAN: I'm so glad I can get some peace in here and finally talk to you. The amount of noise just totally drowns out any kind of thought in my head, in here it's silent. I like it. How about you? You're always in here, you must be lucky to have so much thinking time.

FIORELLA: Huh? Thinking time? I... am in here a lot... It's so scary out there.

*FIORELLA continues to scrub the bathtub.*

ANTWAN: Have you seen the leaf picture in the gym? Boy is he rude, he thinks he is sassy but he just insults people.

FIORELLA: The... leaf picture? It spoke to you?

ANTWAN: Hell yeah, I thought I'd have trouble with the pictures, they aren't as friendly as bathroom furniture. I have had one exception many years ago though, a cute little kitty picture was oddly overly friendly.

FIORELLA: Oh, wow... are you okay Antwan? You're talking... a little crazy.

ANTWAN: Yeah, no word of a lie. The picture was getting all flirty and asked me to do some dirty things. I refused, I'm not that type of person!

FIORELLA: Help me... anybody... he is crazy!

ANTWAN: They even tried hitting on my Pablo, if I'm not going to go there then Pablo is definitely NOT going there either!

FIORELLA: What is going on here...?

ANTWAN: Luckily I was able to get that picture sold on to some little old lady, she was happy to take it. The dirty talk stopped afterwards thank god, it was very distracting when you had to do chores.

FIORELLA: Have I... entered some sort of different dimension? Talking pictures?

ANTWAN: I will have to introduce you to my mirror at home, she is an absolute blast!

FIORELLA: I really... need to clean this bath... but I'm...

ANTWAN: I'll get the laundry basket too, once they get together they are a right mischievous pair but I do love them.

FIORELLA: So uncomfortable... I need an adult.

*FIORELLA puts down the wash cloth and cleaner.*

FIORELLA: I need to find Sandy...

ANTWAN: Oh, hey Fi! I didn't know you were in here.

FIORELLA: Yeah... I was cleaning up.

ANTWAN: You've done a good job girl! I'll be in here a while, this cheeky mirror is a right chatterbox!

FIORELLA: Please help me someone... anyone!


NATALIE: I'm not sure about you henny, but I am absolutely looking for a party!

LEAH: I must say, it would raise the spirits up here if we got some music in the house.

NATALIE: You know what, why don't we ask? I'm sure that the producers can spare us a party track or two to get us into the mood for dancing?

LEAH: Do you think so? I don't know, would that be a little bit cheeky?

NATALIE: Nah! It's just a bit of fun, happy housemates are the best housemates to film, no?

NATALIE: Hennys, it is eviction Day, I can't believe a week has already passed. It feels like an hour ago where I almost exposed my boobies on live Television. I'm safe for the week, but we already have to say goodbye to either Max or Darby, which sucks because I like both of them, and Milton doesn't help at all. Like can you be more of a Karen? Unfortunately his entitlement is causing quite a bad taste in the current moodset of everybody on top of everything, and I'm thinking to myself 'Sandy, you are basically a party clown, why don't you do something about it?' and I think I have an idea. I'm half-Latina AND I'm a dance instructor, so the only right choice right now is to bring out the party in everybody by teaching them some dance moves! This way I could also sneakily try to get information and a clue who to evict, because chile... its hard.

LEAH: I have an idea! Instead of just doing a little bit of dancing, why don't we have a full house party?

NATALIE: Leah, HELL YEAH! Get everything together, the lights, the music, the dancefloor, the drinks! I'm down for that.

LEAH: Would it be a little bit disrespectful... you know, for the person who goes today?

NATALIE: Hell no, if anything it'll be a good way to send them off... plus everyone will be left in a great mood.

LEAH: Very well, I'll have to find my best jumpsuit.


LEAH: Do tell Nat, do tell!

NATALIE: What if we all wear costumes? Like fancy dress costumes, but a little better of course- I'm sure production can afford it.

LEAH: Oh my that would be hilarious, count me in!

NATALIE: Gurl, I am excited! This is going to be the best party Abnormality has ever seen!

LEAH: I'm looking forward to it, it'll cheer a few of the housemates up- it's been hard for the first week.

NATALIE: It doesn't help that we have the world's biggest Karen in the house, someone needs to knock Milton down a peg or two.

LEAH: I'd hate to speak ill of someone, he has been quite difficult with a few of the people in the house though.

NATALIE: Yeah, well hopefully this party might open him up to be nice to people for a change.

LEAH: Are you sure about that?

NATALIE: No way! Even saying that made me roll my eyes haha.

LEAH: Oh my days, if he is going to be difficult I'll go into my own corner to party. Life has taught me to not entertain that behaviour if I don't want to.

NATALIE: I love your approach to him, I need to have that kind of patience with people. Not that I don't, but just a little bit more than I do at the moment.

LEAH: It'll come with time dear... now, you want to help me come and find a costume? I may need your eyes to pick out the most comical outfit.

NATALIE: Yes, yes and yes! Let's do this Leah!

LEAH: Woo! Come on Natalie.

LEAH: So the end of the first week is coming up and I want to use this chance to have a full cast costume party before we lose our first contestant! I’ll even be sure to invite Milton and keep a smile on my face, no matter his response!


CHRISTMAS: How are you feeling Ken? What has the medic said?

KEN: I'm doing better but I am still ill. I've decided to throw the towel in and leave.

CHRISTMAS: It's gonna be sad to see you go but I understand dude. Health comes first, no matter what.

KEN: Exactly! If I could, I'd continue to play but I need to go and get checked out.

CHRISTMAS: Have you told any of the others you're gonna go?

KEN: No, is it okay to keep it quiet? That is until they make an announcement or something about it... I don't want too much attention right now.

CHRISTMAS: Abso-doodley! I'll keep my gob closed until I need to open it again.

KEN: Thanks Christmas, you've been so lovely to me ever since the start.

CHRISTMAS: Hey, you're a cool dude! I'm looking out for you man, I respect your wishes.

KEN: Once you're out of here, can I come visit the reindeer ranch?

CHRISTMAS: Haha, of course you can buddy.

KEN: Yay, I'm excited to see what's it like.

CHRISTMAS: Come here and give me a hug then before you go, you might be ill but you ain't gonna escape my hugs!

KEN: Haha, okay but only the once.

CHRISTMAS: Okay just the one, pinky promise!

*CHRISTMAS leans in and gives KEN a hug.*

KEN: See ya, I better get myself out of here.

CHRISTMAS: See you later dude, hope you get well soon!

PRODUCER: Welcome back Ken, have you made your decision on what you would like to do?

KEN: Yeah, I think it'd be best for me to leave now. It'd be silly to stay here feeling the way I am at the moment.

PRODUCER: Very well, we accept this as your withdrawal from the show. If you'd like to follow our runner and medic now they will direct you out to the taxi.

KEN: Thank you!

*The RUNNER and MEDIC open the door for KEN.*

RUNNER: Hi Ken, if you want to come with me I'll escort you to the car now.

KEN: Thanks guys, I appreciate your help!

MEDIC: Let's go kid!


DR. EVIL: How are you doing with the campaigning Darby?

DARBY: Ugh, I dunno Dr. Evil. I've talked to everyone in this house and I haven't got one straight answer from anyone.

DR. EVIL: Perhaps they haven't made up their minds yet? It's not as easy as you think.

DARBY: I've offered a good deal on the table to keep me safe though. I've practically handed them my game on a plate.

DR. EVIL: If the deal is good enough they'll keep you in. No one can pass up a good enough deal for nothing.

DARBY: I hope so... this week was definitely not what I envisioned. 

DR. EVIL: You didn't expect to be nominated?

DARBY: No... well, not in the first week anyway. The odds are everyone gets nominated at one point in this game... it's just so annoying being the first one to face the eviction. It's time's like this that I wish I had Deegan to talk to.

DR. EVIL: Deegan? Who is Deegan?

DARBY: He's my ex-boyfriend.

DR. EVIL: Your ex-boyfriend? How odd!

DARBY: Both of us are still friends, we're just not together.

DR. EVIL: I see!

DARBY: Even though we're not together we're still the best of friends...

DARBY: I always go to him if I'm struggling. He was there when I went through a lot of my problems and I'll always cherish that, he's special and if it wasn't for him I don't know whether I'd be the person I am today.

DR. EVIL: That is sweet! That reminds me of a guy I knew called Mr. Roboto. He showed all the kids in this small village about the in's and out's of all things mechanics. It's a shame he got beamed out into space but I'm sure he'll be having tea with the aliens somewhere.

DARBY: Did he have an astronaut suit on when he got beamed out?

DR. EVIL: Nope, he can hold his breath for a long time though, I'm sure he's doing fine.

DARBY: Right...

DR. EVIL: A few days after that I got the idea for the electric slide.

DARBY: You didn't invent that, that has been around for a while.

DR. EVIL: It has? I feel deceived, I was assured no one had created one before.

DARBY: Are you talking about an actual slide? That makes more sense.

DR. EVIL: I was! You thought I meant the dance didn't you? That's... hilarious!

DARBY: You're a funky guy Dr. Evil, you remind me a little of Inspector Gadget without the trench coat.

DR. EVIL: Inspector Gadget? Who is this person? I may need to do some research on him... I don't want a potential threat to come in between my plans if he is as renowned icon.

DARBY: I doubt he'll be the rival you expect him to be.

DR. EVIL: You can't be sure Darby, in the mastermind game anyone and everything is willing to take you out the first moment they get.

DARBY: Haha right... well, I better go and campaign some more. I'm gonna try my damn best to get those votes.


MILTON: He better be in here...

*MILTON looks over to the seating area. MAXIMUS is sat down in one of the chairs.*

MILTON: Perfect! Hey, is it okay if I can have a quick word with you?

MAXIMUS: Sure, come on over.

MILTON: It is eviction day and Max and Kirby are on the block. I am going to use the old way of persuasion and discuss a very important matter with Max. If he is the wise old man people have muttered on about then he will surely be open to my offer and welcome it.

PRODUCER: Do you want to clarify what that means Milton?

MILTON: Certainly not, my business is my own. Keep your nose out of it!

MILTON: I have a very good business offer for you.

MAXIMUS: Okay, do I get a company car with it?

MILTON: No, definitely not...

MAXIMUS: What is it then? I don't have all day you know.

MILTON: Hmph, be gracious I even came to you...

MILTON: As you are aware, you are on the chopping block... I could easily resolve your dilemma with the click of my fingers and the sign of a cheque.

MAXIMUS: I'm lost, what are you talking about?

MILTON: You can swing the vote and voluntarily quit... if you do quit before the vote tonight then I will transfer 10K into your bank by the time you step outside of this building. What do you say? It's a good offer to me!

MAXIMUS: Are you bribing me to leave the house?

MILTON: Yes of course, it's not as bad as it sounds. All you have to do is walk into the diary room, quit and then you'll get your money. All 10K of it.

MAXIMUS: For 10K? You must think I'm stupid to accept that small amount. I'm a retired man, I'm going to need more than that to even think about doing that.

MILTON: I'm not a charity Max, I'm doing you a favour by giving you this donation. If you leave today through the voting process, you get nothing!

MAXIMUS: I know... I came here to play the game, whether I win money or not.

MILTON: Fine... I'll raise the money to 20K, you'll get 20K to leave this house right now. Deal?

MAXIMUS: And all I have to do is quit?

MILTON: Yes, that's all. Quit and get the money.

MAXIMUS: It is a nice amount of money for a week's work.

MILTON: Think about it Max, this could change your life. You could live out your retirement in peace knowing that you don't have to worry about the money.

MAXIMUS: Although I could do with the money I am not someone to accept such a ridiculous bribe. I came onto the show to play the game and hopefully get to the end, packing up and running now would go against my character and I am not willing to ruin that for 20K. No thank you!

MAXIMUS: Thanks but no thanks. I don't want to accept your deal.

MILTON: You'll regret not taking it.

MAXIMUS: I won't... and neither will anyone else in this house. No one will accept your bribes to get further in this game.

MILTON: Are you so sure about that? I know at least one person who has accepted one of my bribes already.

MAXIMUS: Really? Who...?

EVEN: Hello housemates! Please can you all go to the ceremony room. I have an announcement to make.



EVEN: Hello housemates! I hope you are all doing well, I have an announcement to make to everyone! I'm sure you are all wondering where Ken is and why there are only 11 of you in the room today. Earlier, Ken decided to withdraw from the show for personal reasons and will not be returning to the house.

ALL: Oh no!

EVEN: There is also another thing to discuss...

EVEN: Since Ken has left the house, the producers and I have decided to cancel this upcoming eviction. Thankfully Darby and Max you are both safe this week.

DARBY: That's great news!

MAXIMUS: Thank you Even, it is appreciated.

EVEN: This does make things tricky with the twist in the play, therefore the producers and I have discussed what to do with the hex wins that Christmas has earned this week. As this week is technically void we offered Christmas an array of options going into next week to compensate for this week being thrown.

EVEN: The producers, myself and Christmas have agreed that in exchange for her hex pieces that she will receive an automatic immunity badge for the next week as well as not playing in the HOH as outgoing HOH from this week. This has been agreed to be the most fair way to compensate for Christmas' HOH reign and will be active once the second HOH begins, this means that she will not be able to be nominated by the HOH if they win. 

*The housemates nod in acceptance.*

EVEN: For now this is all the news I have. I have had a request from a few housemates who would like to have a party, I can now confirm that everything has been put in place for this. Make sure to get into your best costumes and head up to the challenge arena where the dancefloor has been erected and drinks are being served. Bye guys!

ALL: Bye Even!


DARBY: Well... today has been eventful. I'm finally safe and not going home which is a god-send to be quite honest. I'm glad my game isn't over and that I can come back fighting and swinging next week. Also what better way to celebrate mine and Max's safety then a costume party! Not only was it a hell of a lot of fun, but we had a special DJ guest! Even showed up to the party to mix a song or two!

EVEN: Hello housemates! I've just got one question to ask you... who is ready to PARTAYYY?!

ALL: Meeeee!

EVEN: Let's get some music on!

*EVEN starts mixing some tunes on the DJ booth.*

EVEN: You are all looking fabulous and funky tonight!

ALL: Woo!!!

EVEN: Who is that in the llama outfit? You went all out on that!

ANTWAN: Yoohoo, it's Antwan! I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to get it out and show everyone.

MILTON: This is quite... fun! I don't like this outfit though, it's so heavy. I'm glad I don't have to be an actual firefighter.

ANTWAN: Orange is definitely your colour Milton!

MILTON: I doubt it, orange is a horrible colour. Who wants to look like a block of cheese or a satsuma?

EVEN: You enjoying yourself Jacob? You look a little down.

JACOB: Oh... no, I'm good... I just... hate dancing, it's not me.

EVEN: Let your body move to the music Jacob, don't overthink it too much just move to the beat.

JACOB: I'm trying man... it's just not working right.

JACOB: I tried my best dancing in front of everyone at the party, I gotta admit though I was embarrassed as hell though. I'm not the kind of guy... to just get up and dance you know. It's not really my thing. The only thing I do is dad dancing and I even do that terribly. I'm the guy who sits at the table and does a foot tap at most.

FIORELLA: Ooh... I love this song!

SANDY: Yasssss Fi, you better werk the dancefloor!

FIORELLA: Is there any... dance moves you want to see?

SANDY: I'd love to see you twerk hun!

FIORELLA: Twerk? I'm not exactly sure how to do that... I can... try to do a split?

SANDY: Gurl, you gotta show us this now.

DARBY: Yo Dr. Evil, what are you dressed as again?

DR. EVIL: I'm dressed as my future self.

DARBY: Isn't that what you always wear though?

DR. EVIL: Of course it is, this is my signature look.

DARBY: Signature look? Okay...

DARBY: Don't a million over men in suits with hats on look like you though?

DR. EVIL: They do, but I have that extra evil look to it than those guys do.

DARBY: Okay, if you say so buddy.

DR. EVIL: Kids nowadays, they don't see evil when it's right in front of them.

DR. EVIL: This is my signature look! Evil leaders across history have had their own look, I'm just establishing mine before I make the biggest move to dominate this world! What do you guys think? I'll take notes from anyone willing to comment.

PRODUCER: Uhm... if we say anything negative will you come after us in the future?

DR. EVIL: Of course I will silly.

PRODUCER: In that case we love it!

DR. EVIL: Aww thank you, I'm glad you can see my vision!

EVEN: Let me see everybody's hands in the air for this next beat!

*EVEN drops another song, the housemates go wild.*


KISHA: Max, I never knew you could move like that.

MAXIMUS: I lose myself in the music, we used to have parties like this all the time back in the army... minus the costumes of course.

KISHA: I can imagine, a little party never harmed nobody!

MAXIMUS: Very true words Kisha!

CHRISTMAS: This was such a great idea Sandy, did you think it up alone?

SANDY: Nah, Leah helped me with it. We made a very convincing plea to the producers to get it put on.

CHRISTMAS: It's a shame Ken couldn't be here to enjoy it.

SANDY: Yeah... we'll miss him. We should have a drink to toast him!

CHRISTMAS: That's a nice gesture, count me in!

LEAH: Left to the right, ooh I've still got it!

FIORELLA: Can we have 'Let It Go' on next Even?

EVEN: Yeah sure, let me load it up.

FIORELLA: Yay... I... am getting... into my princess role.

LEAH: Aww bless you, it's good to see you having so much fun.

FIORELLA: The party was a lot of fun... I liked my costume. I felt... like a princess. Then when Even played 'Let It Go'... I felt out of this world! Can we... please have more parties? If that is okay to ask? If not I'm sorry.

PRODUCER: The team will definitely review it and see whether we can in the rest of the season.


ANTWAN: Did somebody say we should crack into the champagne?

CHRISTMAS: That's a great idea!

ANTWAN: On top of that... is anyone ready for... SHOTS!

SANDY: Yasss!



KISHA: That was... an awesome party!

CHRISTMAS: You can tell me that again, I haven't had this much fun in a WHILE!

KISHA: I think we should have more parties like this... then again I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up.

CHRISTMAS: Same here, I love a party but I couldn't do it every night like that some of the kids nowadays.

KISHA: I forgot, we should celebrate you getting that immunity badge!

CHRISTMAS: Yeah... it's good but I had to give up my hex pieces too. It's fair but it would have been nice to keep them. I'll try get them back.

KISHA: I'm sure you'll get them back, you've proved that you can knock challenges out of the park!

CHRISTMAS: Good ol' games in Santa's grotto helped me with that. You could say they helped me all my life to get to this point.

CHRISTMAS: Guess my reign as HOH this week is at an end, not gonna lie being in a position of power for once in my life has been hella' sweet but it's not without its downsides. As pops always says "Wit' great powah comes a great responsabubble-lity" though he was wearing a fake Santa beard at the time so he could've been saying anything, I like to think that's what he said... I know people in the house are a bit upset with me that I didn't like, put Milton up on the block and sure he's on a lot of people's naughty lists- booting him could have gained me a lot of new friends but what I want and what the house wants are two very different things. I'm planning ahead cause I've watched enough Abnormality to know what happens to week 1 HoHs, after next week I could be up on the block and if I'm up there here's hoping maybe Milton might be sat next to me.

KISHA: Possibly, mind if I take a seat here with you?

CHRISTMAS: Sure, park yourself down here.

KISHA: Thanks Christmas!

*KISHA sits down next to CHRISTMAS.*

CHRISTMAS: I wish Ken would have been able to come to the party... it kind of feels bad that we are here enjoying ourselves and he is at the doctors getting checked over.

KISHA: At the doctors? Who told you that?

CHRISTMAS: Ken did, that's why he left. He was having health issues with a surgery he had before he came in here.

KISHA: Hmm, that's interesting. That's not what we all heard.

CHRISTMAS: Wait, what? What have you heard?

KISHA: I've heard Milton bragging that he sent Ken home, that he gave him some money and he took it and left.

CHRISTMAS: Ken wouldn't do that... no, he loves the game too much... right? You don't think he would, right?

KISHA: I don't know... No? Maybe?

CHRISTMAS: How could he lie to me like that though if he did? He didn't have to tell me it was health related.

KISHA: Maybe he felt bad for taking the money?

CHRISTMAS: Yeah... maybe.

KISHA: One week in and I made it guys! I beat my track record of being the first person out of the game. The sky is the limit right now and I am going to head for the stars! To say we haven't been in here long, a lot has happened. Apparently Milton had something to do with Ken's departure... and to be honest, I'm intrigued. Could he be blowing hot air or did he actually bribe Ken to quit? I guess we won't know. The truth always comes out in the end!

KISHA: On the bright side, you're here for another week of the game! Onwards and upwards from here Christmas.

CHRISTMAS: Yeah, onwards and upwards. It's time to have some fun.

KISHA: I got the cravings for some more bubbly, do you fancy a drink?

CHRISTMAS: Yeah... yeah I will.

KISHA: Great! I'll go get the bottle and two glasses, you stay here!

EVEN: On that note I can conclude this episode. Unfortunately Ken decided to withdraw from the show and therefore has forsaken his place in this competition. I would like to say thank you to Keyenpeydee for submitting Ken for Season 6. It's a shame you weren't able to complete the full run this season but hopefully we will see you around. That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will become our second HOH of the season and whether Natalie's challenge advantage will be worthwhile. Goodnight everybody!


Antwan Plum (Shadami)
Christmas Burghley (twiddle3)
Darby Ellesentway (Tigerblu11)
Dr. Evil Domination (M13Vulpecula)
Fiorella Bandini (PieceOfPrincess)
Jacob Price (lillibattenberg)
Kisha Patel (Alleenmens)
Leah Hinton (ninjakid150)
Maximus Payne (SimTresa)
Milton Wong (HayloHusky)
Natalie Pollard / Sandy Fresco (YJB19299)

WD: Ken Lovelace (Keyenpeydee)

1 comment:

  1. please god i want to have sex with maximus payne so bad
