Wednesday 9 September 2020

6.1: Season 6 Premiere

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 6! We are back with an all new season with 12 fresh faced housemates willing to fight it out to win the grand prize! Over the next 9 weeks, our housemates will compete in many challenges in order to come out on top as the winner of Season 6! The winner will receive the total of $500,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame. Before we begin this game, let's take a look around the house and see where our housemates will be staying this season!


EVEN: I welcome you all to our new house, the designers have been very busy putting everything together this season but I can assure you it'll be as colourful as it always is!

EVEN: Here we have our living room where the housemates can come to gossip and talk some major game with their allies! Alternatively, they could also figure out ways to use those bowling balls and talk with our in house resident dinosaur.

EVEN: Here we have our kitchen area which has now been installed with all new counters and plumbing, there are also new washing machines and dryers for all those simmies who want to clean their clothes. No one likes wearing smelly clothes for 9 weeks in a row do they?

EVEN: Here we have our games room from last season which has now been fully fleshed out with all new arcade machines and virtual box gaming, who doesn't love a good gaming workout to stimulate the brain cells?

EVEN: In addition to this we have also included vibrant artwork and those lovely little bubble lights. The housemates also have a chance to just come in and hang out with that new sofa we've put in. Smashing stuff!

EVEN: As you can see we have made a few changes to the bathroom, ultimately going with a bold blue colour scheme. This is the place where you can do your usual bathroom-y things such as brushing your teeth, styling your hair right up to the more personal things which I'm not going to say...

EVEN: What?! You really don't want me to go into the personal things... I'm sure everyone knows what that means.

PRODUCER: Please Even, just tell them.

EVEN: ...No, moving on swiftly!

EVEN: Here we have one of two bedrooms this season, this is our fabulous pink bedroom! There are 3 double beds in this room which means that yes, housemates will have to share with another housemate this season...

EVEN: That is... until their bed buddy gets evicted. Then they'll have the whole bed to themselves! See folks, there is a silver lining in everything, even in the evictions of your friends and enemies!

EVEN: Continuing on from our pink bedroom, we have our second bedroom the luscious bold purple bedroom! As the previous bedroom, our housemates will have to share their beds again. In addition to the beds, each room has a seating area for sitting and talking major strategy or just gossiping. Whatever works!

EVEN: Before the housemates enter the house, each of them decided which room they would like to stay in as well as pick a number from 1-6 from random... I'll go into this in further detail later on tonight though.

EVEN: This is one of our new rooms this season, previously this used to be part of one of the bigger bedrooms last season however we have decided to renovate this into the new red den hangout room. There is plenty of room to hold your meetings in here as well as practice your singing in the mirror... please be aware though, if you are going to screech please let production know to order more glass for the mirror- just in case it cracks. 

EVEN: What?! Some of y'all may think you're hitting those high notes but you ain't. It hurts our ears, especially the editors. Poor guys, that reminds me I'll buy y'all some chocolate after the episode, okay?


EVEN: In the other bedroom we have also renovated to include this very orange and blue yoga room. The housemates can come into here to escape the game and meditate or simply just to stretch out their muscles...

EVEN: That could prove quite an advantage, especially in those physical challenges. Don't want to be pulling a muscle now do we?

EVEN: Here we have our very prestigious garden which has had a major overhaul from last season, gone are the hippie beanbag chairs and the yellow brick and in comes the pool and the pure white walls!

EVEN: In addition to that, we also have a purpose built barbecue and an outside bar! Who doesn't love a nice sparkling cocktail by the pool while having a meaty burger too? I may just have to sneak a bottle of bubbly and a hot dog out before the housemates come in.

EVEN: With that, we have also renovated upstairs, the white continues all the way onto the new challenge arena! You guys wanna see the changes we've made inside?

EVEN: The long mirrors are back with the housemate wall, as you can tell though we have gone for a black and white look and installing some of that lovely greenery to this room which makes it pop. A lot of the game will be played in here so it's good to bring in a fresh new look for the season.

EVEN: Here we have the former Tiki bar room which has now been converted into a lovely little bar room which has a yellow-ish colour theme. The room is accompanied with a variety of fun bar games such as fusbal and the cards table. Happy drinking in here housemates!

EVEN: The gym returns this season however with a nice fresh renovation. The housemates now have access not only to the treadmills but also the very cool climbing wall! If you're feeling like pumping some iron though then the weight stations have also made a return too!

EVEN: Here we have the diary room! This will be a place for the housemates to talk directly to the audience at home! They can talk about whatever they want to in here, whether that be their game plan, gossip or just to have a good old moan about that one particular housemate.

EVEN: Here is a new addition to the house, this is the ceremony room. I thought it was useful to put this in a room so we can have the garden back this season. Here we will conduct all evictions and introduce the challenges for each week.

EVEN: And here is my screen which I will be using to communicate to the house going forward, you'll be seeing a lot of me on this so stay tuned! Now that we have took a look around the house, should we send in this season's housemates to start this game?


EVEN: Perfect! Well, let's not wait any longer. SEND IN THE HOUSEMATES!!!



*KISHA enters the house*

KISHA: I'm no longer blocked guys- I'm free to play now!

*KISHA looks to see if anyone is here but notices there isn't. She turns her attention to the fish.*

KISHA: Oh wow, look at the fish! They all seem to have settled in nicely already. I should probably go look around. See you later fishies!

*KISHA leaves the fish to swim.*

KISHA: I cannot believe I have finally arrived in this house. I am going to go into this with the focus on staying here until the end. I know, it's ambitious but I have a lot to prove. Now all I can do is wait until the rest of the housemates walk through that door. I hope they're all nice.

KISHA: Gosh, this looks so much bigger in person than it does on TV! They've done a good job with the place though, I'm impressed.

*KISHA goes to sit on the couch.*

KISHA: I wonder who is gonna come through those doors next? There is going to be people coming in aren't there? I haven't secretly been asked back to The Circle and not been told about it have I? Nah, this'd be way too big of a flat for just one person.

*ANTWAN enters the house.*

ANTWAN: Watch out kiddos, this blue sim is bringing FUN back to your TV screens!

KISHA: Another housemate! Hey dude.

ANTWAN: Noooo! Kisha?! What are you doing here girl?

KISHA: I've come to play and have an awesome time. What's your name?

ANTWAN: I'm Antwan my dear, have you been here long?

KISHA: No, I've more or less come in the door.

ANTWAN: This feels like such a fever dream, mind if I come sit with you honey?

KISHA: Sure, come take a seat.

ANTWAN: I wonder what they have planned for us this season.

KISHA: I wouldn't be surprised if it was as wacky as it was last season. I'm looking forward to just making new friends and enjoying my time here.

ANTWAN: I'm sure there'll be a lot of lovely people this time around, I hope so at least. I can't be dealing with negative Nancy's.

KISHA: They can be a real drag to deal with aren't they?

ANTWAN: Totally! Ain't nobody got time for that kind of attitude, life is short- be nice and be kind.

KISHA: That's the best message I've heard all day. Well, except at the snack bar. I heard this lady tell her kids to stop shaking his pom bears at her.

ANTWAN: Kids are the best! Mine are all grown up now, I miss all those fun little interactions with them.

KISHA: It must be amazing being a father! How many kids do you have?

ANTWAN: I have 5 of them, all to my ex wife.

KISHA: Wow, 5 kids! You must have been busy with them all.

ANTWAN: Oh you have no idea Kisha, it's true what they say- it's a full time job, but it's so worth it!

*FIORELLA enters the house.*

FIORELLA: H... hey?

ANTWAN: Housemate! Hello lovely, come take a seat.

FIORELLA: Oh... uh... yeah. Let me... just come over there.

*FIORELLA takes a seat.*

FIORELLA: H-hi guys... this... is quite something, huh?

KISHA: It sure is, it can be a little overwhelming.

FIORELLA: Yeah... definitely!

KISHA: Aww bless you, are you a little nervous sweetie?

FIORELLA: ...Yeah, really nervous.

KISHA: Take as much time as you need to breathe, my name is Kisha by the way.

FIORELLA: Oh yeah! I remember you from... The Circle.

KISHA: Yeah, that's me.

ANTWAN: I'm Antwan, what's your name lovely?

FIORELLA: I'm F... Fiorella. Fiorella Bandini.

ANTWAN: That is a really nice name!

FIORELLA: Hehe, thank you sir.

ANTWAN: Bless you, you're an angel!

FIORELLA: Thank you...

ANTWAN: So Fiorella, mind me asking what you do for work?

FIORELLA: I... uhh... not much. Well... I help out my dad... he's a businessman.

ANTWAN: That sounds nice, what does he do?

FIORELLA: Oh... a lot of things... he's got a lot of businesses. I just... help out with the bookkeeping, adding up the numbers... all the fun maths stuff.

*MILTON enters the house*

MILTON: Why on earth am I even here? I thought I would have been welcomed by a butler at least...

FIORELLA: H-Hi there sir!

MILTON: Are you speaking to me?

FIORELLA: Uhh... yeah. Sorry.

MILTON: You're forgiven, now you can take my coat if you like. Put it aside so that it doesn't get crumpled.

FIORELLA: I... well, I... uhh...

ANTWAN: She's not here to deal with your coat, she's a housemate.

MILTON: Are you sure? She looks like she should be a librarian.

FIORELLA: Well... I do like books.

ANTWAN: You know what, why don't you give me your coat. I'm sure to put it in a nice safe place so none of us peasants will ruin it.

MILTON: No... I'd rather you didn't. I'll keep it with me.

ANTWAN: Aww, are you sure? I promise I won't throw it away.

MILTON: No... it stays with me. I'm sure you wouldn't know how to handle this type of fibre the coat is made from anyway, only a few people in this world have access to such materials.

KISHA: Ahem... I think we may have started on the wrong foot. My name is Kisha, what is yours?

MILTON: You should know who I am. I am the one and only Milton Wong of the infamous Wong family.

KISHA: Sorry, I've never heard of the Wong family.

MILTON: As expected, uneducated. I was too optimistic to think I'd be living with intellectuals.

KISHA: Wow, that's harsh.

MILTON: Now if you don't mind, I'm going to check what groceries we have. I was promised the best.

KISHA: ...He is going to be hard work.

MILTON: I must say, so far I am extremely disappointed with the calibre of people you have put in this house. It is indeed embarrassing for me to represent my family amongst such ridiculous people. I hope you're all grateful for the sacrifice I'm making to be here to save this show! At the rate of the quality of housemates this show would have been cancelled before the full cast had walked in the door... luckily I'm here to save this show.

*SANDY enters the house.*

SANDY: The doors have opened and the clown has come to steal the crown! Where's my cheque at? Hahaha!

ANTWAN: Ooh! Who do we have here?

SANDY: Hello beauties! Let me come and meet you all.

SANDY: Hello everyone, who do we have here then?

ANTWAN: I'm Antwan, here is Fiorella and this is...

SANDY: Wait, Kisha? From The Circle?

KISHA: Yeah, that's me. The real thing.

SANDY: This is so crazy! I loved you on your season... weren't you on TV too Antwan?

ANTWAN: I certainly was, I was on Jungle Ruin!

SANDY: Ahhh yesssss! Wow, this is like a big reality show mish mash.

ANTWAN: It all depends who else comes through that door.

KISHA: Yeah, plus there's different rules this time.

SANDY: So true! So... who's he over there?

ANTWAN: That is Milton... he's... well. A posh boy who's had everything given to him.

FIORELLA: He... was rude.

KISHA: Yeah, he was definitely rude to you Fiorella. Totally undeserved.

SANDY: Oh... Hey Milton! How are you doing buddy?

MILTON: ...Fine.

SANDY: I'm Sandy by the way, well, that's my drag name. My real name is...

MILTON: Please can you stop talking, I am thoroughly uninterested.

SANDY: Haha, well fuck my drag right?

FIORELLA: I... I'm interested... What's your name?

SANDY: My drag name is Sandy Fresco, little play on San Francisco... but when I'm out of this clown makeup my real name is Natalie Pollard.

FIORELLA: I like your paint... it's cool.

SANDY: Thank you gurl, you're already in my good books!

FIORELLA: Hehe, that's awesome... thank you.

SANDY: No worries. Has anyone looked around the rest of the house yet?

FIORELLA: I don't think so... right?

KISHA: That is right, I was going to go explore but I'm comfortable on here now.

*DR. EVIL enters the house*

DR. EVIL: Mwahahaha! The regime begins.

SANDY: Well hell mister, welcome to the house!

DR. EVIL: Ahhhh! It's an evil witch, stand back creature or prepare to feel my wrath.

SANDY: Dude, it's just a costume. It's makeup and a couture dress, I'm not here to start anything?

DR. EVIL: Ohhh... that is reassuring. Many apologies human woman.

SANDY: Yo it's fine. What's your name?

DR. EVIL: I am simply known as... DR. EVIL DOMINATION! MWAHAHAHA.

SANDY: Dr. Evil? Why are you called Dr. Evil?


KISHA: That does make a lot of sense.

SANDY: I see... so Mr. Evil...

DR. EVIL: Doctor! I didn't get a doctorate just to be known as Mr. Evil.

SANDY: Doctor... Evil. Tell me, what is the most evil thing you have done?

DR. EVIL: Well... uhm, good question... where to begin? There's... many examples that come to mind.

SANDY: Go on...

DR. EVIL: I... well, there's too many to tell you right now. It would turn your stomach the amount of evil things I have done.

ANTWAN: Please tell me you have destroyed many a mermaid in your time?

DR. EVIL: Mermaids? Why on earth would I get rid of the mermaids?

ANTWAN: Horrible creatures, they are toxic and the main reason for all deaths at sea.

DR. EVIL: Don't be absurd, mermaids are beautiful creatures. Very elegant and illuminating. Plus they make very good friends.

SANDY: That's not a very evil thing to say doctor.

DR. EVIL: I do have a heart too you know, plus they'll be a great help for my plan of world domination!

FIORELLA: H... how so?

DR. EVIL: I can't tell you my plan little girl, if I did I'd have to kill you... wait a minute, don't I know you from somewhere?

FIORELLA: M-Me? I don't think so... did you buy some Chinese food the other week?


FIORELLA: Oh... yeah, I don't know who you are then. I... I've been covering in the shop.

ANTWAN: I'd hate to interrupt but I'd really like some of that bubbly before he drinks it all.

DR. EVIL: Who is he?

ANTWAN: He's your arch nemesis, Professor Good.

DR. EVIL: I've never heard of him before, alas if he is to be my arch nemesis I must show my dominance now! Let's drink the bubbly comrades.

KISHA: Finally, a nice glass of bubbly will be most welcome.

DR. EVIL: I need your counsel my new henchmen, do I exterminate Professor Good now or should I bide my time?

ANTWAN: Oh, I'd be happy for you to destroy him now if you could.

DR. EVIL: I would but I left my laser gun at home sadly.

FIORELLA: You... wanted to talk Sandy?

SANDY: Yeah... I may need to ask you to help me with a little... problem.

FIORELLA: Oh no, what happened?

SANDY: I'm not sure if it has happened yet, but I feel a little bit more... loose than usual. I might have to go into the bathroom for a second.


SANDY: I might need you to keep an eye on the door while I do, do you mind helping me out?

FIORELLA: Uhh... sure... yeah... sure. I can do that.

SANDY: Awesome, it shouldn't take too long.

FIORELLA: Oh gosh... I'm here... this is too much!

PRODUCER: Take as much time as you need Fiorella.

FIORELLA: I am enjoying it so far, Natalie is nice. There's going to be... a lot more people here soon. Oh gosh, I'm getting nervous.

*DARBY enters the house*

DARBY: Here we are, the next adventure starts right now.

DR. EVIL: My, we have a new housemate... please come and join our devious counsel.

DARBY: Uhh okay, looks like the wackos are already here.

DARBY: Hey y'all, how are we all doing? Settling in nicely?

DR. EVIL: This abode certainly is quite... homely.

KISHA: I'm settling in quite well, how are you feeling?

DARBY: I am a bit nervous but excited. I'm Darby by the way.

KISHA: Nice to meet you, ooh that is a unique name.

DARBY: It is, sometimes I wish I had a regular name like Sophie or Kate but I'm happy being unique.

ANTWAN: Embrace your uniqueness Darby, it makes you special.

DARBY: Thank you, that is so true... is it just the five of us here at the moment?

DR. EVIL: No, there's two ladies in the bathroom. They've been in there quite a while... I wonder what they are getting up to?

DARBY: Hey, sorry I didn't introduce myself to you! I'm Darby.

MILTON: Yes, and?

DARBY: I just wanted to let you know my name.

MILTON: Oh, that's it? How boring... as expected... none of the special branded products as requested. I'm getting more disappointed as the day goes on.

DARBY: Wow, feel like I should have kept my mouth shut.

ANTWAN: Don't worry about it, he's been obtuse to everyone since he has got here.

DR. EVIL: I can confirm, the guy is a bumnugget.

DARBY: Yeah, that's one way to phrase it.

DR. EVIL: What are those girls doing in the bathroom? Oh wait... what if... No, couldn't be could it?

*DR. EVIL anxiously looks around the room.*

DR. EVIL: Perhaps there are bugs that have been planted... they're trying to get my secret world domination plans! I must find them and dispose of them immediately.

DARBY: Wow! You can't kill people to get further in the game Dr. Evil, the only place you'll be going is the nearest prison.

DR. EVIL: No dear, not dispose of the girls. Dispose of the bugs, no one can find out my plans. Not until the time is right!

SANDY: Oh no, it's exactly what I expected it to be.

FIORELLA: ...Are you okay?

SANDY: I'm fine, this dress on the other hand though, is about ready to burst.

FIORELLA: ...How? Is it... the fit?

SANDY: No, it's the caging on the front- it's all falling apart. I might need you to do me a big favour though.

FIORELLA: A favour? I... don't know.

SANDY: It's a real easy task, I won't be able to do it though. Not if this dress is coming apart.

FIORELLA: What do you want me to do?

SANDY: I need you to go into the bedroom and go into my suitcase, there's a blue vest and white pants in there. Could you please bring them to me so I can get changed into something else.

FIORELLA: I don't know... there's gonna be a lot of people out there now... I'm scared.

SANDY: Fiorella, I know you can do it. Be brave! Everyone will be lovely to you and make you feel welcome... well, beside Milton but he is something else.

FIORELLA: You've got a point... the others were nice to me.

SANDY: See! There are some very nice people who are going to come through those doors... plus, if we don't get any new clothes soon- my boobs are gonna be on full front display and that would not be the best thing to happen on the first day hahaha.

FIORELLA: Yeah, that could be quite embarrassing. I'd want the ground to swallow me up if that happened to me... oh man.

SANDY: Remember be brave! You can do this Fiorella. I believe in you.

FIORELLA: Thank you Sandy, you've made me feel good.

*KEN enters the house*

KEN: Hello all you wonderful people. I'm here to get up in all this fun.

KISHA: Hello! Come over here.

KEN: Ooh, there's quite a few people here.

KISHA: What is your name?

KEN: I am Ken, what's your name?

KISHA: I'm Kisha. It's nice to have you here.

KEN: Thank you, it's good to be here. How has everyone been? I hope we've got some nice housemates in here.

KISHA: Yeah, everyone is nice... well, apart from him over there.

KEN: Oh? Mr. handsome? Has he been a bit... quiet with everyone?

KISHA: No, quite the opposite actually. He has been very direct with a few of us already.

KEN: Oh, that sucks. Maybe he is just a bit moody?

KISHA: Entitled is more appropriate to be honest.

KEN: Well damn, that is a let down. Hopefully he'll mend his errors if he knows what is best for him.

KISHA: Yeah, I sure hope he does. Anyway, tell me a little about yourself.

KEN: Well, I'm 18 and from a little hokey pokey town in the middle of nowhere.

KISHA: Aww that's cute, is this your first time away from that town?

KEN: It is, I was so nervous coming here today. I haven't ventured far out from my town so this is like my big first break to a new place.

KISHA: That does sound nerve-wrecking, you are so young too so I can only imagine how scary it all may seem.

KEN: Sure is, it is so different as a viewer, but actually being here... I feel very exposed.

KISHA: Yeah I get that feeling, I've done a bit of TV work before so I've had a little practice. It'll take some time to fully feel comfortable in front of the cameras but after a while you'll forget they are even there.

ANTWAN: Dr. Evil, what are you doing man?

DR. EVIL: I'm looking at these scrolls on here... very odd position to have scrolls... wait a minute, are these the bugs the girls were looking for? Those sneaky little turnips... I must dispose of them immediately.

DARBY: Oh, hi there! There's another housemate!

*FIORELLA enters from the bathroom.*

FIORELLA: Oh... no... there's new faces.

DARBY: Hey girl! How are you doing? I'm Darby!

ANTWAN: This is Fiorella, Fiorella meet Darby!

FIORELLA: H.... hi. I'm Fiorella... shush, she knows that already... uhh, stop being silly.

DARBY: Nice to meet you Fiorella, is the other girl in there?

FIORELLA: Yeah... but, I... uhh... don't think you should go in there... not yet.

DARBY: Oh, is she okay?

FIORELLA: Yeah... sort of, not really... but... yeah. Uhh, I'm sorry I didn't expect anyone here yet.

*FIORELLA quickly rushes to the bedroom to reclaim SANDY'S clothes.*

*CHRISTMAS enters the house.*

CHRISTMAS: Christmas has come early this year everybody!

DR. EVIL: Hello mysterious stranger, please come and introduce yourself.

CHRISTMAS: Do I need to take my shoes off at the door or...?

DR. EVIL: No, you can keep them on... unless you've stepped in uranium lately, then I would advise to take them far away from this building.

CHRISTMAS: No need to worry, there is no uranium sir.

MILTON: Oh god... what is that awful smell? It smells of poop.

CHRISTMAS: Poop? I hope I didn't step in any before leaving the ranch...

*CHRISTMAS looks at her shoes.*

CHRISTMAS: Nope, looks good to me. No poop.

DR. EVIL: You have a ranch do you?

CHRISTMAS: I do, a reindeer ranch in fact.

DR. EVIL: Reindeer's are supposed to be smart creatures, dare I ask but do you sell them?

CHRISTMAS: I haven't sold any of my reindeer's, they're too special to me. You get connected you know, they have their own personalities.

DR. EVIL: That is a shame, I could offer you a good bargain for one. I believe they will be of great assistance to me in my long term plans.

MILTON: I still want to bring attention to the poop smell. It is quite an insulting aroma that needs to be addressed.

CHRISTMAS: That might be me, I had to scoop poop before coming here today. One last shift before the game begins.

MILTON: I thought you'd have the decency to at least shower before coming into this house. 

CHRISTMAS: I'm sorry if I offended you, but I did have a shower! It's the reindeer poop, the smell just gets stuck on you for a bit. It'll pass don't you worry.

MILTON: If you say so, I beg to differ that a good shower would have sorted the smell out 

CHRISTMAS: You're not a nice chap are you?

DR. EVIL: Ignore the bumnugget, he is all hot air and bluster!

MILTON: How dare you speak to me like that, do you not know who I am?

DR. EVIL: No, I don't. Now little lady, care to have a glass of bubbly away from this imbecile?

CHRISTMAS: Yes, I think I will. Goodbye... friend!

MILTON: Hmph, what an undignified pair.

CHRISTMAS: Well, someone hasn't got the Christmas fever just yet. I'll give him a little bit more time, he was probably thrown off guard with my tiger t-shirt. He is quite a funky kitty I can admit to that. Anyways, I'm not letting that get to me- I've dealt with way worse when working as an elf at the grotto, some kids can be monsters when Santa doesn't have what they want for presents.

*JACOB enters the house.*

JACOB: Can all the dog lovers please step forward?

CHRISTMAS: I'm a dog lover!

JACOB: Don't mind if I come and say hello fellow dog lover.

CHRISTMAS: Would you like a glass of bubbly good man?

JACOB: I'm okay thank you, I'm taking a break from alcohol, it isn't good for me.

CHRISTMAS: No worries, more for me haha.

DR. EVIL: So what is your name sir?

JACOB: My name is Jacob. You can call me Jake if you want.

DR. EVIL: Well Jake, welcome to the house.

DARBY: Hey, mind if I come join you guys?

CHRISTMAS: Sure, come sit with us.

DR. EVIL: So Jake, why did you apply to be on the show?

JACOB: I needed a fresh start... I've come out from a really bad relationship.

DR. EVIL: Oh dear, was it a mutual break-up?

JACOB: Absolutely not, I made the move. I had to take back my life.

DR. EVIL: That sounds very ominous.

JACOB: It was, certain people can be... let's just say, very toxic. I don't need that in my life man.

DARBY: That is so true, some people just aren't worth the time and effort.

CHRISTMAS: You're in a much better place now though, surrounded by lovely people willing to uplift you.

JACOB: Thanks, I hope so. You all seem like a lovely bunch so far.

CHRISTMAS: One word of warning though, avoid the guy at the kitchen counter. He is a bit of a crank.

JACOB: He is?

CHRISTMAS: Yeah, he cussed me out already. I'm not sure if he has to anyone else but it wasn't cool.

DARBY: Oh he has definitely ruffled a few feathers already. Trust me on that one.

JACOB: Noted, I'll keep my wits on when he's around.

CHRISTMAS: I want to know if anyone of you are looking forward to the first HOH?

JACOB: Hell yeah! The challenges always look fun, I can't wait.

CHRISTMAS: Hopefully it isn't anything too strenuous, I didn't bring my stretch pants for it.

KISHA: I wonder how many more housemates were waiting for now?

KEN: There's how many people here.. 8?

KISHA: 10 including Fiorella and Natalie. That leaves... 2 left to come in?

KEN: Sounds about right to me.

ANTWAN: Soon this game will begin and everyone's minds will go into overdrive, strategizing and trying to survive.

KISHA: I'm not even going to think about that, I'll let whatever happens happen naturally.

ANTWAN: It's all for fun anyways right? Thought that prize money does sound pretty delicious.

KEN: Should we go over and meet the new guy?

KISHA: Hehe, feel like you're missing out?

KEN: I do, let's go say hi.

KISHA: Okay lets go, you coming with Antwan?

ANTWAN: Of course, I might nab another glass of bubbly if there's any left.

*LEAH enters the house.*

LEAH: The flares are on and the disco ball is turning, that means it's time for Leah to show you some moves!

KISHA: LEAH HINTON! I remember you from the lost season.

LEAH: Yes, that's me. I'm back again for my full run this time haha.

KISHA: Come have a seat at the table.

LEAH: Don't mind if I do pussycat.

KEN: Can I just say, I am loving your afro!

LEAH: Thank you dear, it's nice having it but it can get quite a mess sometime.

ANTWAN: I totally get where you're coming from. I know it's not the same, but keeping this long mop on my head can be quite the pain at times.

LEAH: Have you always had long hair Antwan?

ANTWAN: Not always, I've had this a few years now. I used to have it quite shorter.

KISHA: I thought about getting my hair shortened, I love my dreads though. I'd be sad to see them go.

KEN: Aww, Kisha you'd rock any look though whether you had long or short hair.

KISHA: Bless you, you're a sweetie Ken.

LEAH: Would you grow your hair out Ken?

KEN: No, I don't think it would suit me. I'd end up looking like Merida from Brave haha. I'm fine with the amount I've got on now.

KEN: Hey Milton, do you want to join us? Everyone is having a good time.

MILTON: No, I'm busy.

KEN: Looking at yourself in the mirror?

MILTON: Why are you so bothered about what I'm doing?

KEN: ...I'm really not.

JACOB: Are the other girls going to come talk to us or have they gone out the back door without telling anyone?

DARBY: I saw Fiorella going into the bedroom, I can only hope they'll be out soon.

CHRISTMAS: I really do hope so, I want to meet everybody here before we get the game started.

DR. EVIL: I have been pondering, Darby is that your original hair colour?

DARBY: Uhm, no it isn't. It is dyed this way, I'm more of a brunette girl when the grey isn't on.

DR. EVIL: I thought so, and excuse me Jacob, is your hair real or are you wearing extensions?

JACOB: Nope, this is all my own.

DR. EVIL: Interesting, the wonders modern hair can do. Fascinating.

JACOB: Yeah... well, who is looking forward to see Even?

CHRISTMAS: Oh me! He seems like a cool dude on the TV, I hope he is the same here in person.

DARBY: I'd be surprised if he isn't. It's Even man!

*SANDY has changed into her clothes and is now NATALIE.*

NATALIE: Perfect, that sorts out that mess. I need to get that to the tailors as soon as possible to get that caging sorted.

FIORELLA: Wow... you look so... different.

NATALIE: I do don't I, the makeup just switches it up a few notches.

FIORELLA: I don't... wear much make-up. My father says I don't need it.

NATALIE: He's right! You're a natural beauty Fiorella.

FIORELLA: You.. think so?

NATALIE: Yes gurl, absolutely.

FIORELLA: Thank you... I'm blushing.

NATALIE: Don't worry about it, honestly. You're very pretty. Now, shall we go and socialise? They'll be wondering what we've been up to.

FIORELLA: Yeah... let's go. Mind if I stick with you? There's... a lot of people out there now.

NATALIE: Yeah, stick with me and you'll be fine.

NATALIE: I don't know if you figured it out yet, but Mama loves to play with gender identity. I remember Homer Simpson saying that drag is really a questioning of "is she or isn't she?" and since I do have a lower voice and have quite a muscular physique, people sometimes think behind all my make-up and body paint is a man... and I'm milking that cow as long as I can, because in all honesty, there aren't many things as satisfying as to successfully fool somebody around.

*MAXIMUS enters the house.*

MAXIMUS: Attention! Boot camp has begun session.

NATALIE: Ooh, a military man!

MAXIMUS: Hello ladies, how are you doing?

FIORELLA: G-Good. You?

MAXIMUS: I'm rather well thank you.

NATALIE: I'm going to take a wild guess and say you work in the military?

MAXIMUS: Used to be. I'm retired from that now though.

NATALIE: That is cool, I've bet you've been on some wild missions over the years.

MAXIMUS: I have, they're all classified though.

NATALIE: Sure you can't let me in one one mission?

MAXIMUS: I could do, but then I'd have to kill you.

NATALIE: Haha really?

MAXIMUS: Of course not... no I actually will have to. Joking!

MAXIMUS: Wow, am I the last one in?

FIORELLA: Y-Yeah... last one here.

MAXIMUS: I've missed the party haven't I?

FIORELLA: Don't worry... so have we.

MAXIMUS: How so?

NATALIE: It's a long story, we'll explain it later when we get some down time.

FIORELLA: Yeah, it could have gone... really badly.

NATALIE: Mostly for me. You'd have been fine. Well... I mean you would have caught an eye full but that's about it.

MAXIMUS: Well it's good to have you both here. I am looking forward to seeing what is planned for this season.

NATALIE: Same here, I bet it'll be a blast regardless.

EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the Abnormality house. From this point on, the game has now officially begun! Good luck to all 12 of you and may the evens be ever in your favour! Now, while I have all of your attention, please can I ask you all to come to the ceremony room. I have an announcement for you all.

*The housemates head to the ceremony room.*


EVEN: Thank you for all meeting in the ceremony room. It's nice to see you all together for the first time! Now, it's time to get down to business. It's time to reveal this season's twist to everyone!

EVEN: After many long hours of debating what would be the best twist to use this season, the producers and I finally settled on this twist. That twist that has been set in stone this season is...


EVEN: Very official! For this twist, the game will be played as usual however accompanied across the season each housemate will have their very own hex. This hex will give the housemate the power to overthrow any decision that is made this season. These decisions include overthrowing the following:

- HOH nominations. 
- Veto uses.
- Eviction votes from individual players.

EVEN: When the hex is played, the housemate who is effected by this will have to change their decision. To balance this out, the hex is made up of 3 tiny pieces, there are 2 ways to collect 1 piece of a hex each time, one you have collected 3 pieces of the hex, the hex will then be activated and be able to be used at any point of the game (excluding the final week when 5 housemates will be left). The 2 ways to collect 1 piece of the hex are as follows:

- Winning a challenge.
- Surviving an eviction.

EVEN: Now that you know the twist, make sure to keep in mind that it could help your strategy going forward, but also keep an eye on everyone else- you don't want to accidentally slip up and let someone throw a spanner in your plans.

EVEN: Since that has now been covered, it's time to get this game going! I'll give you all half an hour to unpack your suitcases, then we shall start the first HOH challenge of the season! Good luck housemates.

ALL: Bye Even.

KEN: Wow, I wasn't expecting that twist! It's going to be interesting how people play their games after that, I think it could totally flip some plans on their head. Either way, I'll have my popcorn ready and see what will play out, fingers crossed I have the best luck on my side.


CHRISTMAS: Looks like we are the pink gang guys! I'd say we've got a good mix of people in here.

KEN: Definitely, all of you are cool.

JACOB: Well... not all of us, I've never been cool haha.

KEN: I think you're pretty cool.

DR. EVIL: Yes I can confirm, you are cool. Plus you look very strong and quite intimidating.

JACOB: I do? That's probably just my face, I have a resting angry face sometimes. I do smile though haha.

DR. EVIL: Yesss.... you'd make the perfect bodyguard in fact. Say, since we are sharing beds, do you want to bunk up?

JACOB: Uhh, sure. Sounds good to me.

DR. EVIL: Excellent! Now I can sleep without the fear of an assassin coming in at night and exterminating me.

JACOB: Wait, am I your sacrifice? I'm not sure how to feel about that.

DR. EVIL: No, not sacrifice, bodyguard! You can handle yourself in a fight right?

JACOB: I mean I'd rather not.

CHRISTMAS: Wanna sleep with me Ken?

KEN: Hehe sorry Christmas, you're not my type.

CHRISTMAS: Haha, you know what I mean silly.

KEN: Yeah, count me in.

CHRISTMAS: I hope you don't mind, sometimes if I can't get to sleep I usually had a midnight snack.

KEN: Sure, just make sure you don't get any crumbs in the bed... one more thing too.


KEN: You can share them with me too, I do like a few snacks before bed.

CHRISTMAS: Haha, I like you kid. Deal!

DARBY: Well, that leaves me and you for a bed.

MILTON: Is that so?

DARBY: Yeah, the others have paired up with each other already.

MILTON: Hmm, how disappointing.

DARBY: How so?

MILTON: Hmph... it doesn't matter.

DARBY: If it's because you're paired up with me, then I'll say that I'm not too happy about it either, but we have to just go with it.

MILTON: Whatever you say...


ANTWAN: I'm absolutely loving this room, it's very me.

MAXIMUS: I got to admit, it is a little more vibrant than I usually like but I've been in worse places haha.

ANTWAN: Oh yeah, Natalie told me you were in the military.

MAXIMUS: I certainly was. I've been retired for a few years now though, the only high stakes action I see now is on the telly.

ANTWAN: I bet you miss it sometimes though?

MAXIMUS: I've seen a lot of countries, there's not many places I'd go again. Too many memories. I did my time.

ANTWAN: I'm sure you're kids are proud for your service.

MAXIMUS: They are, they let me know how proud they are every time I see them. I don't get to see them much now they've all grown up so every little bit of time I get to see them it is special.

ANTWAN: I know exactly what you mean, time becomes precious when they get older.

MAXIMUS: I've been here a few hours now and I'm slowly starting to settle in. The others have been very pleasant which is great. I hope it isn't fake to keep people on side, I would like genuine connections here. You can play this game honestly and authentically, you don't have to trample over others to make it far.

KISHA: How are you finding it all Leah? I bet it's different to your original season?

LEAH: Certainly is chickadee! Then again, it was so long ago- I was all completely different then.

KISHA: Oh yeah? How so?

LEAH: I'm more confident in my abilities now, I had a lot of self-doubt going in last time. Over the years though, when you get older you realise your strengths and weaknesses. 

KISHA: Self-reflection is such a powerful skill, I've been trying to be more open with what I'm good and bad at. It can be hard to recognise in yourself sometimes.

LEAH: It takes time, once you're as old as me it'll be much easier to use.

KISHA: Give over you're not old! You're still young. Your only as old as you feel!

LEAH: That is a good point! I still feel 18 most days, though my bones do ache a lot more if I go dancing now.

FIORELLA: Can I... ask you a question?

NATALIE: Sure! What's up Fiorella?

FIORELLA: Can I sleep in your bed? The others... I think they've paired up now.

NATALIE: No worries, bring your bags over here and I'll get the bed ready. Which side do you want to sleep on?

FIORELLA: Uhh, right please.

NATALIE: Right it is, I'll take the left.

FIORELLA: Thank you Natalie... I owe you one.

NATALIE: Don't mention it Fi, just keep being awesome okay?

FIORELLA: Oh... Okay! I will!



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the first HOH challenge. This challenge is called: "Who's Popular?". The rules of this game are fairly simple, before I give everyone a break down of these though, let's welcome your host in person! Please welcome... EVEN STEVENS!

EVEN: Hi guys! It's good to finally meet you all in person, how are we doing?

ALL: Good!

EVEN: That's awesome, now let's get down to the rules.

EVEN: In this challenge, you will be working in pairs. In order to select these pairs, when choosing your bedroom before the game begun, you all have to choose a number from 1-6 too. The split will be the two different bedrooms. Your partner will be the housemate who choose the same number as you in the other room. Following this, the pairs for this challenge will be:







EVEN: In your pairs, you will rank your fellow housemates based on your first impressions. You will rank your housemates from 1-10, 1st place will earn that housemate 10 points whereas the housemate who is in 10th place on your list will gain 1 point. At the end of the challenge when all lists from pairs have been submitted I will tally up the points and the housemate who receives the most points will be the winner of this challenge. Seems okay no?

ALL: Yeah!

EVEN: Awesome! Before I let you put your lists in, I will give everyone half an hour to discuss where you want to rank your housemates. The winner will gain the power to nominate two nominees this week, plus the housemate who wins HOH will also earn their partner during this challenge a special gift. Good luck to you all and I will see you back here very soon! The challenge begins now!

*The housemates go off into their pairs and discuss the ranking lists.*


NATALIE: Okay, but doing the HOH while getting drunk is the BEST idea anyone has ever had!

CHRISTMAS: We're not drunk... not yet! Hahaha.

NATALIE: You are a bad influence Christmas, I'm a tee total girl.

CHRISTMAS: If that is so... then I'm a giant green dinosaur called Phil.

NATALIE: Well Phil, you better get me another drink because I am looking to get completely smashed by the end of today.

CHRISTMAS: You are crazy Nat! Drink this one up quick and I'll get the bottle out again.

NATALIE: Perfect, sounds like a plan to me.

CHRISTMAS: Now onto business... this ranking list.

NATALIE: How are we supposed to rank, we've only just met everyone?

CHRISTMAS: Yeah, it's hard to get a good read within a day... heck, it's not even a day- a morning!

NATALIE: Exactly! Though I do have some strong impressions since walking in the door around some of the people here.

CHRISTMAS: Oh yeah, enlighten me! What do you think?

NATALIE: I think the strongest connection I've had so far is with Fiorella... she is so shy but she has such a great personality. I wish she'd let it shine and show the others herself.

CHRISTMAS: She is shy, she blushes every time anyone talks to her.

NATALIE: She does! It's very endearing.

CHRISTMAS: I would be fine putting her at the top of the list. I'd like to put Ken up there too, he's such a funny lad.

NATALIE: I haven't spoke to him much but I can see that.

CHRISTMAS: There is one person who I definitely want to be put right down in 10th place though.

NATALIE: I bet if I put money on who I think it is I'd win.

CHRISTMAS: Daddy's little nightmare, yeah you got that right Nat.


DR. EVIL: And that is how I created a robotic rubber duck.

LEAH: That is adorable.

DR. EVIL: Adorable? More like frightening! Who wants to be chased by a rubber duck with metal chompers?

LEAH: It wouldn't eat you, it would be a great little bath toy for the kids.

DR. EVIL: Nooooo, I'm not here to make toys for children. My gadgets will help me take over the world one step at a time.

LEAH: Oh please, you get these silly villains trying to take over the world all the time- it always ends in failure.

DR. EVIL: Yes... up until now!

LEAH: Can we please focus on the challenge Dr. Evil? There isn't much time left to consider our options.

DR. EVIL: MWAHAHAHA! Soon they shall all be part of my plan to take over the world... there is one thing I am not here for, and that is to make friends. You see, I have been studying some of the greatest aspiring world dominators in deepest secrecy, and according to my research they have all failed at one crucial point: they all have attempted to destroy the world with their domination plans! Myself, I fail to see the appeal in that, what is the fun of dominating a decayed and broken world, hm-hm? Nayyyy, outright illogical and delusional, such plots. The one and only truly satisfying scheme to take over the world is if everybody WILLINGLY enables you to dominate the world! So... I am hereby guess that I AM here to make friends then! Well, as a cog in the grander fashion of my scheme that is... MWAHAHAHAHA! And I know a thing or two about fashion, as a former style, cloth and glamour expert I have my fair share of experience.

DR. EVIL: You doubt I can take over the world. You probably think it is a stupid pipe dream.

LEAH: No I don't... I just think it is a very big objective to achieve... plus it isn't very nice.

DR. EVIL: Of course not, I'm Dr. Evil. My memento is to do evil things.

LEAH: Right, rankings! No more evil talk mister.

DR. EVIL: Very well... rankings.

LEAH: Who do you think should be put in 1st place?

DR. EVIL: Good question, I have a few contenders of who should be put there. I recommend the Christmas lady.

*DR. EVIL stands from his seat.*

DR. EVIL: The poor girl had to deal with that bumnugget earlier, he was very uncivilised.

LEAH: I don't think I was here when that happened, that wouldn't be a very nice way to come into the house.

DR. EVIL: Certainly not!

LEAH: This is a good start, now... should we go down the list and put everyone in their positions?

DR. EVIL: Yes... I'm sorry for my distraction... that balloon egg thing looks rather... suspicious.

LEAH: I'm sure it is innocently standing there.


JACOB: This is nice.

FIORELLA: Hehe, yeah.

JACOB: You're nice.

FIORELLA: Ohh, thank you... you are too.

JACOB: Jee, thank you.

FIORELLA: Hehe, sorry... I'm... a little shy.

JACOB: Yeah, I am too... this house is... a little intimidating at times.

FIORELLA: Yeah... when everyone is about... I feel... like I need to hide.

JACOB: Do you feel a little... out of place? Like an outsider?

FIORELLA: Yeah! Do you feel like that too?

JACOB: A little bit. I like to keep to myself.

FIORELLA: I get you, sometimes I just want... to sit with my thoughts. That isn't weird... is it?

JACOB: No, it's good to listen to your thoughts.

FIORELLA: That's good to hear. I'm glad I don't just do that.

JACOB: Don't worry, other people are like that too.

FIORELLA: It's scary sometimes. I wish I could talk to more people, but I just get so... afraid of judgement.

JACOB: People can be cruel, but there are a lot of nice people out there too.

FIORELLA: You're one of them! Thank you Jake.

JACOB: I'm not nice, I've done so bad things.

FIORELLA: Don't say that, you're... you're great.

JACOB: Well... thank you... should we get the rankings sorted?

FIORELLA: Oh... yeah, let's do that.

JACOB: So... got any ideas on who should go in 1st place?

FIORELLA: Hmm... can't we just put ourselves there?

JACOB: Haha, that is a great idea!

FIORELLA: Hehe... thank you Jake.

JACOB: I got partnered up with Fiorella for this HOH challenge and I'm glad I did. She's like me a little, I find it hard letting people in. I think I've definitely learned more about her from our half an hour together than I did the rest of the day. She's lovely, I can't wait to get to know her more.


MAXIMUS: Well Ken, this should be a fun challenge for us both.

KEN: Yeah it should be, it's gonna be hard to split everyone apart but it'll be fun.

MAXIMUS: I may need your help on this one. I have been here the least amount of time so haven't talked to everyone.

KEN: I can try but I'm not sure if it'll be right.

MAXIMUS: It's all subjective in this challenge, all we have to do is put the others in the positions we feel they should be.

KEN: Wow, that was very well put Max.

MAXIMUS: Thank you, so who do we want to get the full 10 points Ken?

KEN: Hmm, I'm split between two people. I'm thinking either Antwan or Natalie.

MAXIMUS: Okay, any particular reason why?

KEN: Antwan has been very welcoming to everyone and Natalie has been extremely kind and funny to a few of us.

MAXIMUS: I have to agree with Natalie, she was the first person with Fiorella to welcome me to the house. She also seems like a very good person to be around too.

KEN: I'm glad we both agree on that. Have you got any thoughts on who should be in last place?

MAXIMUS: Not at the moment, how about you?

KEN: The first person that comes to my mind is Milton, he's rubbed quite a lot of the house up the wrong way.

MAXIMUS: He has? It hasn't been a day since we all moved in.

KEN: Exactly! His attitude was terrible to a lot of people, it could make him an easy target for everyone to against.

MAXIMUS: Knowing all of that information I believe it would be best to put him at the bottom of the list.

KEN: Absolutely! Let's lock that in now. The hard part of the challenge is going to be who to put in the middle of the list, everyone has been so kind.

MAXIMUS: It may take time but I know we will be able to do it, now... let's move onto the next housemate.


MILTON: Who on earth decorated this house? That picture looks like it was painted by a 4-year old.

KISHA: You think so? I kind of like it, it's very tropical.

MILTON: Pfft, what do you know about art? They should have installed an oil painting here instead of this monstrosity. 

KISHA: I know more than you presume I do.

MILTON: So you say... 

KISHA: Ahem, we need to make a start on this ranking list.

MILTON: Okay, here is what we will do. I'll tell you exactly who we should put in the list and then we will submit that.

KISHA: You're joking right?

MILTON: No, I'm deadly serious.

KISHA: What if I don't like your list? What if I want to put certain housemates in the top spots?

MILTON: Hmm, you're here to play aren't you... did you come here for the money? If so... I think I can make a very good deal with you.

KISHA: Are you bribing me? Fine, I'll listen to what you have to say.

MILTON: If I submit the list of who I want and you have no input into it then I shall gift you $1000.

KISHA: $1000? To say your part of one of the richest families around that is a very cheap offer.

MILTON: Very well, I'll give you $2000.

KISHA: How about you give me $10,000 instead, I'd be happy to make a deal at that price.

MILTON: You take me for a fool. No deal.

KISHA: You can't have that much money if you won't accept that deal.

MILTON: I do, I'm not risking $10,000 for a stupid HOH challenge though. Submit the list yourself, I've lost interest in the whole debacle.

KISHA: That's it? You're just going to leave the room...

*MILTON leaves the room.*

KISHA: Fine, looks like this is gonna be my list... if only I could place him at the bottom of the list... positive energy Kisha, don't let him get to you!


ANTWAN: I'm not sure if it is the bubbly or not but I want to do something incredibly wild!

DARBY: You do now? How wild are we talking?

ANTWAN: Nothing too out there... I do have one idea in mind.

DARBY: Go on, I'm listening.

ANTWAN: I have the urge to just jump into that pool.

DARBY: What, with all your clothes on?

ANTWAN: No... without them!

DARBY: You want to skinny dip in the pool?

ANTWAN: Hell yeah! It'll be a lot of fun and definitely wild.

DARBY: That does sound wild... and fun!

ANTWAN: Hey! Let's do it together, the more the merrier.

DARBY: No, I'm good thanks.

ANTWAN: I thought you were a wild child Darby?!

DARBY: I am, I haven't had enough bubbly to get me there.

ANTWAN: Okay then, it's going to be a bit boring with just me in there.

DARBY: ...Fine, let's do it!

ANTWAN: Yes! Let's do the list once we've done.

DARBY: Sounds good to me.

ANTWAN: I came here to have a good time, everyone who knows me knows I like to have fun and enjoy myself. I still can't believe I got naked and went into the pool though, first of all sorry to my kids if you saw anything that will scar you for life- daddy knows how to have way too much fun. One other thing, Pablo I hope you liked what you see haha.

*ANTWAN & DARBY strip down to their birthday suits and jump into the pool.*

DARBY: Ahhhhh! That's a little colder than I thought it would be.

ANTWAN: Probably takes a while for the pool to heat up.

DARBY: It's not too bad when you get moving.

ANTWAN: Looks at these little flower petals, how cute.

DARBY: Hey Antwan... got you!

*DARBY splashes ANTWAN with the water.*

ANTWAN: Bleh, that went right up my nose hahaha.

EVEN: Antwan, Darby, please can you get out of the pool. You need to submit your list as soon as possible!

DARBY: Sorry Even. That was fun while it lasted.

EVEN: Please can all housemates now return to the challenge arena, it is time to submit your rankings lists for the HOH!


EVEN: Welcome back housemates! The first HOH has now been concluded as you have all submitted your ranking lists. Are you all happy with them?

ALL: Yeah!

EVEN: Brilliant, while you guys wait here. I shall quickly tally up all the rankings and add all the points together.

*EVEN tallies up the ranking lists.*

EVEN: Okay guys, I have tallied up all the points and can confirm... we have our first HOH this season!

ALL: Oooooh.

EVEN: Shall we find out who the lucky onion is to win the challenge?

ALL: Yeah!

EVEN: Okay! I can now reveal... the winner of the first HOH challenge is in fact...











EVEN: Christmas!

CHRISTMAS: Oh wow, thank you everybody. I must have made a good impression.

HOH Scores:

Christmas- 40
Fiorella- 36
Darby- 33
Ken- 32
Maximus- 30
Natalie/Sandy- 29
Jacob- 25
Leah- 25
Antwan- 23
Kisha- 23
Dr. Evil- 20
Milton- 14

EVEN: Congratulations Christmas! You are the HOH this week. With this new power you are immune from eviction this week and will have the power to nominate two nominees to put on the chopping block... Dr. Evil & Milton as you two are the lowest scorers in this challenge you will be the Have-Nots for the week. You will only have access to slop and will eat nothing but slop for the week.

EVEN: I did mention that the partner of the winning HOH this week would also get a little gift of sorts. Therefore, Natalie I am pleased to announce that since Christmas won, you have been gifted a small advantage for your next eligible competition.

NATALIE: Oh nice! Thank you Even, hopefully it'll come into good use for me.

EVEN: Now that we have revealed our HOH this week, it is time to return to the ceremony room where Christmas will nominate two housemates for eviction. Good luck everyone!

*The housemates head to the ceremony room.*


EVEN: Welcome back to the ceremony room! First of all, I'd like to congratulate Christmas on her HOH win. Since you have won this challenge Christmas, you have earned your 1st piece of the overruling hex! You will need to earn 2 more pieces before you can use this.

EVEN: Christmas, as you know your HOH win has given you the chance to nominate 2 of your fellow housemates for eviction. Your 2 nominees, as well as yourself and 3 randomly selected housemates will compete in the POP challenge later on this week for the chance to win the veto. I hope you have considered your choices as I will need you now to nominate your 2 housemates!

CHRISTMAS: Thank you Even, I have chose the housemates I want to nominate.

EVEN: In that case... Christmas, who are you nominating for eviction?

*Drum roll.*

CHRISTMAS: Even, I am going to nominate...
















CHRISTMAS: Darby and Maximus. Darby seems to be a triple threat, she's pretty, she's smart and she's sociable! With that, I'm sorry babycakes, but you're going up. Max reminds me of my old gym teacher, not somebody I wanna be constantly reminded of every day... so... yeah, that's all I got. Week 1 is hard man!

EVEN: I'm so sorry guys but Christmas has decided to nominate you for eviction. All is not lost though, both of you are automatically enrolled onto the POP challenge for a chance to save yourself from the block.

EVEN: With that news, it is time to conclude the nominations ceremony. I will see you all again at the POP challenge where one person will win the veto and have the chance to save one of the nominees on the block! Goodbye everybody!

ALL: Bye Even!


KEN: I'm sorry your up for eviction Darby, it must suck being on the block in week one.

DARBY: It's fine. Someone had to be nominated, at least I have a chance to save myself.

KEN: That is true! I believe you can win the veto.

DARBY: I don't want to get too confident about it all, knowing my luck it'll be something I'll fail at.

KEN: If you do you could still be safe. Like Christmas said, you're very sociable, that could work i your favour a lot more than a challenge win.

DARBY: That was quite the compliment from her.

DARBY: Well I'm on the block in the first week, it definitely wasn't how I visioned this week would have gone but I'm going to look at it positively and go from here. I'm focusing on getting that veto, if I can get that and save myself perhaps I could talk to Christmas and get some people in this house up on that block who deserve to go.

KEN: It's not all bad if you do have to face the eviction, if you survive you'll get a piece of your hex.

DARBY: That is the silver lining of this whole situation in a way, usually there isn't a pay off for being nominated but it could change the tide of everything.

KEN: I've been thinking... I know it's day one and we've only just met... should we make a deal?

DARBY: Do you want a safety pact? If you save me this week then I'll return the favour?

KEN: That sounds like a good deal to me.

DARBY: I'll accept. I look forward to working with you.

KEN: Same here!


LEAH: Today has been very eventful. I'll be glad to get some shut eye.

MAXIMUS: Yes it has.

LEAH: How are you feeling about the nomination Max?

MAXIMUS: I'm at peace with it, a nomination is a nomination. No biggie.

LEAH: I've got on really well with a few of the housemates already and they have been very interesting people. I took Max aside to talk to him after his nominations, I know it's best to have someone to hear you out when something like that happens. Not only do I want to be there but also offer my hand out for help if he needs it.

LEAH: Aren't you worried at all?

MAXIMUS: Not necessarily, I know that a lot of hard work will be required but that is it.

LEAH: I like your approach to this, it's very refreshing to see.

MAXIMUS: Yes, some people can get quite sensitive about the whole matter but I'm not worried. There is still light at the end of the tunnel.

LEAH: I am confident you'll do well in the POP challenge, you did quite well on this challenge.

MAXIMUS: Thank you, that is true but it was just the luck of the draw. I would like to have a conversation with Christmas... see where she is at and what her plan is this week.

LEAH: I'm not sure if she does have a plan.

MAXIMUS: If so, that could be good for us.

LEAH: Us? Do you want to work with me?

MAXIMUS: I believe both of us can benefit from this, that is if you are willing to help and come along for the ride?

LEAH: Yes... I think I will.

EVEN: On that final note I can conclude this episode. Following the events of the episode, will Darby or Maximus be able to save themselves from the block? And if they do, who will be the housemate to go up in their place on the block? Thank you for reading the episode and come back next time for the POP challenge. Goodbye everyone!


Antwan Plum (Shadami)
Christmas Burghley (twiddle3)
Darby Ellesentway (Tigerblu11)
Dr. Evil Domination (M13Vulpecula)
Fiorella Bandini (PieceOfPrincess)
Jacob Price (lillibattenberg)
Ken Lovelace (Keyenpeydee)
Kisha Patel (Alleenmens)
Leah Hinton (ninjakid150)
Maximus Payne (SimTresa)
Milton Wong (HayloHusky)
Natalie Pollard / Sandy Fresco (YJB19299)

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