Saturday 29 February 2020

5.15: Fifth Eviction

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Jin and Stewart found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH: Blair. Triceratops went on to win the POP challenge and decided NOT to use the veto to save any of the nominees on the chopping block. Now that the eviction day is here, Jin and Stewart will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

JIN: Today is day of eviction. I'm positively looking forward.
GRIFFIN: That's good to hear! I can't believe you're still on the block, you're awesome man!
JIN: You very nice, thanking you.
GRIFFIN: You have your fans in here Jin, I'm sure you'll have a lot more outside of this house too.

JIN: You think so?
GRIFFIN: I know so, I'd root for you if I was watching. The only issue is this game is like 'Game of Chairs', anything can happen at any turn.
JIN: Game of Chairs? What is this?
GRIFFIN: Oh, it's a show. These 7 different families fight to become the supreme ruler of the realm.

JIN: Oh, kind of like Heian period of China.
GRIFFIN: I... guess so, yeah.
JIN: How interesting. They now do fiction of real life.
GRIFFIN: It isn't solely based on... ugh, that time period. It's a fantasy, a made up story of sorts.
JIN: Who are the good families?

GRIFFIN: The Larks are the good guys in this realm, the Rossiters are universally hated though.
JIN: I need to see show. I'm invested.
GRIFFIN: There's a lot of betrayals in the show, kind of reminiscent of this show in a way.

GRIFFIN: Getting to talk about my interests makes my day, I tried to explain to Jin about Game of Chairs today. I love that show, I kind of hope I could make a cameo on there one day! I would be forever happy if I was... anyways, back on topic. I hope Jin knew what I was talking about. I get WAY too into it sometimes and confuse the hell out of people who aren't invested in it.

JIN: Yes, lots of betrayal. Speaking of betrayals, I doubt you go against Stewie. You and Stewie are close as be.
GRIFFIN: I don't want you to go home...
JIN: You must send me home if you want him stay.
GRIFFIN: I'm not sure I... I don't know whether he should stay.

JIN: You going to betray friend like Rossiters?
GRIFFIN: No... I mean, maybe. I don't know.
JIN: You vote me, he stay. You vote him, I stay. Simple choices.
GRIFFIN: I need a bit more time to think about it. I don't want to see any of you go, but that is the game.
JIN: If hard, abstain is always option.
GRIFFIN: Hmm... that's a good point.


STEWART: I-I've got 4.
TRICERATOPS: Booyah! 6, I'll take that card from you good sir.
STEWART: H-Here you go.

*STEWART passes over his card to TRICERATOPS.*

STEWART: Trix, can I tell you something?
TRICERATOPS: Sure thing, I'm all ears buddy.

STEWART: I-I want to apologise, I've been such a douche bag to certain people in this house and I want to stop it, including you.
TRICERATOPS: Oh, what's with the sudden change Stewing? I mean Stewie.
STEWART: Why does everyone keep... never mind. I'm not as nasty as I have been with Janelle. Yeah, it was uncalled for, totally. It's just... I've never known truly who I am. I've gone from pillar to post trying to find myself.

TRICERATOPS: I get you, it reminds me of that time I tried to live as a true Triceratops. It's a lot harder than it sounds though.
STEWART: I can imagine... anyway, I met this awesome girl. Elizabeth, she's my rock. She realigned everything in my life, she made it better. I've never been as happy and positive as I have with her there... I've forgotten her since I came into this house. I put her mind to the back of my head and tried to play the game a 'certain' way so I'd win.

TRICERATOPS: It hasn't helped you has it?
STEWART: No... it hasn't. Now all I feel is dread and guilt. I hear Elizabeth's voice in my head, calling me out for the stuff I've done and it's hurting.
TRICERATOPS: Aww Stewie! Don't worry about it, Janelle is tough and you apologised... it's all up from here no?
STEWART: True... I just, wish I could have ignored myself and played as me from the get go.

TRICERATOPS: It can be hard being 100% authentic, unless your a wool jumper! I kidd.
STEWART: It doesn't help that I'm an actor, did you know actor's have a higher chance of developing a personality disorder.
TRICERATOPS: I didn't but that makes a lot of sense.

STEWART: I swear though, no more lies from now on. I'm playing this game as me, the real Stewie!
TRICERATOPS: Aww Stewie, that sounds like a good way to play. I accept your apology, though you haven't really hurt me in anyway.
STEWART: Thanks for being understanding Trix.


JANELLE: Hello loveys, I hope you are all well at home. I've been rather splendid for a change. The atmosphere has never been as clear. Anyway, I asked Lana to give me a taster of her acting skills. You see dears, it get's rather boring in here and entertain is key to keeping your mind together. A little scene she did from a play she was in, I can't remember the name- it was some sort of long, fancy pants name.

LANA: L'rd Lancast'r, prithee giveth m'rcy on us all! We has't not did earn they vengeance, we art simple folk who is't only wisheth to receiveth by. I begeth of thee, taketh thy wrath and findeth the culprit elsewh're, that gent is not h're.

LANA: Th'ryn wast the one who is't putteth the bodkin in thy backeth! That gent is the one thee seeketh, not us. Anon prithee, leaveth us in peace. I shall not sayeth aught to anyone about this incident.
JANELLE: Oh please leave them alone dear.

LANA: How dareth thee striketh me! Thee shall regreteth this, thee shall regreteth all of this! May Th'ryn taketh thee entirely next timeth.

*LANA 'cowers' in fear.*

JANELLE: Bravo! Bravo.

*LANA gets back onto her feet.*

JANELLE: That was marvellous Lana, I do love a bit of Shakenbacon.
LANA: You mean Shakespeare, no?
JANELLE: Who dear?
LANA: It doesn't matter, thank you for your compliments. I hope you enjoyed it, it was a hard performance to do.
JANELLE: Oh Lana, I did enjoy it.

LANA: Thank you very much.
JANELLE: You should do it professionally lovely.
LANA: That's the plan, I've done a lot of am-dram but moving onto the silver screen or into the bigger theatres would be amazing. It would make all my dreams come true.
JANELLE: That is fantastic, it's always good to follow your dreams.

LANA: I like to wear my heart on my sleeve, well... about most things. I still haven't told many people about the mermaid thing. Though... I guess I've told pretty much everyone now since you've got millions of people watching... Ahem, I like talking about my dreams. I do want to be a big star one day, travel around the world playing different characters. It would be absolutely amazing. Everyone should follow their dreams!

JANELLE: I've had the most intriguing idea!
LANA: Oh yes? Please tell me.
JANELLE: Why don't we all put on a show of our own? Our own little soapy of sorts. What do you think of that?
LANA: I really love that idea! Everyone could get involved in it too.
JANELLE: Fantastic! You'll have to write something up first, but count me in.
LANA: I'll go talk with the others, Abnormality is gonna have it's own prime time soap opera!


AMAR: A little birdie told me that you've had a word with both Lana and Trix and said some enlightening things. Is this true?
BLAIR: It is true, I found out some information that Lana needed to know about Trix. She has been playing both of you right under your noses. It was only fair to tell you.
AMAR: ...Right.

BLAIR: Amar came to me earlier asking a few leading questions. I know what he wants the little rascal, I'm not going to give him the full truth and he has to be stupid to think I would do. This is my game!

BLAIR: It's the truth, she puts on this wacky random person just to get close to people and when she wants to attack she'll talk to the right people to get it done. Look at Brandon, she manipulated everyone into voting her way and he left.
AMAR: Blair, can I tell you something.

BLAIR: Ugh, yeah sure.
AMAR: You've told me about Trix and her manipulative methods... but I don't believe a damn word you are saying.
BLAIR: Okay...
AMAR: The only one I've seen in this house who has been incredibly manipulative is you!

BLAIR: I beg your pardon!
AMAR: Don't act all innocent, you are the one who laid the foundation for that attack on Griffin. You're the one who ate all the food in the fridge and blamed everyone else. You're the one who spread lies about Trix wanting me and Lana gone. It's you who always seems to be at the forefront of this, convenient no?

BLAIR: You've got a really strong opinion of me, a false one.
AMAR: Liar. You've caused a lot of drama in here with your inputs. I thought someone like you would be proud of your efforts.
BLAIR: I would be... if I did it.
AMAR: Don't you worry, you'll fail somewhere down the line and you'll end up with egg on your face.

BLAIR: You're wrong Amar, you have got the wrong person here.
AMAR: I don't think I have. You're vibration is all over the place.
BLAIR: When you watch this back, you're going to look rather stupid.
AMAR: I'm willing to take a chance on that.
BLAIR: Fine.

AMAR: Lana told me about her conversation with Blair. I cannot believe the lengths that girl will go to. I had to call her out on her actions thus far, if you are going to lie and manipulate people then you need to do it better. If you don't then the spotlight is going to be pointed directly at you.


TRICERATOPS: Hmm, what do I think about this? What do I REALLY think about this?

*TRICERATOPS poses in the mirror with the snorkel on.*

TRICERATOPS: It's fashion baby! Fall 2020, get your snorkels now children!

JIN: Trix! What you doing with that?
TRICERATOPS: I'm trying to accessorise for my next fashion line! Well, my first fashion line. I don't have one at the moment but I do my own stuff... okay I'm not very good at it but I can dream.
JIN: I seen some your knit work, you good.

TRICERATOPS: Dreaming is free, as the infamous Debbie Harry once sung. There's nothing wrong with dreaming big, I want to be the next Anna Wintour one day but mixed with a bit of Jumble Sale. Does that make sense? No, yeah I get that. I also want to own a pet shark one day too, though I'm not sure I'd be able to cuddle it like I do with Gee. I may have to compromise with a turtle.

JIN: I talk with people today, I got votes for me to stay.
TRICERATOPS: That is awesome! Do you have enough to get a majority?
JIN: Think so, if all people vote. No want a surprise abstain.
TRICERATOPS: Oh yeah! I keep forgetting about that twist, I need to remember when I go into the evictions.

JIN: You not gonna abstain today?
TRICERATOPS: Absolutely not matey, I'm gonna keep you in.
JIN: So good, many thanks.
TRICERATOPS: Don't worry about it dude, you're awesome!
JIN: Oh stop, you telling fibs.

JIN: Today is eviction, I don't want to go home but if do I have a good time here. Plus I get to see family again. I must stay here, for them!

TRICERATOPS: I'm not fibbing, it's the truth.
JIN: Bless you, you know how to make old man happy.
TRICERATOPS: Give over, you're only 21 no?
JIN: Haha, much older than that Trix- even older than dinosaur... but nice for flattery! Oh by way, have you talk to Amar? He look different today.

TRICERATOPS: I've spoke with him earlier but he seemed fine, what's up?
JIN: Oh nothing, he just look a bit upset.
TRICERATOPS: Oh? I'm gonna have to talk with him, he's usually a happy go lucky person.
JIN: Maybe he upset about climate change?


STEWART: This week has been revealing to me, not only was I putting on this stupid character but I was also starting to believe it was me. I'm not that awful person you've seen these past few weeks. I'm not!

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: What is up Stewing? Normally you'd be scowling or grinning wickedly.
STEWART: Why does everyone keep calling me Stewing? I'm fine... I'm just a bit sad about this game. I'm not enjoying it.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Aww, turn that clown upside down!

STEWART: Don't you mean frown?
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I do mean frown. Apologises, my translation device has a mind of it's own.
STEWART: Back to what I was saying... I feel sad about what I've done. I've let everyone who loves me back home down.

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Take it easy baby! Everyone does things they aren't proud of in these games.
STEWART: True, but there's a difference between doing a stealthy move and verbally attacking someone.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Is there? Both could go hand in hand.
STEWART: You know what I mean.

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I do, now stop blubbering and get back into the game. If you are serious about mange then prove it to everyone!
STEWART: Mange? What the hell?!
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: CHANGE! Someone needs to have a look at this translator.

STEWART: You're right! Fuck being a coward and crying, I'm gonna make it up to everyone.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Good boy, all you need to do now is survive eviction!
STEWART: Oh... yeah.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Pet me please, don't be tight with the strokes.


DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: Now, if you don't mind...

DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I need some time to play with birdy!
STEWART: Oh, okay.



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the fifth eviction ceremony of Season 5! Tonight, one of our fantastic nominees will be sent packing and will leave the competition.

EVEN: In today's eviction each of you will have the chance to vote one of your nominees on the chopping block to leave the competition. The housemate on the block who receives the most votes to evict will leave the competition immediately.

EVEN: Jin and Stewart, as you are the nominees this week you are not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony this week, is this clear?
JIN: Yes Even.
STEWART: Agreed, very clear.

EVEN: Blair, as you are the current reigning HOH you are also not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony. If the house fails to come to a majority vote, you will get the chance to decide who will go home though. Is this clear?
BLAIR: Absolutely!

EVEN: Following the reveal of this season's twist, each housemate has the right to abstain from voting twice this season. Abstaining will give you an advantage in the next HOH challenge and could prove to be the difference between winning and losing. As you have all been made aware, if anyone wants to abstain from voting this week please say so now.
JANELLE: Even, I abstain from voting this week!
EVEN: Well done Janelle. For abstaining I award you with an advantage in the next HOH challenge! As this is your second abstain, you will no longer be eligible to do so in the upcoming evictions. Would anyone else like to abstain?
ALL: ...
EVEN: Okay, with that it is time to begin the voting!

EVEN: IT IS TIME TO VOTE! The first housemate who will be casting their vote tonight is... TRICERATOPS!
TRICERATOPS: Oh yeah baby!
EVEN: Good luck nominees!


TRICERATOPS: I would like to evict ______ because you are the bigger threat to my game, sorry hun! Nothing personal, hope to see you on the outside!

GRIFFIN: I would like to evict ______ because that seems like the best choice tonight.

LANA: I would like to evict ______ because he gives off bad energy. That sounds like something Amar would say, doesn't it? I guess he's rubbing off on me, but it's the best way to express my reasoning.

AMAR: I would like to evict ______ because you've already lived a rather full and fulfilling life in this current iteration.

EVEN: Thank you for your vote Amar! All housemates have now voted and the votes will be tallied up. Please could you return to the ceremony area Amar!

*AMAR exits to the ceremony area.*



EVEN: Welcome back guys! Are you happy with your votes?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Great! Well...

EVEN: Now, I have tallied up everyone's votes for tonight and do you know what...
ALL: Huh?
EVEN: No one is going home... just yet.

EVEN: The house has failed to come to a majority vote! With 2-2 votes, both Jin and Stewart are tied.
JIN: Oh dear.
STEWART: Wow, I was not expecting that.
EVEN: In the case of a tie, we revert back to our current HOH who will decide which one of the nominees on the block will be going home.

EVEN: Blair, as you are the current HOH, you will be the one to make this decision.
BLAIR: Pressure much.
EVEN: Good luck nominees! Blair... who are you going to send home tonight?

BLAIR: Even, the nominee I'm going to send home tonight is...





















JIN: I see, me go.
EVEN: I'm very sorry Jin. Unfortunately you have been evicted from the house, please may I ask you to leave immediately.

*JIN stands up from the block.*

JIN: Always follow your dream! I never think I go this far but I'm here. Good luck with the rest of it guys.
JANELLE: Goodbye lovey, you will be missed!

*JIN heads for the main door.*

JIN: Let's get out of this crazy house! I'm coming family, I hope you ready for me back.

*JIN leaves the house as the fifth evicted housemate this season.*

JIN: Goodbye Coop, you keep house safe now I'm gone.
DAIMYO COOP SNOOP: I will good sir!
EVEN: And that is the last of Jin in this game.

EVEN: Jin has finished in 8th place. Although we have lost Jin for now, we shall see him again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 8 of you have become 7. You are all one step closer to becoming the winner of Abnormality! I'll see you all next week for our sixth HOH challenge. Bye everyone!
ALL: Bye Even.

STEWART: I feel blessed, not only was my life almost cut from this game, but it came down to a single vote. I've got a lot to do now to redeem myself. It can only go up from here!

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Jin was unable to save himself and has been evicted from the house. I would like to say a massive thank you to kittymeow for submitting Jin for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will win the sixth HOH challenge and whether Janelle's advantage will be worthwhile. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

8th: Jin Chang (kittymeow)
9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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