Monday 24 February 2020

5.14: Shape-C Project

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in our hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Blair was successful in the HOH challenge and won the chance to nominate two of her fellow housemates for eviction. Blair decided to nominate Jin and Stewart. Following the nominations, will Jin or Stewart be able to save themselves from the block? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

ODD: Fancy an orange?
JIN: No, I'm good.
ODD: Very well, more for me later on!
JIN: Who are you?
ODD: Haven't I been mentioned to you?
JIN: No.

ODD: I'm Odd Todds. The best goddamn dog's body around this place.
JIN: Um, okay. Nice to meet you.
ODD: How are you feeling today?
JIN: Okay, these colours hurting my eyes though.
ODD: I'm so sorry about that, I did say we needed less vibrant colours but no one listens to my suggestions.

JIN: Why you want me to talk today?
ODD: Ahem, well I've spoke with the medical team and they have told me you have bruising on your back. There are no other serious concerns and you are free to go back into the house.
JIN: That good news! I feel better.

ODD: Awesome! You can make your way back into the house.
JIN: Thank you, you enjoy oranges!
ODD: Don't worry, I'll take as many as I can!

*JIN exits the room and heads back into the house. ODD takes as many oranges as he can get his hands on.*


AMAR: The bubbles just aren't cutting it today, huh?
GRIFFIN: Haha, no they aren't- the novelty seems to have worn off most of the things in this house.
AMAR: You think so? Are you not enjoying it anymore?
GRIFFIN: Oh no, I'm having fun playing the game. It's just you get sick of seeing the same bits of furniture day in and day out, it can drive you insane.

AMAR: I've dealt with worse, I was stuck in a temple for almost a year! That was the longest year of my life... well, present life.
GRIFFIN: What were you doing in a temple? Religious discovery?
AMAR: I went down a different path for a little bit, I wanted to expand my mind and have a look into it... it wasn't for me, it contradicted a lot of what I already knew.

GRIFFIN: How interesting... I've never really been religious myself, I learned about god at school but didn't believe all the stories.
AMAR: A lot of people turn away from religion when they grow up, you'd be surprised how common it is. Others get closer to it though too.
GRIFFIN: I have a lot of friends who are religious, it's definitely interesting to see them all in action.

AMAR: I've noticed over time that they are all similar on paper, they teach similar morals and beliefs but have small variations between them all.
GRIFFIN: Have you always been spiritual? In this life... and the others?
AMAR: I wasn't always spiritual, I think it took 3 lives to finally accept it. After the third time it's quite hard to reject the idea of it.

GRIFFIN: Were you always a man?
AMAR: No, I've been men... women, heck even animals! Every life is different.
GRIFFIN: That is pretty cool! I'm not sure if I've had a previous life, if I had I would have loved to have been a giant fluffy dog or something like that.
AMAR: Trust me, it sounds good but when you get the fleas it isn't worth the hassle.

GRIFFIN: Eww, really?
AMAR: Yeah! They bite like mad you know.
GRIFFIN: Ouch, no wonder my pooch always looks pissed off when he has them. Poor little thing must be hating it.
AMAR: Ooh, you have a puppy?
GRIFFIN: I do, you'll have to come see him once we're out of the house.


STEWART: I'm nominated YET AGAIN! I've royally fucked this one up. I need to try and make amends otherwise I am going to be out of the door this week! I think the best person to go to is Janelle. I've rubbed her up the wrong way but if I can get her on side, she may be able to influence the vote this week while Blair is in power.

STEWART: I-I'm glad you're here. I-I wanted...
JANELLE: First of all lovey, you can drop the stuttering. I know you're just acting the innocent fool like before.
STEWART: Okay... I am happy you're here though. I have a lot to say.
JANELLE: I bet you do... if you've brought me here to insult me then you're going to be in for a whole lot of bother.

STEWART: I haven't come to fight you, I want to apologise for my behaviour.
JANELLE: You just got interesting Stewing!
STEWART: Stewing? What in the... it doesn't matter. I have behaved like a rotten apple! I regret some of the things I've said to you and wish I could change that.
JANELLE: Go on dear...

*JANELLE takes a swig of her drink.*

STEWART: If you are willing, please will you accept my apology?
JANELLE: ...I will consider it. I'd like to know something though...
JANELLE: What was your reasoning behind it? What were you willing to gain?
STEWART: Mmm... in all honesty, it's a very harsh part of my personality that I try to keep under wraps. In my working life, I have to deal with a shit load of horrible people. Terrible people! On the downside to that I've noticed I've adopted some of their qualities overtime.

JANELLE: Is that a valid reason to treat people like crap?
STEWART: No, but I do. I try every day to change myself... you'd think it'd be easy being an actor and all but it isn't. Elizabeth, my girlfriend, she's such a big help. She's helped me try and curb these impulsive rages... and I'm getting better but I still have a lot of work left to do.
JANELLE: Interesting Mr. Murray, this has definitely put you in a new light.

STEWART: Starting from now, I'm going to do my best to not act like that again. I don't want to embarrass myself in that way any more.
JANELLE: That is responsible lovey.
STEWART: So, do you accept my apology or not?
JANELLE: ...I accept your apology.
STEWART: Thank you Janelle!

JANELLE: I'll give you this one warning though.
JANELLE: If you ever talk to me like that again, I will personally pluck you out of this game with every fibre of my being. Am I clear lovey?
STEWART: Clear as water.

JANELLE: I am pleased that Stewing has apologised for his actions, he could have done it in front of the others but I won't hold that over him. Do I believe he will commit to his promise? Not a chance loveys, not while I'm still here. I'm his number one target dears! He may not have much longer either depending on the results of this POP challenge, I know a few people have talked about getting him out if he remains on the block.


LANA: It's very important to me and I thought it'd be important to you too.
BLAIR: You are right! It is important to me, there's nothing that can break a solid trust between two people.
LANA: I'd like to think we have that. I know you wouldn't want to make a deal with us if you had no intention of making the top 4.

BLAIR: I'm a smart cookie when I want to be, out of the alliances in this house your alliance with Amar & Trix is the strongest. The others are fighting amongst themselves and will take each other out before the end.
LANA: You are smart! You also have a lot of insight into this game, is there anything we should be made aware of?

BLAIR: Not at the moment, everything is still up in the air.
LANA: That is good to know.
BLAIR: There is one thing, but I shouldn't really say.
LANA: What is it?
BLAIR: Amar is trustworthy, but Trix... I'm not so sure. She's been keeping a few lies from you.
LANA: Such as?

BLAIR: She was the one who ate Amar's vegan food, she wants both of you gone but doesn't know how to do so.
LANA: What the... that can't be right, it doesn't sound like Trix at all.
BLAIR: That's why she wants to make close friends with me, I've been spending a bit more time with her and we've made that bond. I think she fears you and Amar could win if she's up against you.

LANA: No... she wouldn't. Would she?
BLAIR: I'm sorry Lana, I shouldn't have said anything.
LANA: No, it's good to know. I just can't believe she would do it, she seems too lovely... or that could be her tactic?
BLAIR: I wouldn't rule it out, she's quite intelligent when she wants to be.

BLAIR: I'M HOH! I AM LOVING THE POWER! Sorry for shouting. I'm just so excited, I'm not on slop anymore and I get to nominate! I could make a big move this week but I think I'm going to play it safe. My main targets are on the block already and I hope they will stay the same at the end of this week. On another note, me and Lana have been getting close after I had that talk to Trix. They've been friends so far but I fear things are going to get complicated.

LANA: This game just plays with your mind doesn't it? I loathe it sometimes.
BLAIR: Tell me about it, if only it was simpler.
LANA: I hope this is just a blip from Trix, I think I need to talk to her about it. Keep things in the open and honest.
BLAIR: I'd give it a little bit of time, if you go to her now she might feel backed into a corner.
LANA: Very well, I'll keep it quiet for a little longer.


JIN: Some bleach and grease work will clean up well.

*JIN cleans the toilet.*

JIN: Looks like blockage... someone putting food down here? Can't like Janelle's cooking.

TRICERATOPS: OMG! Jin what are you doing?
JIN: I do a quick clean, this place getting dirty.
TRICERATOPS: You need to take it easy dude, you've just had a fall on the ice.
JIN: That other day, I fine now.
TRICERATOPS: That's not what the medical team said.
JIN: I know, bruising. Bruising not too bad.

JIN: My bruising ache sometime, I can't sit about looking at walls and roof! I like keeping busy, busy exercise, work and odd spring clean. I need to keep my muscles working, the others see me as old man but I still fit to do things. Bless Trix for worrying.

TRICERATOPS: You're just a crazy llama aren't you! You're just like me, take no as an answer and aim for the stars.
JIN: Aim for stars? I'm no astronaut.
TRICERATOPS: See what I mean! CRAZY!
JIN: I just bleach toilet, I no rebel.

TRICERATOPS: How are you feeling today?
JIN: Bit ache here-there but fine. I more worried about nomination. I keep distract from it.
TRICERATOPS: I know I'm sad Blair put you on the block, knowing you though I'm sure you'll be able to win another POP and save yourself.
JIN: Maybe, I can be good at POP.

TRICERATOPS: Oh dude, you are a wizard at the challenges.
JIN: Wizard? Like Marvin?
JIN: Yes, Marvin the Wizard.
TRICERATOPS: There's a Merlin, but if I haven't met this Marvin person, I'd happily love to get to know him.

JIN: You say I'm crazy one? You are outer dimension.
TRICERATOPS: Yasss! Outer dimension, that is what we both are!
JIN: I don't even know what it means.
TRICERATOPS: Neither do I! But it doesn't matter.
JIN: What you like, eh?
TRICERATOPS: The world is so much fun when you're a odd doodle though.


GRIFFIN: I hope I get picked for this POP, if my track record is anything to go by I'm a certain pick haha.
STEWART: I-I hope so too... I-I spoke with Janelle today.
GRIFFIN: Oh no, what happened?
STEWART: I-It went well.
GRIFFIN: Nice, that's good to hear.

STEWART: I-I know. I apologised to her and told her t-that if there was anything I have done that I'm s-sorry.
GRIFFIN: That's perfect mate, you didn't have to do it but it shows that you're the better person.
STEWART: I-I didn't do anything to begin with but it's g-good to clear the air, it was getting too much.

GRIFFIN: I agree, it was getting way too toxic.
STEWART: Onwards and u-upwards eh? Now, let's g-get a bullseye!
GRIFFIN: Good luck buddy.

*STEWART throws the dart at the board.*

GRIFFIN: Whoa! That was a little too close for comfort.
STEWART: I am s-so sorry!
GRIFFIN: Don't worry about it Stew.
STEWART: H-Hey that reminds me, Janelle called me 'Stewing' earlier on, do you have a-any idea what that is all about?

GRIFFIN: I don't, it's a pretty smart nickname though.
STEWART: I-I kind of like it.
GRIFFIN: Oh, I've spoke with Blair too. She told me that if you or Jin get saved I won't be the replacement nominee, which helps us a lot.
STEWART: Do y-you believe her?
GRIFFIN: I'm not sure, she could have easily lied to my face but I have a good feeling about it.

*STEWART throws the dart at the board, he gets a bullseye.*

STEWART: BULLSEYE! T-That is what I'm talking about.
GRIFFIN: Could it be a sign for today? You might be on a winning streak Stewie.
STEWART: I-I hope so Griffin.


AMAR: I've moved a few things around, I don't think the batteries are the problem. There was a wire lose on the control panel. It should work now I've popped it back into place.
LANA: Thank you so much Amar! I really appreciate it.
AMAR: No worries, it was nice to do something technical in here.

LANA: I have some news to report to you!
AMAR: Oh? What is it?
LANA: I spoke to Blair today, she insinuated that Trix wants us gone.
AMAR: Did she now... how interesting.
LANA: I don't believe one word she says. Trix is such a lovely person and wouldn't do anything backhanded like that.

AMAR: I know Trix is such a sweetheart, I knew we couldn't trust Blair. She's very manipulative and lies a lot.
LANA: Should we tell Trix about this?
AMAR: Eventually, for now we need to keep the peace. When Blair is no longer HOH though we can tell her everything!

LANA: What if Trix is her real target though? Will we be helping her go if we don't let her know what is going on?
AMAR: I don't think she is the target, it wouldn't make sense to try and get rid of her. The majority of people would keep her in.
LANA: She is loved in here.

AMAR: Blair is playing a dangerous game in this house, she is shifting the vibrations too much to the left. I know she wants to play the game and take out her biggest threats but she needs to be more subtle if she is going to do that. I won't allow her into our little trio pact, I won't do it. It'll be the end of everything if we do.

LANA: Now that we know this, is Blair our target?
AMAR: It looks like it, next week we must get the HOH into one of our hands. When we do that we can get Blair out of this house.
LANA: Do you think she will go in an eviction?
AMAR: Good question... I think she would, depending on who she went up against.

LANA: There'll be 7 housemates left, if one of us wins that leaves 2 to vote against her... which leaves 3 other people.
AMAR: Don't forget there are abstains, plus all we need is 1 other person to be on our side to take her out. It looks good to me.
LANA: I see.




EVEN: Hello housemates! It's time for the fifth POP challenge. Six of you will compete in the challenge tonight for the chance to win the VETO! This veto will be able to remove one of the nominees currently sat on the chopping block. If the veto is used and one of the nominees is saved, the current reigning HOH must select a replacement nominee to take the empty seat on the block. The final nominees after this challenge will face eviction at the end of the week. Now, let's see who has been picked for today's POP challenge...

EVEN: As the current reigning HOH; Blair you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
BLAIR: As expected, thanks Eve!

EVEN: Jin, as one of the nominees on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
JIN: I ready to win and save me.

EVEN: Stewart, as the second nominee on the block you are automatically enrolled into the POP challenge.
STEWART: I-I know, I-I am ready to fight.

EVEN: And now by random selection, the following housemates who will also be competing in the POP challenge tonight! The first one is... Janelle!
JANELLE: Oh lovey, I am ready to win this challenge.

EVEN: The next housemate to play is... Lana!
LANA: Good luck everyone.

EVEN: Our final housemate to play is... Triceratops!
TRICERATOPS: RAWR! Does Tri-win-a-lots sound good to anyone? No, boo!

EVEN: I hope you are all prepared, it is time to play the POP challenge! Please can all six of you head to the challenge arena!


EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to The Big Dog Playground. This is the place where all the big beaned toys come to play!

EVEN: Before you all is a grid and 6 beaned toys. In this challenge, you will try to collect as many points as you can. Each square is marked with 1 point, the more squares your beaned toy has taken will count towards your total score at the end of this challenge.

EVEN: Amongst the grid, there are a few 'power' squares, these squares are not as common as the 1 point squares. The 'power' squares will be worth a total of 3 points, that triple the amount of a regular square! The more you can find, the quicker your score will rise.

EVEN: Once everyone has run out of spaces to move towards, the challenge will be over and the points will be tallied. As mentioned, the housemate with the most points at the end of the challenge will win the veto and have the chance to remove someone from the block. Are you all ready?
ALL: Yeah.
EVEN: Let's begin!

BLAIR: As HOH, I'll take the first move on the board if that is okay?
JANELLE: Go ahead lovey.
BLAIR: Great stuff! I'm going to start at this position.
JANELLE: Oh, bloody good spot there dear.
JIN: I go next if that fine.

LANA: I'm getting all confused with the toys, who represents which teddy again?
JIN: I the vampire bat troll bear thing.
BLAIR: I'm the skeleton bear.
JANELLE: Pink bear for me dear.
TRICERATOPS: Obviously I'm Triceratops, because we're just awesome!
LANA: That must leave Stewie with the pink bear and I have the blue unicorn.

TRICERATOPS: Green Triceratops is my man! In fact, do you think I should dye my skin green? Us dinosaurs need to stick together.
LANA: Chandrika has some beans if you want to do it the natural way.
TRICERATOPS: OMG I remember that, can you get in touch with her?
LANA: I don't have her phone number, would love to meet her one day though.

STEWART: T-That bat looks like some sort of M-Megaman boss.
JIN: Who is Megaman? Is he like Superman?
STEWART: N-No, he is a video game character.
JIN: Oh, like a Mario!
STEWART: Umm, n-no. Not really. H-He lives in a futuristic world and has a blaster cannon for an arm.

JANELLE: I know we haven't had many turns, but the grid seems to have shrunk dramatically... I know what to do though.

*JANELLE makes her move.*

JANELLE: I'm crossing my fingers that it won't be the end of my game just yet.

EVEN: So far the housemates have made their first few moves, the space on the grid has shrunk and they need to strategically move where the points are! Good luck guys, keep up the good work!

BLAIR: I see what's going on here, trying to block someone are we?
TRICERATOPS: Hell no, I just like the path I'm on.
LANA: I see a blank space, I move into it.
BLAIR: I'm joking guys, it's all fun and games.
JANELLE: You're skeleton bear is looking rather sinister lovey.
BLAIR: You're just jealous because of your basic pink bear.
JANELLE: Behave.

JIN: This game remind me of alley cat game.
STEWART: An a-alley cat game?
JIN: Yes. You go round streets, look in bins for fish. Some cats may be in bin though, find a cat- game over.
STEWART: Interesting, I-I've never seen anything like that before.

BLAIR: There's goes skele-bear!
JANELLE: He's got a very thick skeleton.
BLAIR: Much like you.
JANELLE: I said behave Blair!
BLAIR: It's a joke, I'm kidding! Sorry, okay.

LANA: Does that dragon have a goatee?
TRICERATOPS: OMG, it does! That's so cool. I wish I had a goatee.
LANA: You do? But you're a girl?
TRICERATOPS: I'd have one like Jin's, I'd look like some sort of wise owl. I'd have to say weird philosophical things. "To Gee or not to Gee, you must obey my Cat!". Something along those lines.

LANA: Now, what choices do I have left... if I go down that route I could lose out on a few spaces... but it can take away some moves for my competitors. I'll go to this square!

*LANA moves her bear onto a new square.*

LANA: This POP is crucial! Not only do we need to win the POP to stop someone else from being nominated, but we also need to make sure Trix doesn't go up. If she goes up against any of the others I fear she could be a good strategic vote to remove a big competitor in this game. Our trio need to survive!

EVEN: By the looks of things, the grid is starting to reduce in size! There's not many moves left for our housemates to make, but they could make some last minute crucial moves! Good luck for the endgame guys.

STEWART: I-I'm running out of places to go... I-I think I am g-going to go here. I know it reduces my moves to 2 but I-I'd rather do that then go the other way.
TRICERATOPS: I'm running out of spaces too, this is no good.
STEWART: I-I can see a few of you have a few other moves you can do.
BLAIR: I've got one last move, damn.

BLAIR: Better take that move up!

*BLAIR moves skele-bear one last time.*

BLAIR: Could be enough to win the challenge, if not then congratulations to the winner!
JIN: I agree, good game for winner.

LANA: My unicorn looks uninterested in this challenge.
TRICERATOPS: That's a mood. Come back Uni!
LANA: He's an independent unicorn, he don't need no man!
TRICERATOPS: Oooh, how fierce!
JANELLE: Trix, it is your turn.
TRICERATOPS: My bad, I'll move Trix 2 now.

TRICERATOPS: Oh no, I should've moved it over there. Oh bloody... boob. Boob the lot of it!
JIN: Is bad? Doesn't look bad.
JANELLE: That's not bad, it's good from what I can see.
TRICERATOPS: It is? Oh, perfect!

TRICERATOPS: Did I have a plan for this challenge? Haha, I don't have a bloody Scooby-Doo what I'm doing. I just moved Trixie around and hoped for the best. Is that bad? I find it to be a very creative approach to a challenge.

EVEN: The guys have made their final moves and it looks like we have come to an end to this challenge! Now that we've got the scores together, I am going to tally up all the points and reveal who the winner of this challenge is.

EVEN: I have now tallied up the points for this challenge. We have a winner for this challenge! Are we ready to find out who?
ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Great. I can now reveal... the winner of this challenge is...
















EVEN: Triceratops!
TRICERATOPS: OMG! I won! I won a challenge!

Triceratops- 33
Lana- 16
Jin- 16 
Blair- 14
Janelle- 14
Stewart- 13

EVEN: Congratulations on your win Triceratops! In a moment we will return to the garden where you will make the decision on whether to use the veto to save one of the nominees on the chopping block!


EVEN: Welcome back housemates! Triceratops was crowned our fifth POP winner and has gained the power to veto one of the nominees on the chopping block!

EVEN: Triceratops, this week Jin and Stewart are on the chopping block. With your new found power, will you use the veto on any of the nominees on the chopping block this week?
TRICERATOPS: Even... I am NOT going to use the veto. I wouldn't want anyone else putting up in their place. I'm so sorry guys.
EVEN: Very well, thank you for your decision Triceratops. Following this decision...

EVEN: Jin and Stewart, you will remain as the nominees this week and will face eviction. One of you will be going home this week.
JIN: Best of luck Stew.
STEWART: I-I wish you t-the best of luck too Jin.

EVEN: Good luck guys! I will see you all on eviction night where one of you will be going home! Goodnight everybody.
ALL: Bye Even.


JIN: My second eviction this week, I think it time to hang up coat and bow.
TRICERATOPS: Give over Jin, I know you'll be able to pull through. Everyone loves you here, they would definitely pick you to stay over Stewie.
JIN: No, Stewie is no threat. I am.
TRICERATOPS: Perhaps not challenge wise but he has a decent social game.

JIN: You really think I stay?
TRICERATOPS: Yeah! I'm going to keep you, I know Amar and Lana will too. That gives us the majority vote.
JIN: Good point, looks like I stay another week if go well.
TRICERATOPS: I'd have used the veto on you, but I'm just not sure who Blair would have put up in your place.

JIN: Would she put Griffin on block?
TRICERATOPS: They have had beef in the past, but I'm not sure. She seems like a strategic player to me. Keep in those who she see's as non-threats and get rid of the competition.
JIN: Interesting, she cunning like a fox.

TRICERATOPS: Yes she is, but no matter... it's time to get you off the block and get Stewie out. Are you with me?
JIN: Yeah, let's do it.
TRICERATOPS: Great! High five?!
JIN: High five? I don't understand.
TRICERATOPS: Um, never mind. It's nothing.


STEWART: I-I should pack my bags now, huh?
GRIFFIN: Don't say that man, you might be the one staying in this house at the end of the week.
STEWART: N-No, I've upset t-too many people.
GRIFFIN: That's water under the bridge. You have support in here dude.

STEWART: I-I have you and... Amar and Lana perhaps?
GRIFFIN: That's a majority vote!
STEWART: I-I still don't feel it'd go that way. I-I've buggered this one up.
GRIFFIN: Listen man, it's going to be difficult campaigning against Jin of all people, but I know you will be able to do it. Trust me.

GRIFFIN: So it's Jin v. Stewart in the eviction. I didn't expect Stewie to save himself but I'm surprised no one saved Jin! It's going to be a challenge getting Stewie to stay, but I have a good feeling that it is possible. I have a lot of work to do to make it happen.

STEWART: A-And how are we going to save me?
GRIFFIN: We need to talk to some of the key players in this game, if we can get them to abstain the amount for a majority will be much less. We won't need as many people to vote to keep you here if that happens which will increase your chances.

STEWART: T-That makes sense.
GRIFFIN: I'll talk to Janelle, I know you both made up but considering the situation I think it'd be best if I talked to her.
STEWART: Okay, I'll t-talk to the others.
GRIFFIN: Perfect. Let's keep you in buddy!

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Triceratops pulled through and won the fifth POP of this season. She decided NOT to use the veto on any of the nominees on the block. Following this, Jin or Stewart will be going home this week. The question is though, who will be the unlucky housemate to leave the house next? Tune in to the next episode to find out the result of the eviction ceremony. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Jin Chang (kittymeow)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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