Wednesday 12 December 2012

1.14: Back to Abnormal

Welcome to Abnormality! Season 1, where the Drama begins. 7 Contestants will enter the House and one of them will win the grand prize of $250,000 Simoleons and the title of 'King/Queen of the House'. So far on Abnormality, Lilian was saved from the block as Locket was put up in her place. As the week ends, one more person will be evicted from the house, either Beth or Locket. But who will it be? We'll find out on Abnormality!

Lilian: Take that b*tches! I'm not leaving' without a fight. Why is it that every week it is always Locket or me on the block (with the exception of when Locket was HOH)? It's getting old...really old...

Lilian: Haha, I bet you're getting really p*ssed off with this, aren't you?
Plum: With what?
Lilian: Not getting me out, you and everyone else try and put me and Locket up all the time, but we always save ourselves.
Plum: Luck!
Lilian: Skill!

Plum: Skill? Ha. Don't make me laugh. You two have only survived this long because we had to get the others out first. Armada, Bridgette. They would have got in the way, and then you wouldn't be able to get help from anyone. So, stay away from me before taunting me, you southern b*tch!
Lilian: F*ck you!
Bridgette: Hey guys...

Bridgette: It's mah Birthday! It's mah birthday!
All: Happy Birthday Bridgette!
Cassandra: Make a wish Bridgette.
Bridgette: Okay... I... I wish we had the old Lilian back.
Cassandra: Excuse... me?
Bridgette: Yeah, that's my wish.
Cassandra: No!

Cassandra: As it turns out, Bridgette's birthday is today. As it turns out, Bridgette ended up missing the old Lilian so she ended up wishing that Lilian was herself again. Lilian acted like her usual self again. I must say that I shall miss Lilian being the well-civilized person that she was.
Beth: Party!
Cassandra: What is going on in there?

Lilian: Woo!
Bridgette: Woah! Look at all the special effects.
Locket: Is that real electricity?
Lilian: I... Don't wanna find out.

Plum: It will be... Ooo, I love the fire effect... wait, it's getting a bit close isn't it?

Cassandra: Ooo, a party. How exciting.
Lilian: My booty's bopping.
Cassandra: Lilian, that is very innapropriate.
Lilian: Erm... Oh.

Beth: Hahahahahahhahaha. *Drinks Beer*
Locket: Are you okay Beth?
Beth: Bleh! Argh! Shut up you wh*re, Armada doesn't love you!
Locket: I know.
Beth: Siddhartha! Ooo... Hahahahhaha *Burps*
Plum: Argh!

Lilian: Oh dear.
Cassandra: Quick, get a fire extinguisher.

*Producers come in and extinguish Plum.*

Ziggy (Voice Over): Ahem, well, I think we should... move onto the Eviction Ceremony.
Plum: ARGH!!!
Ziggy (Voice Over): Quick!

Ziggy (Voice Over): Welcome contestants to the Eviction Ceremony. Today, either Beth or Locket will be going home. In the case of a tie, the HOH, Plum will be able to vote for the nominee to go home. However, since there are 3 contestants voting, a tie will not happen. So without further to go, let's get everyone in there and vote. Cassandra, you're first!

Cassandra: I vote to evict _________.

Lilian: I vote to evict _________.

Bridgette: I vote to evict _______.

Ziggy (Voice Over): And with those votes, I can now tell you, that the second 2nd nominee to leave the house today... is...

Ziggy (Voice Over): Locket!
Locket: Oh well. Maybe next time...
Ziggy (Voice Over): Locket, you have 10 seconds to say your goodbyes, I'm waiting out on the front for your interview.

Locket: See ya later everyone. Oh, and Plum?
Plum: Yeah?
Locket: Go f*ck yourself.
Plum: Excuse me.
Locket: See ya.

Ziggy: Hello world. We are here with the second 2nd evictee, Locket. So, where should we begin.
Locket: The interview?
Ziggy: Oh yeah, hehe. So, here we go.

Ziggy: How has your time been in the house?
Locket: Ugh, this place has had its ups and downs. Plum, ugh. Never seen someone as..... I don't know, horrid? Nah I'm not that mean. She would actually be quite a good pranking buddy if we teamed up. But nevertheless, I think this place has been a blast. Any chance of applying for Season 2??
Ziggy: Well... we'll erm... moving on...

Ziggy: Will you be keeping contact with anyone in the house?
Locket: Maybe. Plum, nah. Cassandra? Maybe. Beth? Who? Oh yeah. The drunk one. Maybe Lillian. *scribbles number on paper* Would you be a gentleman and pass this on to Lillian? Thanks.

Ziggy: If you had to redo your experience all over again, what would you do?
Locket: Make more friends, be kinder, etc etc. Maybe I was a bit harsh on those peeps. Oh well. What is done can not be undone. See, I'm getting WORDY here.

Ziggy: Will we see you on any other reality show in the future?
Locket: Heck yeah! I'll be applying for them like there's no tomorrow. So if you think you've seen the last of me, then you're wrong.
Ziggy: That's great, before we continue, I have a few goodbye tapes to show you;

Cassandra: I am very sorry that you came back to the house just to get evicted. I also sorry about Mario cheating on you.

Bridgette: Ah... Um..... Bye. I guess. *whispers* What am I actually supposed to say in these things?

Lilian: If you're seeing this, I'm sorry to see you go. You're one hell of a competitor. Good luck with everythin' hon.

Locket: Aww, that was so cute.
Ziggy: It was, wasn't it. Now, the last question...

Ziggy: Who do you want to win Abnormality now?
Locket: Well, I would of loved it if I could win still. But that's not possible. So, I hope my girl Lilian wins. You go Glen Coco!
Ziggy: Glen Coco! Love it.

Ziggy: I would also like to say thank you to Bunnyme123 for submitting Locket on Abnormality! Good luck for the future, and hopefully you might return with a new character- next season.

Ziggy: So with that, concludes this episode of Abnormality! What will happen next time though? The next HOH competition is just around the corner, and so is the door for another one of our contestants. How sad. Who will win the HOH though? And who will leave, for good? We'll see on Abnormality!

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