Monday 30 March 2020

5.18: Sixth Eviction

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Janelle and Stewart found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH: Lana. Janelle went on to win the POP challenge and used the veto to save herself from the chopping block. Blair was nominated to replace Janelle following the use of Janelle's veto. Now that the eviction day is here, Blair and Stewart will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

JANELLE: My goodness, what are you doing in the pool?
STEWART: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm chilling Janelle!
JANELLE: Bit of an odd time to do that, I thought you'd be getting ready for the eviction tonight.
STEWART: Plenty of time to do that... now, I'm relaxing! Come join me. I'm sure there'll be enough room.

JANELLE: I'd rather not thank you. You're drunk aren't you?
STEWART: Me? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
JANELLE: That confirms my suspicions. It's not even lunchtime and you are completely trashed.
STEWART: Hey! It's not too far off of lunchtime... right?
JANELLE: It's 10 in the morning lovey.

STEWART: So I started drinking early, so what? People up and down the country do so at this time.
JANELLE: Yes, alcoholics or students my dear... why have you got drunk anyway? You don't usually drink.
STEWART: I do drink, I just... got a lot of thinking done late last night.
JANELLE: Thinking?
STEWART: Yeah, that!

JANELLE: Well, good for you. Now, I'm looking for little Trix. I haven't seen her all morning and I can't find her. Do you know where she is?
STEWART: Your guess is as good as mine Jan.
JANELLE: Janelle. Have you not seen her at all?
STEWART: Not since last night... wait, who are we talking about again?

JANELLE: Trix! I am talking about Trix.
STEWART: Oh yeah, Trix! Did you know... she's named after a dinosaur?
JANELLE: Yes, I'm aware dear.
STEWART: Tyrannosaurus Rex did you know. She's named after that one.
JANELLE: I'm confident that she isn't lovey.
STEWART: Whatever you say amigo!

JANELLE: This is a waste of time, I'm leaving... I'd get more bloody sense out of that swing set than him.
STEWART: Bye Janelle! Hey... could you get me another... uh... beer while you're gone? Yeah beer.
JANELLE: No lovey, you are going to sober up!
STEWART: Come on Janelle... don't be a soiled spot... spoiled sort? Something like that.


GRIFFIN: That's an interesting deal you've put on the table.
BLAIR: Thank you, I'm glad you think that.
GRIFFIN: I just have one question, what is in it for me?
BLAIR: I thought that was clear enough for you to understand.
GRIFFIN: I don't see any benefit to be honest.

BLAIR: You save me and I'll guarantee your safety for next week.
GRIFFIN: That doesn't mean anything, there will be 6 players left and I know for sure you don't want Janelle or Trix going home, therefore it leaves 3 of us. What would stop you from backdooring me the first chance you get?
BLAIR: I see what you mean, my words mean a lot though. I always stick to it.

GRIFFIN: I don't want to be rude, but your word doesn't stand for much from what I've seen. Especially since most of the stuff that comes out of your mouth is lies. You can't deny it!
BLAIR: I've had to tell some little half-truths but I've never lied to anyone.
GRIFFIN: Do you forget about when you cried wolf that I had spread rumours about you to Janelle?

BLAIR: I haven't forgot it... I had to do what was best.
GRIFFIN: By throwing me under the bus? Well done for you.
BLAIR: Listen Griffin, that is all water under the bridge. It's different now.
GRIFFIN: Damn right, you're on the block and could go home. Why should I save you after what you've done before?

GRIFFIN: Was I harsh on Blair? Absolutely! I remember how she was a few weeks back, I don't forget that easily. If she wants my vote she needs to give me a good enough pitch to warrant that. I may be nice, but I'm no pushover. I work with customers daily, I know how to stand my ground.

BLAIR: I'm sorry Griffin, I truly am if you feel a certain type of way... going up against Stewing though, who racks up the most points for bad behaviour?
GRIFFIN: That is totally different.
BLAIR: Is it? Stewing was aggressive to Janelle and alienated a lot of the other players in the game with his malice.
GRIFFIN: ...His name is Stewart, and yes he did. He has apologised for it and is turning a new leaf.

BLAIR: You know he doesn't fit in here, not anymore. His temper will flare up to the surface again, I promise you that. It may take a week, maybe a couple more but he'll return to what he is.
GRIFFIN: Heh, he isn't that person. I know he isn't.
BLAIR: You don't sound so sure... you know what to do.


LANA: Have you done many portraits before Amar?
AMAR: Not in this life, I used to do lots in one of my previous lifes though. I went to one of the best art schools in Victorian times, a life I'm not going to forget about anytime soon.
LANA: Sounds intriguing yet difficult, especially considering the era.

LANA: Amar was feeling very creative this morning and wanted to paint something, I challenged him to paint a picture of me. I'm not sure whether it'll look like me afterwards or some kind of monster from mars but I look forward to seeing it.

AMAR: Eviction day is here, how are you feeling?
LANA: I think it has been a successful week, there are two big targets on the block today and it'll be sad to see either go home.
AMAR: I have a preference on who I want to go home, I am holding out for the house to send them home.

LANA: I presume you're talking about Blair?
AMAR: Correct! Her time has come to face the music, with her gone it'll realign the vibrations of this house.
LANA: I do like Blair, she's a young spirit who's finding her way.
AMAR: Perhaps she is, she could do it better though and not drag anyone through the dirt doing so.

LANA: True, she can be very cut-throat in her ways.
AMAR: Incredibly. We'll see what happens though, you never truly know what can happen in this game.
LANA: That is a good point! Speaking of, have you seen Trix since last night? Janelle was looking for her earlier but hasn't seen anything of her. Neither have I to be honest.
AMAR: I'm sure there's a reason for her absence... hmm, you don't think she quit do you?
LANA: No, they would have said something by now if she had.

AMAR: I'm a little worried about Trix after what Griffin said, she's usually a happy go lucky person but if she has had issues I'd like to know as her friend. Ya'll know me and Lana would never want to make her feel bad, it is just a game at the end of the day and real life connections come first over money! At least I believe that anyway.

AMAR: There we go! What do you think? I haven't done portraits in a long time, so it's a bit rough.
LANA: Are you kidding? I love it!
AMAR: You do? Is it that good?
LANA: Amar, you could pop that anywhere around this house and people would think it was me.

AMAR: Now you're just trying to flatter me.
LANA: Friend to a friend, it's honestly one of the best portraits I've ever seen!
AMAR: Thank you, I might have to start doing some more.
LANA: Yes! You definitely need to do more, you've got talent.
AMAR: I'll need a resupply of my paints then, I'm almost running out.


TRICERATOPS: Mmm, this sandwich is the Like I know it's just a jam sandwich but you have no idea how tasty the jam is here! Could I have some by the way? If you need any money for it I don't mind paying... though, I will need to go home to get some money. We weren't allowed to bring any money into the house with us.

CHEF BERTHA: Dun' be silly young 'un. Yer the only polite 'un round 'ere. Now me makin' sum pancakes, want sum?
TRICERATOPS: I couldn't possibly but thank you for asking.
CHEF BERTHA: Yer sure? These feckin' young 'uns who live 'ere don't deserve anything from me, let alone shitty pancakes.

TRICERATOPS: I'm sure thank you. I really need to get going, if I can get in by 7 o'clock they'll think I've just had a sleep in.
CHEF BERTHA: 7 o'clock? Like in teh mornin'? Yer do know it's 2 in the aftern'n.
TRICERATOPS: OMG! Where has the time gone?

*One of the students from the dorm walk into the kitchen.*

TRICERATOPS: Oh hey there dude!

OTTO: Oh, hey. You're cute.
TRICERATOPS: Oooh, stop I'm blushing!
OTTO: Hey yo body bag, where's the fucking pancakes?
CHEF BERTHA: Me not gonna answer yer with that mouth.
OTTO: All we want is pancakes, me and the rest of the gang want pancakes!

CHEF BERTHA: Yer feckin' young 'uns think teh world revolves 'round yer. You'll get 'em when me done.
OTTO: Do I have to put another warning in with the Dean about you?
CHEF BERTHA: Yer do dat and this feckin' pan wiv teh oil will go straight in yer face, yer awful to me you lot.

TRICERATOPS: Psst, can we get out of here now? I feel like we might be witnessing a murder soon and I am not down for that.
CAMERA MAN: Don't worry I've called Even, he's gonna drive over now and pick us up from this place.
TRICERATOPS: Thank you! I owe you about 10 bottles of hot sauce for your efforts.
CAMERA MAN: Deal! I'll get that down in writing.

TRICERATOPS: As ya'll know, I have a sleepwalking problem. I've been able to control since we started apart from that one time, but I guess last night was a blip. I woke up in the university dorm that Chef Bertha works in! Luckily she wasn't angry at the time and made me something to eat. I dread to think what happened to that student once we left though, I doubt we'll ever see him again!


GRIFFIN: You wouldn't believe all the stuff I've found down here. Someone must have left an old bottle of milk and now it's orange. Good to say I'm chucking that out the first moment I get.
STEWART: That... is... gross! Hey, could you do me a favour mate?
GRIFFIN: Sure, what can I do for you?

STEWART: I would love... uhh, what would I love? Oh yeah, I'd love another drink please!
GRIFFIN: Do you think that's wise Stewie?
STEWART: Pleeeeease! I'm really thirsty.
GRIFFIN: You've had plenty to drink this morning dude. I can get you some water if you want?

STEWART: War... too? War-too?
GRIFFIN: Water! Agua. H2O! You know what it is.
STEWART: I kidd, I kidd. How about some vodka?
GRIFFIN: No, water. Water is the only thing on the menu today.
STEWART: Come on Griff, I just want to have a bit of fun. Why so serious?

STEWART: So... I may have been a little bit tipsy, I wasn't drunk though... I never get drunk ever!
PRODUCER: Are you sure about that Stewing?
STEWART: Why does everyone call me that? What does it even mean anyway?
PRODUCER: It doesn't matter. Stewing, please leave the diary room.
STEWART: Okay senor!

GRIFFIN: I know... look man, I'll get you a water.
STEWART: Okay... I'll have the war-too!
GRIFFIN: Hmph... okay. Here you go Stew.

*GRIFFIN hands a water over to STEWART.*

STEWART: Thank you sir! What would I do without you?

GRIFFIN: I'm sure you'd do fine if I wasn't here. I'm just trying to do the best for my friends. You'd do the same too!
STEWART: I try... but I fail a lot.
GRIFFIN: You okay? You seem a little down dude.
STEWART: Don't mind me. I'm an actor! I'm acting.

STEWART: Do you wanna see a magic trick?
GRIFFIN: No thank you. I'm good.
STEWART: I don't know magic anyways, hic. Sorry Griffin, I'm just having fun!
GRIFFIN: I know you are buddy, have as much fun as you want.
STEWART: I plan on doing so.


BLAIR: It won't be long now, I'm getting nervous.
JANELLE: Oh lovey, don't you worry about it. You'll be staying.
BLAIR: How can you be so sure about that?
JANELLE: Well, I'm going to vote Stewing out.
BLAIR: Yes you might be but I can't rely on the others.

JANELLE: Why on earth would they keep Stewing in over you?
BLAIR: Griffin is close with him and Trix... well, god knows where she is. She could be the one to make or break the vote.
JANELLE: Calm yourself, Trix wouldn't sail you down the river like that.
BLAIR: Stranger things have happened in this game, it's not completely out there to think it could happen.

BLAIR: What the hell have I got to do to stay in this game? It turns out a few of the housemates in here want me gone and have waited for the opportunity to do so. I'll let you know one thing though, I don't just roll over and admit defeat. I'm gonna claw my way out of this mess.

JANELLE: My dear, if she even decided to do that- I would personally remove her myself from this game.
BLAIR: That is true, I wouldn't want to go up against you.
JANELLE: It can be a truly terrifying experience my love.
BLAIR: If Amar and Griffin are going to vote me out, then it all goes down to Lana.

JANELLE: I can always have a quiet word with her, despite her nominating me I believe she is open to discussion.
BLAIR: You think so? She has been fair up until now.
JANELLE: Of course lovey, she's a delicate flower. If you give her a pipe dream full of fake promises then she will comply.

JANELLE: I am delighted that I am no longer on the block but am I worried for Blair? Absolutely, she is a huge target and I believe some of the other housemates know that. I can try my best to keep her in the game, but I don't know how far my influence can reach to some of these people.

BLAIR: I don't know, it's worth a shot.
JANELLE: You need to stop worrying, I have this all sorted.
BLAIR: It just sucks that I might be the one going home... and not having the chance to save myself adds another layer of annoyance to it.
JANELLE: I see how that must feel for you dear. I've been rather lucky to have had the chance to save myself thus far.

BLAIR: I will promise you one thing, if I do survive I want to go full force against Lana. She has crossed me at the wrong time and it's time to show my might.
JANELLE: My dear, I'll support you regardless of your options... but please be wise, don't make mistakes when you don't need to. Play with your mind and not your heart and feelings.


TRICERATOPS: Thank you for picking me up Even, I am so so sorry about my sleepwalking. I thought I had it under control.
EVEN: Don't worry about it Trix, at least we found you which is good. I'd have hated if you just disappeared somewhere and that was that.
TRICERATOPS: I just hope I'll be able to stay in the house. I broke the rules no?

EVEN: Of course you're still allowed in the house, you had no control over your sleepwalking. I am not letting you be removed because of something so silly.
TRICERATOPS: OMG! Thank you! You don't know how much that means to me.
EVEN: No worries Trix. Now, have you had anything to eat? I can get you something before you go back into the house?
TRICERATOPS: Bertha made me a sandwich back at the dorm, I'm all set for the rest of the day!

ODD: Excuse me? Where have you been? You're gonna have to go home.
TRICERATOPS: Um, who are you? No offence.
ODD: Did Jin not talk about me? I feel hurt now, I thought we had a good connection when he came in for the medical check.
EVEN: Odd, what are you doing here?

ODD: She left the house! She has to be escorted off the premises.
EVEN: Says who? Who made that decision?
ODD: Uhm... me.
EVEN: You don't have the authority to do so. Trix stays in the game.
ODD: But... but...

EVEN: She stays in the game, my decision. My show!
ODD: Come on Trix, I'll get your suitcase.
EVEN: You shut your whore mouth! She isn't going anywhere.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah, shut your whore mouth! OMG, sorry. I thought it was a thing we were doing now.

ODD: Ugh, this show would be so much fair if I were host.
EVEN: You're not though, now get outta here!

*ODD scuttles off to backstage.*

EVEN: You better head back in before he starts more drama Trix.
TRICERATOPS: Okie dokie!

*TRICERATOPS re-enters the house.*



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the sixth eviction ceremony of Season 5! Tonight, one of our fantastic nominees will be sent packing and will leave the competition.

EVEN: In today's eviction each of you will have the chance to vote one of your nominees on the chopping block to leave the competition. The housemate on the block who receives the most votes to evict will leave the competition immediately.

EVEN: Blair and Stewart, as you are the nominees this week you are not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony, is this clear?
BLAIR: Yes it is.
STEWART: Uh, yeah.

EVEN: Lana, as you are the current reigning HOH you are also not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony. If the house fails to come to a majority vote, you will get the chance to decide who will go home though. Is this clear?
LANA: It is clear, yes.

EVEN: Following the reveal of this season's twist, each housemate has the right to abstain from voting twice this season. Abstaining will give you an advantage in the next HOH challenge and could prove to be the difference between winning and losing. As you have all been made aware, if anyone wants to abstain from voting this week please say so now.
AMAR: Even, I abstain from voting this week!
EVEN: Well done Amar. For abstaining I award you with an advantage in the next HOH challenge! Would anyone else like to abstain?
ALL: ...
EVEN: Very well, with that settled... it is time to begin the voting!

EVEN: IT IS TIME TO VOTE! The first housemate who will be casting their vote tonight is... JANELLE!
JANELLE: I wish you both well my loves.
EVEN: Good luck nominees!


JANELLE: Lovey, I would like to evict ______ from the game. As much as s/he might be reinventing themselves and righting their wrongs, I still don't trust her/his attitude, nor do I want to see _____ go home.

TRICERATOPS: I would like to evict ______ because as much as it hurts to see anyone go in this game, well, the ones I don't hate excessively, it is your time to go... I'm incredibly sorry. But decisions have to be made and this one seems just right.

GRIFFIN: I would like to evict ______ because it is what feels best for me.

EVEN: Thank you for your vote Griffin! All housemates have now voted and the votes will be tallied up. Please could you return to the ceremony area Griffin!

*GRIFFIN exits to the ceremony area.*



EVEN: Welcome back guys! Are you all happy with your votes?
ALL: Yeah.
EVEN: Great!

EVEN: Now, I have tallied up everyone's votes for tonight and we have come to a majority vote!
ALL: Ohhhh!
EVEN: I hope everybody is ready! It's time to find out which one of our nominees will be going home tonight...

EVEN: Good luck nominees! I can now reveal, with a vote of 3-0... the housemate who will be leaving tonight is...





















EVEN: Stewart!
STEWART: I-I can't believe it's me.
EVEN: I'm very sorry Stewart. Unfortunately you have been evicted from the house, please may I ask you to leave immediately.

*STEWART stands from the block.*

STEWART: Before I go... I want to make sure I haven't upset anyone. I wish I could have been me- the real me from the start. I'm sorry but thank you.
JANELLE: Are you holding back a tear my dear?
STEWART: No, there's an eyelash in my eye.

*STEWART heads for the main door.*

STEWART: Well... this sucks. I'm so sorry Elizabeth!

*STEWART leaves the house as the sixth evicted housemate & first member of the jury this season.*

STEWART: Here's to the outside world! I hope you'll have me back.
EVEN: And that is the last of Stewart in this game.

EVEN: Stewart has finished in 7th place. Stewart is also the first member of this season's jury! Although we have lost Stewart for now, we shall see him again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 7 of you have become 6. You are all one step closer to becoming the winner of Abnormality! I'll see you all next week for our seventh HOH challenge. Bye everyone!
ALL: Bye Even.

BLAIR: My first and hopefully last eviction night passed and I'm safe. I'm thankful for everyone for keeping me here but now it is time to go balls to the wall! People are gonna feel my WRATH! Just you wait and see.

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Stewart was unable to save himself and has been evicted from the house. I would like to say a massive thank you to lillibattenberg for submitting Stewart for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will win the seventh HOH challenge and whether Amar's advantage will be worthwhile. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

7th: Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
8th: Jin Chang (kittymeow)
9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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