Sunday 7 June 2020

5.25: Battle Royale

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Amar and Lana found themselves on the block after being nominated by our eighth HOH: Triceratops. Janelle went on to win the POP but did not use the veto on any of the nominees. Following this Amar and Lana remained on the block, leading Lana to be voted out of the house with a 2-1 majority. With the final week beginning, who will be victorious in the battle challenge and who will fall short at the last hurdle? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

AMAR: We've finally got here, I can't believe this is the final week in the game.
TRICERATOPS: Tell me about it cool cat, it only feels like 2 minutes since this all cuckoo shabang happened.
AMAR: The last one hundred meters are here, it's a shame all 3 of us couldn't make it here but we've tried our best and it's almost pulled off.

TRICERATOPS: Ugh, yeah. I feel sad about Lana. I shouldn't have been the one to cut her time in here short.
AMAR: Did you know that was going to happen?
TRICERATOPS: I did talk to Blair who said she wanted to flip the table on it's head... I just thought she wouldn't have done it after some of the moves she's made... guess I was too naive to believe she'd follow Janelle's choice.

AMAR: Don't be silly, you had to trust she would do the right thing. She did... but only for her game.
TRICERATOPS: Lana is a nice woman though, I hope she'll be able to forgive me for cutting her from the house.
AMAR: Knowing Lana, I'm sure she won't hold a grudge. I'd be very surprised if she did.

TRICERATOPS: Good point.
AMAR: I do have one thing to ask of you, now it's only you and me- we got to cover each other's backs if we want to stay. Do I have your full support going into the battle challenge?
TRICERATOPS: Absolutely, you'll be the first person who I want to bring with me to the finale.
AMAR: As are you for me too.

TRICERATOPS: Would it be worthwhile to get Blair and Janelle to target each other? If I can talk to them and get them to take us over them than we stand a greater chance of surviving and ultimately winning.
AMAR: That's a good plan. You talk to Blair, I'll go talk to Janelle about it. Once one of them is out of this game, our odds are going to skyrocket.

TRICERATOPS: I've packed my suitcase just in case it all falls through though.
AMAR: I'm glad I'm not the only one, we can't give up now though- I believe we can make it, if that means we have to fight for our place in this game though, I'm sure we're both ready.
TRICERATOPS: Like a Velociraptor going in for a kill- I'm ready to be vicious... kinda hehe.


JANELLE: This extra-strength lime scale detergent really is naff my dear.
BLAIR: I've scrubbed this counter down at least once already and it hasn't moved a thing, it's gonna take a while to get this clean.
JANELLE: We just need to give it some extra elbow grease and a prayer to get rid of the dirt quick.

BLAIR: Janelle, can I ask you a question?
JANELLE: Yes certainly dear.
BLAIR: Do you think I've made a mistake with forcing that vote to go to Trix?
JANELLE: I don't know, you've got to do the best you can in this game. If you feel that was the option that was the most effective for you then you needed to do it.

BLAIR: I just don't want to be seen as the villain in all of this, I knew what I was doing but Trix should have expected something like that to happen in this game. It's Abnormality!
JANELLE: She's a sensitive soul, I don't think it helped that you've played the game ruthlessly already
BLAIR: I wouldn't call it ruthless... just strategic.

JANELLE: True but you apologised and said you wouldn't play like that again, you went back on your word.
BLAIR: Fair enough... like I said though, it's Abnormality! It's part of the game to lie.
JANELLE: It certainly is lovey.
BLAIR: Speaking of the game... we're down to the final 4 now. What are your plans going into this battle challenge?

JANELLE: Why are you so interested lovey?
BLAIR: If you want... we could form a top 2 deal.
JANELLE: Can I trust you dear? How will I know you won't betray me like you did with Trix?
BLAIR: We've made a good team in the past, it'd be a shame to not have each other's backs going forward... plus, you've got the advantage that people support you. No one wants to go anywhere near me with the lies I've done.

JANELLE: Listen my love, let me think about it. I can't accept your deal at the moment but I'll review my options.
BLAIR: You'll review your options?
JANELLE: You heard me right.
BLAIR: Don't make a stupid move Janelle, don't sell me short when we can help each other get to the end.
JANELLE: ...Like I said, I'll think about it.


AMAR: What have we got here?
EVEN: Hello guys! Before the challenge today I thought I'd provide you with a few little treats. I've brought you all a glass of tropical fruit punch as well as install this lovely chocolate fountain!
JANELLE: How fabulous!

BLAIR: This is really kind of you Even, thank you!
EVEN: No worries, I'm happy to give all these lovely gifts to you all. Especially when you consider what is coming up later today.
TRICERATOPS: It's worrying me to death! I need more punch.

*TRICERATOPS chugs the punch down.*

BLAIR: You've gotta be careful girl, don't want you getting hiccups.
TRICERATOPS: Oh no... hic!

JANELLE: Does no one else want any of these strawberries with chocolate?
AMAR: Depends, is the chocolate vegan-friendly?
EVEN: Oh, unfortunately not. I'm sorry Amar.
JANELLE: Vegan chocolate? Is that even a thing?
AMAR: Yes, certainly is Janelle.
JANELLE: Being vegan does sound miserable my dear. I don't know how you do it.

AMAR: It's not as hard as it sounds, you should give it a go when you can Janelle. You may realise it might be your thing.
JANELLE: I tried being a vegetarian once, I cannot resist the urge for a good serving of Beef Wellington though.
AMAR: We all have our weaknesses I guess.

EVEN: I'm glad you're all having a good time and enjoying the treats... I also have one more surprise for you all.
BLAIR: I'm intrigued!
EVEN: I have invited along some of your friends, family and past housemates back to come and visit you today. They're going to help you with the upcoming battle challenge.

TRICERATOPS: OMG! Who did you bring to see us?
EVEN: You want to find out? They are waiting for you all in the garden now.
JANELLE: How splendid lovey, I hope my David has come to see me. I've missed his little cute face.
BLAIR: That would be great! I wonder who came to see me?


EVEN: Surprise housemates! As the battle challenge is coming up, I have brought some of your family, friends and past housemates back to help you revise for some of the questions that might pop up in the challenge today.
AMAR: This is awesome! It's good to see everyone.
BLAIR: I can't believe you brought my friends in!

EVEN: Your family members and friends will be here to help by supplying you with a barrage of statistics and information on the game this season.This may include challenge wins, eviction votes and more. Further information will be revealed in the challenge later today.
TRICERATOPS: Awesome sauce!

EVEN: As you've probably realised Trix your friend hasn't arrived yet. I have been in contact with Keri this morning who is on her way to the house- she's just been running a bit late after returning from Aruba.
TRICERATOPS: Aruba? What was she doing in Aruba? I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later. Thank you Even.

EVEN: Are you guys ready to take on the biggest challenge of this game?
BLAIR: Bring it on Even, I'm ready.
JANELLE: Lovey, it's going to be a roller coaster. I cannot wait.
EVEN: Awesome! Now let's meet who'll be helping you through this challenge.

EVEN: I have invited the following people to help you today:


EVEN: Good luck with the challenge guys! Have fun revising and I'll see you all later on today!
ALL: Thanks Even.

JANELLE: David my love, let's go and find a quiet spot to start revising.
DAVID: You'll have to show me around Janelle, I already got lost trying to get to the garden.
BLAIR: Let's go ladies, we have a lot to go over!
AMAR: Welcome back Lana. It's good to see you again!


LANA: It feels weird being back in here now, it feels unreal like it was all a big dream and that it never really happened.
AMAR: I still can't believe you're out... it should be me in your place.
LANA: It's part of the game Amar, it's sad but it's just how it is.
AMAR: Have you had chance to go back home?

LANA: I made a brief visit, I went to see a few family members and friends and went for a long swim. The car came for me so I had to pretty much get back here straight away.
AMAR: I bet that was one of the best swims you've ever had!
LANA: You have no idea, I didn't want to get out of the ocean.

AMAR: Did Burt come to talk to you?
LANA: He did! His azure skin is even more blue than I remember.
AMAR: You still need to teach me how to talk Dolphin when I get out of here.
LANA: I haven't forgotten, I'll get all the resources I can to teach you before that happens.

AMAR: Awesome, I can't wait!
LANA: So... where should we start with this revising?
AMAR: Do you have any suggestions as what would be the best to start with?
LANA: I think going over the scores across the challenges would be best to be honest. There's a lot of information that might be helpful on that.

AMAR: Does that cover all of the challenges?
LANA: Yeah, every single one of them.
AMAR: Hmm... yeah, that sounds like the best thing to go over first then.
LANA: Perfect... ahem, before we begin... I have a quick question.
AMAR: Yeah?
LANA: There's four of you left... who are you going to take to the finale with you if you win the battle challenge?

AMAR: I've been thinking about it a lot... I definitely know who I won't be taking to the finale that's for sure.
LANA: Are you still going to take out Blair?
AMAR: Yeah! Hopefully I won't have to take her out and she'll get fourth place... but if she survives then you can bet I'm going to do that. For my game... and to avenge you.
LANA: That means a lot... you got this Amar!


TRICERATOPS: How long do I have to wait in here...
KERI: RAWRRRRRR! I came for your dinosaur bones Trixie-Lee!
KERI: Of course I'm here, I had to park my meteorite outside. You wouldn't believe the lack of parking for meteorites out here, I've been driving round the parking lot for a full hour!

TRICERATOPS: Come here, I needs a big hug!
KERI: I'mma crush you to do with my big grizzly bear arms!
TRICERATOPS: Keri... Ker... K... help me.
KERI: Oh sorry, I've been working out- I don't know my own strength sometimes. You know what I mean?
TRICERATOPS: You went to a gym to workout?
KERI: Hell no, I stole some Dragon eggs and had them with chippies. They must have had some special powers coz I feel like the Hulk now.

TRICERATOPS: I could do with some chippies right now.
KERI: I should've brought some in on my travels.
TRICERATOPS: That would have been... AMAZING!
KERI: I might have eaten them before though, they were soooooooo good!
TRICERATOPS: Hey... my chippies are my chippies... no exceptions!
KERI: Okay! I won't touch your chippies.

TRICERATOPS: Thank you... I gots a question for you... what were you doing in Aruba? Even told me you had been on holiday there!
KERI: He can't have mentioned why... I won on a raffle. I bought a ticket at this cheese festival and I got the winning ticket, I've been sunbathing and swimming with sharks for two weeks now.
TRICERATOPS: Sharks? How are you still alive Keri?

KERI: They weren't hungry, they're vegetarian sharks!
TRICERATOPS: Sharks can be vegetarian?
KERI: Absolutely, they just eat kelp and old shoes that end up at the bottom of the sea. They like the rubbery texture of the shoes.
TRICERATOPS: Gotta save me some old pumps just in case I get into a confrontation with a shark. I'll pop that down in my notes.

KERI: Try not to bring suede shoes though, they detest the taste of suede! Bill knows that from first hand experience... poor Bill, RIP!
TRICERATOPS: OMG! Did you see the shark eat Bill?
KERI: Sure did, he didn't even chew on him- just opened it's mouth and Bill disappeared in a heartbeat. Quite sad but probably the best way to go if you get eaten by a shark.


JANELLE: I'm so happy that you came to see me David.
DAVID: Of course precious, I wouldn't let an opportunity like it past. It's been lonely at the house without you here.
JANELLE: It has been odd, not waking up to you in the morning threw me off for the first week.

DAVID: Me too. I was lucky to be able to see your beautiful face every night when I turned on the TV box though.
JANELLE: Stop it my love, I haven't looked beautiful in years.
DAVID: Yes you have, everyday I wake up I see the most beautiful woman in the world!

JANELLE: Oh David... stop it you'll make me blush.
DAVID: Okay love I'll stop it... but it's true so don't forget it!
JANELLE: Have any of the family been watching with you?
DAVID: They have, Anthony and the kids are always around watching each and every episode.
JANELLE: Aww that is wonderful.

JANELLE: I do hope I haven't embarrassed myself... I know I've been a little stern with a few of the other housemates. It comes from a place of love though.
DAVID: You haven't embarrassed yourself. You've made me and the whole family very proud. You've done well to get so far and to make friends while you've been here. It's hard to do that on these kind of shows.

JANELLE: That is good to know my love. I will admit it has been a lot more exhausting that I had first thought. It really takes it all out of you in here.
DAVID: I can imagine, you always have to be on top of everything, it'll take it's tolls if you don't properly rest up.
JANELLE: Once I get out of here, I'm going straight to bed- I've missed that extra comfort while I've been in here.

DAVID: It won't be long now dear, you'll be walking out of those doors as the winner and then you can come home.
JANELLE: It seems so possible, I can only hope this next challenge falls in my favour my love.
DAVID: Let's start revising... there's a lot to cover.


BLAIR: I'm so happy to see you girls here, I was so surprised- I thought you hadn't watched this show before?
GRIM: Are you crazy? Of course we've seen this show before.
JOYE: When we found out you were on we had to tune in.
BLAIR: This is so freaking cool! So... how do you girls think I did?

JOYE: You've done really well Blair!
GRIM: I'll keep it real... you've been quite the sneaky snake.
BLAIR: Yeah, sorry about that.
GRIM: Sorry? Are you kidding? I LIVE for it. Someone has to play the game and that someone is you, you've played it real smart.
BLAIR: Oh wow, well thank you.

GRIM: I'd totally play it that way too, you gotta be able to stab people in the back and honey you have not been afraid to do that.
BLAIR: I do kind of wish I would have done it a little less though, I've hurt people's feelings because of it.
GRIM: Tears pass, they'll move on from it once the show is over.

BLAIR: It still sucks though, what do you think Joye?
JOYE: I can see why you feel that way, I think you need to show people how sorry you are if you feel that way.
BLAIR: I haven't helped myself with forcing the vote to Trix last week. I hope she doesn't hold it against me.
JOYE: Trix is a lovely girl, she's not one to get revenge.

BLAIR: Do you think I should take her aside and apologise for everything?
JOYE: It might be a good idea to do that, not only to clear things up but to also show that you do care regardless if you play a bit dirty or not.
BLAIR: Thank you... I'll speak to her later on before the challenge.
JOYE: No need to thank us Blair, we've got your back no matter what!

BLAIR: I love you guys, thank you so much.
GRIM: Enough of that, let's get you this damn battle challenge win! We want to see you in the finale Blair!
BLAIR: Yeah, let's looks through the notes. I need to know as much as possible before the challenge. I want to win this so bad.


EVEN: Hello world! For today's battle challenge our housemates will have to answer 12 randomly generated questions- these can range from anything such as challenge statistics to random events that have happened across the season. I've given them a bit of extra time to revise on all the information they will need for this challenge. Keep tuned though, we will be starting shortly.

AMAR: There's so much to remember in here... some of this stuff that is popping up makes me questioned whether it even happened or not.

*AMAR flips the page onto the next section.*

AMAR: Okay, that definitely didn't happen... right? They wouldn't put false facts in here would they? Oh, but what if they have... Hmm.

*AMAR reads through the rest of the page.*

AMAR: Seeing Lana today really boosted my spirits up and I'm ready to play again. I had a look through the fact book they gave us and to be completely honest I am quite nervous. Some of the stuff I've read just doesn't even make sense to me. I was here when that happened right? Perhaps it happened when I wasn't around. If that's the case then it has been a very interesting read to say the least.

TRICERATOPS: That person got the most votes to evict across the season? Well snatch my wig and eat my ice cream I would not have guessed that.

*TRICERATOPS reads down the paragraph. She goes onto the next one.*

TRICERATOPS: This reminds me of school, except these books aren't much fun at all.

*TRICERATOPS reads the last few pages.*

JANELLE: Oddly I'm not shocked at these statistics my dears, he certainly has proven his strength this season.

*JANELLE reads a few more factoids on this page.*

JANELLE: I must say loveys, I'm very impressed with my record this season. I've done a bloody good job.

*JANELLE reads a paragraph on herself.*

JANELLE: I'm delighted! I am very blessed to have had David come visit me today. I do love him, he completes me. I hope I have made him and the family proud my dears. One last thing I need to do is win the battle challenge. If I do that I feel my time here will be complete and I can finally relax. Wish me the best of luck.

BLAIR: Oh I remember that, now that was a funny moment in this house! I'm glad it didn't go south, it could have easily been taken the wrong way.

*BLAIR reads through some of the trivial moments on the page.*

BLAIR: Poor Jin, I remember him falling straight on his back in that challenge. I hope he's doing okay.

*BLAIR finishes the final pages of the book.*

EVEN: Without further or do... THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME! Let's talk to the house.

*EVEN addresses the housemates over the intercom.*

EVEN: Time is up housemates! The battle challenge will begin shortly, please can you make your way to the HOH arena. I will meet you all up there to commence the battle challenge.



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the battle challenge. You have had the day to revise on facts and information about the game this season. I'm happy to tell you all, it was a big waste of time.
ALL: Huh? What?!

EVEN: In today's challenge, we are doing a completely new game altogether. All of you will play a nice little game of digital MahJong. I have supplied you all with a list of rules for the game on your computers.

EVEN: In order to win the challenge today, you must try and clear the board, the faster you can do this the more points you can collect. If you run out of matches you will have the option to shuffle the board- this will result in you losing some points though. I think we have covered all the ground rules now. Are we all ready?

ALL: Yeah!
EVEN: Perfect! Please sit down at one of the desks. I must mention, that at the end of this challenge, unfortunately four of you will become three as the person in last place will be automatically eliminated from this competition. Good luck and may the evens be ever in your favour!

EVEN: I also forgot to mention that you all have 20 minutes to complete the game. In this time if you are unhappy with your final score, you can restart the game. At the end of the challenge, all of your scores will be collected and tallied up. Now, without further or do, let the challenge begin now!


JANELLE: I've known of MahJong for years and I've never played it much. I wish I could have had a bit of practice beforehand loveys.
EVEN: 19 minutes left.
JANELLE: It's been one minute already? Oh dear me, time to get my speed boots on.

AMAR: I adore the art they've used for the slabs. Very peaceful and relaxing.
EVEN: I believe these are original Chinese slabs that were used in the original board set, I could be wrong though... please don't quote me on it.
AMAR: Too late, I'm quoting you on it.

BLAIR: It's slightly annoying how only certain edges can be chosen, I just clicked onto one on the edge but it didn't move out.
EVEN: Those are the rules Blair, it can get a little frustrating when you think you have a match but then it turns to be non-selectable at that moment.
BLAIR: You're telling me.

TRICERATOPS: Blair I know what you are talking about, it's the same for me.
EVEN: Good luck ladies, 16 minutes left.
TRICERATOPS: Oh no, I need a genie to grant me three wishes right now. I'm struggling.
BLAIR: Don't panic Trix, keep focused.
TRICERATOPS: I'm trying...

TRICERATOPS: MahJong is so hard! OMG, I was not expecting it to be as difficult as it was. Luckily, I think I was able to pull it back. I finally got it finished in 6 minutes, but I'm gonna try and aim for higher- I can't afford to be happy with my first score.

JANELLE: Keep an eye on the clock Janelle, how much time is left?

*JANELLE looks at the timer.*

JANELLE: 12 minutes left, hmm I should have enough time for another attempt.

AMAR: Don't say... No more matches. Typical. I'm gonna have to sacrifice some points here.

*AMAR sacrifices some points to reshuffle the board.*

AMAR: Hmm, here's a match. Thank you game for giving me back some of those points I lost.

BLAIR: I'm getting the hang of it now. How many times have people tried to play the game to better their score?
AMAR: I'm keeping that information secret.
BLAIR: Why? I won't benefit from that information.
AMAR: Yeah, of course you wouldn't.

TRICERATOPS: Wahhhhhh? I'm completely stumped, it says there's a match but I can't find it.
JANELLE: How are you doing over there lovey?
TRICERATOPS: Not too bad, I've almost finished the game again but I need to find this cheeky matching pair.

JANELLE: That's splendid lovey.
TRICERATOPS: How are you finding the challenge Janelle?
JANELLE: I'm enjoying this game, I'm keeping my eye on the timer though dear- I find it is going very fast.
TRICERATOPS: The timer is going so fast!

AMAR: Come on Amar! You've got this, it's your best score so far.
BLAIR: Nice little bit of information right there for me to use.
AMAR: You don't know my score though.
BLAIR: Good point. I don't.
EVEN: 7 minutes are left for this challenge.

BLAIR: It is getting down to the wire now... ugh, I need to get a better score.
AMAR: You don't have to, you could just keep your score as it is.
BLAIR: No thanks, I'll get a higher one.
AMAR: If you change your mind, just stop.
BLAIR: Thanks, I'm definitely not doing that now.

BLAIR: I'm kinda bummed we didn't get a quiz about the season, I recalled a lot of the stuff that happened during my revision... luckily I am doing well on the MahJong game, not knowing how the others have done though is making me nervous. I want to make sure that I come out on top and get the chance to take whoever I want to the finale with me. I just hope this isn't the end of my game right here today.

TRICERATOPS: Yay, my fastest game yet.
EVEN: 1 minute left everyone!
TRICERATOPS: Should I do a really quick game? Hmm, I don't know whether it'd be worth it...
JANELLE: What was your quickest game lovey? If it was shorter than 1 minute I'd give it a go.
TRICERATOPS: Hmm, 3 minutes... never mind, I'll keep with this score.

EVEN: Okay guys, it's time to step away from your computers. The timer is up and the challenge has now finished.

*The housemates step away from their computers.*

EVEN: First of all, well done guys! You've all done really well with this challenge. While I count up the scores of this challenge, please use this interval to go to the bathroom or to go freshen up.
ALL: Thank you Even.
EVEN: While they go to freshen up, let's tally up their scores. One housemate, has come to their final place in this game and will be leaving tonight. Who will be the unlucky housemate to walk though and who will be lucky housemate and bag that top 2 spot... come back quickly to find out...





EVEN: Welcome back housemates! I hope you used the interval well. If you could please line up in front of me facing the camera that would be great.
ALL: Sure.

*The housemates line up.*

EVEN: Housemates! You have now finished the battle challenge and your fate lies in the hands of... me. At least for now. I have now tallied up the scores and can confirm we do have a winner. The winner will not be revealed until the next episode, where they will have the power to evict one of the remaining housemates and bring the survivor through with them to the finale.

EVEN: In addition to this, we also have one housemate who will be leaving tonight as they have come in fourth place as the lowest scoring housemate. Without further or do, it's time to reveal who will remain in this competition and who will be leaving the house tonight. Before I do, let's have a look at the scoreboard to see how the housemate did in this challenge.

 EVEN: Let's have a look at the scoreboard below:

???- ???
???- ???
???- ???
???- 2548

EVEN: 2548 is a very good score but unfortunately it is not a winning score tonight. It is with great sadness that I will now reveal the results of the person in fourth place. Without further or do, the housemate who is in fourth place and is going home tonight is...





















EVEN: Amar!
AMAR: Ugh, yeah I expected that once you announced the score.

EVEN: Unfortunately you have scored the lowest in this challenge and therefore have lost your place in this competition. I'm very sorry to announce this but Amar, you have been evicted from Abnormality. Please leave the house immediately.

AMAR: Before I go, I want to say thank you to the rest of you. My time here wouldn't have been the same without you all. Now good luck for the challenge! I'll be talking with the jury in the meantime.
TRICERATOPS: I'm gonna miss you Amar, I'm sorry you had to leave now.
JANELLE: Goodbye lovey, take care.

*AMAR leaves the challenge arena and heads for the main entrance.*

EVEN: Amar, do you have any last thoughts on the competition?
AMAR: No, I hope Trix can get to the top 2 though. She's the last one left in our alliance who can win this whole game.
EVEN: Thank you for playing Amar, you may now leave the house.

*AMAR leaves the house as the ninth evicted housemate & fourth member of the jury this season.*

AMAR: Well, my time is over. Time to go and do a whole day's worth of self-reflection and breathing consultation.
EVEN: And that is the last of Amar in this game.

EVEN: Amar has finished in 4th place. Amar is also the fourth member of this season's jury! Although we have lost Amar for now, we shall see him again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 3 of you have become 4. You are all one step closer to becoming the new winner of Abnormality! I hope you are all ready for the next few days as the challenge is not over yet. Next time we will reveal the winner of the challenge and who they will be taking with them to the finale.

EVEN: For now though, you are all safe. Enjoy the rest of your time in the house, we are almost at the finish line.Good luck for the next episode guys! Peace out.
ALL: Goodnight Even.

EVEN: On that note this concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Amar was unable to advance in the competition and was eliminated. I would like to say a massive thank you to Turner for submitting Amar for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to find out who will win the battle challenge and who will be joining them in the finale as part of the top 2. Goodnight everybody!


Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

4th: Amar Thanos (Turner)
5th: Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
6th: Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
7th: Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
8th: Jin Chang (kittymeow)
9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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