Tuesday 19 May 2020

5.22: On the Fly

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Amar and Griffin found themselves on the block after being nominated by our seventh HOH: Blair. Lana went on to win the POP where she saved Amar from the chopping block. Unfortunately Triceratops was nominated as a replacement for Amar on the block, but survived against Griffin who was voted out of the house with a 2-0 majority. With a new week beginning, who will rise to power? Who will find themselves on the block? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

JANELLE: Lovey, I cannot believe it has been 7 weeks! It feels like a lifetime since I saw my husband.
AMAR: The time has flown by, I remember the first week when everyone came in... times were different back then.
JANELLE: Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you on that.

AMAR: It's so annoying that the person who should go home this week cannot through her immunity badge.
JANELLE: I share your sentiment. Don't you worry though dear, karma will come creeping up on her. You do believe in that don't you?
AMAR: Of course.
JANELLE: I thought so lovey. You're very much a hippie dippie stereotype.

AMAR: Yes, yes I am! I'm a bit more grounded than most though.
JANELLE: Yes, so I've seen.
AMAR: You're absolutely right about karma Janelle, what you put into this life will effect you... that includes this game.
JANELLE: Well my love, I know for sure that I will not be taking her through to the finale with me if I am still here...

JANELLE: If it is down to three of us, she will be the one I definitely won't choose to come with me to the finale. Not after her behaviour as of late.
BLAIR: ...This is really awkward, I don't think you realise that I'm behind you.
JANELLE: I couldn't give a toss whether you're behind me or not, that is how I feel my dear.

BLAIR: Right, well I'm sorry that you think I'm a horrible person just for playing this game my way.
JANELLE: You could've played with morals my dear.
BLAIR: That wouldn't be any fun would it?
AMAR: You threw everyone under the bus...
BLAIR: Hey, don't be mad at me. I just played the game right and now I'm in the top four. I'm sorry that I had to do some of the things I did but that's just the game.

AMAR: Well I hope you're ready for the karma that is coming for you Blair.
BLAIR: I'll be waiting for it while my butt is sat here safe in the top four.
AMAR: She's such a spoiled brat.
BLAIR: Your mama!
AMAR: ...How mature. Bye Blair.


TRICERATOPS: I got's to thinking this morning and think I'll get back onto the dating scene once we get back into the real world.
LANA: That sounds cool, I'm sure you'll find a few good people who'd be interested in you.
TRICERATOPS: Thank you Lana, I think the same for you too.

LANA: Who, me? Nah, I disagree Trix.
TRICERATOPS: Why? You're beautiful inside and out!
LANA: I'm not in the right place to date at the moment. I'd love to but I'm focusing on my acting and life back home... Don't get me wrong, I can get anyone with the right tricks.
TRICERATOPS: That is very sure of yourself, what tricks have you got up your sleeve?

LANA: Luckily us mermaids have special abilities, I can sing them a sweet Siren song and anyone would be under my spell.
TRICERATOPS: OMG! That is terrifying but cool!
LANA: I know, I accidentally sung a siren call to one of my friends in school. He was madly obsessed for years. I'll never do that again.

TRICERATOPS: Do you have any other siren songs?
LANA: Oh yeah, I have one to change people's emotions and thoughts, if I'm feeling evil I could smash their yachts onto the rocks... I'm not that way out though I couldn't do that.
TRICERATOPS: Could you sing a siren song to me? Can you make me feel like I'm on top of a mountain?
LANA: I'm not sure about a mountain, but I can give it a go.

LANA: I don't sing much because we have other worldly talents. Our singing voices can attract people into doing our bidding, that's why we have to be extremely careful. You know what I mean?
PRODUCER: Absolutely!

LANA: Kome zu mir! Bow zing depwa bow. For bow es yours forever! Xor min. XOR MIN! Gweb dee free, gweb de miin! Por la sha za meh. DE MUND!!!

*The aura in the air changes as LANA sings. LANA finishes her song.*

LANA: That's only a snippet of one of the calls, what do you think?

TRICERATOPS: I'm feeling all hot and bothered!
LANA: Are you okay Trix?
TRICERATOPS: Wow... Lana... you are looking like a dish today!
LANA: Oh no... I think I've messed this one up.
TRICERATOPS: Don't talk like that! So, are you single?
LANA: Okay we need to reverse this pronto! Let's go sit down.


JANELLE: I hope this thunder passes Amar, I absolutely detest it dear.
AMAR: You don't like thunder?
JANELLE: I don't like thunder, I don't like lightning either. It makes me uncomfortable. My husband is the opposite though, he loves it!
AMAR: I'm in the like camp too, it's very magnetic which I adore.

JANELLE: Yes, well my love... you are crazy!
AMAR: Haha, I don't think you're wrong on that.
JANELLE: Would you like a drink anyway lovey?
AMAR: No thank you, I don't want one.
JANELLE: Very well, I shall have yours... four drinks ready to go.
AMAR: Four drinks? You've made one for Blair? I thought you two didn't like each other anymore!

JANELLE: I admit I do detest her actions considering the situation, however I am the bigger person.
AMAR: Don't let her get into your head again, she manipulated you once.
JANELLE: I was not manipulated, I was coerced under false pretences.
AMAR: Of course you were.

*Thunder can be heard through the house.*

JANELLE: I'm glad I'm inside this house... the bloody thunder is going to keep me up all night if it stays.

*JANELLE leaves the room.*

JANELLE: Oh loveys, I have drinks for you all!
ALL: Yay!

AMAR: Janelle... you are going to ruin your game this way... she still believes she is innocent doesn't she? I don't have any words.

*AMAR continues to paint his picture.*

AMAR: Unless... her plan is to get nice with her again and then get rid of her before the end.

AMAR: Whatever the plan it really doesn't matter to me. This week it is us against Janelle and I know that we are not going down without a fight. First down with Janelle, then we get rid of Blair in the battle round... everything is coming together nicely.

*AMAR continues to paint his picture while the thunder booms again.*


TRICERATOPS: I'm so mad at Blair! She tried to flip the script and pin Janelle and I against each other, just like fabric, abrasive fabric though! Like sandpaper and coarse leather, or something like that haha! No. Dammit Blair, why did you have to do something like that? Okay, it's a new week. Final five, yo! Who would have thought someone named like a rawwwrrrr dinosaur would make it this far, let alone maybe take revenge on that... that... BLAIR! No, I'm not too mad at her, it is a game, but to pin me and Janelle against each other is just plain mean. I'm half tempted to see if I can... no, I don't know if there's anyone I could pin against her now, everyone is basically against her, they want her gone! I do need to talk to her. I won't keep stepping around her. I had to yell at Janelle because of her! It was kinda fun though, to be swept up in some drama. Makes me feel like a movie star! I can see it now... Triceratops, the girl that must change her name to fit into the crowds... the girl that wins all the Oscars, even Best Actor!

TRICERATOPS: Thanks for coming Blair, I think we really need to talk about last week and what went down.
BLAIR: Okay that is fine with me Trix.
TRICERATOPS: So you nominated me which is fine... but then tried to get Janelle to go against me.

BLAIR: Yes, that's correct I did.
TRICERATOPS: Why would you do that? I thought we were friends.
BLAIR: We are friends! I had to do what I had to do.
TRICERATOPS: That isn't a good reason Blair.
BLAIR: I'm sorry I did it okay, are you happy now?
TRICERATOPS: No I'm not. Why would you do that?

BLAIR: You want my honest opinion, you are a huge threat! I thought if I could get Janelle to vote you out then I wouldn't have to worry about going up against you later on in the competition.
BLAIR: Yeah, it was a low move but I know that the people love you, if you got through to the finale then people would vote for you to win... I had to get strategical.

TRICERATOPS: I appreciate your honesty with me.
BLAIR: It's the truth, you're an awesome person.
TRICERATOPS: It still hurts though...
BLAIR: I'm sorry, if I could go back and change that I could but I can't. I could do one thing to make it up to you though?

TRICERATOPS: Oh yeah? What's that?
BLAIR: I can offer you a top 2 deal, you and me in the finale together. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you get as far as you can now.
TRICERATOPS: As good as that sounds, why should I trust you?
BLAIR: I've got nothing else to lose, I've burned my bridges with Janelle and I doubt Amar and Lana would ever help me anymore. You have my full support.

TRICERATOPS: When you put it like that... it does sound like I get the most out of this deal with you.
BLAIR: You certainly do.
TRICERATOPS: Let me think about it over a slice of pizza.
BLAIR: Have as many slices as you want before making your decision.
TRICERATOPS: Oh honey, I'm gonna eat the entire pizza!


AMAR: It took you how long to get her out of your charm?
LANA: It must have been an hour at least.
AMAR: Who knew you could have your way with people like that.
LANA: What can I say, I'm full of surprises!
AMAR: I'm so glad that we've been able to work together through this season, we're almost at the end now!

LANA: Honestly you have been one of my closest friends in here and I wouldn't trade that for anything else.
AMAR: It's been a roller coaster but it's been fun.
LANA: It has! I can't wait to see what else is left in store, hopefully some more fun challenges.

AMAR: I'm sure there will be.
LANA: Oh, did you get around to speaking with Janelle?
AMAR: I did, I think it's safe to say that we all want Blair to go home... I do think she still has a soft spot for her though.
LANA: What makes you think that?

AMAR: She got everyone including Blair a drink.
LANA: That doesn't seem like anything.
AMAR: The way she has been talking about her, she feels betrayed but it sounds like she wants to repair that relationship.
LANA: Could it be strategical?

AMAR: I dunno.
LANA: Whether it is or not, Blair isn't going to save her again and all of us will be trying to get her out as soon as possible... perhaps she knows that Blair might be her only last option to get her out of this week unscathed.
AMAR: I did consider that, we need to be careful... she's a comp beast.

LANA: Don't worry I'm aware. If our plan works then all we need to do is to keep her on the block at the end of the POP.
AMAR: This is almost too easy isn't it?
LANA: Perhaps, it all depends on what happens later on today. I can only hope that it will be easy from here on out.


JANELLE: That was incredibly fun my love.
TRICERATOPS: See, I can't believe it's your first time on the swings!
JANELLE: Not entirely the first time, it has been many years since I've been on them though. Back when I was younger.
TRICERATOPS: Stop it Janelle, your not a day over 21!

JANELLE: Oh I wish lovey, it has been many years since I was 21.
TRICERATOPS: Would you ever go back in time if you could?
JANELLE: That is a good question Trix. I think I would, could I pick a time of my own choice?
TRICERATOPS: Absolutely! It's in your hands where you want to go.
JANELLE: Perfect, there are certain times I do not want to even think about. Bad ex-boyfriends and all of that.

JANELLE: Hello my loveys, I've had the most fun time on the swings out there with little Trix. She's such a sweetheart, it is very endearing to see. I got talking to her about our lives and it is interesting where she has come from, she doesn't fail to make me think outside of the box you know dears.

TRICERATOPS: Yeah, some people are bogus.
JANELLE: They certainly are lovey.
TRICERATOPS: I think you grow up after school, at least most people do.
JANELLE: Most do, but a lot don't too. Many people remain childish.
TRICERATOPS: I feel like a child sometimes, I know I'm very independent but I feel like people still treat me like a kid.

JANELLE: I hope that isn't me who you are talking about dear.
TRICERATOPS: No you treat me like a person. Back home, some people think I'm stupid because I'm crazy all the time.
JANELLE: Oh chicken, don't let the haters get you down. You keep being the crazy person you are!

TRICERATOPS: Thank you Janelle, I try my best to ignore them.
JANELLE: Do you want me to sort them out? I'll give them something to think about once I'm finished with them.
TRICERATOPS: Haha no thank you.
JANELLE: Okay, well if you do my love just let me know. I'll get the other half to drive me down and give them a harsh word.

TRICERATOPS: I will. You and your husband could stay for some cake too! I've been trying to make the most delicious baumkuchen.
JANELLE: Sounds delightful dear.



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the eighth HOH challenge! This challenge is called: "Where My Meal At?". Today all of you will put on your detail goggles and get dem meals out!

EVEN: Here are the new Abnormality restaurant we are expecting 32 clients to come in for the opening! There is only one issue, someone has crept into the admissions office and removed all the information we need for each table, including where all our clients will need to be seated.
SAFIYA: That person should be ashamed.

EVEN: As you can see from this bird's eye picture, there are five tables that will hold the guests today. Each table has a set number of people on the table. By the end of this challenge you must allocate all guests to their correct tables. In order to do this...

EVEN: We have provided you a chart of all our clients today. As you can see, we have a very diverse client list which is awesome and will help a lot identify people easier... in addition to this we have also been left a clue list which will identify where certain people will be sat...

EVEN: From the clues above it will be up to you to decipher who will be sat at which table. It is going to be incredibly difficult so I wish you all the best of luck. I have also included a list of all our clients names to be easier for you to identify them...

EVEN: With all the information you need it is now time to play the challenge. The person who allocated the highest amount of people correctly will win the HOH. Are you all ready to begin?
ALL: Yeah!

AMAR: This is going to be a hard challenge, there's so much data to look at that my eyes are already hurting. I'm so glad I have my advantages today to help me because I think I'm gonna need them.

*LANA looks at the clue sheets and looks around at the tables.*

LANA: Hmm, Hassan has to be on Table 1, no?

*LANA looks over the clue sheets again.*

EVEN: Trix have you doodled on the clue sheets?
TRICERATOPS: Hehe, maybe.
EVEN: What did you draw?
TRICERATOPS: I just put some silly glasses and moustaches on a few of the people who don't have them.

AMAR: Can we ask Safiya any questions?
SAFIYA: If it is in regards to this challenge and the clients, then no.
AMAR: Damn, it was worth a try!
EVEN: Good point, if you don't ask you don't get... and when you do... well, you still don't get.

JANELLE: Safiya, is that you name dear?
SAFIYA: Yes Janelle.
JANELLE: I must say lovey, I really like your jacket and hijab. It is very stylish.
SAFIYA: Thank you Janelle.
JANELLE: No worries.

SAFIYA: How are we all doing with this challenge?
TRICERATOPS: It's fun but soooooooo hard.
LANA: Yeah I agree, it's fun but there are a lot of faces to look at.
AMAR: Agreed.

LANA: Of course, how could I miss that? Cynthia is on Table 3! I'll lock that answer in now.

*LANA looks through the clue sheets again.*

LANA: Now, which table should I do next...

AMAR: How are you doing Lana?
LANA: Yeah, I'm getting there. I have a lot of spaces still left though.
JANELLE: Oh wow, I didn't know you could talk to others during this.
SAFIYA: You may talk with the other players if you want to.
AMAR: Thank you for clarifying Safiya.

TRICERATOPS: Hehehe, if all of you could see these drawings I'm doing you'd be impressed with them.
SAFIYA: Have you input any answers yet Trix?
TRICERATOPS: I... have... not. But I will start now.
SAFIYA: Good luck Trix.

JANELLE: Loveys, I am in my element here. It feels so good to look through these clues and all this data.
SAFIYA: You work in administration don't you?
JANELLE: I do Safiya, every week I have to skim through spreadsheets full of information so this is right up my street with details.

SAFIYA: I must think... did I put the cookers on? I cannot remember turning the hob on, our clients are going to be in for a... unique experience if not.

*SAFIYA thinks about the ovens.*

SAFIYA: If worst come's to it I'll just get delivery on order.

LANA: Now there's only two people left to allocate... I'm conflicted with which table they are both on... should I just take a leap of faith and put them in either spot... why not.

*LANA submits her final choices.*

SAFIYA: Have you made any choices yet Trix?
TRICERATOPS: I have, I stopped drawing and put everyone on the tables. Fingers crossed they will be correct.

*TRICERATOPS submits her final choices.*

AMAR: I'm really not sure about this but I don't think I'll be able to get any closer. Here is my submission.

*AMAR submits his final choices.*

JANELLE: Loveys that was a thrill in an odd manner, here is my final submission though. Good luck dears!

*JANELLE submits her final choices.*

SAFIYA: Thank you all. All HOH submissions are now in.
EVEN: Thank you Safiya, please could you now look over the submissions and tally up the points for me please.
SAFIYA: Of course Even! Good luck all.

*SAFIYA looks at all the submissions and tallies up the scores.*

SAFIYA: Even! I have tallied the votes and sent across the final scores to you.
EVEN: Thank you Safiya!

*EVEN checks the HOH scores.*

EVEN: I now have the final scores. I can reveal we have a new HOH! Without further or do, I can now reveal... the winner of this HOH challenge is...
















EVEN: Triceratops!
TRICERATOPS: OMG! I won, I won my first HOH!


Triceratops- 15
Janelle- 14
Lana- 11 (inc. 3 points advantage)
Amar- 6 (inc. 6 points advantage)

EVEN: Congratulations Triceratops! You are the HOH this week. With this new power you are immune from eviction this week and will have the power to nominate two nominees to put on the chopping block... Amar and Lana, as you are the two lowest scoring players for this HOH challenge you are the Have-Nots for the week. You will only have access to slop and eat nothing but slop for the week.

EVEN: Please find the official answers for the HOH challenge above.

EVEN: Now we know who our new HOH is, it is time to return to the ceremony area and discover this week's nominees.

*The housemates leave to go to the ceremony area.*


EVEN: Welcome back to the ceremony area housemates! First of all, I'd like to congratulate Triceratops on her win!
TRICERATOPS: Aww Even, thank you so much.

EVEN: Your HOH win gives you the chance to nominate two people for eviction this week. Your two nominees, along with yourself and two randomly selected housemates will compete in the POP challenge to earn the veto. I hope you have given this some thought because the time has come to nominate...

EVEN: Triceratops, who are you going to nominate this week...

*Tense music starts.*

TRICERATOPS: I'm sorry for these guys, but I am going to nominate...
















TRICERATOPS: Amar and Lana.
AMAR: That's fine.
LANA: There's not many people left, I understand.

EVEN: I'm so sorry guys but Triceratops has decided to nominate you for eviction. All is not lost though, both of you are automatically enrolled onto the POP challenge for a chance to save yourself from the block.

EVEN: With that news, it is time to conclude the nominations ceremony. I will see you all again at the POP challenge where one person will win the veto and have the chance to save one of the nominees on the block! Goodbye everybody!
ALL: Bye Even.


AMAR: It is disappointing but it was expected.
LANA: I'm not too sad about it, the only nominees that Trix could have chosen were us and Janelle.
AMAR: If anything, the plan is coming together. If one of us can now save ourselves from the block, we can go in for the backdoor!

LANA: It is a rather cruel move, but it is the only option we have left.
AMAR: Are you ready to play the most important game this season?
LANA: Yes, I am. Are you?
AMAR: Of course. It must work.
LANA: If it doesn't it's going to be harder.

AMAR: I'm going to try and win this for you Lana, if I win the POP challenge I am going to save you from the block.
LANA: No, save yourself Amar.
AMAR: Trust me, we need you in the competition. I don't mind falling on the sword to make sure you go further in the game.

LANA: Hopefully it won't come to you sacrificing yourself, but thank you for your offer. It is greatly appreciated.
AMAR: Perfect! Now, let's go rest. It's going to be a hard week.
LANA: Yeah that's a good idea. I'll just go get a glass of water.
AMAR: Sure thing.


BLAIR: I am so happy that Trix won the last HOH and is in the top four with me! She deserves it, she's such an awesome person... I don't envy her position in the game though, she has the opportunity to send home one of her friends and that sucks for her.

BLAIR: This is excellent news! This is your first HOH win and you are in the top four, it is so exciting.
TRICERATOPS: Tell me about it, I couldn't believe it. I've never won a HOH challenge. I thought I'd have flopped with those drawings I drew in the first ten minutes.

BLAIR: I would like to see them drawings if the crew still have them.
TRICERATOPS: I gave them to the producer with the glasses so he should have them, I'll be following you up on this Dave!
BLAIR: Ultimately, what is your plan for this week?
TRICERATOPS: After today, I'm not so sure.

BLAIR: Oh yeah, how so?
TRICERATOPS: Whoever I nominate this week its gonna hurt, they're all really good friends of mine.
BLAIR: I understand, it must be so difficult having to decide between them.
TRICERATOPS: It was, at least my replacement nominee will be an easy pick now I only have one more housemate to choose from though.

BLAIR: For now just relax and celebrate, you're part of the top four now and that is what matters.
TRICERATOPS: Top four! Wooo, yo this is soooooo cool you know.
BLAIR: It is! I totally get how you're feeling.

EVEN: On that note, it's time to conclude this episode! Following the events of the episode, will Amar or Lana be able to save themselves from the block? And if they can, who will be put up in their place? Thank you for reading and please come back next time for the eighth POP challenge! Goodnight everybody.


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

6th: Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
7th: Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
8th: Jin Chang (kittymeow)
9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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