Friday 1 May 2020

5.21: Seventh Eviction

EVEN: Welcome to Abnormality- Season 5! We are back with an all new season with 12 new housemates who are willing to fight it out to win the competition! Over the next 9 weeks, all 12 housemates will be battling it out for the grand prize of $350,000 as well as a place in the hall of fame as one of our winners. Previously on Abnormality, Amar and Griffin found themselves on the block after being nominated by the current HOH: Blair. Lana went on to win the POP challenge and used the veto to save Amar from the chopping block. Triceratops was nominated to replace Amar on the block following the use of Lana's veto. Now that the eviction day is here, Griffin or Triceratops will face the vote and one of them will be going home tonight! Who will be the unlucky housemate to go home? We'll find out on this episode of... Abnormality!

BLAIR: I'm absolutely shattered... I'm not sure I can keep this up much longer.
JANELLE: Lovey, just keep at it and you'll be able to fight on through it.
BLAIR: Why did I stop going to gym classes at college... it would have helped me so much here.
JANELLE: I don't know how Olympians do it, always at it day in- day out. I would have keeled over by midday haha.

BLAIR: I'm sure you'd be able to keep up with some of them, you're a powerhouse- at least from what we've seen in here.
JANELLE: Oh bless you my dear, you're too kind!
BLAIR: ...Janelle, I need to know. Are we still going to send Trix home today?
JANELLE: Trix? I thought Griffin was the target?
BLAIR: We were going after Trix, after you know...
JANELLE: Know what? What are you talking about?

BLAIR: It must have slipped my mind the other day... Trix came to talk to me about a top 2 deal. She wanted me to betray you and go with her to the final.
JANELLE: Did she now? Was this before the POP?
BLAIR: Yeah! It was a few hours before that, she pulled me up in the kitchen and wanted to have a quick talk about it. I told her I'd never throw you under the bus like that. I thought we could trust her but... apparently not.

BLAIR: Janelle and Trix have been getting too close. I have immunity next week and if I want to make a massive move and get them to turn on each other, now is my only chance! I've been using Janelle as a great tool to have on my side in this competition and it's gotten me this far. Now it's time to really test the waters to manipulate her and Trix further. After all, there is only one winner... So I need them to fight, fight, FIGHT! Hehehe!

JANELLE: I know you have my back lovey, I just can't imagine Trix saying that. You know what she is like, she is a scatterbrain dear.
BLAIR: I wouldn't either... but I overheard Amar talking with her about it, he's manipulating her into thinking that we're both the enemies... I don't think she needs much manipulating though, she was bitching about us and our families to Amar like we were nothing.

JANELLE: She's been saying a few unsavoury things about us and our families?
BLAIR: Yeah... I forgot to tell you that too. I wanted to but I was so annoyed that I must have just focused on getting her on the block. Savage stuff she was talking about, she mentioned your husband... she said you don't deserve him and that he will leave after he sees you on the show.

JANELLE: This is all very... interesting. What else did she say about me?
BLAIR: How much time do you have?
JANELLE: I have plenty of time my dear, we're not going anywhere. Tell me everything, every little detail you heard about her.
BLAIR: I'll just put my gloves away, then I'll tell you it all!


LANA: This week couldn't have gone any better. I'm so glad I was able to save you from the block!
AMAR: Yeah, it's just a shame Trix had to go up in my place.
LANA: True, but we have the votes to keep her here. I doubt Janelle is going to use her extra vote this week... plus they're both friends.

AMAR: There's one thing I wanted to discuss... we do have the majority, but if Janelle is going to keep Griffin. Why should we have to cast our vote?
LANA: I don't get what you mean.
AMAR: Next week is the last chance we are going to get power before the battle round... I have an advantage already for the next HOH so if I use my last abstain and get a second advantage I'm gonna have a better chance of winning that HOH and securing us power.

LANA: It's a good plan... but we could be sacrificing Trix just to get that power. Is it really worth it?
AMAR: I think so, it's the only last chance we can get to remove Janelle from this game. If Blair is the last one in the battle round with us 3 we just have to make sure to beat her instead of both her and Janelle.

LANA: You make some good points Amar.
AMAR: If you want you can still vote, but I really want this opportunity to take control in the game. I think it would be the best option for us to at least make it to the final. What d'ya say?
LANA: Okay then, let's do that. You abstain today and I'll vote to keep Trix.

AMAR: Awesome! Our plans are coming together once again.
LANA: They are! I'm so happy things are going our way.
AMAR: The vibrations are truly changing in this house... it has been a long time coming Lana.
LANA: Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel seems more tangible now.

AMAR: Before you know it we'll be both in the top 2!
LANA: That would truly be wonderful, before that happens there is a lot of work to do. I'm going to go have a cat nap before the eviction.
AMAR: You go do that, I'm going to go work out.
LANA: Be careful, don't overdo yourself!
AMAR: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

AMAR: Blair got immunity for next week which secures her a place in the top 4. I'll be honest and say that annoyed me... but, I've not lost any hope just yet. While I'm still in this house I'm going to do my best to make sure she goes home as soon as possible, if we have to wait until the battle round to do that then so be it.


GRIFFIN: I'd have loved to have met her, she sounds like a right laugh!
TRICERATOPS: She was! She made my teenage years so good. I learned so much from her and still use most of those skills today.
GRIFFIN: Perhaps we could go visit her after the show is over?
TRICERATOPS: I uhm... well, we can't. She's not here anymore.
GRIFFIN: Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know.

TRICERATOPS: It's okay, she's at peace now is Magda... I remember some of the stuff I used to design and made her wear, it looked dreadful but it was funny to see her in some of the clothes.
GRIFFIN: Haha I can imagine what that'd be like, you've got an interesting fashion style.
TRICERATOPS: Haha right!

TRICERATOPS: I'm still gonna find away to incorporate a snorkel into an outfit, just you wait and see!
GRIFFIN: Haha, I have no doubt that it'll be great when you create it.
JANELLE: Ahem... sorry to interrupt my dear but you and me need a chat!
TRICERATOPS: Me? Sure, what about?

JANELLE: You know what lovey! You evil little cretin, going behind my back and spreading untrue lies to people in this house. Have you no shame?
TRICERATOPS: I beg your pardon! Don't speak to me like that!
JANELLE: Look at you, you go around being all nice to people's faces... I know your true colours though, your a nasty little worm!

TRICERATOPS: Janelle came in and started yelling at me. Griffin looked as shocked as I was. I wouldn't have minded if I had said something but I hadn't. I had to shout back at her. I didn't want to but I am not going to be told off like a little school girl!

TRICERATOPS: Excuse me, do not shout at me! I have not said anything about you to anyone in this house, I would never do that because it is just mean! I came into this house and I've been my honest authentic self. I would NEVER talk smack about someone behind their back! Okay?
JANELLE: ...It came from a reliable source.

TRICERATOPS: Who told you all this stuff?
JANELLE: ...Blair.
TRICERATOPS: She's lying! She's lied about me... she's even lied about Griffin in the past! She has manipulated you into thinking we are all evil.
GRIFFIN: That is true.
JANELLE: ...I think we need to have a talk about this. I need to know what is really going on in this house!
TRICERATOPS: Let's go talk.


LANA: I'll be quite honest with you Blair, I was shocked when you put up Trix instead of Janelle. I thought you wanted Janelle out?
BLAIR: I do, I just want to keep her around another week.
LANA: Why? You have the immunity badge now, you would have been safe regardless of whether she went today or next week.

BLAIR: You want the truth? I know that Trix is a competitor! She's not the best at comps but by god is her social game on point. If any of us go up against her in the final we'll lose!
LANA: She has got a great personality... I'd vote for her to win if I was on the jury. I'm sure you would too!
BLAIR: Exactly! That is why I want her out this week... you've got to make these difficult decisions in the game.

LANA: That is true, sometimes you have to say goodbye to friends.
BLAIR: It's exactly the same situation as you and Amar. You'd send him home at the right time wouldn't you?
LANA: It just depends what part of the competition we're at.
BLAIR: If you won the battle challenge for example, and it was me and Amar. You'd send him home right?

LANA: Blair must be crazy to think I'd send Amar home over her. No way would I even consider it! Me and Amar have been in an alliance much longer than I have with her and we have such strong ties with each other... I'll keep her on side though, you have to say some pretty whack stuff to stay in the game.

LANA: Of course, I see you and me in the top 2 and I wouldn't jeopardise that for anything, not even friendship.
BLAIR: Same here, I'm glad we have each other's backs now that the game is really into fifth gear. It's time to make some big decisions and we are the ones who have shown we can do it!

LANA: One hundred percent, not only have we sent home big threats but we're willing to make records and get to the top.
BLAIR: I knew that it'd be good working with you... we need to make sure that Amar and Griffin are in the battle round though. If we go all out on Trix today that secures her way out of this house. Then we go after Janelle.

LANA: The votes are all in favour of sending Trix home today, I'm voting her out and so is Amar so that's two already.
BLAIR: And after everything today I'm sure that Janelle will vote her out too. I love it when a plan comes together don't you?
LANA: Oh I do, it's great to watch!


GRIFFIN: Once I get home I can't wait to get to Comic Con! I've got the best costume ready to show off to everybody.
AMAR: Oh yeah, you do cosplay! Who are you going to go as?
GRIFFIN: I've been working on the costume for a little while now, I'm gonna go as Zasalamel from Soul Calibur!

AMAR: That's a great character! Are you going to shave your hair off for it?
GRIFFIN: I wasn't going to at first, but then I thought if I want to truly represent the outfit then I'll have to! It'll be interesting to see how I look bald, I'm not sure I'd suit it haha.
AMAR: Trust me you need to give it a go and see, you never know you might like it! It might be your thing.

GRIFFIN: I do like to do cosplay every blue moon! I usually do it if I go to any conventions and similar get together's like that.
PRODUCER: What cosplays have you done in the past?
GRIFFIN: I've done your usual ones, Stormtrooper, Joker, Thor... you know all those kinds. I'm looking forward to the next Comic Con though, my Zasalamel outfit is ready to be shown to the world!

AMAR: It sucks that you're on the block man, you're one of the guys in here I've got close to. Blair and his tricks... ugh.
GRIFFIN: I knew it was coming the moment she won the HOH. I used to be good friends with her at the start of this season and then she turned on me.
AMAR: If only all of us saw her manipulating ways earlier, I'm sure she'd be out and all of us would be way less tetchy about her.

GRIFFIN: Can I ask something... who are you voting out tonight?
AMAR: Me? I'll be honest with you, I plan on abstaining.
GRIFFIN: Amar I need you to vote out Trix.
AMAR: I would but I...
GRIFFIN: Please man, I'd like to stay in the game a little longer. If I do, I can get the HOH next week and send home Janelle.

AMAR: I can't Griff... If I abstain I can get an even bigger advantage going into the HOH challenge. All of us need that to make sure Janelle goes home.
GRIFFIN: What is Lana doing? Is she voting me out or Trix?
AMAR: She is going to vote out Trix, so you have her vote man.
GRIFFIN: I'm safe then... that's good to know.

AMAR: You're safe... I wish it didn't have to come down to you two. This week could have been so different.
GRIFFIN: It might be a win for Blair, but in the long run we'll come back fighting. I know you and Lana are strong, now the majority outweigh Blair and Janelle. The game is ours!


JANELLE: Loveys, I've had the most absurd epiphany of my entire life... AND I AM LIVID!!! Blair has got another thing coming! As it turns out, that... that... that girl! ...That girl that I once believed to be so sweet and relatable, has gone behind my back and spread seeds of doubt and drama to get me riled up against Triceratops, loveys! She's grown this huge debacle between Trix and myself and only after talking with Trix in private have I realised that she's responsible for this all! Everyone was right! She IS an absolutely vile cockroach! No one, and I repeat, NO ONE takes advantage of Janelle Waiter and gets away with it. BLAIR. IS. GOING. DOWN!!! ...But I can't let her know that I know. No, no, no. This game has turned into a silent war, loveys! And I will come out on top!

TRICERATOPS: You know I wouldn't say anything like that. I wasn't there when that was said remember?
JANELLE: I do, it's all coming back to me dear.
TRICERATOPS: I'm glad I could help clear this all up. I'd have hated for us to be so vile towards each other.
JANELLE: Lovey, I apologise for screaming at you like that. I was out of order and I hope you can forgive me.

JANELLE: Some of the others guys have been mentioning stuff to me but I didn't believe them. I should have done lovey.
TRICERATOPS: It's hard sometimes to believe that your friend isn't who they appear to be to you.
JANELLE: I'm just so frustrated that she thinks she can behave this way and try to act all nice to my face. It is diabolical my dear, and to bring you into this. You an innocent, beautiful girl!

TRICERATOPS: Thank you Janelle.
JANELLE: No worries lovey. She should be ashamed of herself. ASHAMED I tell you! Going around here spreading lies.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah, it isn't cool dawg.
JANELLE: And to use me the way she has... I cannot stomach it.

TRICERATOPS: It is very bad.
JANELLE: Yes it is, humiliating it is. The little cockroach will need to watch what she is doing in this house... she has unleashed hell without knowing it!
TRICERATOPS: Will you go to her about it?
JANELLE: No my dear, she doesn't deserve that attention from me. If she wants to play games behind our backs then I shall do the same!

JANELLE: I will make her rue the day she crossed me dear.
BLAIR: Shit this isn't good...

*BLAIR quickly scuttles to the door and heads to the diary room.*

JANELLE: Was that her? That horrible girl.
TRICERATOPS: Yeah I think it was. Do you think she heard us?

BLAIR: Damn it! They saw through it! Heh. Looks like I'm going to have to play my cards right and mess with people's heads. Maybe I'll need to drag Lana in as a scapegoat somehow... I was lucky to be leaving the kitchen when they started talking... Eavesdropping is fun kids!

JANELLE: Probably not, she is so wrapped up in her own little world my love.
TRICERATOPS: I just hope we can get to a better place now.



EVEN: Hello housemates! Welcome to the seventh eviction ceremony of Season 5! Tonight, one of our fantastic nominees will be sent packing and will leave the competition.

EVEN: In today's eviction each of you will have the chance to vote one of your nominees on the chopping block to leave the competition. The housemate on the block who receives the most votes to evict will leave the competition immediately.

EVEN: Griffin and Triceratops, as you are the nominees this week you are not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony, is this clear?
TRICERATOPS: Yes indeedy.

EVEN: Blair, as you are the current reigning HOH you are also not eligible to vote in the eviction ceremony. If the house fails to come to a majority vote, you will get the chance to decide who will go home though. Is this clear?
BLAIR: Yes, that is clear to me.

EVEN: Following the reveal of this season's twist, each housemate has the right to abstain from voting twice this season. Abstaining will give you an advantage in the next HOH challenge and could prove to be the difference between winning and losing. As you all have been made aware, if anyone wants to abstain from voting this week please say so now.
AMAR: Even, I would like to abstain from voting this week!
LANA: Even, I would like to abstain from voting this week!
EVEN: Well done Amar & Lana. For abstaining I award you both with an advantage in the next HOH challenge! Use it well... would anyone else like to abstain before we begin voting?
ALL: Okay...
EVEN: Okay, with that it's time to begin voting!

EVEN: IT IS TIME TO VOTE! The first and only housemate who will be casting their vote tonight is... JANELLE!
JANELLE: Let's do this loveys.
EVEN: Good luck nominees!


JANELLE: Lovey, I would like to evict ______. I want to save the other nominee today and so I would also like to use my extra vote to double my votes cast, if possible. Thanks lovey!

EVEN: Thank you for your vote Janelle! All housemate have now voted and votes will be tallied up. Please could you return to the ceremony area Janelle!

*JANELLE exits to the ceremony area.*



EVEN: Welcome back guys! Janelle, are you happy with your vote?
JANELLE: Oh I am delighted with my vote Even.
EVEN: Great!

EVEN: Now, I have tallied up everyone's votes for tonight and we have come to a majority vote!
ALL: Oooh!
EVEN: I hope everyone is ready! It's time to find out which one of our nominees will be going home tonight...

EVEN: Good luck nominees! I can now reveal, with a vote of 2-0... the housemate who will be leaving tonight is...





















EVEN: Griffin!
GRIFFIN: Aww damn, I thought it might have been me.
EVEN: I'm very sorry Griffin. Unfortunately you have been evicted from the house, please may I ask you to leave immediately.

*GRIFFIN stands up from the block.*

GRIFFIN: I've had the time of my life here, it's been great to get to know you all and I wish you the best of luck! Janelle, well played.
JANELLE: Thank you dear, I'm sorry you had to go tonight. I really am.
BLAIR: That wasn't the plan to send him home...
JANELLE: It was my plan!
LANA: Bye Griffin, we'll miss you.

*GRIFFIN heads for the main door.*

GRIFFIN: My dream is over... at least I got this far into the game.

*GRIFFIN leaves the house as the seventh evicted housemate & second member of the jury this season.*

GRIFFIN: Griffin is coming to a town near you!
EVEN: And that is the last of Griffin in this game.

EVEN: Griffin has finished in 6th place. Griffin is also the second member of this season's jury! Although we have lost Griffin for now, we shall see him again at the Season 5 finale!

EVEN: Housemates, 6 of you have become 5. You are all one step closer to becoming the winner of Abnormality! I'll see you all next week for our eighth HOH challenge. Bye everyone!
ALL: Bye Even.

TRICERATOPS: I'm safe! I was thinking this might be the end of me and that I had to go home tonight. I have to thank Janelle personally for saving me. Now that's there's only five of us left, it's going to be real interesting to see what happens. I just hope I can survive the meteorite that is coming to take one of us out of this game before the battle round... fingers crossed I can make it!

EVEN: That concludes this episode of Abnormality! Unfortunately Griffin was unable to save himself and has been evicted from the house. I would like to say a massive thank you to WinteryGarnet for submitting Griffin for Season 5. I look forward to see who you will submit for Season 6! That's all for tonight, tune in next time to see who will win the eighth HOH challenge and whether Amar and Lana's advantages will be worthwhile. Goodnight everybody!


Amar Thanos (Turner)
Blair Lunanova (ninjakid150)
Janelle Waiter (HayloHusky)
Lana Mahi'ai (SimTresa)
Triceratops O'Dell (Tigerblu11)

6th: Griffin Bryant (WinteryGarnet)
7th: Stewart Murray (lillibattenberg)
8th: Jin Chang (kittymeow)
9th: Jonah Goodwin (Alleenmens)
10th: Brandon Cohen (YJB19299)
11th: Chef Bertha (M13Vulpecula)
12th: Charlotte Winterbourne (twiddle3)

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